19 research outputs found

    Increased recruitment of endogenous stem cells and chondrogenic differentiation by a composite scaffold containing bone marrow homing peptide for cartilage regeneration

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    Even small cartilage defects could finally degenerate to osteoarthritis if left untreated, owing to the poor self-healing ability of articular cartilage. Stem cell transplantation has been well implemented as a common approach in cartilage tissue engineering but has technical complexity and safety concerns. The stem cell homing-based technique emerged as an alternative promising therapy for cartilage repair to overcome traditional limitations. In this study, we constructed a composite hydrogel scaffold by combining an oriented acellular cartilage matrix (ACM) with a bone marrow homing peptide (BMHP)-functionalized self-assembling peptide (SAP). We hypothesized that increased recruitment of endogenous stem cells by the composite scaffold could enhance cartilage regeneration. Methods: To test our hypothesis, in vitro proliferation, attachment and chondrogenic differentiation of rabbit mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) were tested to confirm the bioactivities of the functionalized peptide hydrogel. The composite scaffold was then implanted into full-thickness cartilage defects on rabbit knee joints for cartilage repair, in comparison with microfracture or other sample groups. Stem cell recruitment was monitored by dual labeling with CD29 and CD90 under confocal microcopy at 1 week after implantation, followed by chondrogenic differentiation examined by qRT-PCR. Repaired tissue of the cartilage defects was evaluated by histological and immunohistochemistry staining, microcomputed tomography (micro-CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) at 3 and 6 months post-surgery. Macroscopic and histological scoring was done to evaluate the optimal in vivo repair outcomes of this composite scaffold. Results: The functionalized SAP hydrogels could stimulate rabbit MSC proliferation, attachment and chondrogenic differentiation during in vitro culture. At 7 days after implantation, increased recruitment of MSCs based on CD29(+)/CD90(+) double-positive cells was found in vivo in the composite hydrogel scaffold, as well as upregulation of cartilage-associated genes (aggrecan, Sox9 and type II collagen). After 3 and 6 months post-surgery, the articular cartilage defect in the composite scaffold-treated group was fully covered with cartilage-like tissue with a smooth surface, which was similar to the surrounding native cartilage, according to the results of histological and immunohistochemistry staining, micro-CT and MRI analysis. Macroscopic and histological scoring confirmed that the quality of cartilage repair was significantly improved with implantation of the composite scaffold at each timepoint, in comparison with microfracture or other sample groups. Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated that the composite scaffold could enhance endogenous stem cell homing and chondrogenic differentiation and significantly improve the therapeutic outcome of chondral defects. The present study provides a promising approach for in vivo cartilage repair without cell transplantation. Optimization of this strategy may offer great potential and benefits for clinical application in the future

    Correlation between Fracture Morphology and Microstructural Evolution during Long-Term Aging of EK61 Superalloy

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    Microstructural evolutions of EK61 superalloy during long-term aging until 1000 h at 700°C and 750°C, respectively, are studied by combination of Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM). Impact fracture morphologies after aging for different time are observed by the SEM. The microstructure is found to be relatively stable during aging at 700°C, and the fracture morphologies are characterized by transgranular fracture. At 750°C, the coarsening of γ′ phase leads the reduction of the quantity of dimples, the chainization of carbides on grain boundaries leads to intergranular fracture, and the netting of η phases within grains leads to the formation of lamellar cleavage steps. It is obvious that the destabilization of precipitated phases affects fracture morphology significantly. The relationship between fracture morphology and the microstructure promotes the evaluation of service reliability of EK61 superalloy

    Insight into the Acidity and Catalytic Performance on Butane Isomerization of Thermal Stable Sulfated Monoclinic Zirconia

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    Sulfated monoclinic zirconia (M-SZ) with high thermal stability and high catalytic performance on butane isomerization were obtained by hydrothermal method followed with sulfation treatment. The acidity of M-SZ was studied by 31P MAS NMR, with trimethylphosphine (TMP) as the probe molecule, and the catalytic performance of 1-13C-n-butane over M-SZ was monitored by 13C MAS NMR spectroscopy. Both Brønsted and Lewis acids were observed on M-SZ. Only Brønsted acid strength shows close relation to the activation energy of butane isomerization, and the M-SZ catalyst with the strongest Brønsted acid strength shows the lowest activation energy of 46.4 kJ·mol−1. The catalytic stability tests were evaluated at 673 K for 240 h, which shows that sulfated monoclinic zirconia has higher thermal stability than sulfated tetragonal zirconia

    Studies on the Photoinduced Interaction between Zn(II) Porphyrin and Colloidal TiO2

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    The interaction of Zn(II) porphyrin (ZnPP) with colloidal TiO2 was studied by absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy. The fluorescence emission of ZnPP was quenched by colloidal TiO2 upon excitation of its absorption band. The quenching rate constant (kq) is 1.24×1011 M−1 s−1. These data indicate that there is an interaction between ZnPP and colloidal TiO2 nanoparticle surface. The quenching mechanism is discussed on the basis of the quenching rate constant as well as the reduction potential of the colloidal TiO2. And the mechanism of electron transfer has been confirmed by the calculation of free energy change (ΔGet) by applying Rehm-Weller equation as well as energy level diagram

    Fabrication and In Vitro Study of Tissue-Engineered Cartilage Scaffold Derived from Wharton’s Jelly Extracellular Matrix

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    The scaffold is a key element in cartilage tissue engineering. The components of Wharton’s jelly are similar to those of articular cartilage and it also contains some chondrogenic growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factor I and transforming growth factor-β. We fabricated a tissue-engineered cartilage scaffold derived from Wharton’s jelly extracellular matrix (WJECM) and compared it with a scaffold derived from articular cartilage ECM (ACECM) using freeze-drying. The results demonstrated that both WJECM and ACECM scaffolds possessed favorable pore sizes and porosities; moreover, they showed good water uptake ratios and compressive moduli. Histological staining confirmed that the WJECM and ACECM scaffolds contained similar ECM. Moreover, both scaffolds showed good cellular adherence, bioactivity, and biocompatibility. MTT and DNA content assessments confirmed that the ACECM scaffold tended to be more beneficial for improving cell proliferation than the WJECM scaffold. However, RT-qPCR results demonstrated that the WJECM scaffold was more favorable to enhance cellular chondrogenesis than the ACECM scaffold, showing more collagen II and aggrecan mRNA expression. These results were confirmed indirectly by glycosaminoglycan and collagen content assessments and partially confirmed by histology and immunofluorescent staining. In conclusion, these results suggest that a WJECM scaffold may be favorable for future cartilage tissue engineering

    Fabrication and In Vitro Study of Tissue-Engineered Cartilage Scaffold Derived from Wharton's Jelly Extracellular Matrix

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    The scaffold is a key element in cartilage tissue engineering. The components of Wharton's jelly are similar to those of articular cartilage and it also contains some chondrogenic growth factors, such as insulin-like growth factor I and transforming growth factor-beta. We fabricated a tissue-engineered cartilage scaffold derived from Wharton's jelly extracellular matrix (WJECM) and compared it with a scaffold derived from articular cartilage ECM(ACECM) using freeze-drying. The results demonstrated that both WJECM and ACECM scaffolds possessed favorable pore sizes and porosities; moreover, they showed good water uptake ratios and compressive moduli. Histological staining confirmed that the WJECM and ACECM scaffolds contained similar ECM. Moreover, both scaffolds showed good cellular adherence, bioactivity, and biocompatibility. MTT and DNA content assessments confirmed that the ACECM scaffold tended to be more beneficial for improving cell proliferation than the WJECM scaffold. However, RTq-PCR results demonstrated that the WJECM scaffold was more favorable to enhance cellular chondrogenesis than the ACECM scaffold, showing more collagen II and aggrecan mRNA expression. These results were confirmed indirectly by glycosaminoglycan and collagen content assessments and partially confirmed by histology and immunofluorescent staining. In conclusion, these results suggest that a WJECM scaffold may be favorable for future cartilage tissue engineering.National Natural Science Foundation of China [81472092]; High Technology Research and Development Program of China [2012AA020502, 2015AA020303]; National Key Research and Development Program of China [2017YFC1104102, 2017YFC1103404]; Beijing Science and Technology Development Foundation [Z161100005016059]SCI(E)ARTICL