957 research outputs found

    Faraday instability on a sphere: numerical simulation

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    We consider a spherical variant of the Faraday problem, in which a spherical drop is subjected to a time-periodic body force, as well as surface tension. We use a full three-dimensional parallel front-tracking code to calculate the interface motion of the parametrically forced oscillating viscous drop, as well as the velocity field inside and outside the drop. Forcing frequencies are chosen so as to excite spherical harmonic wavenumbers ranging from 1 to 6. We excite gravity waves for wavenumbers 1 and 2 and observe translational and oblate-prolate oscillation, respectively. For wavenumbers 3 to 6, we excite capillary waves and observe patterns analogous to the Platonic solids. For low viscosity, both subharmonic and harmonic responses are accessible. The patterns arising in each case are interpreted in the context of the theory of pattern formation with spherical symmetry

    Short communication: Length-weight relationship and condition factor of the nine fish species of bycatch from Northeast Brazilian Coast

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    The length-weight relationship (LWR) and relative condition factor (Kn) are essential biometric tools in fishery studies. They provide information about the fish's growth, condition, and suitability in its habitat. LWR values were estimated for nine fish (Chloroscombrus chrysurus, Larimus breviceps, Nebris microps, Odontognathus mucronatus, Paralonchurus brasiliensis, Pellona harroweri, Ointmentsys corvinaeformis, Selene setapinnis, Stellifer rastrifer) captured as bycatch in shrimp trawling from commercial trawls, were collected monthly, between March and November 2019. The coefficient b ranged from 2.7547 to 3.4100 and the Fulton and relative condition factor ranged from 0.39 to 1.38 and 1.00 to 1.02, respectively. The current study would provide baseline data about LWR and the relative condition factor for these species captured in northeast Brazilian coast. These data are valuable for establishing a monitoring and management system for this fish specie

    Spin dynamics and spin freezing in the triangular lattice antiferromagnets FeGa2S4 and NiGa2S4

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    Magnetic susceptibility and muon spin relaxation (muSR) experiments have been carried out on the quasi-2D triangular-lattice spin S = 2 antiferromagnet FeGa2S4. The muSR data indicate a sharp onset of a frozen or nearly-frozen spin state at T* = 31(2) K, twice the spin-glass-like freezing temperature T_f = 16(1) K. The susceptibility becomes field dependent below T*, but no sharp anomaly is observed in any bulk property. A similar transition is observed in muSR data from the spin-1 isomorph NiGa2S4. In both compounds the dynamic muon spin relaxation rate lambda_d(T) above T* agrees well with a calculation of spin-lattice relaxation by Chubukov, Sachdev, and Senthil in the renormalized classical regime of a 2D frustrated quantum antiferromagnet. There is no firm evidence for other mechanisms. At low temperatures lambda_d(T) becomes temperature independent in both compounds, indicating persistence of spin dynamics. Scaling of lambda_d(T) between the two compounds is observed from ~T_f to ~1.5T*. Although the muSR data by themselves cannot exclude a truly static spin component below T*, together with the susceptibility data they are consistent with a slowly-fluctuating "spin gel" regime between T_f and T*. Such a regime and the absence of a divergence in lambda_d(T) at T* are features of two unconventional mechanisms: (1) binding/unbinding of Z_2 vortex excitations, and (2) impurity spins in a nonmagnetic spin-nematic ground state. The absence of a sharp anomaly or history dependence at T* in the susceptibility of FeGa2S4, and the weakness of such phenomena in NiGa2S4, strongly suggest transitions to low-temperature phases with unconventional dynamics.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review

    Soil Quality in Relation to Forest Conversion to Perennial or Annual Cropping in Southern Brazil

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    Many forested areas have been converted to intensive agricultural use to satisfy food, fiber, and forage production for a growing world population. There is great interest in evaluating forest conversion to cultivated land because this conversion adversely affects several soil properties. We examined soil microbial, physical, and chemical properties in an Oxisol (Latossolo Vermelho distrĂłfico) of southern Brazil 24 years after forest conversion to a perennial crop with coffee or annual grain crops (maize and soybeans) in conventional tillage or no-tillage. One goal was to determine which soil quality parameters seemed most sensitive to change. A second goal was to test the hypothesis that no-tillage optimized preservation of soil quality indicators in annual cropping systems on converted land. Land use significantly affected microbial biomass and its activity, C and N mineralization, and aggregate stability by depth. Cultivated sites had lower microbial biomass and mineralizable C and N than a forest used as control. The forest and no-tillage sites had higher microbial biomass and mineralizable C and N than the conventional tillage site, and the metabolic quotient was 65 and 43 % lower, respectively. Multivariate analysis of soil microbial properties showed a clear separation among treatments, displaying a gradient from conventional tillage to forest. Although the soil at the coffee site was less disturbed and had a high organic C content, the microbial activity was low, probably due to greater soil acidity and Al toxicity. Under annual cropping, microbial activity in no-tillage was double that of the conventional tillage management. The greater microbial activity in forest and no-tillage sites may be attributed, at least partially, to lower soil disturbance. Reducing soil disturbance is important for soil C sequestration and microbial activity, although control of soil pH and Al toxicity are also essential to maintain the soil microbial activity high
