437 research outputs found

    Lifetime of dynamical heterogeneity in a highly supercooled liquid

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    We numerically examine dynamical heterogeneity in a highly supercooled three-dimensional liquid via molecular-dynamics simulations. To define the local dynamics, we consider two time intervals, τα\tau_\alpha and τngp\tau_{\text{ngp}}. τα\tau_\alpha is the α\alpha relaxation time, and τngp\tau_{\text{ngp}} is the time at which non-Gaussian parameter of the van Hove self-correlation function is maximized. We determine the lifetimes of the heterogeneous dynamics in these two different time intervals, τhetero(τα)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(\tau_\alpha) and τhetero(τngp)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(\tau_{\text{ngp}}), by calculating the time correlation function of the particle dynamics, i.e., the four-point correlation function. We find that the difference between τhetero(τα)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(\tau_\alpha) and τhetero(τngp)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(\tau_{\text{ngp}}) increases with decreasing temperature. At low temperatures, τhetero(τα)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(\tau_\alpha) is considerably larger than τα\tau_{\alpha}, while τhetero(τngp)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(\tau_{\text{ngp}}) remains comparable to τα\tau_{\alpha}. Thus, the lifetime of the heterogeneous dynamics depends strongly on the time interval.Comment: 4pages, 6figure

    Measuring Spatial Distribution of Local Elastic Modulus in Glasses

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    Glasses exhibit spatially inhomogeneous elastic properties, which can be investigated by measuring their elastic moduli at a local scale. Various methods to evaluate the local elastic modulus have been proposed in the literature. A first possibility is to measure the local stress-local strain curve and to obtain the local elastic modulus from the slope of the curve, or equivalently to use a local fluctuation formula. Another possible route is to assume an affine strain and to use the applied global strain instead of the local strain for the calculation of the local modulus. Most recently a third technique has been introduced, which is easy to be implemented and has the advantage of low computational cost. In this contribution, we compare these three approaches by using the same model glass and reveal the differences among them caused by the non-affine deformations

    Dynamical heterogeneity in a highly supercooled liquid: Consistent calculations of correlation length, intensity, and lifetime

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    We have investigated dynamical heterogeneity in a highly supercooled liquid using molecular-dynamics simulations in three dimensions. Dynamical heterogeneity can be characterized by three quantities: correlation length ξ4\xi_4, intensity χ4\chi_4, and lifetime τhetero\tau_{\text{hetero}}. We evaluated all three quantities consistently from a single order parameter. In a previous study (H. Mizuno and R. Yamamoto, Phys. Rev. E {\bf 82}, 030501(R) (2010)), we examined the lifetime τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t) in two time intervals t=ταt=\tau_\alpha and τngp\tau_{\text{ngp}}, where τα\tau_\alpha is the α\alpha-relaxation time and τngp\tau_{\text{ngp}} is the time at which the non-Gaussian parameter of the Van Hove self-correlation function is maximized. In the present study, in addition to the lifetime τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t), we evaluated the correlation length ξ4(t)\xi_4(t) and the intensity χ4(t)\chi_4(t) from the same order parameter used for the lifetime τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t). We found that as the temperature decreases, the lifetime τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t) grows dramatically, whereas the correlation length ξ4(t)\xi_4(t) and the intensity χ4(t)\chi_4(t) increase slowly compared to τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t) or plateaus. Furthermore, we investigated the lifetime τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t) in more detail. We examined the time-interval dependence of the lifetime τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t) and found that as the time interval tt increases, τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t) monotonically becomes longer and plateaus at the relaxation time of the two-point density correlation function. At the large time intervals for which τhetero(t)\tau_{\text{hetero}}(t) plateaus, the heterogeneous dynamics migrate in space with a diffusion mechanism, such as the particle density.Comment: 12pages, 13figures, to appear in Physical Review

    Elastic heterogeneity, vibrational states, and thermal conductivity across an amorphisation transition

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    Disordered solids exhibit unusual properties of their vibrational states and thermal conductivities. Recent progresses have well established the concept of "elastic heterogeneity", i.e., disordered materials show spatially inhomogeneous elastic moduli. In this study, by using molecular-dynamics simulations, we gradually introduce "disorder" into a numerical system to control its modulus heterogeneity. The system starts from a perfect crystalline state, progressively transforms into an increasingly disordered crystalline state, and finally undergoes structural amorphisation. We monitor independently the elastic heterogeneity, the vibrational states, and the thermal conductivity across this transition, and show that the heterogeneity in elastic moduli is well correlated to vibrational and thermal anomalies of the disordered system

    Elastic Moduli and Vibrational Modes in Jammed Particulate Packings

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    When we elastically impose a homogeneous, affine deformation on amorphous solids, they also undergo an inhomogeneous, non-affine deformation, which can have a crucial impact on the overall elastic response. To correctly understand the elastic modulus MM, it is therefore necessary to take into account not only the affine modulus MAM_A, but also the non-affine modulus MNM_N that arises from the non-affine deformation. In the present work, we study the bulk (M=KM=K) and shear (M=GM=G) moduli in static jammed particulate packings over a range of packing fractions φ\varphi. One novelty of this work is to elucidate the contribution of each vibrational mode to the non-affine MNM_N through a modal decomposition of the displacement and force fields. In the vicinity of the (un)jamming transition, φc\varphi_{c}, the vibrational density of states, g(ω)g(\omega), shows a plateau in the intermediate frequency regime above a characteristic frequency ω\omega^\ast. We illustrate that this unusual feature apparent in g(ω)g(\omega) is reflected in the behavior of MNM_N: As φφc\varphi \rightarrow \varphi_c, where ω0\omega^\ast \rightarrow 0, those modes for ω<ω\omega < \omega^\ast contribute less and less, while contributions from those for ω>ω\omega > \omega^\ast approach a constant value which results in MNM_N to approach a critical value MNcM_{Nc}, as MNMNcωM_N-M_{Nc} \sim \omega^\ast. At φc\varphi_c itself, the bulk modulus attains a finite value Kc=KAcKNc>0K_c=K_{Ac}-K_{Nc} > 0, such that KNcK_{Nc} has a value that remains below KAcK_{Ac}. In contrast, for the critical shear modulus GcG_c, GNcG_{Nc} and GAcG_{Ac} approach the same value so that the total value becomes exactly zero, Gc=GAcGNc=0G_c = G_{Ac}-G_{Nc} =0. We explore what features of the configurational and vibrational properties cause such the distinction between KK and GG, allowing us to validate analytical expressions for their critical values.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figure

    Acoustic excitations and elastic heterogeneities in disordered solids

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    In the recent years, much attention has been devoted to the inhomogeneous nature of the mechanical response at the nano-scale in disordered solids. Clearly, the elastic heterogeneities that have been characterized in this context are expected to strongly impact the nature of the sound waves which, in contrast to the case of perfect crystals, cannot be completely rationalized in terms of phonons. Building on previous work on a toy model showing an amorphisation transition [Mizuno H, Mossa S, Barrat JL (2013) EPL {\bf 104}:56001], we investigate the relationship between sound waves and elastic heterogeneities in a unified framework, by continuously interpolating from the perfect crystal, through increasingly defective phases, to fully developed glasses. We provide strong evidence of a direct correlation between sound waves features and the extent of the heterogeneous mechanical response at the nano-scale