2,176 research outputs found
Solving real time evolution problems by constructing excitation operators
In this paper we study the time evolution of an observable in the interacting
fermion systems driven out of equilibrium. We present a method for solving the
Heisenberg equations of motion by constructing excitation operators which are
defined as the operators A satisfying [H,A]=\lambda A. It is demonstrated how
an excitation operator and its excitation energy \lambda can be calculated. By
an appropriate supposition of the form of A we turn the problem into the one of
diagonalizing a series of matrices whose dimension depends linearly on the size
of the system. We perform this method to calculate the evolution of the
creation operator in a toy model Hamiltonian which is inspired by the Hubbard
model and the nonequilibrium current through the single impurity Anderson
model. This method is beyond the traditional perturbation theory in
Keldysh-Green's function formalism, because the excitation energy \lambda is
modified by the interaction and it will appear in the exponent in the function
of time.Comment: 8 page
Tunneling exponents sensitive to impurity scattering in quantum wires
We show that the scaling exponent for tunneling into a quantum wire in the
"Coulomb Tonks gas" regime of impenetrable, but otherwise free, electrons is
affected by impurity scattering in the wire. The exponent for tunneling into
such a wire thus depends on the conductance through the wire. This striking
effect originates from a many-body scattering resonance reminiscent of the
Kondo effect. The predicted anomalous scaling is stable against weak
perturbations of the ideal Tonks gas limit at sufficiently high energies,
similar to the phenomenology of a quantum critical point.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures; slightly extended version of the published
The Crooks relation in optical spectra - universality in work distributions for weak local quenches
We show that work distributions and non-equilibrium work fluctuation theorems
can be measured in optical spectra for a wide class of quantum systems. We
consider systems where the absorption or emission of a photon corresponds to
the sudden switch on or off of a local perturbation. For the particular case of
a weak local perturbation, the Crooks relation establishes a universal relation
in absorption as well as in emission spectra. Due to a direct relation between
the spectra and work distribution functions this is equivalent to universal
relations in work distributions for weak local quenches. As two concrete
examples we treat the X-ray edge problem and the Kondo exciton.Comment: 4+ pages, 1 figure; version as publishe
Kondo resonance line-shape of magnetic adatoms on decoupling layers
The zero-bias resonance in the dI/dV tunneling spectrum recorded using a
scanning tunneling microscope above a spin-1/2 magnetic adatom (such as Ti)
adsorbed on a decoupling layer on metal surface can be accurately fitted using
the universal spectral function of the Kondo impurity model both at zero field
and at finite external magnetic field. Excellent agreement is found both for
the asymptotic low-energy part and for the high-energy logarithmic tails of the
Kondo resonance. For finite magnetic field, the nonlinear fitting procedure
consists in repeatedly solving the impurity model for different Zeeman energies
in order to obtain accurate spectral functions which are compared with the
experimental dI/dV curves. The experimental results at zero field are
sufficiently restraining to enable an unprecedented reliability in the
determination of the Kondo temperature, while at finite fields the results are
more ambiguous and two different interpretations are proposed
Magnetoconductance through a vibrating molecule in the Kondo regime
The effect of a magnetic field on the equilibrium spectral and transport
properties of a single-molecule junction is studied using the numerical
renormalization group method. The molecule is described by the
Anderson-Holstein model in which a single vibrational mode is coupled to the
electron density. The effect of an applied magnetic field on the conductance in
the Kondo regime is qualitatively different in the weak and strong
electron-phonon coupling regimes. In the former case, the Kondo resonance is
split and the conductance is strongly suppressed by a magnetic field , with the Kondo temperature. In the strong
electron-phonon coupling regime a charge analog of the Kondo effect develops.
In this case the Kondo resonance is not split by the field and the conductance
in the Kondo regime is enhanced in a broad range of values of .Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure
Quantum phase transitions, frustration, and the Fermi surface in the Kondo lattice model
The quantum phase transition from a spin-Peierls phase with a small Fermi
surface to a paramagnetic Luttinger-liquid phase with a large Fermi surface is
studied in the framework of a one-dimensional Kondo-Heisenberg model that
consists of an electron gas away from half filling, coupled to a spin-1/2 chain
by Kondo interactions. The Kondo spins are further coupled to each other with
isotropic nearest-neighbor and next-nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic
Heisenberg interactions which are tuned to the Majumdar-Ghosh point. Focusing
on three-eighths filling and using the density-matrix renormalization-group
(DMRG) method, we show that the zero-temperature transition between the phases
with small and large Fermi momenta appears continuous, and involves a new
intermediate phase where the Fermi surface is not well defined. The
intermediate phase is spin gapped and has Kondo-spin correlations that show
incommensurate modulations. Our results appear incompatible with the local
picture for the quantum phase transition in heavy fermion compounds, which
predicts an abrupt change in the size of the Fermi momentum.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure
Numerical renormalization-group study of the Bose-Fermi Kondo model
We extend the numerical renormalization-group method to Bose-Fermi Kondo
models (BFKMs), describing a local moment coupled to a conduction band and a
dissipative bosonic bath.
We apply the method to the Ising-symmetry BFKM with a bosonic bath spectral
function , of interest in connection with
heavy-fermion criticality. For , an interacting critical point,
characterized by hyperscaling of exponents and -scaling, describes a
quantum phase transition between Kondo-screened and localized phases.
Connection is made to other results for the BFKM and the spin-boson model.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
Entanglement of Two Impurities through Electron Scattering
We study how two magnetic impurities embedded in a solid can be entangled by
an injected electron scattering between them and by subsequent measurement of
the electron's state. We start by investigating an ideal case where only the
electronic spin interacts successively through the same unitary operation with
the spins of the two impurities. In this case, high (but not maximal)
entanglement can be generated with a significant success probability. We then
consider a more realistic description which includes both the forward and back
scattering amplitudes. In this scenario, we obtain the entanglement between the
impurities as a function of the interaction strength of the electron-impurity
coupling. We find that our scheme allows us to entangle the impurities
maximally with a significant probability
Spectral Densities of Response Functions for the O(3) Symmetric Anderson and Two Channel Kondo Models
The O(3) symmetric Anderson model is an example of a system which has a
stable low energy marginal Fermi liquid fixed point for a certain choice of
parameters. It is also exactly equivalent, in the large U limit, to a localized
model which describes the spin degrees of freedom of the linear dispersion two
channel Kondo model. We first use an argument based on conformal field theory
to establish this precise equivalence with the two channel model. We then use
the numerical renormalization group (NRG) approach to calculate both
one-electron and two-electron response functions for a range of values of the
interaction strength U. We compare the behaviours about the marginal Fermi
liquid and Fermi liquid fixed points and interpret the results in terms of a
renormalized Majorana fermion picture of the elementary excitations. In the
marginal Fermi liquid case the spectral densities of all the Majorana fermion
modes display a |omega| dependence on the lowest energy scale, and in addition
the zero Majorana mode has a delta function contribution. The weight of this
delta function is studied as a function of the interaction U and is found to
decrease exponentially with U for large U. Using the equivalence with the two
channel Kondo model in the large U limit, we deduce the dynamical spin
susceptibility of the two channel Kondo model over the full frequency range. We
use renormalized perturbation theory to interpret the results and to calculate
the coefficient of the ln omega divergence found in the low frequency behaviour
of the T=0 dynamic susceptibility.Comment: 26 pages, 18 figures, to be published in Eur. Phys. J.
Competition between Kondo screening and indirect magnetic exchange in a quantum box
Nanoscale systems of metal atoms antiferromagnetically exchange coupled to
several magnetic impurities are shown to exhibit an unconventional re-entrant
competition between Kondo screening and indirect magnetic exchange interaction.
Depending on the atomic positions of the magnetic moments, the total
ground-state spin deviates from predictions of standard
Ruderman-Kittel-Kasuya-Yosida perturbation theory. The effect shows up on an
energy scale larger than the level width induced by the coupling to the
environment and is experimentally verifiable by studying magnetic field
dependencies.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, v3 with minor change
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