54 research outputs found

    Implementasi Modulfisika Smpmateri Pokok Gerak Dengan Menerapkan Model Pengajaran Langsung Dan Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif

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    . This research aim to develop peripheral of study orient 4-D model and know result of implementation module Physics of SMP in the Subject of motion by applying direct instruction and cooperative learning, student activity, plan instruction, student response, result learn student. The subjects in this study are class VII students of SMP Laboratorium Unesa with Pre-Test Post-Test Group Design and data analysis descriptively is quantitative. Result of research indicate that highest student activity frequency is component discuss duty at meeting 1 27,2%, meeting 2 22,9%, meeting 3, highestfrequency is to conduct perception, attempt, or work equal to 26,2%. Mean ability of teacher in executing study tend to categorize goodness, and student response assessed goodness and also result of learning is complete. Research node, Physics module implementation of Junior High School in the Subject of motion by applying direct instruction and cooperative learning can be categorized goodness and can be complete of result learn

    Pengembangan Perangkat Pembelajaran Berbasis Keunggulan Lokal pada Matapelajaran Fisika SMA

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan perangkat pembelajaran berbasis keunggulan lokal pada matapelajaran Fisika SMA. Keunggulan lokal yang dimaksud adalah objek wisata seperti pantai, gili, dan air terjun. Model pengembangan perangkat pembelajaran yang digunakan adalah model 4-D (Define, Design, Develop, Disseminate). Perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan terdiri atas Silabus, Rencana Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran (RPP), Buku Guru, Buku Siswa, Lembar Kegiatan Siswa (LKS), dan Tes Hasil Belajar (THB). Pada tahap Define dilakukan penetapan dan pendefinisian syarat-syarat pembelajaran. Pada tahap Design dilakukan penyusunan prototipe perangkat pembelajaran. Pada tahap Develop dilakukan validasi perangkat pembelajaran oleh Pakar yang dilanjutkan dengan revisi. Tahap Define, Design, dan Develop dilaksanakan mulai Maret hingga Juni 2014. Tahap Disseminate akan dilakukan pada September 2014 untuk menguji efektivitas penggunaan perangkat pembelajaran di Kelas. Rentang skor penilaian Validator terhadap perangkat pembelajaran yang dikembangkan adalah 1 (tidak baik) hingga 4 (sangat baik) ditinjau dari aspek: format, isi, dan bahasa. Nilai yang diberikan oleh Validator adalah 3 dengan kriteria baik sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa perangkat pembelajaran berbasis keunggulan lokal pada matapelajaran Fisika SMA dapat digunakan dengan sedikit revis

    Identification of a Disease on Cocoa Caused by Fusariumin Sulawesi

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    A disease presumed to be caused by Fusarium was observed in cocoa open fields with few or without shade trees. Within the population of cocoa trees in the field, some trees had died, some had yellowing leaves and dieback, and the others were apparently healthy. In order to demonstrate Fusarium species as the causal pathogen and to obtain information concerning the incidence of the disease, its distribution and its impact on sustainability of cocoa, isolation of the pathogen, inoculation of cocoa seedlings with isolates and a survey of disease has been conducted. Fusarium was isolated from roots and branches, and inoculated onto cocoa seedlings (one month old) via soil. Symptoms appeared within 3-4 weeks after infection. These symptoms consisted of yellowing of leaves beginning from the bottom until the leaves falldown, and browning internal of vascular tissue. Darkened vascular traces in the petiole characteristic of vascularstreak dieback infection were absent. The occurrence of Fusarium in the field was characterized by the absence of obvious signs of fungal infestation on root of infected trees, yellowing of leaves on twigs, dieback, and tree mortality in severe infestations. Disease incidence could reach 77% and in this situation it was difficult for trees recover from heavy infections or to be regenerated in the farm. The study proves that Fusarium is a pathogen causing dieback and the disease is called as Fusarium vascular dieback (FVD). Its development is apparently enhanced by dry conditions in the field

    Faktor-faktor Keberhasilan Kritis Pengelolaan Teknologi Informasi Pada Kontraktor Di Indonesia

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    . Entering globalization era, contractors face many challenges, as the forces to continually adapt the changes in the very high competitive market increase. One of the strategies that is believed can answer the challenges is to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the business processes by adopting information technologies (IT). The construction industry, like other industries, has entered the information age by using IT in a variety of ways. Yet many construction firms, that have adopted IT, faced many problems related to how to get the best of IT adoption into their business processes. IT is still used merely as supporting tools and there are many limitations to its current use in construction. It is believed that the problem lay on poor management of IT by contractors. This paper discusses a research that has been conducted to identify the critical success factors in managing IT by Indonesian contractors. The success factors were developed based on important and necessary stages ofmanaging IT, i.e. planning, implementation, maintenance, and evaluation. The research used a self-administered questionnaire to collect opinions from 107 Indonesian contractors that are members of Indonesian Contractors Association (AKI) on the importance of each suggested factor in contributing to the successful IT management in contractors\u27 environment. By knowing those critical success factors, contactors can focus their efforts in managing IT to the most significant strategy to reap the benefit of IT in supporting their business process. On the other hand, the identified critical success factors can also be used as variables in evaluation of contractors\u27 performance in managing IT. Furthermore, the contractors can use this evaluation system to measure their performance to the others as a mean to improve their competitive advantages

    Model Peraga Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Pada Mata Pelajaran Sains Dan Matematika Di Sekolah Menengah Pertama

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    Salah satu tujuan pembelajaran sains dan matematika di sekolah menengah pertama adalah untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan, konsep, dan keterampilan sains dan matematika siswa sebagai dasar untuk melanjutkanpendidikan ke jenjang selanjutnya. Keberadaan media dalam pembelajaran sangat diperlukan mengingat sains dan matematika memiliki konsep-konsep abstrak yang seringkali menjadi alasan sulitnya mempelajari materi kedua mata pelajaran tersebut. Media tiga dimensi dalam sains maupun alat peraga dalam matematika merupakan model peraga yang dapat dijadikan media dalam pembelajaran. Media tiga dimensi dapat berupa gambar yang setidaknya memiliki tiga sisi (depan, belakang dan samping) sehingga sebuah gambar tiga dimensi dapat dilihat dari berbagai arah. Peranan alat peraga dalam matematika adalah meletakkan ide-ide dasar konsep sehingga dengan bantuan alat peraga yang sesuai, siswa dapat memahami ide-ide dasar yang melandasi sebuah konsep, mengetahui cara membuktikan suatu rumus atau teorema, dan dapat menarik suatu kesimpulan dari hasil pengamatannya. Dengan demikian, model peraga dapat digunakan sebagai alat peraga untuk menerangkan konsep materi pelajaran sehingga siswa menjadi lebih tertarik, berminat dan memiliki motivasi belajar yang pada akhirnya akan meningkatkan prestasi belajar siswa.Kata-kata kunci : model peraga, media pembelajaran.Abstract : One goal of learning science and mathematics in secondary schools is to improve the knowledge, concepts, and skills of science and mathematics students as a basis for continuing their education to the next. The presence of media in learning is necessary considering the science and mathematics have the abstract concepts that are often the reason for the difficulty of studying the material both these subjects. Three-dimensional media in science andmathematics teaching aids in a visual model that can be used as media of learning. Media can be either three-dimensional image that has at least three sides (front, rear and side) so that a three-dimensional images can be viewed from various directions. The role of teaching aids in mathematics is to put the basic ideas of the concept that with the aid of appropriate props, students can grasp the basic ideas underlying the concept, knowing how to prove a formula or theorem, and can draw a conclusion from the results of his observations. Thus, the model can be used as a visual prop to explain the concept of subject matter so that students become more interested, interested and motivated to learn, which in turn will improve student achievement

    Implementasi Model Pembelajaran Quantum Dengan Metodediskusi Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Dan Hasil Belajar Fisika Siswa SMPN 2 Lingsar Tahun Ajaran 2014/2015

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    This research is a classroom action research which aims to increase physical activity and learning outcomes of students SMPN 2 Lingsar the academic year 2014/2015. The subjects in this study VIII5 classes totaling 40 people. Implementation of classroom action research was conducted in two cycles with each cycle consisting of four stages: planning, implementation, observation and evaluation, and reflection. Student learning activity data obtained through observation, while data on student learning outcomes obtained through the administration of the test at the end of each cycle. Based on the results of the evaluation cycle I obtained an average score of student learning activity is 11, which is in the category fairly active. The average value of the class in the first cycle of 73.95 with 78.95% classical completeness. Results of the evaluation in the second cycle to the average score is 14.6 students' learning activities that are in the active category. The average value of the class in the second cycle of 78.10 with 89.19% classical completeness. The average score of student learning activity increased from the first cycle to the second cycle of 3.6, the learning outcomes of students increased by 4.15, while the classical completeness increased by 10.24%. Based on the results of this study concluded that the implementation of the learning model Quantum with discussion method can increase physical activity and learning outcomes VIII5 grade students of SMPN 2 Lingsar the academic year 2014/2015

    Analisis Kemelekan Sains (Science Literacy) Dan Kemelekan Inkuiri (Inquiry Literacy) Guru Mata Pelajaran IPA SMP

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    : Science literacy and inquiry literacy are two important aspects of life skills needed by both teachers and students in this globalization era. This research has been undertaken to analyzed science and inquiry literacy of high school science teachers in West Nusa Tenggara Provence. The research subjects consist of 25 teachers who joined the master degree in the Magister Study Program of Educational Sciences in the University of Mataram during academic year 2012/2013. The research has been designed as one group pretest-postest experiment. The teacher students have been trained for 4 times of lecturer classes which equal to 400 minutes. The results of this research shown that the average scores of science literacy and inquiry literacy of those student teachers can be categorized as low level (M ≤ 50%). The average scores of science literacy increased only 0,7 % and the inquiry literacy score increased about 5% after the training. Due to the important of these aspects in the context of science, therefore it is strongly recommended to constructs systematic and continuous efforts to help improve the teachers professional competences includes the science literacy and inquiry literacy

    Pengaruh Pendekatan Multiple Intelligences terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Fisika Siswa

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    This study is aimed to investigate the effect of multiple intelligences approach through the problem-based learning model (PBL) on the physics problem-solving abilities (PSA) of the tenth grade students. This study is an experimental research with a non-equivalent control group design. The sample was obtained through a purposive sampling technique, so the X-science 1 class was chosen as the experimental class and X-science 3 class as the control group. The experimental class was treated with a multiple intelligences approach through the PBL model, while the control class was given a conventional learning. Before being treated, the experimental class sample was given a multiple intelligence talent test questionnaire to find out the dominant intelligence in the class, after which the two samples were given a pre-test to find out their initial abilities. The results of the initial PSA test obtained an average experimental class value of 11.61 and a control class of 9.23. The homogeneity test results of the initial tests of the two samples had the same initial ability. The results of the PSA final test obtained were an average experimental class value of 72.32 and a control class of 60.62. The research hypothesis was tested by polled variance t-test with a significance level of 5%. Based on the results of the analysis, the value of tcount is greater than ttable, that is 11.9 > 1.99, so it can be concluded that there is an effect of multiple intelligences approach through PBL models on students' physics problem solving
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