1,166 research outputs found

    The Qur’ān before the book - History and concepts of Qur’ānic variants (qirā’āt)

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    أهداف البحث: يتناول هذا البحث مسائل منهجية تتعلق بمفهوم "القراءات القرآنية"، وندرس فيه طريقة الحديث عن القراءات في النصوص الإسلامية الأولى، وفي مجال علوم القرآن، وأيضا الطريقة التي نظرت بها الدراسات القرآنية الغربية إلى القراءات في العقدين الأخيرين.  منهج الدراسة: يدرس البحث التطور التاريخي لمفهوم القراءات القرآنية في المجالات الثلاثة المذكورة آنفا: النصوص الإسلامية الأولى ودراسات علوم القرآن الإسلامية القديمة والدراسات القرآنية الغربية الحديثة والمعاصرة.  النتائج: يبين البحث ضرورة تقديم مقاربة جديدة لتاريخ القرآن والمفاهيم الرئيسية في هذا التاريخ، موضحًا أنه قد حان الوقت لكي تجدد الدراسات القرآنية الغربية أدواتها الإبستيمولوجية في دراستها تاريخ النص القرآني.  أصالة البحث: يتناول البحث مسائل إبستيمولوجية متعلقة بالدراسات القرآنية الغربية، في محاولة لتقييم وجوه التقدم الحاصلة في هذا المجال وطرح منظور جديد لتناول موضوع بعينه؛ ألا وهو: القراءات القرآنية.Purpose: This paper addresses methodological issues related to the concept of ‘Qur’ānic variants and readings’ (qirā’a pl. qirā’āt and ḥarf pl. aḥruf, respectively). I investigate the way they have been depicted in early Islamic narratives, developed in the field of medieval Islamic Qur’ānic sciences (ʿulūm al-Qur’ān), and discussed in Western Qur’ānic studies scholarship in the last two decades. Methodology: The paper proceeds chronologically by discussing variants in the three aforementioned fields: early narratives, classical Islamic Qur’ānic sciences (ʿulūm al-Qur’ān), and modern Western scholarship. Findings: The paper shows the necessity of generating a new approach to studying the history of the Qur’ān and its main concepts. The epistemological tools used in Western Qur’ānic studies on the history of the text of the Qur’ān need to be renewed. Originality: The paper addresses epistemological issues related to Western Qur’ānic studies. It seeks to assess the progress in the field and offers a new perspective on the study of specific topics: Qur’ānic variants and readings

    Les défis de financement pour les femmes entrepreneures : une question de genre

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    Cet article met en évidence la problématique des facteurs influençant le financement des entreprises créées et/ou gérées par des femmes entrepreneures et propose des solutions concrètes pour les surmonter. La revue de la littérature montre, en effet, que les femmes entrepreneures se heurtent à des obstacles spécifiques liés au genre, tels que la discrimination dans l'accès au financement ou encore le manque de confiance des investisseurs envers les femmes entrepreneures. Cette situation se reflète dans le fait que celles-ci ont tendance à avoir moins de financement que leurs homologues masculins. Pour surmonter ces obstacles, l’article suggère des solutions, notamment l'élargissement des réseaux de financement pour inclure davantage de femmes entrepreneures, la création de politiques publiques et de programmes spécifiques pour soutenir l’inclusion financière des femmes et l'augmentation de la visibilité des femmes entrepreneures dans la sphère économique des pays. Les programmes de mentorat peuvent également aider les femmes entrepreneures à développer leurs compétences en matière de financement et à établir des contacts avec des investisseurs

    Implementation of The MUI’s Fatwa No.14/2020 Concerning Worship During Pandemic: Study on Muslim Society in Ternate

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    This article describes how Muslims deal with fatwa through examining the extent to which Muslims in Ternate (North Maluku) respond to MUI’ fatwa concerning the application of ibadah (worship) during the Covid-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic. In order to control and prevent the infection of the virus widely, people are required to stay at home and to keep their distance from crowds, including attending congregational worship (shalat jamaah) in mosques as issued in the MUI’s fatwa. The fieldwork was conducted in Ternate between March-May 2021, using qualitative research methods through participatory observation and interview. This article shows that the obedience of Muslim society in Ternate to the MUI’s fatwa is not only determined by aspects of the religious authority of the MUI, but also by local government, local religious leaders, and pragmatic considerations of the society as well as their perception about the dangerous impact of the Covid-19

    Workplace writing: A multi-perspective study of engineer alumni’s preparedness for English L2 writing in Oman

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    This explorative, interpretive, qualitative study seeks to understand and problematise college alumni’s preparedness for engineering workplace writing in English in Oman. The issue of preparing learners to write for workplace writing has been widely contested by social learning theories and previous research on university-workplace transition of novices. This is due to the situated nature of writing which makes teaching genres outside their local contexts problematic. The study has two primary objectives. First, from Social Constructionism and Rhetorical Genre Studies (RGS) perspectives, the study makes a theoretical contribution to conceptualising workplace English L2 writing preparedness by adopting a social view of writing to explore the contextual and situated nature of workplace writing. Second, the study makes a contribution to knowledge in the field by tackling the issue of alumni’s preparedness for workplace writing gained in college writing classes through directly investigating the views of alumni and line managers to understand the factors contributing to the perceived preparedness. To achieve these objectives, I used a multi-perspective approach. I collected qualitative data over a period of one year through 16 semi-structured interviews as the main method for data collection, with 12 Higher College of Technology (HCT) engineer alumni and four line managers at five different private sector companies in Oman. The participants included both new and experienced alumni in different fields of engineering. To better understand the workplace writing in these specific contexts, the interview data was supported with subsidiary data from textual analysis of 29 alumni’s workplace written samples. The findings revealed two levels of contextual elements at which workplace writing operates in the studied context: rhetorical and socio-contextual. The former includes audience, purpose and valued style, and the latter collaborative writing, physical environment and level of experience. Participants’ perceptions were shaped by factors such as genre awareness, deficiencies in technical writing experiences at the college, such as lack of task authenticity, lack of feedback and graduates’ attitudes. The interpretations of the findings suggest that the college role in learners’ preparedness for workplace writing is significant and perceived differently by individuals. The findings also provide theoretical, methodological and pedagogical implications for research and teaching in the area of ESP/ technical/ professional writing

    Un risque intrinsèque : l'omniprésence du design dans les principaux modèles productifs du capitalisme moderne

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    International audienceUne exploration du design située au cœur des principaux modèles productifs montre à travers le récit de F.W. Taylor, de H. Ford et de T. Ohno que le design occupe un rôle stratégique majeur dans le développement, l'essor de ces modèles et l'impact transformationnel qu'ils ont eu sur l'économie. Et que loin d'être circonscrit au produit, le design s'inscrit dans une démarche totale qui va de l'atelier de production à l'outil de travail en passant par le service. A partir de là, il faut considérer différemment le design au sein des entreprises à l'aune du risque intrinsèque que représente son caractère omniprésent au sein des organisations

    Ultrastructure of Besnoitia cysts from reindeer (Rangifer tarandus tarandus L)

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    The ultrastructure pf Besnoitia cysts in reindeer is described. The observations made on Besnoitia cysts and merozoites indicate a form distinct enough to be placed in a new species - Besnoitia tarandi