717 research outputs found

    Group 3: Ethnic Groups and the Labour Market

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    This discussion group focussed on five major questions. (1) What are the appropriate ethnic groupings to be considered? (2) What type(s) of disadvantage do these groups experience in employment, for example in income and occupational mobility? (3) Does the disadvantage result from "cultural rejection" by the groups or from discrimination? (4) What role is played by lack of education, training and experience in generating disadvantage? (5) What can be done in the way of positive action programmes? Questions of highest priority were identified, as well as obstacles and other observations concerning this research

    Evaluation of simulation training in cardiothoracic surgery: The Senior Tour perspective

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    OBJECTIVE: The study objective was to introduce senior surgeons, referred to as members of the "Senior Tour," to simulation-based learning and evaluate ongoing simulation efforts in cardiothoracic surgery. METHODS: Thirteen senior cardiothoracic surgeons participated in a 2½-day Senior Tour Meeting. Of 12 simulators, each participant focused on 6 cardiac (small vessel anastomosis, aortic cannulation, cardiopulmonary bypass, aortic valve replacement, mitral valve repair, and aortic root replacement) or 6 thoracic surgical simulators (hilar dissection, esophageal anastomosis, rigid bronchoscopy, video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy, tracheal resection, and sleeve resection). The participants provided critical feedback regarding the realism and utility of the simulators, which served as the basis for a composite assessment of the simulators. RESULTS: All participants acknowledged that simulation may not provide a wholly immersive experience. For small vessel anastomosis, the portable chest model is less realistic compared with the porcine model, but is valuable in teaching anastomosis mechanics. The aortic cannulation model allows multiple cannulations and can serve as a thoracic aortic surgery model. The cardiopulmonary bypass simulator provides crisis management experience. The porcine aortic valve replacement, mitral valve annuloplasty, and aortic root models are realistic and permit standardized training. The hilar dissection model is subject to variability of porcine anatomy and fragility of the vascular structures. The realistic esophageal anastomosis simulator presents various approaches to esophageal anastomosis. The exercise associated with the rigid bronchoscopy model is brief, and adding additional procedures should be considered. The tracheal resection, sleeve resection, and video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery lobectomy models are highly realistic and simulate advanced maneuvers. CONCLUSIONS: By providing the necessary tools, such as task trainers and assessment instruments, the Senior Tour may be one means to enhance simulation-based learning in cardiothoracic surgery. The Senior Tour members can provide regular programmatic evaluation and critical analyses to ensure that proposed simulators are of educational value

    Experience With the Cardiac Surgery Simulation Curriculum: Results of the Resident and Faculty Survey

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    BACKGROUND: The Cardiac Surgery Simulation Curriculum was developed at 8 institutions from 2010 to 2013. A total of 27 residents were trained by 18 faculty members. A survey was conducted to gain insight into the initial experience. METHODS: Residents and faculty were sent a 72- and 68-question survey, respectively. In addition to demographic information, participants reported their view of the overall impact of the curriculum. Focused investigation into each of the 6 modules was obtained. Participants evaluated the value of the specific simulators used. Institutional biases regarding implementation of the curriculum were evaluated. RESULTS: Twenty (74%) residents and 14 (78%) faculty responded. The majority (70%) of residents completed this training in their first and second year of traditional-track programs. The modules were well regarded with no respondents having an unfavorable view. Both residents and faculty found low, moderate, and high fidelity simulators to be extremely useful, with particular emphasis on utility of high fidelity components. The vast majority of residents (85%) and faculty (100%) felt more comfortable in the resident skill set and performance in the operating room. Simulation of rare adverse events allowed for development of multidisciplinary teams to address them. At most institutions, the conduct of this curriculum took precedence over clinical obligations (64%). CONCLUSIONS: The Cardiac Surgery Simulation Curriculum was implemented with robust adoption among the investigating centers. Both residents and faculty viewed the modules favorably. Using this curriculum, participants indicated an improvement in resident technical skills and were enthusiastic about training in adverse events and crisis management

    Discovery of active mouse, plant and fungal cytochrome P450s in endogenous proteomes and upon expression in planta

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    Eukaryotes produce a large number of cytochrome P450s that mediate the synthesis and degradation of diverse endogenous and exogenous metabolites. Yet, most of these P450s are uncharacterized and global tools to study these challenging, membrane-resident enzymes remain to be exploited. Here, we applied activity profiling of plant, mouse and fungal P450s with chemical probes that become reactive when oxidized by P450 enzymes. Identification by mass spectrometry revealed labeling of a wide range of active P450s, including six plant P450s, 40 mouse P450s and 13 P450s of the fungal wheat pathogen Zymoseptoria tritici. We next used transient expression of GFP-tagged P450s by agroinfiltration to show ER-targeting and NADPH-dependent, activity-based labeling of plant, mouse and fungal P450s. Both global profiling and transient expression can be used to detect a broad range of active P450s to study e.g. their regulation and discover selective inhibitors

    Sunyaev Zel'dovich Effect Observations of Strong Lensing Galaxy Clusters: Probing the Over-Concentration Problem

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    We have measured the Sunyaev Zel'dovich (SZ) effect for a sample of ten strong lensing selected galaxy clusters using the Sunyaev Zel'dovich Array (SZA). The SZA is sensitive to structures on spatial scales of a few arcminutes, while the strong lensing mass modeling constrains the mass at small scales (typically < 30"). Combining the two provides information about the projected concentrations of the strong lensing clusters. The Einstein radii we measure are twice as large as expected given the masses inferred from SZ scaling relations. A Monte Carlo simulation indicates that a sample randomly drawn from the expected distribution would have a larger median Einstein radius than the observed clusters about 3% of the time. The implied overconcentration has been noted in previous studies with smaller samples of lensing clusters. It persists for this sample, with the caveat that this could result from a systematic effect such as if the gas fractions of the strong lensing clusters are substantially below what is expected.Comment: submitte

    Simulation-Based Training in Cardiac Surgery

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    BACKGROUND: Operating room surgical training has significant limitations. This study hypothesized that some skills could be learned efficiently and safely by using simulation with component task training, deliberate practice, progressive complexity, and experienced coaching to produce safer cardiac surgeons. METHODS: Training modules included cardiopulmonary bypass, coronary artery bypass grafting, aortic valve replacement, massive air embolism, acute intraoperative aortic dissection, and sudden deterioration in cardiac function. Using deliberate practice, first-year cardiothoracic surgical residents at eight institutions were trained and evaluated on component tasks for each module and later on full cardiac operations. Evaluations were based on five-point Likert-scale tools indexed by module, session, task items, and repetitions. Statistical analyses relied on generalized linear model estimation and corresponding confidence intervals. RESULTS: The 27 residents who participated demonstrated improvement with practice repetitions resulting in excellent final scores per module (mean ± two SEs): cardiopulmonary bypass, 4.80 ± 0.12; coronary artery bypass grafting, 4.41 ± 0.19; aortic valve replacement, 4.51 ± 0.20; massive air embolism, 0.68 ± 0.14; acute intraoperative aortic dissection, 4.52 ± 0.17; and sudden deterioration in cardiac function, 4.76 ± 0.16. The transient detrimental effect of time away from training was also evident. CONCLUSIONS: Overall performance in component tasks and complete cardiac surgical procedures improved during simulation-based training. Simulation-based training imparts skill sets for management of adverse events and can help produce safer surgeons

    Discovery of an intermediate-luminosity red transient in M51 and its likely dust-obscured, infrared-variable progenitor

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    We present the discovery of an optical transient (OT) in Messier 51, designated M51 OT2019-1 (also ZTF19aadyppr, AT 2019abn, ATLAS19bzl), by the Zwicky Transient Facility (ZTF). The OT rose over 15 days to an observed luminosity of Mr=13M_r=-13 (νLν=9×106 L{\nu}L_{\nu}=9\times10^6~L_{\odot}), in the luminosity gap between novae and typical supernovae (SNe). Spectra during the outburst show a red continuum, Balmer emission with a velocity width of 400\approx400 km s1^{-1}, Ca II and [Ca II] emission, and absorption features characteristic of an F-type supergiant. The spectra and multiband light curves are similar to the so-called "SN impostors" and intermediate-luminosity red transients (ILRTs). We directly identify the likely progenitor in archival Spitzer Space Telescope imaging with a 4.5 μ4.5~\mum luminosity of M[4.5]12.2M_{[4.5]}\approx-12.2 and a [3.6][4.5][3.6]-[4.5] color redder than 0.74 mag, similar to those of the prototype ILRTs SN 2008S and NGC 300 OT2008-1. Intensive monitoring of M51 with Spitzer further reveals evidence for variability of the progenitor candidate at [4.5] in the years before the OT. The progenitor is not detected in pre-outburst Hubble Space Telescope optical and near-IR images. The optical colors during outburst combined with spectroscopic temperature constraints imply a higher reddening of E(BV)0.7E(B-V)\approx0.7 mag and higher intrinsic luminosity of Mr14.9M_r\approx-14.9 (νLν=5.3×107 L{\nu}L_{\nu}=5.3\times10^7~L_{\odot}) near peak than seen in previous ILRT candidates. Moreover, the extinction estimate is higher on the rise than on the plateau, suggestive of an extended phase of circumstellar dust destruction. These results, enabled by the early discovery of M51 OT2019-1 and extensive pre-outburst archival coverage, offer new clues about the debated origins of ILRTs and may challenge the hypothesis that they arise from the electron-capture induced collapse of extreme asymptotic giant branch stars.Comment: 21 pages, 5 figures, published in ApJ