539 research outputs found

    General formulation of the sector-improved residue subtraction

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    The main theoretical tool to provide precise predictions for scattering cross sections of strongly interacting particles is perturbative QCD. Starting at next-to-leading order (NLO) the calculation suffers from unphysical IR-divergences that cancel in the final result. At NLO there exist general subtraction algorithms to treat these divergences during a calculation. Since the LHC demands for more precise theoretical predictions, general subtraction methods at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) are needed. This proceeding outlines the four-dimensional formulation of the sector improved residue subtraction. The subtraction scheme STRIPPER and in particular its extension to arbitrary multiplicities is explained. Therefore, it furnishes a general framework for the calculation of NNLO cross sections in perturbative QCD.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, Proceedings of the 16th International workshop on Advanced Computing and Analysis Techniques in physics research (ACAT) 201

    Four-dimensional formulation of the sector-improved residue subtraction scheme

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    Four years ago, one of us introduced a novel subtraction scheme for the evaluation of double-real radiation contributions to cross sections at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) in QCD. This approach, named SecToR Improved Phase sPacE for Real radiation (STRIPPER), has already found several non-trivial applications. In particular, it has allowed for the determination of NNLO corrections to hadronic top-quark pair production, fully differential top-quark decays, inclusive semileptonic charmless b-quark decays, associated Higgs boson and jet production in gluon fusion, muon decay spin asymmetry, and t-channel single-top production. Common to these calculations was the use of conventional dimensional regularization (CDR). In this publication, we present a complete formulation of the subtraction scheme for arbitrary processes with any number of colored partons in the final state, and up to two partons in the initial state. Furthermore, we modify the integrated subtraction terms of the double-real radiation to enable the introduction of the 't Hooft-Veltman version of dimensional regularization (HV), in which resolved states are four-dimensional. We demonstrate the correctness of our approach on the example of top-quark pair production in the gluon fusion channel.Comment: 60 pages, 5 figures, 9 table

    Bump-hunting in LHC ttbar events

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    We demonstrate that a purposefully normalised NNLO top pair invariant mass differential spectrum can have very small theoretical uncertainty and, in particular, a small sensitivity to the top quark mass. Such observable can thus be a very effective bump-hunting tool for resonances decaying to top pair events during LHC Run II and beyond. To illustrate how the approach works, we concentrate on one specific example of current interest, namely, the possible 750 GeV di-gamma excess resonance Phi. Considering only theoretical uncertainties, we demonstrate that it is possible to distinguish pp -> Phi -> tt signals studied in the recent literature [Hespel, Maltoni and Vryonidou, arXiv:1606.04149] from the pure SM background with very high significance. Alternatively, in case of non-observation, a strong upper limit on the decay rate Phi -> tt can be placed.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, analytic fits attached, plot on top-mass sensitivity for the invariant mass distribution added, appendix on top-mass sensitivity of differential distributions added, minor additional changes and comments, matches published versio


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    In mid-2017, dockless, (or stationless) bikesharing appeared on the streets of Sydney. The birth of dockless bikesharing, its evolution as well as its consequences, and use habits are studied with review of policies and field investigations. It is found that bicycle use in Sydney is less than hoped for, vandalism is high, regulations unfavourable, and thus, the conditions for successful bikesharing are not met

    Time resolved digital holography applied to droplets fragmentation by shockwave

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    International audienceDroplets atomization by shockwave can occur in different issues commonly encountered in the industry such as leak, tank leakage or triple aggression (high speed impact, rupture and surrounded secondary explosion) of tanks. For the last case, shockwave can interact with liquid jets of drops and propagates the liquid far away from the container zone. Very fine secondary droplets can be produced in the worst case of atomization. These small particles can generate secondary effects like explosion in case of petrol derivatives in fire or toxic effects in case of direct breathing. High speed imaging is well suited to study transient phenomenon like explosions and shockwave. A dedicated shockwave generator has been designed to cope with interferometric measurement on holographic bench. This demonstrator is made of thick plastic tubes. The high pressure chamber is isolated from the guiding tube by domestic aluminum foils, the thickness and number of which drive the pressure rupture. Previous works have been carried on by time resolved shadowgraphy to characterize generated shockwave at the guiding tube outlet. This paper deals with time resolved digital holography to perform higher accuracy measurements and of course to reach 3D reconstruction of the whole phenomenon. Lensless in-line digital holography is carried on to improve the stability of the holographic set-up. Different Phantom high speed cameras have been tested as recording sensors, following pixel pitch, pixel size and of course the maximal throughput, from 7kfps (frame per second) up to 26kfps at full 1Mpixel resolution. Different regimes of droplet trains and droplet sizes have been tested. This has also been carried on for different liquids to show the effect of the physico-chemical properties of the liquid subjected to shockwave

    Lateral termination of the north-directed Alpine orogeny and onset of westward escape in the Western Alpine arc: Structural and sedimentary evidence from the external zone

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    31p.International audienceThe initial propagation of the Western Alpine orogen was directed northwestward, as shown by basement-involved and Mesozoic sedimentary cover compressional structures and by the early foreland basins evolution. The crystalline basement of the Dauphine zone recorded three shortening episodes: pre-Priabonian deformation D1 (coeval with the Pyrenean-Provence orogeny), and Alpine shortening events D2 (N-NW directed) and D3 (W-directed). The early Oligocene D2 structures are trending sub-perpendicular to the more recent, arcuate orogen and are interfering with (or truncated by) D3, which marks the onset of westward lateral extrusion. The NW-ward propagating Alpine flexural basin shows earliest Oligocene thin-skinned compressional deformation, with syn-depositional basin-floor tilting and submarine removal of the basin infill above active structures. Gravity enhanced submarine erosion gave birth locally to steep submarine slopes overlain by kilometric-scale blocks slid from the orogenic wedge. The deformations of the basin floor and the associated sedimentary and erosional features indicate a N-NW-ward directed propagation, consistent with D2 in the Dauphine foreland. The Internal zones represent the paleo-accretionary prism developed during this early Alpine continental subduction stage. The early buildup has been curved in the arc and rapidly exhumed during the Oligocene collision stage. Westward extrusion and indenting by the Apulian lithosphere allowed the modern arc to crosscut the western, lateral termination of the ancient orogen from similar to 32 Ma onward. This contrasted evolution leads to propose a palinspastic restoration taking in account important northward transport of the distal passive margin fragments (Brianconnais) involved in the accretionary prism before the formation of the Western Alps arc

    Distinguishing n Hamiltonians on C^n by a single measurement

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    If an experimentalist wants to decide which one of n possible Hamiltonians acting on an n dimensional Hilbert space is present, he can conjugate the time evolution by an appropriate sequence of known unitary transformations in such a way that the different Hamiltonians result in mutual orthogonal final states. We present a general scheme providing such a sequence.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    The effect of options on information acquisition and asset pricing

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    Session - OptionsWe study the effect of introducing an options market on investors' incentive to collect private information in a rational expectation equilibrium model. We show that an options market has two effects on information acquisition: a negative effect, as options act as substitutes for information, and a positive effect, as informed investors have less need for options and can earn profits from selling them. When the population of informed investors is high due to low information acquisition cost, the supply for options is large, leading to low option prices. Low option prices in turn induce investors to use options instead of information to reduce risk, while informed investors earn little profits from selling options to cover their information acquisition cost. Introducing an options market thus decreases investors' incentive to acquire information, and the prices of the underlying assets become less informative, leading to lower prices and higher volatilities. A dynamic extension of this analysis shows that introducing an options market increases the price reactions to earnings announcements. However, when the information acquisition cost is high, the opposite effects arise. Further analysis shows that our results are robust for more general derivatives. These results provide a potentially unified theory to reconcile the conflicting empirical findings on the options listing of individual stocks in both the U.S. market and international markets.postprin
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