15 research outputs found

    Enhancing the Superconducting Transition Temperature due to Strong-Coupling Effect under Antiferromagnetic Spin Fluctuations in CeRh1-xIrxIn5 : 115In-NQR Study

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    We report on systematic evolutions of antiferromagnetic (AFM) spin fluctuations and unconventional superconductivity (SC) in heavy-fermion (HF) compounds CeRh1x_{1-x}Irx_{x}In5_5 via 115^{115}In nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) experiment. The measurements of nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 have revealed the marked development of AFM spin fluctuations as a consequence of approaching an AFM ordered state with increasing Rh content. Concomitantly the superconducting transition temperature TcT_{\rm c} and the energy gap Δ0\Delta_0 increase drastically from Tc=0.4T_{\rm c} = 0.4 K and 2Δ0/kBTc=52\Delta_0/k_{\rm B}T_{\rm c} = 5 in CeIrIn5_5 up to Tc=1.2T_{\rm c} = 1.2 K and 2Δ0/kBTc=8.32\Delta_0/k_{\rm B}T_{\rm c} = 8.3 in CeRh0.3_{0.3}Ir0.7_{0.7}In5_5, respectively. The present work suggests that the AFM spin fluctuations in close proximity to the AFM quantum critical point are indeed responsible for the onset of strong-coupling unconventional SC with the line node in the gap function in HF compounds.Comment: 4pages,5figures,to appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Planar CuO_2 hole density estimation in multilayered high-T_c cuprates

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    We report that planar CuO_2 hole densities in high-T_c cuprates are consistently determined by the Cu-NMR Knight shift. In single- and bi-layered cuprates, it is demonstrated that the spin part of the Knight shift K_s(300 K) at room temperature monotonically increases with the hole density pp from underdoped to overdoped regions, suggesting that the relationship of K_s(300 K) vs. p is a reliable measure to determine p. The validity of this K_s(300 K)-p relationship is confirmed by the investigation of the p-dependencies of hyperfine magnetic fields and of spin susceptibility for single- and bi-layered cuprates with tetragonal symmetry. Moreover, the analyses are compared with the NMR data on three-layered Ba_2Ca_2Cu_3O_6(F,O)_2, HgBa_2Ca_2Cu_3O_{8+delta}, and five-layered HgBa_2Ca_4Cu_5O_{12+delta}, which suggests the general applicability of the K_s(300 K)-p relationship to multilayered compounds with more than three CuO_2 planes. We remark that the measurement of K_s(300 K) enables us to separately estimate p for each CuO_2 plane in multilayered compounds, where doped hole carriers are inequivalent between outer CuO_2 planes and inner CuO_2 planes.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figures, 2 Tables, to be published in Physical Review

    Novel Superconducting Phases in Copper Oxides and Iron-oxypnictides: NMR Studies

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    We reexamine the novel phase diagrams of antiferromagnetism (AFM) and high-Tcsuperconductivity(HTSC)foradisorderfreeCuO superconductivity (HTSC) for a disorder-free CuO_2planebasedonanevaluationoflocalholedensity( plane based on an evaluation of local hole density (p)bysiteselectiveCuNMRstudiesonmultilayeredcopperoxides.MultilayeredsystemsprovideuswiththeopportunitytoresearchthecharacteristicsofthedisorderfreeCuO) by site-selective Cu-NMR studies on multilayered copper oxides. Multilayered systems provide us with the opportunity to research the characteristics of the disorder-free CuO_2plane.ThesiteselectiveNMRisthebestandtheonlytoolusedtoextractlayerdependentcharacteristics.Consequently,wehaveconcludedthattheuniformmixingofAFMandSCisageneralpropertyinherenttoasingleCuO plane. The site-selective NMR is the best and the only tool used to extract layer-dependent characteristics. Consequently, we have concluded that the uniform mixing of AFM and SC is a general property inherent to a single CuO_2planeinanunderdopedregimeofHTSC.The plane in an underdoped regime of HTSC. The T=0phasediagramofAFMconstructedhereisinquantitativeagreementwiththetheoriesinastrongcorrelationregimewhichisunchangedevenwithmobileholes.ThisMottphysicsplaysavitalroleformediatingtheCooperpairstomake=0 phase diagram of AFM constructed here is in quantitative agreement with the theories in a strong correlation regime which is unchanged even with mobile holes. This {\it Mott physics} plays a vital role for mediating the Cooper pairs to make T_cofHTSCveryhigh.Bycontrast,weaddressfromextensiveNMRstudiesonelectrondopedironoxypnictidesLa1111compoundsthattheincreasein of HTSC very high. By contrast, we address from extensive NMR studies on electron-doped iron-oxypnictides La1111 compounds that the increase in T_cisnotduetothedevelopmentofAFMspinfluctuations,butbecausethestructuralparameters,suchasthebondangle is not due to the development of AFM spin fluctuations, but because the structural parameters, such as the bond angle \alphaoftheFeAs of the FeAs_4tetrahedronandtheaaxislength,approacheachoptimumvalue.Basedontheseresults,weproposethatastrongercorrelationinHTSCthaninFeAsbasedsuperconductorsmaymake tetrahedron and the a-axis length, approach each optimum value. Based on these results, we propose that a stronger correlation in HTSC than in FeAs-based superconductors may make T_c$ higher significantly.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in J.Phys.Chem.Solids (2010

    Advanced Science and Engineering of Correlated Electron Materials

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    In many solid-state materials, new phenomena evolve due to strong electron interactions. In this Lecture, review will be given on some advanced topics, including high temperature superconductivity, unconventional magnetism and dielectricity. Experimental techniques to study these physical properties will be introduced, and the physics behind the new phenomena will be discussed.大阪大学OpenCourseWare:大学院講義 (留学生向け特別プログラムから

    Evolution of an Unconventional Superconducting State inside the Antiferromagnetic Phase of CeNiGe 3 under Pressure: A 73 Ge-Nuclear-Quadrupole-Resonance Study Since the discovery of the heavy-fermion (HF) super- conductor CeCu

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    We report a 73 Ge nuclear-quadrupole-resonance (NQR) study on novel evolution of unconventional superconductivity in antiferromagnetic (AFM) CeNiGe 3 . The measurements of the 73 Ge-NQR spectrum and the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate (1=T 1 ) have revealed that the unconventional superconductivity evolves inside a commensurate AFM phase around the pressure (P) where Néel temperature T N exhibits its maximum at 8.5 K. The superconducting transition temperature T SC has been found to be enhanced with increasing T N , before reaching the quantum critical point at which the AFM order collapses. Above T SC , the AFM structure transits from an incommensurate spin-density-wave order to a commensurate AFM order at T $ 2 K, accompanied by a longitudinal spin-density fluctuation. With regard to heavy-fermion compounds, these novel phenomena have hitherto never been reported in the P-T phase diagram