506 research outputs found

    State-dependence of climate sensitivity: attractor constraints and palaeoclimate regimes

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    Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) is a key predictor of climate change. However, it is not very well constrained, either by climate models or by observational data. The reasons for this include strong internal variability and forcing on many time scales. In practise this means that the 'equilibrium' will only be relative to fixing the slow feedback processes before comparing palaeoclimate sensitivity estimates with estimates from model simulations. In addition, information from the late Pleistocene ice age cycles indicates that the climate cycles between cold and warm regimes, and the climate sensitivity varies considerably between regime because of fast feedback processes changing relative strength and time scales over one cycle. In this paper we consider climate sensitivity for quite general climate dynamics. Using a conceptual Earth system model of Gildor and Tziperman (2001) (with Milankovich forcing and dynamical ocean biogeochemistry) we explore various ways of quantifying the state-dependence of climate sensitivity from unperturbed and perturbed model time series. Even without considering any perturbations, we suggest that climate sensitivity can be usefully thought of as a distribution that quantifies variability within the 'climate attractor' and where there is a strong dependence on climate state and more specificially on the 'climate regime' where fast processes are approximately in equilibrium. We also consider perturbations by instantaneous doubling of CO2_2 and similarly find a strong dependence on the climate state using our approach.Comment: 32 pages, 10 figure

    Extreme sensitivity and climate tipping points

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    A climate state close to a tipping point will have a degenerate linear response to perturbations, which can be associated with extreme values of the equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS). In this paper we contrast linearized (`instantaneous') with fully nonlinear geometric (`two-point') notions of ECS, in both presence and absence of tipping points. For a stochastic energy balance model of the global mean surface temperature with two stable regimes, we confirm that tipping events cause the appearance of extremes in both notions of ECS. Moreover, multiple regimes with different mean sensitivities are visible in the two-point ECS. We confirm some of our findings in a physics-based multi-box model of the climate system.Comment: 11 figure

    Response maxima in modulated turbulence

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    Isotropic and homogeneous turbulence driven by an energy input modulated in time is studied within a variable range mean-field theory. The response of the system, observed in the second order moment of the large-scale velocity difference D(L,t)=>~Re(t)^2$, is calculated for varying modulation frequencies w and weak modulation amplitudes. For low frequencies the system follows the modulation of the driving with almost constant amplitude, whereas for higher driving frequencies the amplitude of the response decreases on average 1/w. In addition, at certain frequencies the amplitude of the response either almost vanishes or is strongly enhanced. These frequencies are connected with the frequency scale of the energy cascade and multiples thereof.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    The Mid-Pleistocene Transition induced by delayed feedback and bistability

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    The Mid-Pleistocene Transition, the shift from 41 kyr to 100 kyr glacial-interglacial cycles that occurred roughly 1 Myr ago, is often considered as a change in internal climate dynamics. Here we revisit the model of Quaternary climate dynamics that was proposed by Saltzman and Maasch (1988). We show that it is quantitatively similar to a scalar equation for the ice dynamics only when combining the remaining components into a single delayed feedback term. The delay is the sum of the internal times scales of ocean transport and ice sheet dynamics, which is on the order of 10 kyr. We find that, in the absence of astronomical forcing, the delayed feedback leads to bistable behaviour, where stable large-amplitude oscillations of ice volume and an equilibrium coexist over a large range of values for the delay. We then apply astronomical forcing. We perform a systematic study to show how the system response depends on the forcing amplitude. We find that over a wide range of forcing amplitudes the forcing leads to a switch from small-scale oscillations of 41 kyr to large-amplitude oscillations of roughly 100 kyr without any change of other parameters. The transition in the forced model consistently occurs near the time of the Mid-Pleistocene Transition as observed in data records. This provides evidence that the MPT could have been primarily a forcing-induced switch between attractors of the internal dynamics. Small additional random disturbances make the forcing-induced transition near 800 kyr BP even more robust. We also find that the forced system forgets its initial history during the small-scale oscillations, in particular, nearby initial conditions converge prior to transitioning. In contrast to this, in the regime of large-amplitude oscillations, the oscillation phase is very sensitive to random perturbations, which has a strong effect on the timing of the deglaciation events

    Vulnerabilities in first-generation RFID-enabled credit cards

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    Credit cards ; Radio frequency identification systems

    Three-phase coexistence with sequence partitioning in symmetric random block copolymers

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    We inquire about the possible coexistence of macroscopic and microstructured phases in random Q-block copolymers built of incompatible monomer types A and B with equal average concentrations. In our microscopic model, one block comprises M identical monomers. The block-type sequence distribution is Markovian and characterized by the correlation \lambda. Upon increasing the incompatibility \chi\ (by decreasing temperature) in the disordered state, the known ordered phases form: for \lambda\ > \lambda_c, two coexisting macroscopic A- and B-rich phases, for \lambda\ < \lambda_c, a microstructured (lamellar) phase with wave number k(\lambda). In addition, we find a fourth region in the \lambda-\chi\ plane where these three phases coexist, with different, non-Markovian sequence distributions (fractionation). Fractionation is revealed by our analytically derived multiphase free energy, which explicitly accounts for the exchange of individual sequences between the coexisting phases. The three-phase region is reached, either, from the macroscopic phases, via a third lamellar phase that is rich in alternating sequences, or, starting from the lamellar state, via two additional homogeneous, homopolymer-enriched phases. These incipient phases emerge with zero volume fraction. The four regions of the phase diagram meet in a multicritical point (\lambda_c, \chi_c), at which A-B segregation vanishes. The analytical method, which for the lamellar phase assumes weak segregation, thus proves reliable particularly in the vicinity of (\lambda_c, \chi_c). For random triblock copolymers, Q=3, we find the character of this point and the critical exponents to change substantially with the number M of monomers per block. The results for Q=3 in the continuous-chain limit M -> \infty are compared to numerical self-consistent field theory (SCFT), which is accurate at larger segregation.Comment: 24 pages, 19 figures, version published in PRE, main changes: Sec. IIIA, Fig. 14, Discussio

    Projections of the Transient State-Dependency of Climate Feedbacks

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    When the climate system is forced, e.g. by emission of greenhouse gases, it responds on multiple time scales. As temperatures rise, feedback processes might intensify or weaken. Current methods to analyze feedback strength, however, do not take such state dependency into account; they only consider changes in (global mean) temperature and assume all feedbacks are linearly related to that. This makes (transient) changes in feedback strengths almost intangible and generally leads to underestimation of future warming. Here, we present a multivariate (and spatially explicit) framework that facilitates dissection of climate feedbacks over time scales. Using this framework, information on the composition of projected (transient) future climates and feedback strengths can be obtained. Moreover, it can be used to make projections for many emission scenarios through linear response theory. The new framework is illustrated using the Community Earth System Model version 2 (CESM2).Comment: main text: 11 pages, 4 figures, 1 table Supporting Information: 14 pages, 17 figures, 1 table, 8 movie

    Multivariate Estimations of Equilibrium Climate Sensitivity from Short Transient Warming Simulations

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    One of the most used metrics to gauge the effects of climate change is the equilibrium climate sensitivity, defined as the long-term (equilibrium) temperature increase resulting from instantaneous doubling of atmospheric CO2_2. Since global climate models cannot be fully equilibrated in practice, extrapolation techniques are used to estimate the equilibrium state from transient warming simulations. Because of the abundance of climate feedbacks - spanning a wide range of temporal scales - it is hard to extract long-term behaviour from short-time series; predominantly used techniques are only capable of detecting the single most dominant eigenmode, thus hampering their ability to give accurate long-term estimates. Here, we present an extension to those methods by incorporating data from multiple observables in a multi-component linear regression model. This way, not only the dominant but also the next-dominant eigenmodes of the climate system are captured, leading to better long-term estimates from short, non-equilibrated time series.Comment: Main Text (10 pages, 4 figures) plus Supporting Information (36 pages, 18 figures, 1 table

    The relationship between the global mean deep-sea and surface temperature during the Early Eocene

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    EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria 23-27 May 2022, https://doi.org/10.5194/egushere-egu22-9897 Under continued high anthropogenic CO2 emissions, the atmospheric CO2 concentration around 2100 will be like that of the Early Eocene Climate Optimum (EECO, 56–48 Ma) hothouse period. Hence, reconstructions of the EECO climate give insight into the workings of the climate system under the possible future CO2 conditions. Our current understanding of global mean surface temperature (GMST) during the Cenozoic era relies on paleo-proxy estimates of deep-sea temperature (DST) combined with assumed relationships between global mean DST (GMDST), global mean sea-surface temperature (GMSST), and GMST. The validity of these assumptions is essential in our understanding of past and future climate states under hothouse conditions. We analyse the relationship between these global temperature indicators for the end-of-simulation global mean temperature values in 25 different millennia-long model simulations of the EECO climate under varying CO2 levels, performed as part of the Deep-Time Model Intercomparison Project (DeepMIP). The model simulations show limited spatial variability in DST, indicating that local DST estimates can be regarded representative of GMDST. Linear regression analysis indicates that GMDST and GMST respond stronger to changes in atmospheric CO2 than GMSST by factors 1.18 and 1.17, respectively. Consequently, the responses of GMDST and GMST to atmospheric CO2 changes are similar in magnitude. This model-based analysis indicates that changes in GMDST can be used to estimate changes in GMST during the EECO, validating the assumed relationships. To test the robustness of these results, other Cenozoic climate states besides EECO should be analysed similarly
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