952 research outputs found

    Metamagnetism and Lifshitz Transitions in Models for Heavy Fermions

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    We investigate metamagnetic transitions in models for heavy fermions by considering the doped Kondo lattice model in two dimensions. Results are obtained within the framework of dynamical mean field and dynamical cluster approximations. Universal magnetization curves for different temperatures and Kondo couplings develop upon scaling with the lattice coherence temperature. Furthermore, the coupling of the local moments to the magnetic field is varied to take into account the different Land\'e factors of localized and itinerant electrons. The competition between the lattice coherence scale and the Zeeman energy scale allows for two interpretations of the metamagnetism in heavy fermions: Kondo breakdown or Lifshitz transitions. By tracking the single-particle residue through the transition, we can uniquely conclude in favor of the Lifshitz transition scenario. In this scenario, a quasiparticle band drops below the Fermi energy which leads to a change in topology of the Fermi surface.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Interactions and magnetic moments near vacancies and resonant impurities in graphene

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    The effect of electronic interactions in graphene with vacancies or resonant scatterers is investigated. We apply dynamical mean-field theory in combination with quantum Monte Carlo simulations, which allow us to treat non-perturbatively quantum fluctuations beyond Hartree-Fock approximations. The interactions narrow the width of the resonance and induce a Curie magnetic susceptibility, signaling the formation of local moments. The absence of saturation of the susceptibility at low temperatures suggests that the coupling between the local moment and the conduction electrons is ferromagnetic

    Entanglement at the boundary of spin chains near a quantum critical point and in systems with boundary critical points

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    We analyze the entanglement properties of spins (qubits) attached to the boundary of spin chains near quantum critical points, or to dissipative environments, near a boundary critical point, such as Kondo-like systems or the dissipative two level system. In the first case, we show that the properties of the entanglement are significantly different from those for bulk spins. The influence of the proximity to a transition is less marked at the boundary. In the second case, our results indicate that the entanglement changes abruptly at the point where coherent quantum oscillations cease to exist. The phase transition modifies significantly less the entanglement.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Dynamics of Magnetic Defects in Heavy Fermion LiV2O4 from Stretched Exponential 7Li NMR Relaxation

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    7Li NMR measurements on LiV2O4 from 0.5 to 4.2 K are reported. A small concentration of magnetic defects within the structure drastically changes the 7Li nuclear magnetization relaxation versus time from a pure exponential as in pure LiV2O4 to a stretched exponential, indicating glassy behavior of the magnetic defects. The stretched exponential function is described as arising from a distribution of 7Li nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rates and we present a model for the distribution in terms of the dynamics of the magnetic defects. Our results explain the origin of recent puzzling 7Li NMR literature data on LiV2O4 and our model is likely applicable to other glassy systems.Comment: Four typeset pages including four figure

    Generic susceptibilities of the half-filled Hubbard model in infinite dimensions

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    Around a metal-to-insulator transition driven by repulsive interaction (Mott transition) the single particle excitations and the collective excitations are equally important. Here we present results for the generic susceptibilities at zero temperature in the half-filled Hubbard model in infinite dimensions. Profiting from the high resolution of dynamic density-matrix renormalization at all energies, results for the charge, spin and Cooper-pair susceptibilities in the metallic and the insulating phase are computed. In the insulating phase, an almost saturated local magnetic moment appears. In the metallic phase a pronounced low-energy peak is found in the spin response.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures; slight changes and one additional figure due to referees' suggestion

    Scaling and Decoherence in the Out-of-Equilibrium Kondo Model

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    We study the Kondo effect in quantum dots in an out-of-equilibrium state due to an applied dc-voltage bias. Using the method of infinitesimal unitary transformations (flow equations), we develop a perturbative scaling picture that naturally contains both equilibrium coherent and non-equilibrium decoherence effects. This framework allows one to study the competition between Kondo effect and current-induced decoherence, and it establishes a large regime dominated by single-channel Kondo physics for asymmetrically coupled quantum dots.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures; v2: minor changes (typos corrected, esp. in Eqs. (3), (4), references updated, improved layout for figures

    Optical study of archetypical valence-fluctuating Eu-systems

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    We have investigated the optical conductivity of the prominent valence fluctuating compounds EuIr2Si2 and EuNi2P2 in the infrared energy range to get new insights into the electronic properties of valence fluctuating systems. For both compounds we observe upon cooling the formation of a renormalized Drude response, a partial suppression of the optical conductivity below 100 meV and the appearance of a mid-infrared peak at 0.15 eV for EuIr2Si2 and at 0.13 eV for EuNi2P2. Most remarkably, our results show a strong similarity with the optical spectra reported for many Ce- or Yb-based heavy fermion metals and intermediate valence systems, although the phase diagrams and the temperature dependence of the valence differ strongly between Eu- and Ce-/Yb-systems. This suggests that the hybridization between 4f- and conduction electrons, which is responsible for the properties of Ce- and Yb-systems, plays an important role in valence fluctuating Eu-systems

    Assisted hopping and interaction effects in impurity models

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    We study, using Numerical Renormalization Group methods, the generalization of the Anderson impurity model where the hopping depends on the filling of the impurity. We show that the model, for sufficiently large values of the assisted hopping term, shows a regime where local pairing correlations are enhanced. These correlations involve pairs fluctuating between on site and nearest neighbor positions

    Role of the van Hove Singularity in the Quantum Criticality of the Hubbard Model

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    A quantum critical point (QCP), separating the non-Fermi liquid region from the Fermi liquid, exists in the phase diagram of the 2D Hubbard model [Vidhyadhiraja et. al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 206407 (2009)]. Due to the vanishing of the critical temperature associated with a phase separation transition, the QCP is characterized by a vanishing quasiparticle weight. Near the QCP, the pairing is enhanced since the real part of the bare d-wave p-p susceptibility exhibits algebraic divergence with decreasing temperature, replacing the logarithmic divergence found in a Fermi liquid [Yang et. al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 047004 (2011)]. In this paper we explore the single-particle and transport properties near the QCP. We focus mainly on a van Hove singularity (vHS) coming from the relatively flat dispersion that crosses the Fermi level near the quantum critical filling. The flat part of the dispersion orthogonal to the antinodal direction remains pinned near the Fermi level for a range of doping that increases when we include a negative next-near-neighbor hopping t' in the model. For comparison, we calculate the bare d-wave pairing susceptibility for non-interacting models with the usual two-dimensional tight binding dispersion and a hypothetical quartic dispersion. We find that neither model yields a vHS that completely describes the critical algebraic behavior of the bare d-wave pairing susceptibility. The resistivity, thermal conductivity, thermopower, and the Wiedemann-Franz Law are examined in the Fermi liquid, marginal Fermi liquid, and pseudo-gap doping regions. A negative next-near-neighbor hopping t' increases the doping region with marginal Fermi liquid character. Both T and negative t' are relevant variables for the QCP, and both the transport and the motion of the vHS with filling suggest that they are qualitatively similar in their effect.Comment: 15 pages, 17 figure
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