12 research outputs found

    Remediasi Tanah Tercemar Logam Berat Dengan Menggunakan Biochar

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    Pembangunan industri dan urbanisasi selain dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan manusia, tetapi jugamemberikan efek negatif kepada lingkungan yaitu menghasilkan limbah dalam jumlah yang sangatbesar, dan hal ini akan menjadi masalah yang serius bila tidak tangani dengan segera. Penanganganlimbah pun masih belum di lakukan dengan serius dan bertanggung jawab sehingga sering dilaporkanadanya lahan yang tercemar akan limbah khususnya limbah logam berat. Logam- logam beratmerupakan unsur yang tidak biodegradable sehingga limbah- limbah yang mengandung logam berat bila tertumpah ke lingkungan sedikit demi sedikit akan terakumulasi pada tanah dan air, bilaketersediaanya meningkat akan di serap oleh tanaman dan akan memberikan efek negatif kepada kehidupanmanusia. Banyak USAha yang telah dilakukan dalam menangani pencemaran logam berat ini danpemberian biochar merupakan solusi yang sangat menjanjikan, karena biochar memiliki potensidengan luas permukaan yang besar, morfologi yang sangat porous serta gugus fungsionalnya yangberpotensi untuk mengurangi bioavailabilitas dan pelindian logam berat melalui adsorpsi dan reaksifisikokimia lainnya dan juga dapat meningkatkan kesuburan tanah dengan perbaikan sifat sifat tanah .Biochar merupakan bahan basa yang dapat meningkatkan pH tanah dan berkontribusi terhadapstabilisasi logam berat. Aplikasi biochar untuk perbaikan dari tanah yang tercemar logam berat dapatmemberikan solusi baru untuk masalah polusi tanah. Tulisan ini memberikan gambaran tentangpemanfaatan biochar dalam mengurangi mobilitas dan bioavailibiltas logam berat pada tanahtercema

    Analisia Rasio Keuangan dalam Memprediksi Perubahan Laba pada Perusahaan Real Estate dan Property di Bursa Efek Indonesia (Bei)

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    The study was conducted on the property & real estate company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange Period 2009-2013. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the current ratio, net profit margin, return on equity, total asset turnover and debt to equity ratio toward the predicted change in earnings. The population in this study are all property & real estate company listed on the Indonesia Stock Exchange during the years 2009-2013 as many as 42 companies. The sampling technique by purposive sampling by certain criteria. Based on the established criteria, there are 37 companies that meet the samples criteria. Analysis of data using multiple regression models.These results concluded that the Return On Equity has a partially significant effect on earnings growth. Debt to Equity Ratio has an effect on earnings changes. Current Ratio does not have a significant effect on earnings growth, Net Profit Margin do not have a significant effect on earnings growth. Total Asset Turn Over then TATO has no significant effect on earnings growth.Keywords: Return on Equity (ROE), Deebti to Equity Ratio (DER), Current Ratio (CR), Net Profit Margin (NPM), Total Asset Turn Over (TATO), changes in profi

    Efek Air Laut Dan Bahan Mineral Terhadap Sifat Kimia Tanah, Pertumbuhan Dan Produksi Padi Pada Tanah Gambut

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    The objective of this research is to study the effect of sea water and mineral materials on soilchemical properties, growth and production of rice in peat soils. This research was conducted atgreen house and samples analyzed at soil chemical and fertility laboratory and research andtechnology laboratory. This research used factorial randomized block design with 2 factorstreatments consist of sea water and mineral materials (volcanic material, steel slag, dolomite, andcalx) with 3 replications. Volume of sea water added were 0 ml (+ 1000 ml fresh water) per pot,250 ml (+ 750 ml fresh water) per pot and 500 ml (+ 500 ml fresh water) per pot. Dosage ofvolcanic material, steel slag, dolomite, and calx are 250 g/pot, 50 g/pot, 50 g/pot, and 250 g/pot.The result showed that application volume of sea water influenced significantly increase ofelectrical conductivity, ratio C/N and empty grains but not significantly effect on soil acidicity,natrium, kalium, calcium, and magnesium exchangeable, cation exchange capacity, base saturation,organic carbon, total nitrogen, bulk dencity, number of tillers, and productive tillers per clump, andweight of 1000 grain. Application of mineral materials (volcanic sand, steel slag, dolomite, andcalx) increase significantly of soil acidicity, cation exchange capacity, organic carbon, and weight1000 grain but not significant on natrium exchangeable, total nitrogen and bulk dencity

    Evaluasi Status Hara Tanah Berdasarkan Posisi Lahan Di Kebun Inti Tanaman Gambir (Uncaria Gambir Roxb.) Kabupaten Pakpak Bharat

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    Evaluation of soil nutrient status is one way to be able to determine the nutrient needs of the soiland the management techniques that will be performed on an area of land. This study aimed toevaluate the nutrient status of the soil (pH, N, P, K, Ca, Mg) based on the position of the land in thecore Gambir Garden Pakpak Bharat District. It was conducted at the core Gambir Garden PakpakBharat District, North Sumatra on March 2013 until June 2013. The method used in this research isdescriptive method by conducting surveys and soil sampling based on the position of the land whichis on the top of the hill, hillside and valley side. The results showed soil nutrient status of N in CorePlant Gambir Garden Pakpak Bharat District. is likely to increase in the valley compared to the topof the hill and hillside. As for the value of pH and P are highly the same, while the value of K, Caand Mg rate tends to decrease

    Effect of Several Ameliorants on the Chemical Properties Improvement of Toba Highlands Peat Soil in North Sumatera- Indonesia

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    Peatland is a potential land farming for increasing food abundance. This study aimed to determine the effect of ameliorants (sea water, volcanic ash, zeolite and CaCO3) to improvement of Toba Highlands Peatlands chemical properties. This research used factorial complete randomized design with two factor treatments consist of ameliorant application and washing frequency, with four combination those are (A0) Sea water, (A1) volcanic dust plus sea water, (A2) zeolite plus sea water, (A3) CaCO3+ sea water with 2 replications The results showed that application of ameliorant influenced significantly to increase soil pH, electric conductivity, carbon organic, N total, K-exchangeble and Ca-exchangeble. The frequency of washing increase of soil pH significantly