276 research outputs found

    Distillation of Essential Oils From Pontianak Orange Peel Wastes and Its Utilization for Aromatherapy Soap

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    Orange (Citrus nobilis var. microcarpa) is the main commodities in Pontianak. Production of essential oils from orange peel wastes and its use for soap aromatherapy substance could improve its economic value. This study is aimed to produce the essential oils from orange peel wastes with the highest limonene content by distillation. Its application for aromatherapy soap substance also evaluated. Distillation of essential oils from orange peels was performed at 1000C and 1100C for 4, 5, 6 and 7 hours. The results showed that at 1000C for 7 hours produced the highest limonene content, reach 97.69%. The essential oils color was pale yellow, specific gravity 0.84, refractive index 1.47, solubility in 90% ethanol 1:1 (transparent), acid value 0.143% and ester number 5.37. The aromatherapy soap produced with addition of 3.6% of limonene oils is in accordance with SNI 06-3532-1994 except for water content parameter

    Study of Antibiotic Using on Septic Patients with Kidney Disorder)

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    Prospective observational study was conducted to investigate antibiotic using, by evaluating clinical pharmacokinetic and antibiotic quality on septic patient with kidney disorder in Interne Department at Hospital X. Septic patients with kidney disorder treated with antibiotic for 4 months. The evaluated antibiotic are excreted by kidney mainly. The clinical aspects of evaluation are kinds of antibiotic, dosage, frequency, period of treatment, and clinical drug interaction. The evaluation of antibiotic quality used Gyssens method. Total respondens were 40 patients, treated with 8 kinds of antibiotic. Among 8 of them, there were 5 antibiotic which were excreted mainly by kidney. From five antibiotics, it was found that the accurate dosage adjustment on 29 patients (74,3%), and unproperly adjustment in 10 patients (10,25%) that adjust upper individual dosage that calculate pharmacokinetically. There were five interactions that clinically significant. The evaluation of antibiotic using qualitatively by Gyssens method found that 4 patients (10%) as incomplete therapy/VI category, two patients (5%) were ineffective category IVa, 1 patient (2,5%) as unsafe category IVb, 9 patients (22,5%) as inappropriate dosage adjustment, and 23 patients (57,5%) as appropriate antibiotic category 0. Conclusion: Using antibiotic that mainly excreted by kidney in septic patients with kidney disorder, generally doesn't show bad impact in kidney of patient

    Utilization of Durian Skin as Raw Materials of Art Paper

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    This research was to utilize solid waste of durian (durian skin) into economically valuable products. The purpose of this research was to obtain a decorative paper or art paper which can be used as a wide range of creative products such as photo frames, tissue boxes, pencil boxes and others. The research was carried out by destroying the skin of durian and other materials to form slurry and then molded and dried. Assessment of art paper quality was based on the beauty of its performance because it was display the fibers on the surface of the paper. It has been carried out analysis of gramatur, tear resistance, moisture content and ash content of the paper produced by durian skin. Paper with gramatur value, moisture content, low ash content and high tear resistance was the good quality paper. For gramatur and water content testing, a paper which was given a red ocher dye (D) is a paper that has the lowest value of gramatur and water content, each of 0.0212 g/cm2 and 7.77%. While the ash content and tear resistance testing, colored paper with mangosteen peel 17% (E) has a low ash content (0.056%) and high tear resistance (104 times fold)


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    This research was carried out to improve the students’ present progressive tense through Substitution Drill in the second year of SMPN 6 Tolitoli. The design of this research is classroom action research (CAR). This research uses a total sampling. The sample was 27 grade VIII students of SMPN 6 Tolitoli. The research was conducted in two cycles. Each cycle consisted of three meetings. The data in this research was collected through tests and field notes. The results of the research show that there is an improvement in students’ present progressive tense through substitution drills. Gradually, students got good scores at the end of each cycle. Score kriteria ketuntasan minimal (KKM) for English subjects is 75. The mean score of students in the pre-test was 29.61. The result of cycle 1 is that seven students, 26.92%, have achieved KKM; for students who have not reached KKM, consisting of 19 students, 73.08% of the learning outcomes have not improved. The mean score of post-test one cycle 1 was 64,42. The result of cycle 2 is that 25 students, 92,59%, have achieved KKM. The mean score of post-test two cycle 2 was 81.48. The data above shows that the use of substitution drills in present progressive tense learning is effective. The conclusion is that substitution drills can improve students’ present progressive tense. Finally, it can be said that the Classroom Action Research (CAR) is a success

    Tinjauan terhadap Putusan Mahkamah Konstitusi Tentang Status Anak Luar Nikah

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    Child protection problems nowadays are very bad and need effective strategy. From domestic problems up to those in society make children less protected, and cannot grow well. Lots of school dropouts, infant and toddler mortality, domestic and institutional violation and child exploitations are some indications poor child protection program. This study, therefore, is interested to discuss the phenomena in order to describe the roles and participation of parents, families and governments dealing with the issue of child protection. By administering questionnaire to a number of respondents living in Kecamatan Koto Tangah, this qualitative descriptive study found that the residents there did not have sufficient understanding toward the child welfare and protection as the constitution demand them to do

    Peran Hakim Peradilan Agama dalam Mewujudkan Keadilan dan Kepastian Hukum melalui Putusan

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    Pengadilan Agama (Islamic Civil Court) is a special judicial institution for civil matters since it is the responsibility of this institution to receive, check and solve particular problems among Moslems as it clearly stated in UU No. 5 Tahun 2009. Furthermore, dynamicity of the society should be the prior concern for the readiness of the personnels of the court in order that the any legal decisions made should be able to satisfy the justice values and ensure the law enforcement certainty
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