1,231 research outputs found

    Deed of land for the Grangeno School site sold by John Shary to the Trustees of Common School District 15 for $1.00

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    Land sold to build the Grangeno school on 1.86 acres of land north of Grangeno Banco between the old and the new Military roads.https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/johnshary/1031/thumbnail.jp

    Biological evolution and human cognition are analogous information processing systems

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    The mechanisms that govern biological evolution and human cognition are analogous, as both follow the same principles of natural information processing systems. In this article, we describe the following five principles that provide an analogy between biological evolution and human cognition: (a) Randomness as Genesis Principle and (b) Borrowing and Reorganizing Principle, which indicate how natural information processing systems obtain information; (c) Narrow Limits of Change Principle and (d) Information Store Principle, which indicate how information is processed and stored; and (e) Environmental Organizing and Linking Principle, which indicate how stored information is used to generate actions appropriate to an environment. In human cognition, these analogs only apply to cognitive processes associated with biologically secondary knowledge, the knowledge typically taught in educational institutions. Based on these five principles, cognitive load theory researchers have provided diverse prescriptions to optimize instructional activities and materials. We conclude by discussing general instructional implications and future research directions based on this analogy

    Efecto de tres dosis de Humus de Lombriz y un comparador de Nitrogeno en el rendimiento del cultivo de Caihua (cyclanthera pedata) en el distrito de la Banda de Shilcayo

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    The present qualified work of investigation (research) " Effect of three doses of humus of worm and a comparator of N in the performance(yield) of the culture(culturing) of caihua (Cyclanthera pedata L.) in the Band of Shilcayo ", was realized by the intention of evaluating three doses of humus of worm and a comparator of N. in the performance(yield) of the culture(culturing) of caihua (Cyclanthera pedata) where there were used three doses of humus of worm (T3 = 2.0 kg ha-1, T4 = 4.0 kg ha-1, T5 = 6.0 Kg ha-1), A mineral dose urea (68,83 Kg ha-1) and an absolute witness (without security). There being evaluated the number of branches, size of fruits in cm, number of fruits / plants, weight in Kg / fruit, weight in kg / hectare., and economic Analysis. The best results being obtained for the treatment T2 (68.83 Kg ha-1 of N) by 13.00 branches / plants, 16.10 cm of length / fruit, by an average of 13.65 fruits / plant(floor), a weight of 0.064 Kg / fruit, managing to obtain a performance(yield) (1820.800 Kg ha-1), achieving a benefit costo/ of 55.46 %. Likewise the T5 (6 Kg ha-1) with 16,25 branches / plants, 17.00 cm of length / fruit, with an average of 14.37 fruits / plant(floor), a weight of 0.059 Kg / fruit, managing to obtain a performance(yield) (1511.900 Kg ha-1), with a benefit cost of 0.17 % Fits to mention that the effect of the humus of worm like organic amendment turns out to be the most favorable, for improving the conditions of the soil and producing raw material(commodity) with metabolites organic. Key Words: worm Humus, performance, organic amendmentEl presente trabajo de investigación titulado “Efecto de tres dosis de humus de lombriz y un comparador de N en el rendimiento del cultivo de caihua (Cyclanthera pedata L.) en la Banda de Shilcayo”, se realizó con el propósito de evaluar tres dosis de humus de lombriz y un comparador de N. en el rendimiento del cultivo de caihua (Cyclanthera pedata) donde se emplearon tres dosis de humus de lombriz (T3= 2.0 Kg.ha-1, T4= 4.0 Kg.ha-1, T5= 6.0 Kg.ha-1), una dosis mineral urea (68,83 Kg.ha-1) y un testigo absoluto (sin abonamiento). Evaluándose el número de ramas, tamaño de frutos en cm, número de frutos/planta, peso en Kg./fruto, peso en Kg. /Hectárea. , y Análisis económico. Obteniéndose los mejores resultados para el tratamiento T2 (68.83 Kg.ha-1 de N) con 13.00 ramas/planta, 16.10 cm de longitud/fruto, con un promedio de 13.65 frutos / planta, un peso de 0.064 Kg/fruto, logrando obtener un rendimiento (1820.800 Kg.ha-1), logrando un beneficio costo/ beneficio de 55.46%. Así mismo el T5 (6 Kg.ha-1) con 16,25 ramas/planta, 17.00 cm de longitud/fruto, con un promedio de 14.37 frutos / planta, un peso de 0.059 Kg/fruto, logrando obtener un rendimiento (1511.900 Kg.ha-1) , con un beneficio costo de 0.17% Cabe mencionar que el efecto del humus de lombriz como enmienda orgánica resulta ser la más favorable, por mejorar las condiciones del suelo y producir materia prima con metabolitos orgánicos Palabras clave: Humus de lombriz, rendimiento, enmienda orgánicaTesi

    Desarrollo de un prototipo de sensor inteligente de bajo costo para dispositivos de navegación de personas no videntes usando plataformas embebidas.

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    En el presente trabajo de titulación se realizó el diseño e implementación de un prototipo de sensor inteligente de bajo costo para dispositivos de navegación de personas no videntes usando plataformas embebidas. Para el desarrollo del sensor inteligente se establecieron varios requerimientos en base al estudio de otros sensores ultrasónicos y del dispositivo Eyeclip el cual ayuda a las personas no videntes a su movilización, entre los más importantes se mencionan las dimensiones, bajo consumo de corriente y voltaje que el sensor debe tener. El primer prototipo implementado tenía dos transductores para la emisión y recepción de los pulsos ultrasónicos pero el funcionamiento y las dimensiones que tenía no fueron las adecuadas para la utilización en el dispositivo Eyeclip. La optimización del sensor inteligente fue en base al funcionamiento que tenía el primer prototipo para lo cual se optó por mejorar el algoritmo de recepción de pulsos ultrasónicos a través de un análisis de la señal receptada en Matlab, logrando así establecer un nuevo algoritmo que detecta el primer pulso ultrasónico receptado por el transductor para calcular la distancia hacia el objetivo, dando como resultado el prototipo final optimizado de sensor inteligente JA-002. A partir del diseño implementado se realizó diferentes pruebas de campo con varios tipos de materiales a detectar como la madera, plástico, ropa y cartón. Tabulando las medidas obtenidas se obtuvo un rango de medición del sensor inteligente de 30cm a 218cm lo cual lo hace ideal para el uso en dispositivos que ayuden a la movilización de personas no videntes. Finalmente, se concluye que el sensor inteligente JA-002 implementado cumple con los requerimientos planteados porque funciona con un voltaje de 3.3V, una corriente de 4.8mA, tiene un bajo costo y utiliza un solo transductor logrando así el mínimo dimensionamiento posible.In this titling work, the design and implementation of a low-cost intelligent sensor prototype for navigation devices of blind people using embedded platforms were carried out. Were established Several requirements for the development of the smart sensor based on the study of other ultrasonic sensors and the Eyeclip device which helps the blind people to their mobilization, among the most important are the dimensions, low current and voltage consumption that the sensor must-have. The prototype implemented had two transducers for the emission and reception of the ultrasonic pulses, but the operation and dimensions were not suitable for use in the Eyeclip device. The optimization of the intelligent sensor was based on the operation of the first prototype, for which it was decided to improve the algorithm of reception of ultrasonic pulses through an analysis of the signal received in Matlab, thus establishing a new algorithm that detects the first ultrasonic pulse received by the transducer to calculate the distance to the target, resulting in the final optimized prototype of intelligent sensor JA-002. From the implemented design, different field tests were carried out with various types of materials to be detected, such as wood, plastic, clothing and cardboard. By tabulating the measurements obtained, a measuring range of the smart sensor from 30 cm to 218 cm was obtained, which makes it ideal for use in devices that help the mobilization of blind people. Finally, it concludes that the intelligent sensor JA-002 implemented meets the requirements raised because it works with a voltage of 3.3V, a current of 4.8mA, has a low cost and uses a single transducer thus achieving the minimum possible sizing

    Image Guided Cancer Therapy: Developing a Process for Quantitative Organ Imaging

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    In developing new nanoparticle-based image guided drug delivery systems it is important to measure the drug’s bio-distribution, the percent of injected drug that reaches target and non-target tissues over time and the drug’s plasma clearance. The main technique used to measure drug concentration in tissue or plasma requires extracting the drug (or fluorescent dye in the case of an imaging agent) from the tissue, but can be avoided by directly imaging the drug in the tissue or blood. However, the fluorescence signal obtained directly from the organ is reduced by scatter and absorption. Instead of imaging whole organs, the tissue is sectioned. A calibration curve is required to convert fluorescence intensity to drug concentration. This calibration curve will be able to quantitatively predict the concentration of drug based on fluorescence levels from nanoparticles loaded with IR-820 dye and drug. The calibration curve was created by synthesizing phantoms using sodium chloride, TRIS buffer, sodium azide, porcine gelatin, hemoglobin and IR-820. Different concentrations of IR-820 (4?M, 2?M, 1?M, 0.5?M, 0.25?M, and a control) were added to the phantoms. Precise and accurate slices of the molds at thicknesses of 5?m, 10?m, 15?m, and 20?m were achieved using a cryostat. Their fluorescence was imaged and measured using the Odyssey CLX. It is assumed that the IR-820 is uniformly distributed in all samples. The results of the experiment demonstrated that there is a linear relationship between the thickness of the phantoms and the fluorescence signal it emits. The relationship between the concentrations and the signal isn’t as a direct and doesn’t demonstrate such a linear trend. Further analysis is being performed to see the effects of the Porcine hemoglobin in the samples as well as the mixing of the IR-820 with the gelatin for the stock solutions

    Maximizing Access to Medications through Efficient Use of CARE Act Resources

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    HRSA\u27s HIV/AIDS Bureau (HAB) contracted with the George Washington University to conduct a series of studies regarding various aspects of HIV medications funding through the Ryan White Comprehensive AIDS Resources Emergency (CARE) Act, including the Title II-funded AIDS Drug Assistance Program and Title I-funded AIDS Pharmaceutical Assistance Programs. The goal of the studies was to inform HAB regarding (1) opportunities to promote more efficient use of scarce resources for HIV-related medications and (2) policy options that might ensure equitable access to life-saving therapies for low-income people living with HIV (PLWH). The three key issues addressed and the related study questions are shown in Table 1 on page 3. This report summarizes the methods, limitations, major findings, and recommendations of these studies. The contents of this report are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of HRSA

    Estudio de factibilidad para la fabricación y comercialización de hojuelas de yacón en Bogotá

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    Trabajo de investigaciónEl presente estudio se realiza para determinar la viabilidad de un proyecto de fabricación y comercialización de hojuelas de Yacón en la ciudad de Bogotá, mediante el uso de herramientas; estudio de mercados, estudio tecnico y financiero. Los datos obtenidos y posteriormente analizados, sugieren una factibilidad en la creación de la empresa en la ciudad de Bogotá, teniendo como mercado objetivo las persona que consuman alimentos fitnessINTRODUCCIÓN 1. MARCO METODOLÓGICO 2. ESTUDIO DE MERCADO 3. ESTUDIO TÉCNICO 4. ESTUDIO FINANCIERO 5. EVALUACIÓN FINANCIERA DEL PROYECTO 6. CONCLUSIONES 7. RECOMENDACIONESEspecializaciónEspecialista en Formulación y Evaluación Social y Económica de Proyecto

    Comunicação educativa e mídia digital: Ferramentas para a participação cidadã e o empoderamento no uso racional da agua

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    This article shows the result of an educational communication strategy called “Territorio InaGOTAble”, formulated with the objective to contribute toward the strategic empowerment of citizens regarding the rational use of water resources, within the framework of the program “Escuela del Agua, Territorio y Paz” of the Empresa de Obras Sanitarias del municipio de Pasto- Colombia- EMPOPASTO S.A. E.S.P., in the south of Colombia. The strategy was developed by applying two types of diagnosis: one, of a social nature, through the development of a forum for citizen participation; and another, of a corporate na-ture, through an in-depth approach to the “Water School, Territory and Peace” program, led by the Socio-Environmental sub-management of the Empresa de Obras Sanitarias de Pasto. Through strategic communication planning based on digital media, graphic and audio-visual pieces were generated with innovative educational content, which allowed discovering new consumption dynamics and the ra-tional use of water, which brought corporate management closer to the citizens. For their part, citizens actively participated in the educational strategy, generating co-responsibility in the management of communication regarding the rational use of water resources.Este artículo evidencia el resultado de la estrategia de comunicación educativa denominada “Territorio InaGOTAble”, formulada con el ob-jetivo de contribuir al empoderamiento estratégico de la ciudadanía hacia el uso racional del recurso hídrico, en el marco del programa “Escuela del Agua, Territorio y Paz” de la Empresa de Obras Sanita-rias del municipio de Pasto- Colombia- EMPOPASTO S.A. E.S.P., al sur de Colombia. La estrategia se desarrolló aplicando dos tipos de diag-nóstico: uno, de carácter social, mediante el desarrollo de un foro de participación ciudadana; y otro, de tipo corporativo, mediante el acer-camiento profundo al programa “Escuela del Agua, Territorio y Paz”, liderado por la subgerencia Socio-Ambiental de la Empresa de Obras Sanitarias de Pasto. Mediante la planificación estratégica de la comu-nicación a partir de medios digitales, se generaron piezas gráficas y audiovisuales con contenidos educativos innovadores, los cuales permitieron descubrir nuevas dinámicas de consumo y del uso racional del agua, hecho que permitió aproximar la gestión empresarial a los ciudadanos. Por su parte, la ciudadanía participó activamente en la estrategia pedagógica, generando una corresponsabilidad en la ges-tión de la comunicación, frente al uso racional del recurso hídrico.Este artigo mostra o resultado da estratégia de comunicação educacional denominada “Territorio InaGO-TAble”, formulada com o objetivo de contribuir a capacitação estratégica dos cidadãos para o uso racional dos recursos hídricos, no âmbito do programa “Escuela del Agua, Territorio y Paz” da Empresa de Obras Sanitarias del municipio de Pasto- Colômbia- EMPOPASTO S.A. E.S.P., no sul da Colômbia. Foi desenvolvida uma estratégia aplicando dois tipos de diagnóstico: um, de natureza social, através do desenvolvimento de um fórum de participação cidadã; e outro, de natureza corporativa, através de uma abordagem aprofundada do programa “Escola da Água, Território e Paz”, liderado pela sub-gestão Sócio-Ambiental da Empresa de Obras Sanitárias de Pasto. Através do planejamento estratégico de comunicação baseado em mídia digital, foram geradas peças gráficas e audiovisuais com conteúdo educativo inovador, o que permitiu descobrir novas dinâmicas de consumo e de uso racional da água, aproximando assim a gestão da empresa dos cidadãos. Por sua vez, os cidadãos participaram ativamente da estratégia educacional, gerando co-responsabilidade na gestão da comunicação a respeito do uso racional dos recursos hídricos

    Proposal of associativity in informal businesses related. Single mothers case from Northwest Guayaquil

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    La investigación se enfoca al Proyecto FCI-008-2019 la cual analiza la situación de las madres solteras del Noroeste de la Ciudad de Guayaquil, en el estudio se determina como las mujeres tienen menor oportunidad en el ámbito laboral es más hasta los ingresos mensuales están por debajo de la remuneración básica mensual que perciben los hombres. Es por ello, que muchas prefieren emprender en sus propios negocios informales con la finalidad de generar sus ingresos para poder suplir las necesidades básicas que la familia acarrea. Se realiza una investigación descriptiva que permita conocer la situación de las madres solteras en los negocios informales teniendo como hallazgo la falta de conocimiento en los procesos de asociatividad, ausencia de cultura financiera y de gestión empresarial. Por lo que se propone como estrategia un modelo de asociatividad que permita llevar un control de los negocios e impulsar el crecimiento económico de sus negocios. Al realizar el modelo podemos visualizar el cambio que se obtiene al unirse en una asociatividad las madres solteras siendo esta una alternativa de desarrollo financiero y económico de sus negocios.The Research focuses on the FCI-008-2019 Project which analyzes the situation of single mothers in the Northwest of the City of Guayaquil, in the study it is determined how women have less opportunity in the workplace, even monthly income is below the basic monthly salary received by men. That is why many prefer to start their own informal businesses in order to generate their income to be able to supply the basic needs that the family carries. A descriptive investigation is carried out that allows knowing the situation of single mothers in informal businesses, having as a finding the lack of knowledge in the processes of associativity, absence of financial culture and business management. Therefore, a model of associativity is proposed as a strategy that allows control of businesses and promote the economic growth of their businesses. When making the model we can visualize the change that is obtained when single mothers unite in an association, this being an alternative for the financial and economic development of their businesses