365 research outputs found

    Low zinc status and absorption exist in infants with jejunostomies or ileostomies which persists after intestinal repair.

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    There is very little data regarding trace mineral nutrition in infants with small intestinal ostomies. Here we evaluated 14 infants with jejunal or ileal ostomies to measure their zinc absorption and retention and biochemical zinc and copper status. Zinc absorption was measured using a dual-tracer stable isotope technique at two different time points when possible. The first study was conducted when the subject was receiving maximal tolerated feeds enterally while the ostomy remained in place. A second study was performed as soon as feasible after full feeds were achieved after intestinal repair. We found biochemical evidence of deficiencies of both zinc and copper in infants with small intestinal ostomies at both time points. Fractional zinc absorption with an ostomy in place was 10.9% ± 5.3%. After reanastamosis, fractional zinc absorption was 9.4% ± 5.7%. Net zinc balance was negative prior to reanastamosis. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that infants with a jejunostomy or ileostomy are at high risk for zinc and copper deficiency before and after intestinal reanastamosis. Additional supplementation, especially of zinc, should be considered during this time period

    Njord: a fishing trawler dataset

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    Fish is one of the main sources of food worldwide. The commercial fishing industry has a lot of different aspects to consider, ranging from sustainability to reporting. The complexity of the domain also attracts a lot of research from different fields like marine biology, fishery sciences, cybernetics, and computer science. In computer science, detection of fishing vessels via for example remote sensing and classification of fish from images or videos using machine learning or other analysis methods attracts growing attention. Surprisingly, little work has been done that considers what is happening on board the fishing vessels. On the deck of the boats, a lot of data and important information are generated with potential applications, such as automatic detection of accidents or automatic reporting of fish caught. This paper presents Njord, a fishing trawler dataset consisting of surveillance videos from a modern off-shore fishing trawler at sea. The main goal of this dataset is to show the potential and possibilities that analysis of such data can provide. In addition to the data, we provide a baseline analysis and discuss several possible research questions this dataset could help answer

    Opportunities for Undergraduate Research in Nuclear Physics

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    University of Dallas (UD) physics majors are offered a variety of undergraduate research opportunities in nuclear physics through an established program at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory (UKAL). The 7-MV Model CN Van de Graaff accelerator and the neutron production and detection facilities located there are used by UD students to investigate how neutrons scatter from materials that are important in nuclear energy production and for our basic understanding of how neutrons interact with matter. Recent student projects include modeling of the laboratory using the neutron transport code MCNP to investigate the effectiveness of laboratory shielding, testing the long-term gain stability of C6D6 liquid scintillation detectors, and deducing neutron elastic and inelastic scattering cross sections for 12C. Results of these student projects are presented that indicate the pit below the scattering area reduces background by as much as 30%; the detectors show no significant gain instabilities; and new insights into existing 12C neutron inelastic scattering cross-section discrepancies near a neutron energy of 6.0 MeV are obtained

    Neutron Scattering Cross Section Measurements for \u3csup\u3e56\u3c/sup\u3eFe

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    Elastic and inelastic differential cross sections for neutron scattering from 56Fe have been measured for several incident energies from 1.30 to 7.96 MeV at the University of Kentucky Accelerator Laboratory. Scattered neutrons were detected using a C6D6 liquid scintillation detector using pulse-shape discrimination and time-of-flight techniques. The deduced cross sections have been compared with previously reported data, predictions from evaluation databases ENDF, JENDL, and JEFF, and theoretical calculations performed using different optical model potentials using the TALYS and EMPIRE nuclear reaction codes. The coupled-channel calculations based on the vibrational and soft-rotor models are found to describe the experimental (n,n0) and (n,n1) cross sections well

    An Adaptive Multivariate Two-Sample Test With Application to Microbiome Differential Abundance Analysis

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    Differential abundance analysis is a crucial task in many microbiome studies, where the central goal is to identify microbiome taxa associated with certain biological or clinical conditions. There are two different modes of microbiome differential abundance analysis: the individual-based univariate differential abundance analysis and the group-based multivariate differential abundance analysis. The univariate analysis identifies differentially abundant microbiome taxa subject to multiple correction under certain statistical error measurements such as false discovery rate, which is typically complicated by the high-dimensionality of taxa and complex correlation structure among taxa. The multivariate analysis evaluates the overall shift in the abundance of microbiome composition between two conditions, which provides useful preliminary differential information for the necessity of follow-up validation studies. In this paper, we present a novel Adaptive multivariate two-sample test for Microbiome Differential Analysis (AMDA) to examine whether the composition of a taxa-set are different between two conditions. Our simulation studies and real data applications demonstrated that the AMDA test was often more powerful than several competing methods while preserving the correct type I error rate. A free implementation of our AMDA method in R software is available at https://github.com/xyz5074/AMDA

    Exoplanet Diversity in the Era of Space-based Direct Imaging Missions

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    This whitepaper discusses the diversity of exoplanets that could be detected by future observations, so that comparative exoplanetology can be performed in the upcoming era of large space-based flagship missions. The primary focus will be on characterizing Earth-like worlds around Sun-like stars. However, we will also be able to characterize companion planets in the system simultaneously. This will not only provide a contextual picture with regards to our Solar system, but also presents a unique opportunity to observe size dependent planetary atmospheres at different orbital distances. We propose a preliminary scheme based on chemical behavior of gases and condensates in a planet's atmosphere that classifies them with respect to planetary radius and incident stellar flux.Comment: A white paper submitted to the National Academy of Sciences Exoplanet Science Strateg

    Saliva microRNA Biomarkers of Cumulative Concussion

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    Recurrent concussions increase risk for persistent post-concussion symptoms, and may lead to chronic neurocognitive deficits. Little is known about the molecular pathways that contribute to persistent concussion symptoms. We hypothesized that salivary measurement of microribonucleic acids (miRNAs), a class of epitranscriptional molecules implicated in concussion pathophysiology, would provide insights about the molecular cascade resulting from recurrent concussions. This hypothesis was tested in a case-control study involving 13 former professional football athletes with a history of recurrent concussion, and 18 age/sex-matched peers. Molecules of interest were further validated in a cross-sectional study of 310 younger individuals with a history of no concussion (n = 230), a single concussion (n = 56), or recurrent concussions (n = 24). There was no difference in neurocognitive performance between the former professional athletes and their peers, or among younger individuals with varying concussion exposures. However, younger individuals without prior concussion outperformed peers with prior concussion on three balance assessments. Twenty salivary miRNAs differed (adj. p \u3c 0.05) between former professional athletes and their peers. Two of these (miR-28-3p and miR-339-3p) demonstrated relationships (p \u3c 0.05) with the number of prior concussions reported by younger individuals. miR-28-3p and miR-339-5p may play a role in the pathophysiologic mechanism involved in cumulative concussion effects
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