234 research outputs found

    Age related metabolic syndrome among hemodialysis patients in Gorgan, Iran

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    People with metabolic syndrome are at high risk for developing cardiovascular disease. The present study aimed to determine the age related metabolic syndrome of hemodialysis patients. The biochemical parameters and demographic information were registered. The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was significantly high in ages 50-59 and 60-69 years in hemodialysis patients when compared with other age groups (P< 0.05). There was elevated frequency of metabolic syndrome from age 50-59 and 40-49 years in male and female hemodialysis patients, respectively. The frequency of metabolic syndrome in female subjects (65.27%) was higher than male (47.14%, P<0.05). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was high in ages 50-59 years in males and females. There was a significant difference in hemodialysis patients with metabolic syndrome in ages 50-59 years in males and from ages 40-49, 50-59 and 60-69 years in females (P< 0.05). Our results show that 25.71%, 18.57% and 2.86% males and 36.11%, 20.83% and 8.33% females had three, four and five criteria for metabolic syndrome, respectively. The results of this study showed that females patients were more affected than males. This may depended on the specific lifestyle alterations among females and males patients in this area. Marjani et al

    A rare presentation of the Klinefelter's syndrome

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    A 16 years old boy with Chronic Renal Failure (CRF) was not suspected of having Klinefelter's syndrome until he complained of painful gynecomastia. He was under haemodialysis for 2 years. At first, he was in an approximately full pubertal development (P5, G5), but he had a small and a firm testis (length 2.2cm) and some degree of facial male pattern hair. He also had a decreased upper to lower body segment ratio and despite having chronic renal failure, he was taller than his parents and siblings. His laboratory tests showed high levels of FSH and normal levels of LH and testosterone. With regards to all these findings, we suspected that there might be an occult Klinefelter's syndrome. So, we made his karyotype that showed a 47XXY pattern. Because there are only a few number of cases that have occult Klinefelter's syndrome in the basis of chronic renal failure, we decided to report this case

    Comparison of glycemic excursion in patients with new onset type 2 diabetes mellitus before and after treatment with repaglinide

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    Due to industrialization and sedentary life, incidence of type 2 diabetes (DM2) is increasing seriously. Repaglinide is a glucose reducing agent that predominantly reduces post-prandial glucose. Continuous glucose monitoring system (CGMS) monitors blood glucose excursions over a 3-day period. CGMS can be used as a therapeutic and diagnostic instrument in diabetics. There are not enough studies about using CGMS in DM2. The aim of this study was to determine the blood glucose excursions in patients with new onset of DM2. 10 patients with new onset of DM2 were entered to this study. As the first therapeutic management, patients received diabetic diet and moderate exercise for 3-weeks, if they did not achieve blood glucose goal (Fasting blood glucoser (FBG) <120mg/dl, 2-hour postprandial blood glucose (2hpp) <180mg/dl), were considered to undergo 3-days CGMS at baseline and after 4-weeks on Repaglinide (0.5mg three times before meals). Mean excursions of blood glucose were not different at the onset and at the end of treatment (6±4.05 VS 7.6±5.2 episodes, P=0.49). There were also no significant differences between mean duration of hypoglycemic episodes (zero VS 5.1±14.1 hours, P =0.28) and hyperglycemic episodes before and after therapy (7.6±5.2 VS 5.7±4.1, P=0.42), but mean hyperglycemia duration was significantly reduced at the end of therapy (21±26.17 VS 57.7±35.3, P=0.001). Patients experienced a mean of 0.3±0.67 episodes of hypoglycemia after therapy showed no significant difference before it (P =0.19). Mean FBG (with CGMS) was significantly lower after therapy than before it (142.9±54.31 VS 222.9±82.6, P <0.001). This study showed the usefulness of CGMS not only as a diagnostic but also as an educational and therapeutic tool that in combination with Repaglinide (with the lowest effective dose and duration) can significantly reduce FBG and glycemic excursions in DM2 patients and hypoglycemic events are low. © Hezarkhani et al

    Exploring The Influence of Digital Marketing Channels on Consumer Purchase Intentions on High Involvement Versus Low Involvement Products.

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    This executive summary provides an overview of a research study that explored the influence of digital marketing channels on consumer purchase intentions for high involvement versus low involvement products. The study utilized a cross-sectional research design and employed an online survey through Google Forms to collect data from customers in Norway. The data were analyzed using linear regression analysis and their interaction effects to examine the relationships between variables and test the research hypotheses. The study's findings indicate that the combined effect of Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, Product descriptions on company ethical and sustainability practices does not have a statistically significant impact on Consumer Purchase Intentions. The F-statistic for this regression model is 1.225, suggesting that the independent variables jointly do not play a significant role in shaping the Consumer Purchase Intention. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, indicating that these factors do not significantly influence consumer purchase intentions. However, when considering individual predictors, it was found that some variables, such as Age tiers, Price, and Quality, have a statistically significant impact on Consumer Purchase Intentions. These factors independently influence consumer purchase intentions. The F-statistic for the regression model that includes these variables is 10.775, indicating that the model is statistically significant. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis cannot be rejected, suggesting that the combined presence of Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, product descriptions on company ethical and sustainability practices, age, gender, price, and quality significantly affects Consumer Purchase Intentions. Additionally, the study examined the influence of the presence of high and low involvement products on the relationship between Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, the product description on company ethical and sustainability practices, and Consumer Purchase Intentions. The F-statistic for this regression model is statistically significant, supporting the hypothesis that the presence of high and low involvement products affects the relationship between these variables and Consumer Purchase Intentions. These findings contribute to the understanding of consumer behavior and can guide marketing strategies aimed at enhancing purchase intentions for both high and low involvement products. It is therefore recommended that the level of consumer involvement with the product should guide the selection and implementation of digital marketing channels. For high involvement products, brands should focus on channels that provide in-depth information, facilitate research, and enable comparisons, such as search engine marketing, search engine optimization, and dedicated brand websites. For low involvement products, brands should emphasize channels that create brand awareness, trigger impulse buying, and provide convenience, such as social media advertising, email marketing, and mobile apps. Keywords: Digital Marketing Channels, Consumer Purchase Intentions, High Involvement Products, Low Involvement Products, Online Advertisement, Blogs and Websites, Product description on the company’s ethical and sustainability measures

    Exploring the Influence of Digital Marketing Channels on Consumer Purchase Intentions on High Involvement vs Low Involvement Products

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    This executive summary provides an overview of a research study that explored the influence of digital marketing channels on consumer purchase intentions for high involvement versus low involvement products. The study utilized a cross-sectional research design and employed an online survey through Google Forms to collect data from customers in Norway. The data were analyzed using linear regression analysis and their interaction effects to examine the relationships between variables and test the research hypotheses. The study's findings indicate that the combined effect of Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, Product descriptions on company ethical and sustainability practices does not have a statistically significant impact on Consumer Purchase Intentions. The F-statistic for this regression model is 1.225, suggesting that the independent variables jointly do not play a significant role in shaping the Consumer Purchase Intention. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis is rejected, indicating that these factors do not significantly influence consumer purchase intentions. However, when considering individual predictors, it was found that some variables, such as Age tiers, Price, and Quality, have a statistically significant impact on Consumer Purchase Intentions. These factors independently influence consumer purchase intentions. The F-statistic for the regression model that includes these variables is 10.775, indicating that the model is statistically significant. Therefore, the alternative hypothesis cannot be rejected, suggesting that the combined presence of Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, product descriptions on company ethical and sustainability practices, age, gender, price, and quality significantly affects Consumer Purchase Intentions. Additionally, the study examined the influence of the presence of high and low involvement products on the relationship between Online Advertisements, Blogs and websites, the product description on company ethical and sustainability practices, and Consumer Purchase Intentions. The F-statistic for this regression model is statistically significant, supporting the hypothesis that the presence of high and low involvement products affects the relationship between these variables and Consumer Purchase Intentions. These findings contribute to the understanding of consumer behavior and can guide marketing strategies aimed at enhancing purchase intentions for both high and low involvement products. It is therefore recommended that the level of consumer involvement with the product should guide the selection and implementation of digital marketing channels. For high involvement products, brands should focus on channels that provide in-depth information, facilitate research, and enable comparisons, such as search engine marketing, search engine optimization, and dedicated brand websites. For low involvement products, brands should emphasize channels that create brand awareness, trigger impulse buying, and provide convenience, such as social media advertising, email marketing, and mobile apps. Keywords: Digital Marketing Channels, Consumer Purchase Intentions, High Involvement Products, Low Involvement Products, Online Advertisement, Blogs and Websites, Product description on the company’s ethical and sustainability measures

    Prevalence of metabolic syndrome among Fars ethnic women in North East of Iran

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    The metabolic syndrome is described by the clustering of several risk factors for cardiovascular disease. This study aimed to assess the metabolic syndrome among Fars ethnic women in Gorgan, Capital City of Golestan province, North East of Iran. The study conducted on the hundred and sixty Fars women (20- 40years) who were referred to the Health Centers in Gorgan. Metabolic syndrome was diagnosed using Adult Treatment Panel-III (ATP-III) guidelines. The mean triglyceride, total cholesterol, waist circumferences and fasting blood glucose levels were significantly higher in the subjects with metabolic syndrome, but the mean HDL-cholesterol was lower (p< 0.05). The prevalence of metabolic syndrome was 20.62%. High abdominal obesity and low HDL-cholesterol level are the most frequent characteristics in comparison to other metabolic components. According to our results, 13.75%, 5.62%and 1.25% had three, four and five criteria for metabolic syndrome, respectively. Low HDL-cholesterol and high waist circumference were the most usual factors of metabolic abnormality among women. Prevalence of cardiovascular diseases might be increased. We have shown some related factors of metabolic syndrome in these women to predict metabolic syndrome in these ethnic groups and help to prevent cardiovascular disease. © IDOSI Publications, 2012

    On characterization of the core of lane covering games via dual solutions

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    The lane covering game (LCG) is a cooperative game where players cooperate to reduce the cost of cycles that cover their required lanes on a network. We discuss the possibilities/impossibilities of a complete characterization of the core via dual solutions in LCGs played among a collection of shippers, each with a number of service require-ments along some lanes, and show that such a complete characterization is possible if each shipper has at most one service requirement

    On Transshipment Games with Identical Newsvendors

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    In a transshipment game, supply chain agents cooperate to transship surplus products. This note studies the effect of size of transshipment coalitions on the optimal production/order quantities. It characterizes these quantities for transshipment games with identical newsvendors and normally distributed market demands. It also gives a closed form formula for equal allocation in their cores

    Decision-making models in mining:the case example of the Golgohar 6 iron ore deposit, Iran

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    This research is divided into two general sections. First, the significance and purpose of the study are examined according to conditions of iron ore production and consumption. This part is focused on iron ore resources, extraction and consumption in Iran and the world. Then, comparison of demand and supply of iron ore and reasons why iron ore production will increase are explained, such as population and urbanisation growth, industrial development, new extraction technology, and specially in Iran the availability of inexpensive energy and establishment of new steel plants. Iron ore exploration results in Iran identify new iron ore deposits, such as Golgohar 6, D19 and A13, which have a high amount of overburden. Open pit mining for these deposits is not evident and needs careful evaluation. The selection of the mining method is very important for mine design, particularly for low-grade and deep deposits. The major factors in the selection of the mining method are the geometry of the ore body, extraction rate, economic and technical factors. A critical assessment of these factors would be helpful for the decision process. Therefore, the second part of this research provides a systematic evaluation of mining methods in iron ore deposits, with particular focus on the application of fuzzy set theory. Three procedures for the selection of a mining method are applied: Qualitative method Numerical ranking method Decision-making model This work is mainly focused on a decision-making model based on fuzzy set theory. While the qualitative method mainly defines possible extraction methods, the numeric ranking method and the decision-making model compare alternative mining methods. This approach is applied to the Golgohar iron ore district which is one of four iron ore regions in Iran. In the Golgohar area, six iron ore deposits are recognized by airborne surveying, and Golgohar 6 is one of the deepest deposits. The resource of Golgohar 6 amounts to 65 million tonnes with a grade of 56% Fe. The thickness of the orebody is about 100 m and the depth is between 500 to 600 m below surface. Exploration activities for Golgohar 6 include geological investigation, geophysical measurements (airborne surveying, magnetometry and gravimetry), core drilling, sampling and analysis. The application of the above selection procedures for the Golgohar 6 deposit defines that both the surface mining and the sublevel stoping method are appropriate extraction methods. The preliminary economic study of surface mining with shovel and truck versus surface mining with semi-mobile crusher and conveyor as well as sublevel stoping constrains the most suitable mining method for the current information level of the Golgohar 6 exploration project. However, the density of the current exploration data (indicated mineral resources) is not sufficient for making a final decision on the mining method. The continuation of exploration activities and more exploration drilling (the spacing between the drill holes should be 50 m or less) are necessary.Diese Forschungsarbeit ist in zwei allgemeine Bereiche unterteilt. Als erstes werden die Bedeu-tung und der Zweck dieser Studie in Bezug auf die Produktions- und Verbrauchsumstände von Eisenerz untersucht. Dieser Teil der Studie konzentriert sich auf Eisenerzvorräte, –abbau und –verbrauch im Iran und weltweit. Anschließend werden sowohl der Vergleich zwischen Nach-frage und Angebot als auch Gründe für die Steigerung der Produktion, z.B. Bevölkerungs-wachstum und zunehmende Urbanisierung, industrielle Entwicklung, neue Abbautechnologien sowie, besonders im Iran, die Verfügbarkeit günstiger Energie und die Errichtung neuer Stahl-fabriken, erklärt. Anhand von Ergebnissen der Eisenerzerkundung im Iran wurden neue Eisen-erzlagerstätten, z.B. Golgohar 6, D19 und A13 identifiziert, die mit Deckgebirge mit einer hohen Mächtigkeit überlagert sind. Aus diesem Grund ist Tagebau für diese Lagerstätten nicht zwei-felsfrei geeignet und bedarf einer sorgfältigen Auswertung. Die Auswahl der Abbaumethode ist für die Bergwerksplanung sehr wichtig, insbesondere für niederwertige und tiefliegende Lagerstätten. Entscheidende Auswahlkriterien, die für die Ab-baumethode eine Rolle spielen sind die Geometrie des Erzvorkommens, das Ausbringen sowie wirtschaftliche und technische Faktoren. Eine kritische Bewertung dieser Faktoren wäre für den Entscheidungsprozess förderlich. Aus diesem Grund liefert der zweite Teil dieser Forschungsarbeit eine systematische Bewer-tung der Abbaumethoden, die in Eisenerzlagerstätten angewendet werden, mit besonderem Fokus auf die Anwendung der Fuzzy Set Theorie. Drei Verfahren werden für die Auswahl einer Abbaumethode angewendet: qualitatives Verfahren numerische Rangbestimmung Entscheidungsmodell Gegenstand dieser Arbeit ist hauptsächlich ein Entscheidungsmodell, das auf der Fuzzy Set Theorie basiert. Während das qualitative Verfahren vorwiegend die möglichen Abbaumethoden definiert, vergleichen die numerische Rangbestimmung und das Entscheidungsmodel alterna-tive Abbaumethoden. Diese Herangehensweise wird auf das Golgohar Eisenerzrevier ange-wendet, welches eine der vier Eisenerzregionen im Iran ist. Sechs Eisenerzlagerstätten wurden im Golgohar Gebiet durch Luftvermessung identifiziert, Golgohar 6 ist eine der tiefsten Lager-stätten. Die Ressourcen in Golgohar 6 belaufen sich auf 65 Millionen Tonnen mit einem Durch-schnittsgehalt von 56% Fe. Die Mächtigkeit des Erzkörpers beträgt ca. 100 m und die Teufe liegt zwischen 500 und 600 m unter der Erdoberfläche. Erkundungsaktivitäten für Golgohar 6 umfassen geologische Untersuchungen, geophysikalische Messungen (Luftvermessung, Mag-netometrie und Gravimetrie), Kernbohrungen, Probenentnahme und –analyse. Die Anwendung der oben genannten Auswahlverfahren auf die Golgohar 6 Lagerstätte stellt fest, dass sowohl Tagebau als auch Mehrscheibenabbau geeignete Abbaumethoden sind. Die vorläufige Wirtschaftlichkeitsstudie vergleicht drei Optionen: Tagebau mit Schaufelbaggern und Lkws, Tagebau mit semimobilen Brechern und Mehrscheibenabbau und stellt fest, dass beim derzeitigen Kenntnisstand zum Golgohar 6 Erkundungsprojekt Tagebau mit semimobilen Bre-chern die geeignetste Abbaumethode ist. Allerdings reicht die Dichte der aktuellen Erkun-dungsdaten (angezeigte Ressourcen) nicht aus, um eine endgültige Entscheidung zur Abbau-methode zu treffen. Eine Fortsetzung der Erkundungsaktivitäten und weitere Erkundungsboh-rungen (der Abstand zwischen den Bohrungen sollte 50 m oder weniger sein) sind erforderlich
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