104 research outputs found

    Horizontal variation of Tate--Shafarevich groups

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    Let EE be an elliptic curve over Q\mathbb{Q}. Let pp be an odd prime and ι:Q‾↪Cp\iota: \overline{\mathbb{Q}}\hookrightarrow \mathbb{C}_p an embedding. Let KK be an imaginary quadratic field and HKH_{K} the corresponding Hilbert class field. For a class group character χ\chi over KK, let Q(χ)\mathbb{Q}(\chi) be the field generated by the image of χ\chi and pχ\mathfrak{p}_{\chi} the prime of Q(χ)\mathbb{Q}(\chi) above pp determined via ιp\iota_p. Under mild hypotheses, we show that the number of class group characters χ\chi such that the χ\chi-isotypic Tate--Shafarevich group of EE over HKH_{K} is finite with trivial pχ\mathfrak{p}_{\chi}-part increases with the absolute value of the discriminant of KK

    Class groups and local indecomposability for non-CM forms

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    In the late 1990's, R. Coleman and R. Greenberg (independently) asked for a global property characterizing those pp-ordinary cuspidal eigenforms whose associated Galois representation becomes decomposable upon restriction to a decomposition group at pp. It is expected that such pp-ordinary eigenforms are precisely those with complex multiplication. In this paper, we study Coleman-Greenberg's question using Galois deformation theory. In particular, for pp-ordinary eigenforms which are congruent to one with complex multiplication, we prove that the conjectured answer follows from the pp-indivisibility of a certain class group.Comment: 40 pages, with a 11-page appendix by Haruzo Hida. v3: improvements to exposition, minor correction


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    2. Galois representations associated to Siegel modular forms 2 3. Fullness of the image for Galois representations in GSp(4) 3 3.1. Irreducibility and open image

    Control theorems of pp-nearly ordinary cohomology groups for SL(n)\text {SL} (n)

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    ABSTRACT. — In this paper, we prove control theorems for the p-adic nearly ordinary cohomology groups for SL(n) over an aribitrary number field, generalizing the result already obtained for SL(2). The result should have various implications in the study of p-adic cohomological modulat forms on GL(n). In particular, in a subsequent paper, we will study p-adic analytic families of cuch Hecke eigenforms. RÉSUMÉ. — Dans cet article, on démontre le théorème de contrôle pour les groupes de cohomologie quasi-ordinaire p-adique de SL(n) sur un corps de nombre arbitraire en généralisant le résultat déjà connu pour SL(2). Le résultat doit avoir des implications variées dans la théorie des formes modulaires p-adiques cohomologiques sur GL(n). En particulier, on étudiera des familles p-adiques analytiques des formes propres de Hecke dans un prochain article

    A finiteness property of abelian varieties with potentially ordinary good reduction

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