75 research outputs found

    (Re) Making gender in the clinical context: a look at how ideologies shape the medical construction of gender dysphoria in Portugal

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    The act of diagnosing gender dysphoria (GD), as in the act of diagnosing any other condition, is structured by socio-cultural, political and economic factors and is conducted by social actors. Drawing upon in-depth interviews with practitioners who work with trans people in Portugal, the study reveals the nuances and complexities surrounding the diagnostic attribution of GD and the ways in which the ideologies regarding gender shape this attribution. Practitioners’ accounts show a diversity not often acknowledged within sociological and transgender literature. We extend previous studies by demonstrating that practitioners who operate under a social model of gender are opening space for trans people to be treated as experts of their bodies and identities by accepting the existence of those who identify beyond gender binaries. While it might not be true for practitioners who can be positioned within a biological model, thus attributing an essentialist explanation of gender, we found evidence that practitioners who follow a social model are allowing room for the self-definition of gender identification. The study provides another lens for understanding the diagnostic attribution of GD by paying attention to the accounts of practitioners who work with trans people and reveals their openness towards a collaborative model of care.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Trans youth in Portugal: gendered embodiments

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    The lived gendered experience of trans youth constitutes a relatively overlooked aspect of current research. Addressing this gap, this study reveals how young trans people in Portugal define their identities and legitimate their bodies in daily life. Drawing on in-depth interviews with 12 Portuguese trans young people, this study focuses on how trans youth situate themselves within dominant paradigms for understanding (trans)gender identities and embodiment. In doing so, this study engages with wider discussion regarding transgender embodiment that aims to move beyond binary/non-binary gender divisions, as well as privilege the voices and lived experiences of trans people. As the study demonstrates, trans youth are able to (re)construct authentic and coherent gendered selves through the incorporation of a diverse range of frameworks available in contemporary society. Although these frameworks may sometimes seem incompatible and contradictory, trans youth demonstrate conditional forms of agency in the way they (re)create their gender identity and embodiment. By revealing the diversity of trans participant discourses, practices and embodiments of gender, this study makes a key contribution to research on trans youth in Portugal and beyond, as well as broader debates.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Touching the cornerstone: An illustrative example of the effects of stigma and discrimination on vaccine-hesitant parents

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    Objectives The concept of vaccine hesitancy encompasses multiple views on the subject. However, there has been an increasing polarization of the discourse on vaccine hesitancy leading to the stigmatization of those parents who expressed doubts or concerns regarding vaccination practices. The present study aimed to explore the drivers and consequences of polarized discourses on vaccination in the Portuguese context. This paper is part of a broader study which aims to gain a deeper understanding about the phenomenon of vaccine hesitancy at the European level. Study design A qualitative research design was used. Methods The sample was comprised of thirty-one Portuguese vaccine hesitant parents who were interviewed. A thematic analysis of the transcribed interviews was performed which allowed us to identify key themes. Results The results showed that the labelling of vaccine-hesitant parents as ‘anti-vaxxers’ along with social media play a crucial role in promoting the polarization of vaccine-related attitudes. The stigmatization of vaccine hesitant parents has a disruptive impact on their social network leading them to search for online platforms where they can exchange vaccines-related information without being discriminated. Conclusions The stigma and discrimination experienced by vaccine-hesitant parents stimulated that hesitancy becomes more entrenched. Therefore, pluralism should be used to tailor vaccination promotion campaigns to different targets, promoting its reach and efficacy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    “Through the looking glass”: the emotional journey of the volunteer ethnographer when researching sensitive topics with vulnerable populations

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    This paper extends further research on being both a volunteer and ethnographic researcher and intends to offer some insights on the emotional challenges of adopting this dual role when conducting research on sensitive topics and with vulnerable populations. The discussion presented here draws upon an ethnographic participant observation study of a food redistribution organization (Re-food) held in Lisbon, the capital of Portugal. The paper builds awareness on the emotional challenges in the field and discusses potential selfreflective strategies for researchers to cope with the extraordinary demands posed on them by specific circumstances and subjects. The volunteer ethnographer, when developing their work, is subject to a wide range of emotional challenges that are related to the functions that they had to develop in the research context itself due to their dual role, as well as to the vulnerability of participants and the sensitivity of the topic addressed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    An Exploration of the Practical and Ethical Issues of Research Using Multi-Visual Methods with Children Affected by Chronic Pain

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    This paper intends to encourage further reflection on the research methods and approaches used to enhance the voices of children with chronic conditions. Visual methods (e.g., ‘draw, write, and tell’ and photo elicitation interviews) have been described as the most appropriate ways to develop research with children as they allow room for children to share their lived experiences in their own terms and to actively participate in the research process, by giving them the opportunity to act as co-researchers. In fact, the use of these methods also contributes to empowering children and mitigating the power differences that exist between the adult researcher and young participants. Drawing on an ongoing study on the experience and management of chronic pain in childhood, this paper provides insights on the usefulness of using these multi- methods to address (potentially) sensitive topics with a (potentially) vulnerable group. The ethical and methodological challenges faced by the researcher when conducting research with ill children in the healthcare context are addressed. The paper looks at the dilemmas of studying chronic pain in childhood and highlights the ways in which multi visual methods can help children in the meaning making of chronic pain.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Desafios éticos, metodológicos e práticos na pesquisa qualitativa em saúde: um olhar a partir de um estudo em torno do processo de morrer

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    Partindo de uma experiência de investigação em torno do processo de morrer, este artigo procura discutir alguns dos desafios que emergiram no âmbito de uma pesquisa qualitativa de natureza etnográfica no campo da saúde. A sensibilidade do tema e a vulnerabilidade dos participantes conduziu à necessidade de criar estratégias que mitigassem potenciais efeitos indesejados para os atores envolvidos. Desta forma, discutem-se questões ético-metodológicas e o impacto que a pesquisa assumiu para os participantes e investigador. As principais conclusões apontam, por um lado, para a necessidade de criar diretrizes bem definidas no que diz respeito à pesquisa com sujeitos humanos e, por outro, para a importância de adequar os instrumentos de recolha no sentido de criar proximidade e salvaguardar o bem-estar de todos os intervenientes. Este artigo procura contribuir para um debate em torno dos “bastidores” da pesquisa, dando a conhecer dilemas transversais à investigação.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Olhares sobre a relação entre humanos e animais de companhia na vivência da doença crónica

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    Olhares sobre a relação entre humanos e animais de companhia na vivência da doença crónica. Este artigo pretende rever e discutir, a partir de uma perspetiva interdisciplinar, desenvolvimentos recentes de investigação sobre o lugar dos animais de companhia na vivência da doença crónica dos humanos. O artigo identifica a necessidade de uma maior compreensão das dinâmicas relacionais entre espécies em torno desta experiência. Destaca-se quer o lugar benéfico que os animais de companhia podem ocupar na vida dos humanos que sofrem de uma doença crónica, quer o papel que os humanos representam quando os próprios animais de companhia padecem da mesma. Para além disso, de salientar a importância de se considerar as interconexões entre humanos e não humanos no decorrer destas experiências.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio