1,103 research outputs found

    Dependence of the Fundamental Plane Scatter on Galaxy Age

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    The fundamental plane (FP) has an intrinsic scatter that can not be explained purely by observational errors. Using recently available age estimates for nearby early type galaxies, we show that a galaxy's position relative to the FP depends on its age. In particular, the mean FP corresponds to ellipticals with an age of ~10 Gyr. Younger galaxies are systematically brighter with higher surface brightness relative to the mean relation. Old ellipticals form an `upper envelope' to the FP. For our sample of mostly non-cluster galaxies, age can account for almost half of the scatter in the B band FP. Distance determinations based on the FP may have a systematic bias, if the mean age of the sample varies with redshift. We also show that fundamental plane residuals, B-V colors and Mg_2 line strength are consistent with an ageing central burst superposed on an old stellar population. This reinforces the view that these age estimates are tracing the last major episode of star formation induced by a gaseous merger event. We briefly discuss the empirical `evolutionary tracks' of merger-remnants and young ellipticals in terms of their key observational parameters.Comment: 14 pages, Latex, 2 figures, accepted by ApJ Letter

    Bipartite entangled stabilizer mutually unbiased bases as maximum cliques of Cayley graphs

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    We examine the existence and structure of particular sets of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs) in bipartite qudit systems. In contrast to well-known power-of-prime MUB constructions, we restrict ourselves to using maximally entangled stabilizer states as MUB vectors. Consequently, these bipartite entangled stabilizer MUBs (BES MUBs) provide no local information, but are sufficient and minimal for decomposing a wide variety of interesting operators including (mixtures of) Jamiolkowski states, entanglement witnesses and more. The problem of finding such BES MUBs can be mapped, in a natural way, to that of finding maximum cliques in a family of Cayley graphs. Some relationships with known power-of-prime MUB constructions are discussed, and observables for BES MUBs are given explicitly in terms of Pauli operators.Comment: 8 pages, 1 figur

    How Dry Are Red Mergers?

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    The focus of current research in galaxy evolution has increasingly turned to understanding the effect that mergers have on the evolution of systems on the red sequence. For those interactions purported to occur dissipationlessly (so called "dry mergers"), it would appear that the role of gas is minimal. However, if these mergers are not completely dry, then even low levels of gas may be detectable. The purpose of our study is to test whether early type galaxies with HI in or around them, or "wet" ellipticals, would have been selected as dry mergers by the criteria in van Dokkum (2005, AJ, 130, 2647). To that end, we examine a sample of 20 early types from the HI Rogues Gallery with neutral hydrogen in their immediate environs. Of these, the 15 brightest and reddest galaxies match the optical dry merger criteria, but in each case, the presence of HI means that they are not truly dry.Comment: 8 pages plus 1 table and 5 figures; accepted for publication in A

    AGI and the Knight-Darwin Law: why idealized AGI reproduction requires collaboration

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    Can an AGI create a more intelligent AGI? Under idealized assumptions, for a certain theoretical type of intelligence, our answer is: “Not without outside help”. This is a paper on the mathematical structure of AGI populations when parent AGIs create child AGIs. We argue that such populations satisfy a certain biological law. Motivated by observations of sexual reproduction in seemingly-asexual species, the Knight-Darwin Law states that it is impossible for one organism to asexually produce another, which asexually produces another, and so on forever: that any sequence of organisms (each one a child of the previous) must contain occasional multi-parent organisms, or must terminate. By proving that a certain measure (arguably an intelligence measure) decreases when an idealized parent AGI single-handedly creates a child AGI, we argue that a similar Law holds for AGIs

    Star Clusters in the Tidal Tails of Interacting Galaxies: Cluster Populations Across a Variety of Tail Environments

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    We have searched for compact stellar structures within 17 tidal tails in 13 different interacting galaxies using F606W- and F814W- band images from the Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) on the Hubble Space Telescope (HST). The sample of tidal tails includes a diverse population of optical properties, merging galaxy mass ratios, HI content, and ages. Combining our tail sample with Knierman et al. (2003), we find evidence of star clusters formed in situ with Mv < -8.5 and V-I < 2.0 in 10 of 23 tidal tails; we are able to identify cluster candidates to Mv = -6.5 in the closest tails. Three tails offer clear examples of "beads on a string" star formation morphology in V-I color maps. Two tails present both tidal dwarf galaxy (TDG) candidates and cluster candidates. Statistical diagnostics indicate that clusters in tidal tails may be drawn from the same power-law luminosity functions (with logarithmic slopes ~ -2 - -2.5) found in quiescent spiral galaxies and the interiors of interacting systems. We find that the tail regions with the largest number of observable clusters are relatively young (< 250 Myr old) and bright (V < 24 mag arcsec^(-2)), probably attributed to the strong bursts of star formation in interacting systems soon after periapse. Otherwise, we find no statistical difference between cluster-rich and cluster-poor tails in terms of many observable characteristics, though this analysis suffers from complex, unresolved gas dynamics and projection effects.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 27 pages, 8 figure

    The Cold and Hot Gas Content of Fine-Structure E and S0 Galaxies

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    We investigate trends of the cold and hot gas content of early-type galaxies with the presence of optical morphological peculiarities, as measured by the fine-structure index (Sigma). HI mapping observations from the literature are used to track the cold-gas content, and archival ROSAT PSPC data are used to quantify the hot-gas content. We find that E and S0 galaxies with a high incidence of optical peculiarities are exclusively X-ray underluminous and, therefore, deficient in hot gas. In contrast, more relaxed galaxies with little or no signs of optical peculiarities span a wide range of X-ray luminosities. That is, the X-ray excess anticorrelates with Sigma. There appears to be no similar trend of cold-gas content with either fine-structure index or X-ray content. The fact that only apparently relaxed E and S0 galaxies are strong X-ray emitters is consistent with the hypothesis that after strong disturbances such as a merger hot-gas halos build up over a time scale of several gigayears. This is consistent with the expected mass loss from stars.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in A

    Powerful H2_2 Emission and Star Formation on the Interacting Galaxy System Arp 143: Observations with Spitzer and GALEX

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    We present new mid-infrared (535μ5 - 35\mum) and ultraviolet (1539 -- 2316 \AA) observations of the interacting galaxy system Arp 143 (NGC 2444/2445) from the Spitzer Space Telescope and GALEX. In this system, the central nucleus of NGC 2445 is surrounded by knots of massive star-formation in a ring-like structure. We find unusually strong emission from warm H2_2 associated with an expanding shock wave between the nucleus and the western knots. At this ridge, the flux ratio between H2_2 and PAH emission is nearly ten times higher than in the nucleus. Arp 143 is one of the most extreme cases known in that regard. From our multi-wavelength data we derive a narrow age range of the star-forming knots between 2 Myr and 7.5 Myr, suggesting that the ring of knots was formed almost simultaneously in response to the shock wave traced by the H2_2 emission. However, the knots can be further subdivided in two age groups: those with an age of 2--4 Myr (knots A, C, E, and F), which are associated with 8μ8\mum emission from PAHs, and those with an age of 7-8 Myr (knots D and G), which show little or no 8μ8\mum emission shells surrounding them. We attribute this finding to an ageing effect of the massive clusters which, after about 6 Myr, no longer excite the PAHs surrounding the knots.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures, including tables at the end; accepted by Ap