33 research outputs found

    Uji Aktivitas Antibakteri Infusa Daun Mangga Bacang (Mangifera Foetida L.)Terhadap Staphylococcus Aureus secara In Vitro

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    Latar Belakang: Penyakit infeksi atau penyakit yang disebabkan olehmikroorganisme seperti bakteri merupakan penyakit yang banyakditemukan pada negara berkembang seperti Indonesia. Staphylococcusaureus merupakan bakteri gram positif yang merupakan salah satupenyabab terbanyak dari infeksi yang didapat di rumah sakit (infeksinosokomial). Staphylococcus aureus diketahui telah resisten terhadapbeberapa antibiotik. Oleh karena itu dikembangkan penelitian senyawaantimikroba yang berasal dari tumbuhan. Penelitian sebelumnyamenunjukkan bahwa ekstrak etanol daun Mangga bacang (Mangiferafoetida L.)mengandung senyawa metabolit sekunder yang memilikiaktivitas antibakteri. Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahuiaktivitas antibakteri, kandungan senyawa metabolit sekunder danmenentukan konsentrasi efektif infusa daun Mangifera foetida L. dalammenghambat pertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus. Metodologi: Skriningfitokimia menggunakan metode uji tabung. Uji aktivitas antibakterimenggunakan metode difusi cakram Kirby-Bauer dengan konsentrasi100%, 50%, 25%, 12,5%, dan 6,25%. Daun Mangifera foetida L.diekstraksi dengan metode infundasi menggunakan pelarut akuades steril.Kontrol positif yang digunakan adalah eritromisin 15 碌g/disk sedangkankontrol negatif yang digunakan adalah akuades steril. Hasil: Metabolitsekunder yang terkandung dalam infusa daun Mangifera foetida L. yaitualkaloid, flavonoid, fenol, saponin, tanin, dan triterpenoid. Infusa daunMangifera foetida L. tidak membentuk zona hambat terhadappertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus. Kesimpulan: infusa daun manggabacang (Mangifera foetida L.) tidak memiliki aktivitas antibakteri terhadappertumbuhan Staphylococcus aureus

    Kondisi Vegetasi Di Hutan Lindung Sesaot, Kabupaten Lombok Barat, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Sebagai Informasi Dasar Pengelolaan Kawasan

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    The Research has been conducted in buffer zone, Sesaot Protected Forest. The aim of research is to provide information about the condition of the vegetation that covers the diversity, structure, and composition. This information is important for forest managers to maintain and even improve the composition of plant species as natural forest vegetation.Therefore, studies of forest vegetation have been conducted in two blocks (Waode and Pengkoak) using stratified sampling plots. The results indicate that the minimum curve area were found in plots of (40 x 40 m) developed in two different blocks of observations with each diversity index was 1.23 (in waode) and 1.14 (in Pengkoak). Vegetation structure in the block Waode was fairly well possessing an L-type structure, while for the block Pengkoak was somewhat less well with a U-shaped like structure. Twenty-nine plant species in Waode and 26 species on the Pengkoak were recorded with a similarity index (IS) of 0.47. The similarity index indicates that the two blocks are quite different in species composition. In the block Waode, Saurauria pendula is a dominant tree with an IVI of 107.79 followed by Debregeasia dichotoma (IVI 95.55). In contrast, in the block Pengkoak, D. dichotoma has the highest IVI, followed by Laportea decumana

    Kondisi Vegetasi Di Kawasan Hutan Kebun Raya Balikpapan [Vegetation in the Forest at Balikpapan Botanical Garden]

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    Balikpapan Botanical Gardens (East Kalimantan) is an ex situ conservation area where some parts of its land is originated from the Sungai Wain Protection Forest. Most of the area had been burned in 1982 and 1998. For the development of botanical gardens, vegetation condition/status assessment in forest areas is needed. The study was conducted by sampling with nested plot. Ten observations transects, each consisting of five plots measuring 20 m x 20 m set at ten locations which were supposed to represent the community. Results of the study showed that the quality of the vegetation in general was low, with medium category for conservation index and less category for diversity index. The vegetation was dominated by pioneer species that were less in conservation value such as Macaranga spp., Melicope glabra (Blume) T.G.Hartley and Calicarpa sp. There were 56 individual trees of nine species of Dipterocarp family -which is the region's native plants- found within this area. As for seedling stage, it was also dominated by pioneer species and shrubs. Species enrichment through the development of botanical garden, are expected to increase the value of biodiversity and conservation index

    Asosiasi Spesies Tumbuhan Obat Langka Di Beberapa Kawasan Hutan Taman Nasional, Pulau Jawa

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    Association of endangered medicinal plants in some forest areas of national parks in Jawa. The existences of medicinal plants in the forest is decreasing and most of them are becoming scarce. Some species of endangered medicinal plants spread over the area national parks onthe island of Java. The inventory has been widely performed, but the studies of the existence of the species concerned associated with other species as well as with environmental factors are still very rare. This paper presents the results of association analysis interspecies with chisquare test and species-habitat associations using Canoco for windows 4.5. The results show that there is no interspecies association in general, but a positive association multispecies hasoccurred in the area of Meru Betiri NP and negative association multispecies occurred in Alas Purwo NP and Bromo Tengger Semeru NP. Ordination plot show that Eucresta horsfieldii has association with the altitude and has not associated with other rare medicinal plants. While Arcangelisia flava is not associated with environmental factors as well as other species of medicinal plants

    Terjemahan Al-hur没f Al-muqaththa鈥榓h Versi Inkar Al-sunnah: Telaah Kritis Al-qur`an dan Terjemah Versi Tadabbur

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    Penelitian ini mengkritisi al-Hur没f al-Muqaththa鈥榓h dalam buku al-Qur'an dan Terjemah Versi Tadabbur. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian semantik kualitatif berbasis kepustakaan, dengan menggunakan metode deskriptif dan content analysis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Minardi Mursyid menggunakan tiga pendekatan dalam menerjemahkan al-Hur没f al-Muqaththa鈥榓h. Pertama, pendekatan fonetik Arab berupa bunyi dasar suara yang terdapat pada al-Hur没f al-Muqaththa鈥榓h. Kedua, pendekatan tematik dengan cara mengumpulan ayat-ayat lain yang ada kaitannya dengan al-Hur没f al-Muqaththa鈥榓h yang diterjemahkan. Ketiga, pendekatan matematik dengan memakai rumusan angka 19 temuan Rasy芒d Khal卯fah. Penulis menyimpulkan bahwa dari ketiga pendekatan tersebut terdapat deviasi kaidah penafsiran dan bahasa Arab

    Pemanfaatan Tumbuhan Secara Tradisional Di Taman Nasional Gunung Halimun*[traditional Plant Use in Gunung Halimun National Park]

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    Gunung Halimun National Park (GHNP) is one of the remaining tropical forest in Java, still has high interaction with people who live in the surrounding areas.Eventhough there were some studies on ecology and ethnobotany in this area,it is still lacking of information on these subjects.This paper presented the results of ethno-ecology studies at several areas in GHNP such as East Halimun sector (around Gn.kendeng) and South Halimun sector (around Pangguyangan). The studies were carried out through vegetation analysis with Random Quadrats method and Participation method with interview technique.By these methods data were collected for the Important Value Index (IVI) and the Use Value Index (UVI) of species.These values showed that rasamala (Altingia excelsa), for tree stage, has the highest IVI and UVI but for the sapling stage the IVI is low. Kianak (Castanopsis acuminatissima) for tree and sapling stages the IVI is high but the UVI is low, while for maja (Magnolia macklottii), the UVI is high but the IVI is low for both tree and sapling stages. Based on these data, analyzed was done regarding the presence and the prospect of these species, in the context of the lifestyle of the villagers