31 research outputs found

    Information System for Managing IT-devices and Software Licenses in Small and Medium Enterprises

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    Tässä diplomityössä keskityttiin IT-laitteiden ja ohjelmistolisenssien hallinta-järjestelmän suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen liittyviin yksityiskohtiin. Työn tavoitteena oli nykyaikaistaa Insinööritoimisto Comatec Oy:n vanhat kirjanpitojärjestelmät vastaamaan paremmin nykyajan vaatimuksia. Yrityksen vanhat kirjanpitojärjestelmät perustuivat Excel-taulukkolaskenta-ohjelmalla tehtyihin listauksiin. Niiden ongelmina olivat ennen kaikkea laitteiden ja ohjelmistolisenssien tilatietojen historian puute sekä tiedostopohjaisuudesta johtuva yhden yhtäaikaisen käyttäjän rajoite. Tilatieto kertoo esimerkiksi laitteen tapauksessa sen, kenellä laite on käytössä, vai onko se mahdollisesti vapaana hyllyssä. Raportointi on nykyään yritysten toiminnassa tärkeässä osassa, ja Excel-pohjaisten vanhojen kirjanpitojärjestelmien heikkoutena onkin myös raportointimahdollisuuksien vähyys. Toimeksiannon mukaan vanhat kirjanpitojärjestelmät oli uudistettava vastaamaan nykyajan tarpeita. Ensin kartoitettiin markkinoilla olevat valmiit järjestelmät ja tutkittiin niiden sopivuus tämän sovelluskohteen tarpeeseen. Mikään valmis järjestelmä ei tarjonnut sekä IT-laitteiden että ohjelmistolisenssien yhtäaikaista kirjanpitomah-dollisuutta. Seuraavaksi siirryttiin oman kirjanpitojärjestelmän suunnitteluun ja toteutukseen. Suunnittelutyön aluksi selvitettiin vielä tarkemmin uuden järjestelmän vaatimuksia. Selvitykset tehtiin tutkimalla vanhoja kirjanpitoja ja haastattelemalla IT-henkilöitä. Vaatimusten pohjalta voitiin lopputyö jakaa kolmeen osaan: uuden tietokannan suunnitteluun, vanhojen laitetietojen siirtoon uuteen tietokantaan sekä käyttöliittymän toteutukseen. Uuden tietokannan suunnittelussa pyrittiin noudattamaan alalle vakiintuneita käytäntöjä, joista tehtiin aluksi kirjallisuusselvitystä. Tuloksena saatiin tietokanta-skriptejä, joilla voitiin luoda tietokanta muutamassa sekunnissa. Vanhojen laitetietojen siirrossa uuteen tietokantaan käytettiin tietokantapalvelimen tarjoamia integrointi-työkalumahdollisuuksia. Käyttöliittymän toteutus vei työstä suurimman ajan. Työn tuloksena luodusta IT-laitteiden ja ohjelmistolisenssien hallintajärjestelmästä tuli hyvin dokumentoitu kokonaisuus. Järjestelmä on nykyaikainen ja se korjaa aiempien kirjanpitojärjestelmien puutteet. Uusi järjestelmä täyttää sille asetetut vaatimukset ja luo hyvän pohjan raportoinnin kehittämiseen. Uusi IT-laitteiden ja ohjelmistolisenssien hallintajärjestelmä on selvästi parempi verrattuna vanhoihin kirjanpitojärjestelmiin, ja onkin suositeltavaa, että se otetaan käyttöön heti. /Kir1

    Suomusjärvi-Salo-Turku-Naantali -kehityskäytävän ympäristövaikutusten arvioinnin kehittämishanke

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    KEKETU-verkostoanalyysi : Seudulliset strategiset verkostot innovaatiotekijöinä ja sosiaalisena pääomana

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    Influence of head positioning during cone-beam CT imaging on the accuracy of virtual 3D models

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    Objective: Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) images are being increasingly used to acquire three- dimensional (3D) models of the skull for additive manufacturing purposes. However, the accuracy of such models remains a challenge, especially in the orbital area. The aim of this study is to assess the impact of four different CBCT imaging positions on the accuracy of the resulting 3D models in the orbital area. Methods: An anthropomorphic head phantom was manufactured by submerging a dry human skull in silicon to mimic the soft tissue attenuation and scattering properties of the human head. The phantom was scanned on a ProMax 3D MAX CBCT scanner using 90 and 120 kV for four different field of view positions: standard; elevated; backwards tilted; and forward tilted. All CBCT images were subsequently converted into 3D models and geometrically compared with a "gold- standard" optical scan of the dry skull. Results: Mean absolute deviations of the 3D models ranged between 0.15 +/- 0.11 mm and 0.56 +/- 0.28 mm. The elevated imaging position in combination with 120 kV tube voltage resulted in an improved representation of the orbital walls in the resulting 3D model without compromising the accuracy. Conclusions: Head positioning during CBCT imaging can influence the accuracy of the resulting 3D model. The accuracy of such models may be improved by positioning the region of interest (e.g. the orbital area) in the focal plane (Figure 2a) of the CBCT X- ray beam.Peer reviewe

    Dynamics of dissolved nutrients among different macrophyte stands in a shallow lake

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    Seasonally changing mechanisms affect the concentrations of dissolved inorganic nitrogen and soluble reactive phosphorus, which differ between the stands of different macrophyte life forms and open water in a eutrophic lake. Macrophytes that take nutrients up for their growth also shelter sediments from resuspension that brings nutrients back to the water and affect denitrification, which removes nitrogen from the water ecosystem. In this study the changes in nutrient concentrations were observed during the open-water period from April to November, and also denitrification rates were measured at different phases of the open-water season. The study was conducted at a shallow eutrophic lake where the effect of macrophytes on water quality is remarkable. The concentration changes of different nitrogen forms during the summer were very similar at the open-water and floating-leaved macrophyte (Nuphar lutea L.) stations. Nitrate was depleted faster among the submerged macrophytes (Myriophyllum verticillatum L.) than among floating-leaved plants or in open water. The decrease in the concentration of nitrate was so significant during the summer that it also affected the total nitrogen concentration in the water. Denitrification was highest in sediments among floating-leaved macrophytes (average 4.3 mg N m(-2) d(-1)) and lowest in sediments of submerged plants (average 1.5 mg N m(-2) d(-1)). Denitrification among submerged macrophytes was limited by low nitrate availability.Peer reviewe

    Jätealan megatrendit ja haasteet Euroopassa : Loppuraportti

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    Deriving Expert Knowledge of Situational Awareness in Policing : a Mixed-Methods Study

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    Situational awareness (SA) is the most important skill required by police to effectively assess and respond to encounters, including critical incidents. Incomplete or sub-optimal SA strategies can lead to errors in subsequent judgement, decision-making, and action, including tactics and use of force (UOF). Errors in UOF, especially lethal force, in training or operational field settings, have severe consequences for learning, occupational health, and public safety. Therefore, adequately defining and instructing SA is an important gap to fill in existing applied police literature and practice. Using a mixed-methods approach, the current study aimed to define and conceptualize SA in police-specific contexts. Participants included 23 novice trainees and 11 experienced officers and instructors in tactics and UOF. Participants were shown 13 static images of various staged encounters, ranging from non-threatening to high-threat. Following each image, participants were interviewed and asked to describe what they saw and how they would respond. Thematic analyses of the interview data revealed the following seven themes that are highly interrelated and more completely define police-specific SA: distance/time laws; partner/roles; profiling the suspect; tactical options and opportunities; ongoing assessment of own tactical activities and outcomes; surrounding environment and conditions; and dangerous objects. Expert officers provided more detailed and multidimensional descriptions of the themes and statistical analyses confirmed that experts identified more themes compared to novices. By making tacit knowledge visible, the current findings establish a professional standard for SA formation, which can inform evidence-based police training in SA, tactical decision-making, and UOF while improving operational safety.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Evidence for the in vivo existence and mobilization of myeloid angiogenic cells and pericyte-like cells in wound patients after skin grafting

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    Myeloid angiogenic cells (MACs) and pericyte-like cells, derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) by in vitro culturing, are suggested as relevant cell types for angiogenesis and tissue repair. However, the in vivo existence and relevance of these cells has so far remained unknown. Our aim was thus to study, if MACs and pericyte-like cells exist in circulation during the wound healing of skin graft patients, and to evaluate the cellular features of wound repair. MNCs were isolated from blood samples of healthy controls (n = 4) and patients with a traumatic full thickness skin defect (n = 4) before skin grafting and on postoperative days 1 and 6. The numbers of circulating CD14+ CD45+ CD31+ CD34- MACs and CD14+ CD45+ NG2+ pericyte-like cells were assessed by flow cytometry, and gene expression of various pro-angiogenic factors was analysed by qPCR. Wound bed biopsies were taken on postoperative days 6 and 14, and MAC (CD31, CD14 and CD45) and pericyte-related markers (NG2 and PDGFRβ) were histologically studied. MACs and pericyte-like cells were detected in both healthy controls and in patients. Before reconstruction, on average 18% of all circulating MNCs represented MACs and 2% pericyte-like cells in wound patients. Number of MACs significantly increased 1.1-1.7-fold in all patients 1 day after skin grafting (p </p

    Evidence for the in vivo existence and mobilisation of myeloid angiogenic cells and pericyte-like cells in wound patients after skin grafting

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    Myeloid angiogenic cells (MACs) and pericyte-like cells, derived from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) by in vitro culturing, are suggested as relevant cell types for angiogenesis and tissue repair. However, the in vivo existence and relevance of these cells has so far remained unknown. Our aim was thus to study, if MACs and pericyte-like cells exist in circulation during the wound healing of skin graft patients, and to evaluate the cellular features of wound repair. MNCs were isolated from blood samples of healthy controls (n = 4) and patients with a traumatic full thickness skin defect (n = 4) before skin grafting and on postoperative days 1 and 6. The numbers of circulating CD14+CD45+CD31+CD34− MACs and CD14+CD45+NG2+ pericyte-like cells were assessed by flow cytometry, and gene expression of various pro-angiogenic factors was analysed by qPCR. Wound bed biopsies were taken on postoperative days 6 and 14, and MAC (CD31, CD14 and CD45) and pericyte-related markers (NG2 and PDGFRβ) were histologically studied. MACs and pericyte-like cells were detected in both healthy controls and in patients. Before reconstruction, on average 18% of all circulating MNCs represented MACs and 2% pericyte-like cells in wound patients. Number of MACs significantly increased 1.1−1.7-fold in all patients 1 day after skin grafting (p < 0.01). In addition, histological analysis demonstrated effective vascularization of skin grafts, as well as presence of pericytes, and CD14 and CD45 expressing myeloid cells during wound healing. In conclusion, our data shows, for the first time, the presence and mobilisation of MACs and pericyte-like cells in human circulation.publishedVersionPeer reviewe

    Genome Sequences of RIGVIR Oncolytic Virotherapy Virus and Five Other Echovirus 7 Isolates

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    We report here the nearly complete Illumina-sequenced consensus genome sequences of six isolates of echovirus 7 (E7), including oncolytic virotherapy virus RIGVIR and the Wallace prototype. Amino acid identities within the coding region were highly conserved across all isolates, ranging from 95.31% to 99.73%.Peer reviewe