92 research outputs found

    Familiarization protocol influences reproducibility of 20-km cycling time-trial performance in novice participants

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    Introduction: Exercise performance is reproducible in experienced athletes; however, less trained participants exhibit greater variability in performance and pacing. To reduce variability, it is common practice to complete a familiarization prior to experimental testing. However, there are no clear guidelines for familiarizing novice participants to a cycling time-trial (TT), and research findings from novice populations may still be influenced by learning effects. Accordingly, the aims of this study were to establish the variability between TTs after administering differing familiarization protocols (duration or type) and to establish the number of familiarization trials required to limit variability over multiple trials. Methods: Thirty recreationally active participants, with no prior experience of a TT, performed a 20-km cycling TT on five separate occasions, after completing either a full (FF, 20-km TT, n = 10), a half (HF, 10-km TT, n = 10) or an equipment familiarization (EF, 5-min cycling, n = 10). Results: Variability of TT duration across five TTs was the lowest after completing FF (P = 0.69, ηp2 = 0.05) compared to HF (P = 0.08, ηp2 = 0.26) and EF (P = 0.07, ηp2 = 0.21). In the FF group after TT2, the effect size for changes in TT duration was small (d d = 1.02, TT3-TT4) and EF (d = 1.12, TT4-TT5). The variability in mean power output profiles between trials was lowest within FF, with a similar pacing profile reproduced between TT3-TT5. Discussion: Familiarization of the exercise protocol influenced reproducibility of pacing and performance over multiple, maximal TTs, with best results obtained after a full experience of the exercise compared to HF and EF. The difference of TT1 to later TTs indicates that one familiarization is not adequate in reducing the variability of performance for novice participants. After the FF and an additional TT, performance changes between TTs were small, however, a reproducible pacing profile was not developed until after the FF and two additional TTs. These findings indicate that a minimum of three full familiarizations are necessary for novice participants to limit systematic error before experimental testing

    No influence of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation on exercise-induced pain and 5-Km cycling time-trial performance

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    Introduction: Afferent information from exercising muscle contributes to the sensation of exercise-induced muscle pain. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) delivers low-voltage electrical currents to the skin, inhibiting nociceptive afferent information. The use of TENS in reducing perceptions of exercise-induced pain has not yet been fully explored. This study aimed to investigate the effect of TENS on exercise-induced muscle pain, pacing strategy, and performance during a 5-km cycling time trial (TT). Methods: On three separate occasions, in a single-blind, randomized, and cross-over design, 13 recreationally active participants underwent a 30-min TENS protocol, before performing a 5-km cycling TT. TENS was applied to the quadriceps prior to exercise under the following conditions; control (CONT), placebo with sham TENS application (PLAC), and an experimental condition with TENS application (TENS). Quadriceps fatigue was assessed with magnetic femoral nerve stimulation assessing changes in potentiated quadriceps twitch force at baseline, pre and post exercise. Subjective scores of exertion, affect and pain were taken every 1-km. Results: During TTs, application of TENS did not influence pain perceptions (P = 0.68, ηp2 = 0.03). There was no significant change in mean power (P = 0.16, ηp2 = 0.16) or TT duration (P = 0.17, ηp2 = 0.14), although effect sizes were large for these two variables. Changes in power output were not significant but showed moderate effect sizes at 500-m (ηp2 = 0.10) and 750-m (ηp2 = 0.10). Muscle recruitment as inferred by electromyography data was not significant, but showed large effect sizes at 250-m (ηp2 = 0.16), 500-m (ηp2 = 0.15), and 750-m (ηp2 = 0.14). This indicates a possible effect for TENS influencing performance up to 1-km. Discussion: These findings do not support the use of TENS to improve 5-km TT performance

    Investigating rates and risk factors for hepatitis C virus reinfection in people receiving antiviral treatment in England

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    England has committed to the World Health Organization target to eliminate hepatitis C virus (HCV) as a public threat by the year 2030. Given successful treatments for HCV in recent years, it is unclear whether HCV reinfection will impact England's ability to achieve HCV elimination. We aimed to estimate the HCV reinfection rate among a cohort of patients receiving antiviral treatment using available surveillance data. Linkage between a treatment dataset from 2015-2019 and an HCV RNA testing dataset were used to identify people who experienced reinfection using three criteria. A Cox proportional hazards model was used to determine risk factors associated with HCV reinfection among a cohort who received treatment and had follow-up HCV RNA testing. The reinfection rate among those receiving HCV treatment was 7.91 per 100 person-years (PYs, 95% confidence interval (CI) 7.37-8.49) and highest among current injecting drug users (22.55 per 100 PYs, 95%CI 19.98-25.46) and people who had been in prison (20.42 per 100 PYs, 95%CI 17.21-24.24). In the adjusted model, women had a significantly reduced risk of reinfection. Being of younger age, current injecting drug users, and receipt of first treatment in prison were each significantly associated with increased risk of reinfection. Two-fifths of those with reinfection (43%, n=329/767) were linked to treatment after reinfection, and of those starting treatment, three quarters (75%, n=222/296) achieved a sustained virologic response. Guidance for testing groups at risk of reinfection and harm reduction strategies to minimize transmission should be implemented if England is to achieve HCV elimination targets

    Familiarization Protocol Influences Reproducibility of 20-km Cycling Time-Trial Performance in Novice Participants

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    Introduction: Exercise performance is reproducible in experienced athletes; however, less trained participants exhibit greater variability in performance and pacing. To reduce variability, it is common practice to complete a familiarization prior to experimental testing. However, there are no clear guidelines for familiarizing novice participants to a cycling time-trial (TT), and research findings from novice populations may still be influenced by learning effects. Accordingly, the aims of this study were to establish the variability between TTs after administering differing familiarization protocols (duration or type) and to establish the number of familiarization trials required to limit variability over multiple trials.Methods: Thirty recreationally active participants, with no prior experience of a TT, performed a 20-km cycling TT on five separate occasions, after completing either a full (FF, 20-km TT, n = 10), a half (HF, 10-km TT, n = 10) or an equipment familiarization (EF, 5-min cycling, n = 10).Results: Variability of TT duration across five TTs was the lowest after completing FF (P = 0.69, ηp2 = 0.05) compared to HF (P = 0.08, ηp2 = 0.26) and EF (P = 0.07, ηp2 = 0.21). In the FF group after TT2, the effect size for changes in TT duration was small (d < 0.49). There were large differences between later TTs in HF (d = 1.02, TT3-TT4) and EF (d = 1.12, TT4-TT5). The variability in mean power output profiles between trials was lowest within FF, with a similar pacing profile reproduced between TT3-TT5.Discussion: Familiarization of the exercise protocol influenced reproducibility of pacing and performance over multiple, maximal TTs, with best results obtained after a full experience of the exercise compared to HF and EF. The difference of TT1 to later TTs indicates that one familiarization is not adequate in reducing the variability of performance for novice participants. After the FF and an additional TT, performance changes between TTs were small, however, a reproducible pacing profile was not developed until after the FF and two additional TTs. These findings indicate that a minimum of three full familiarizations are necessary for novice participants to limit systematic error before experimental testing

    A qualitative content analysis of retained surgical items: Learning from root cause analysis investigations

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    Objective To describe incidents of retained surgical items, including their characteristics and the circumstances in which they occur. Design A qualitative content analysis of root cause analysis investigation reports. Setting Public health services in Victoria, Australia, 2010–2015. Participants Incidents of retained surgical items as described by 31 root cause analysis investigation reports. Main Outcome Measure(s) The type of retained surgical item, the length of time between the item being retained and detected and qualitative descriptors of the contributing factors and the circumstances in which the retained surgical items occurred. Results Surgical packs, drain tubes and vascular devices comprised 68% (21/31) of the retained surgical items. Nearly one-quarter of the retained surgical items were detected either immediately in the post-operative period or on the day of the procedure (7/31). However, about one-sixth (5/31) were only detected after 6 months, with the longest period being 18 months. Contributing factors included complex or multistage surgery; the use of packs not specific to the purpose of the surgery; and design features of the surgical items. Conclusion Retained drains occurred in the post-operative phase where surgical counts are not applicable and clinician situational awareness may not be as great. Root cause analysis investigation reports can be a valuable means of characterizing infrequently occurring adverse events such as retained surgical items. They may detect incidents that are not detected by other data collections and can inform the design enhancements and development of technologies to reduce the impact of retained surgical items

    Shaping a mental health curriculum for Canada\u27s teacher education programs: Rationale and brief overview

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    It is a well-known and accepted statistic that one in five Canadian children will experience a significant mental health challenge prior to their 18th birthday; this is a conservative estimate given the many who suffer ‘under the radar’ with transient sadness, depression, and anxiety (Flett & Hewitt, 2013). And if we have yet to be sensitized to this critical period of childhood and adolescence, longitudinal studies indicate that 70% of adults who experience an emotional disorder report having their first onset episode prior to the age of 18 (Kessler et al., 2009)

    Learning from diagnostic errors to improve patient safety when GPs work in or alongside emergency departments: incorporating realist methodology into patient safety incident report analysis

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    Background: Increasing demand on emergency healthcare systems has prompted introduction of new healthcare service models including the provision of GP services in or alongside emergency departments. In England this led to a policy proposal and £100million (US$130million) of funding for all emergency departments to have co-located GP services. However, there is a lack of evidence for whether such service models are effective and safe. We examined diagnostic errors reported in patient safety incident reports to develop theories to explain how and why they occurred to inform potential priority areas for improvement and inform qualitative data collection at case study sites to further refine the theories. Methods: We used a mixed-methods design using exploratory descriptive analysis to identify the most frequent and harmful sources of diagnostic error and thematic analysis, incorporating realist methodology to refine theories from an earlier rapid realist review, to describe how and why the events occurred and could be mitigated, to inform improvement recommendations. We used two UK data sources: Coroners’ reports to prevent future deaths (30.7.13–14.08.18) and National Reporting and Learning System (NRLS) patient safety incident reports (03.01.05–30.11.15). Results: Nine Coroners’ reports (from 1347 community and hospital reports, 2013–2018) and 217 NRLS reports (from 13 million, 2005–2015) were identified describing diagnostic error related to GP services in or alongside emergency departments. Initial theories to describe potential priority areas for improvement included: difficulty identifying appropriate patients for the GP service; under-investigation and misinterpretation of diagnostic tests; and inadequate communication and referral pathways between the emergency and GP services. High-risk presentations included: musculoskeletal injury, chest pain, headache, calf pain and sick children. Conclusion: Initial theories include the following topics as potential priority areas for improvement interventions and evaluation to minimise the risk of diagnostic errors when GPs work in or alongside emergency departments: a standardised initial assessment with streaming guidance based on local service provision; clinical decision support for high-risk conditions; and standardised computer systems, communication and referral pathways between emergency and GP services. These theories require refinement and testing with qualitative data collection from case study (hospital) sites

    Teaching Instrumental Science Globally Using a Collaborative Electronic Laboratory Notebook

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    In the higher education sector there is a strong push to improve the synergy between research and teaching. To achieve this there is a need to introduce into the undergraduate curriculum the new technologies that support research practice and process. There is no doubt that future scientific practice will increasingly involve collaborations around data and information that is delivered via the web. Our students must be trained in these new developments, and our staff must have access to tools that will facilitate their ability to teach it. New technologies, such as the Electronic Laboratory Notebook (ELN) developed at Southampton University in the UK, exploits the Web2.0 environment and offer the advantages of 1) being able to more readily share research resources, 2) as a digital record of experimental events and 3) a secure archive of data and metadata. We will discuss our initiative to extend the science curriculum in undergraduate chemistry through the introduction of an electronic laboratory notebook where instruments, experiments and data can be shared globally. The ELN is presently being implemented at UNSW, and the proposed project (funded by the Australian Learning and Teaching Council) will allow a multi-university (three in Australia, one in Thailand and one in the UK) exemplar of the ELN. By its nature, the project the outcomes will be available worldwide for tertiary science training. Keywords: electron laboratory notebook, science education, eResearch, eLearnin

    Identifying safe care processes when GPs work in or alongside emergency departments: realist evaluation

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    Background: Increasing pressure on emergency services has led to the development of different models of care delivery including GPs working in or alongside emergency departments (EDs), but with a lack of evidence for patient safety outcomes. Aim: We aimed to explore how care processes work and how patient safety incidents associated with GPs working in ED settings may be mitigated. Design and Setting: We used realist methodology with a purposive sample of 13 EDs with different GP service models. We sought to understand the relationship between contexts, mechanisms and outcomes to develop theories about how and why patient safety incidents may occur, and how safe care was perceived to be delivered. Method: We collected qualitative data (observations, semi-structured audio-recorded staff interviews and local patient safety incident reports). We coded data using ‘if, then, because’ statements to refine initial theories developed from an earlier rapid realist literature review and analysis of a sample of national patient safety incident reports. Results: We developed a programme theory to describe how safe patient care was perceived to be delivered in these service models including: an experienced streaming nurse using local guidance and early warning scores; support for GPs’ clinical decision-making with clear governance processes relevant to the intended role (traditional GP approach or emergency medicine approach); and strong clinical leadership to promote teamwork and improve communication between services. Conclusion: Our findings can be used as a focus for more in-depth human factors investigations to optimise work conditions in this complex care delivery settin

    What is the overlap between HIV and shigellosis epidemics in England: further evidence of MSM transmission?

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    BACKGROUND: Evidence suggests that sexual transmission between men has replaced foreign travel as the predominant mode of Shigella transmission in England. However, sexuality and HIV status are not routinely recorded for laboratory-reported Shigella, and the role of HIV in the Shigella epidemic is not well understood. METHODS: The Modular Open Laboratory Information System containing all Shigella cases reported to Public Health England (PHE) and the PHE HIV and AIDS Reporting System holding all adults living with diagnosed HIV in England were matched using a combination of Soundex code, date of birth and gender. RESULTS: From 2004 to 2015, 88 664 patients were living with HIV, and 10 269 Shigella cases were reported in England; 9% (873/10 269) of Shigella cases were diagnosed with HIV, of which 93% (815/873) were in men. Shigella cases without reported travel history were more likely to be living with HIV than those who had travelled (14% (751/5427) vs 3% (134/4854); p<0.01). From 2004 to 2015, the incidence of Shigella in men with HIV rose from 47/100 000 to 226/100 000 (p<0.01) peaking in 2014 at 265/100 000, but remained low in women throughout the study period (0-24/100 000). Among Shigella cases without travel and with HIV, 91% (657/720) were men who have sex with men (MSM). HIV preceded Shigella diagnosis in 86% (610/720), and 65% (237/362) had an undetectable viral load (<50 copies/mL). DISCUSSION: We observed a sustained increase in the national rate of shigellosis in MSM with HIV, who may experience more serious clinical disease. Sexual history, HIV status and STI risk might require sensitive investigation in men presenting with gastroenteritis
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