4 research outputs found

    Numerical Modeling of the Porosity Influence on Strength of Structural Materials

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    The effect of micro-scale structural low-level porosity on strength of structural materials was studied using the three-dimensional Unit Cell Numerical Model - UCNM. A comparison between proposed UCNM and available experimental data in literature was done by comparing obtained values for stress concentration factor - SCF for different sizes and shapes of pore. Results for normalized strength obtained by proposed UCNM model are in agreement with available experimental data published in literature. It was confirmed that material porosity in form of closed pores, regarding pores' size (volume fraction) and shape, has note cable influence on strength of structural material. Less porosity in the material microstructure generally leads to higher values of material strength. For fixed porosity volume fraction, shape of pores has an impact on strength of structural material

    Numerical Modeling of the Porosity Influence on Strength of Structural Materials

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    The effect of micro-scale structural low-level porosity on strength of structural materials was studied using the three-dimensional Unit Cell Numerical Model - UCNM. A comparison between proposed UCNM and available experimental data in literature was done by comparing obtained values for stress concentration factor - SCF for different sizes and shapes of pore. Results for normalized strength obtained by proposed UCNM model are in agreement with available experimental data published in literature. It was confirmed that material porosity in form of closed pores, regarding pores' size (volume fraction) and shape, has note cable influence on strength of structural material. Less porosity in the material microstructure generally leads to higher values of material strength. For fixed porosity volume fraction, shape of pores has an impact on strength of structural material

    Optimizacija kompozitne lopatice vetroturbine sa horizontalnom osovinom na osnovu analize interakcije fluida i strukture

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    Recently, the world demand has been increased of the energy through a rise of human life level. The results of the oil price raise and its environment influence, the scientific researches have been performed on the renewable energy as the alternatives of fossil fuels which are the wind energy one of renewable energy applications and it is the most promising sources of the renewable energy...Последњих је година дошло до повећања потражње за енергијом махом због пораста животног стандарда људи широм света. Услед поскупљења нафте и њеног лошег утицаја на животну средину, научна истраживања се данас усмеравају ка обновљивим изворима енергије који би требало да замене фосилна горива, а међу њима се енергија ветра издваја као најперспективнији извор обновљиве енергије..

    Optimizacija kompozitne lopatice vetroturbine sa horizontalnom osovinom na osnovu analize interakcije fluida i strukture

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    Recently, the world demand has been increased of the energy through a rise of human life level. The results of the oil price raise and its environment influence, the scientific researches have been performed on the renewable energy as the alternatives of fossil fuels which are the wind energy one of renewable energy applications and it is the most promising sources of the renewable energy...Последњих је година дошло до повећања потражње за енергијом махом због пораста животног стандарда људи широм света. Услед поскупљења нафте и њеног лошег утицаја на животну средину, научна истраживања се данас усмеравају ка обновљивим изворима енергије који би требало да замене фосилна горива, а међу њима се енергија ветра издваја као најперспективнији извор обновљиве енергије..