812 research outputs found

    The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes and its associated health problems in a community-dwelling elderly population.

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    AIMS: Prevalence estimates of Type 2 diabetes and its associated health problems in elderly populations are rare, especially in the very elderly. METHODS: A sample of 15 095 community-dwelling older people aged > or = 75 years were assessed. Type 2 diabetes and associated health problems were identified using self-reporting, general practitioner records, drug histories, and blood and urine measurements. RESULTS: There were 1177 people identified as having Type 2 diabetes mellitus, giving an overall prevalence of 7.8% (95% confidence interval 7.1, 8.5), 9.4% (8.4, 10.5) for men and 6.8% (6.1, 7.6) for women. The age, sex and smoking adjusted odds ratios for various health problems, comparing people with and without diabetes were: low vision 1.6 (1.3, 1.9), proteinuria 1.7 (1.4, 2.1), chronic kidney disease stage 4 or 5 1.5 (1.0, 2.1), angina 1.3 (1.1, 1.6), myocardial infarction 1.5 (1.2, 1.8), cerebrovascular event 2.0 (1.8, 2.1) and foot ulceration 1.7 (1.2, 2.4). CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of Type 2 diabetes is not high in community-dwelling older people, but diabetes was a contributory factor to a number of health problems

    Polyhydroxybutyrate accumulation by a Serratia sp

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    A strain of Serratia sp. showed intracellular electron-transparent inclusion bodies when incubated in the presence of citrate and glycerol 2-phosphate without nitrogen source following pregrowth under carbon-limitation in continuous culture. About 1.3 mmol citrate were consumed per 450 mg\ud biomass, giving a calculated yield of maximally 55% of stored material per g of biomass dry wt. The inclusion bodies were stained with Sudan Black and Nile Red (NR), suggesting a lipid material, which was confirmed as polyhydroxybutyrate (PHB) by analysis of molecular fragments by GC and by FTIR spectroscopy of isolated bio-PHB in comparison with reference material. Multi-parameter flow cytometry in conjunction with NR fluorescence, and electron microscopy, showed that not all cells contained heavy PHB bodies, suggesting the potential for increasing\ud the overall yield. The economic attractiveness is\ud enhanced by the co-production of nanoscale hydroxyapatite\ud (HA), a possible high-value precursor for bone replacement materials

    The effect of Me2_{2}SO overexposure during cryopreservation on HOS TE85 and hMSC viability, growth and quality

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    With the cell therapy industry continuing to grow, the ability to preserve clinical grade cells, including mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs), whilst retaining cell viability and function remains critical for the generation of off-the-shelf therapies. Cryopreservation of MSCs, using slow freezing, is an established process at lab scale. However, the cytotoxicity of cryoprotectants, like Me2_{2}SO, raises questions about the impact of prolonged cell exposure to cryoprotectant at temperatures >0 °C during processing of large cell batches for allogenic therapies prior to rapid cooling in a controlled rate freezer or in the clinic prior to administration. Here we show that exposure of human bone marrow derived MSCs to Me2_{2}SO for ≥1 h before freezing, or after thawing, degrades membrane integrity, short-term cell attachment efficiency and alters cell immunophenotype. After 2 h's exposure to Me2_{2}SO at 37 °C post-thaw, membrane integrity dropped to ∼70% and only ∼50% of cells retained the ability to adhere to tissue culture plastic. Furthermore, only 70% of the recovered MSCs retained an immunophenotype consistent with the ISCT minimal criteria after exposure. We also saw a similar loss of membrane integrity and attachment efficiency after exposing osteoblast (HOS TE85) cells to Me2_{2}SO before, and after, cryopreservation. Overall, these results show that freezing medium exposure is a critical determinant of product quality as process scale increases. Defining and reporting cell sensitivity to freezing medium exposure, both before and after cryopreservation, enables a fair judgement of how scalable a particular cryopreservation process can be, and consequently whether the therapy has commercial feasibility.The authors would like to acknowledge the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC; UK, EP/F500491/1) and Bioprocessing Research Industry Club (BBSRC/BRIC; UK, BB/I017602/1) for their support and funding

    Expansion of human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (hMSCs) in bioreactors using microcarriers: lessons learnt and what the future holds

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    Human mesenchymal stem/stromal cells (hMSCs) present a key therapeutic cellular intervention for use in cell and gene therapy (CGT) applications due to their immunomodulatory properties and multi-differentiation capability. Some of the indications where hMSCs have demonstrated pre-clinical or clinical efficacy to improve outcomes are cartilage repair, acute myocardial infarction, graft versus host disease, Crohn’s disease and arthritis. The current engineering challenge is to produce hMSCs at an affordable price and at a commercially-relevant scale whilst minimising process variability and manual, human operations. By employing bioreactors and microcarriers (due to the adherent nature of hMSCs), it is expected that production costs would decrease due to improved process monitoring and control leading to better consistency and process efficiency, and enabling economies of scale. This approach will result in off the shelf (allogeneic) hMSC-based products becoming more accessible and affordable. Importantly, cell quality, including potency, must be maintained during the bioreactor manufacturing process. This review aims to examine the various factors to be considered when developing a hMSC manufacturing process using microcarriers and bioreactors and their potential impact on the final product. As concluding remarks, gaps in the current literature and potential future areas of research are also discussed

    The role of biopreservation in cell and gene therapy bioprocessing

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    Cell and gene-based therapies represent a novel therapeutic modality that has the potential to provide a treatment option for a range of medical conditions. There are, however, numerous processing and manufacturing challenges that must be addressed before such therapies are considered commercially and clinically viable. A significant challenge associated with the manufacture of such therapies is ensuring cell quality and the product’s critical quality attributes are retained throughout the entire bioprocess. Biopreservation is an important aspect of cell and gene-based therapy bioprocessing, which enables the development of cell banks. It increases process flexibility by providing a shelf-life to the product, enables the storage of intermediates and provides breakpoints within the process. In this article, we summarize the advances and challenges associated with biopreservation of cell and gene therapies

    Design and development of a new ambr250® bioreactor vessel for improved cell and gene therapy applications

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    The emergence of cell and gene therapies has generated significant interest in their clinical and commercial potential. However, these therapies are prohibitively expensive to manufacture and can require extensive time for development due to our limited process knowledge and understanding. The automated ambr250® stirred-tank bioreactor platform provides an effective platform for high-throughput process development. However, the original dual pitched-blade 20 mm impeller and baffles proved sub-optimal for cell therapy candidates that require suspension of microcarriers (e.g. for the culture of adherent human mesenchymal stem cells) or other particles such as activating Dynabeads® (e.g. for the culture of human T-cells). We demonstrate the development of a new ambr250® stirred-tank bioreactor vessel which has been designed specifically to improve the suspension of microcarriers/beads and thereby improve the culture of such cellular systems. The new design is unbaffled and has a single, larger elephant ear impeller. We undertook a range of engineering and physical characterizations to determine which vessel and impeller configuration would be most suitable for suspension based on the minimum agitation speed (NJS) and associated specific power input (P/V)JS. A vessel (diameter, T, = 60 mm) without baffles and incorporating a single elephant ear impeller (diameter 30 mm and 45° pitch-blade angle) was selected as it had the lowest (P/V)JS and therefore potentially, based on Kolmogorov concepts, was the most flexible system. These experimentally-based conclusions were further validated firstly with computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations and secondly experimental studies involving the culture of both T-cells with Dynabeads® and hMSCs on microcarriers. The new ambr250® stirred-tank bioreactor successfully supported the culture of both cell types, with the T-cell culture demonstrating significant improvements compared to the original ambr250® and the hMSC-microcarrier culture gave significantly higher yields compared with spinner flask cultures. The new ambr250® bioreactor vessel design is an effective process development tool for cell and gene therapy candidates and potentially for autologous manufacture too

    Barriers to coastal planning and policy use of environmental research in Aotearoa-New Zealand

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    Identifying barriers to the effective use of science in coastal management of Aotearoa-New Zealand is easy, due to the present lack of complicated governance and management structures, coupled with an emphasis on funding science that includes pathways to implementation. This opinion piece discusses four areas that still hinder effective use of science, all of which are likely to be problematic for other countries. We initially focus on why the science may not be used related to: misunderstandings (linguistic and conceptual differences including indigenous world views); timing of information delivery; uncertainty surrounding the information (knowledge limitations and funding); and top-down constraints (legal systems, politics and institutional objectives). We use Aotearoa-New Zealand examples to demonstrate the barriers operating within each area and discuss three potential solutions. Importantly our analysis indicates that researchers alone cannot transcend these barriers; rather, we need to work as part of an ecosystem, requiring commitment from all society, extending beyond the usual suspects (management agencies). We believe that ecological and systems education from junior school levels through to universities have an important role to play in setting the context to overcome current barriers