16 research outputs found

    Is there a collective memory of crime? Remembering the Holocaust in Germany from 1945 until today

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    In Мау 2003 Nicolas Berg published his study "Der Holocaust und die westdeutschen Historiker". In his study, Berg explores the reasons why the Holocaust was marginalized in West German historiography for so long. Berg claims that many West German historians, while working deservingly about the history of National Socialism, they neglected its most central part, the Holocaust, as they were unwilling to accept the guilt of countless Germans, including themselves or their fathers, brothers or teachers. Berg’s book was therefore perceived as an assault on the moral integrity of the West German historians, who devoted their studies to "Zeitgeschichte" (contemporary history) and up to this point had been considered a moral authority, because they were professionally dealing with "Vergangenheitsbewaltigung" (coming to terms with the past), which became a central factor of German identity. Starting with Norbert Frei’s review in the "SĂŒddeutsche Zeitung", there arose a heated discussion about the book from the very same day it was published. The German feuilletons had a new "historians’ debate"

    JĂŒdische Geschichte

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    1. Thematische EinfĂŒhrung: Warum jĂŒdische Geschichte? 1.1. OsteuropĂ€ische Geschichte, jĂŒdische Geschichte, osteuropĂ€ische jĂŒdische Geschichte 1.1.1. RĂŒckstĂ€ndigkeit 2. Wer sind die Ostjuden? 2.1 Vier Lager 2.1.1 National orientierte Juden 2.1.2 Integrationisten 2.1.3 Religiöse Juden 2.1.4 JĂŒdische Sozialisten 2.2 Imperiale Bevölkerung 2.3 sephardim und ashkenasim 3. Themen und Paradigmen 3.1 Diaspora 3.2 Die jĂŒdische Gemeinde (kehilla/kahal) 3.2.1 shtetl 3.3 Geschlechterrollen der osteuropĂ€ischen Juden in der Moderne 3.4 JĂŒdische AufklĂ€rung (haskala)– Wissenschaft – Geschichtsschreibung 3.5 JĂŒdische Politik: Zionismus, Nationaljudentum, Diasporanationalismus 3.6 AntijĂŒdische Gewalt – Pogrome 3.6.1 shoa 4. Glossar 5. Auswahlbibliographi

    Da li postoji kolektivno sećanje zločinaca? Sećanje na Holokaust u Nemačkoj od 1945. do danas

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    U maju 2003. Nikolas Berg je objavio studiju “Der Holocaust und die Westdeutschen Historiker“. U svojoj studiji Berg istraĆŸuje razloge zbog kojih je Holokaust toliko dugo bio marginalizovan u zapadnonemačkoj istoriografiji. Berg tvrdi da je mnogo istoričara Zapadne Nemačke koji su se predano bavili istorijom nacionalsocijalizma, zapostavljalo njegov centralni deo, Holokaust, jer nisu bili voljni da prihvate krivicu brojnih Nemaca, uključujući sebe, svoje očeve, braću, učitelje. Bergova knjiga je zato shvaćena kao uvreda za moralni integritet zapadnonemačkih istoričara koji su posvetili svoje studije Zeitgeschiteu (savremenoj istoriji) i sve do sada su smatrani moralnim autoritetom, jer su se profesionalno bavili Vergangenheitsbe-waltigungom (razumevanjem proĆĄlosti), koji je postao osnovni faktor nemačkog identiteta

    Introduction. Modern Times? : Terrorism in late Tsarist Russia

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    The Perovskaia Paradox or the Scandal of Female Terrorism in Nineteenth Century Russia

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    Female terrorism played a decisive role in the making of modern terrorism in the Russian Empire in the late 19th century. Vera Zasulich pulled the trigger on Russian terrorism by shooting at the General governor Fedor Trepov in 1878 and Sofia Perovskaia was the mastermind behind the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, on the 1st of March 1881. This article explores how tsarist authorities and radicals were trying to make sense of the seemingly paradox of violent women. Both were stripping the violent deeds of women of their political content. Moreover the Perovskaia case can show how both sides were using the same set of gender ideals in order to either condemn or to worship the female terrorist

    JĂŒdische Geschichte

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    1. Thematische EinfĂŒhrung: Warum jĂŒdische Geschichte? 1.1. OsteuropĂ€ische Geschichte, jĂŒdische Geschichte, osteuropĂ€ische jĂŒdische Geschichte 1.1.1. RĂŒckstĂ€ndigkeit 2. Wer sind die Ostjuden? 2.1 Vier Lager 2.1.1 National orientierte Juden 2.1.2 Integrationisten 2.1.3 Religiöse Juden 2.1.4 JĂŒdische Sozialisten 2.2 Imperiale Bevölkerung 2.3 sephardim und ashkenasim 3. Themen und Paradigmen 3.1 Diaspora 3.2 Die jĂŒdische Gemeinde (kehilla/kahal) 3.2.1 shtetl 3.3 Geschlechterrollen der osteuropĂ€ischen Juden in der Moderne 3.4 JĂŒdische AufklĂ€rung (haskala)– Wissenschaft – Geschichtsschreibung 3.5 JĂŒdische Politik: Zionismus, Nationaljudentum, Diasporanationalismus 3.6 AntijĂŒdische Gewalt – Pogrome 3.6.1 shoa 4. Glossar 5. Auswahlbibliographi

    The Perovskaia Paradox or the Scandal of Female Terrorism in Nineteenth Century Russia

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    Female terrorism played a decisive role in the making of modern terrorism in the Russian Empire in the late 19th century. Vera Zasulich pulled the trigger on Russian terrorism by shooting at the General governor Fedor Trepov in 1878 and Sofia Perovskaia was the mastermind behind the assassination of Tsar Alexander II, on the 1st of March 1881. This article explores how tsarist authorities and radicals were trying to make sense of the seemingly paradox of violent women. Both were stripping the violent deeds of women of their political content. Moreover the Perovskaia case can show how both sides were using the same set of gender ideals in order to either condemn or to worship the female terrorist

    »Jahrhundert der Lager«

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