110 research outputs found

    Free objects in Banach space theory

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    We survey recent progress on three relevant instances of free objects related to Banach spaces: Lipschitz free spaces generated by metric spaces, holomorphic free spaces generated by open sets and free Banach lattices generated by Banach spaces. Our emphasis will be on the parallelisms among these developments.Comment: 24 page

    Actualización do censo de lobos do norte de Galicia. Valoración crítica sobre metodoloxía e resultados do censo da Xunta de Galicia de 2021-2022

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    O presente artigo presenta os resultados obtidos nunha nova estima dos grupos reprodutores de lobo presentes no norte de Galicia. O traballo de campo foi efectuado os anos 2021 e 2022, de maneira que se actualiza o censo que se abordara en anos anteriores (2019 e 2020). Os resultados obtidos compáranse cos contidos no resume do censo oficial do lobo presentado pola Xunta de Galicia e relativo aos anos 2021-2022. A análise dos resultados do censo oficial e a súa comparativa cos obtidos no presente traballo confirman unha subestima no primeiro de entre un 27.7 e un 43.4 % dos grupos reprodutores existentes nos case 3000 km2 da área de estudo. Finalmente, preséntase unha valoración crítica da metodoloxía aplicada no censo oficial, que explicaría as deficiencias observadas nos resultados

    Novel approach to assessing residual biomass from pruning: A case study in Atlantic Pinus pinaster Ait. timber forests

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    Forestry residual biomass from pruning operations is an important, though little studied, potential resource. Residues normally remain in the stand, since tools for their accurate quantification do not exist and it has no particular end use. Traditional tree biomass estimation models consider the whole-tree, but estimating pruned biomass requires the development of more specific equations. This work provides a modelling approach for assessing biomass along the stem and the corresponding residual biomass from forest pruning, and quantitative results from different pruning intensities in Pinus pinaster Ait. are presented. Two types of models were considered: allometric biomass equations (whole-tree) and biomass ratio equations (tree by height along the stem), and the 2-parameter Weibull distribution function resulted in the best characterization. Diameter at breast height was the best explanatory variable in all equations, and model accuracy increased when models were combined with total tree height for the tree stem and thicker branches, or with crown ratio for the remaining tree crown components. This study provides a powerful tool to estimate residual pruned biomass, enabling its better management as a valuable source of bioenergy, as well as the importance in nutrient balance and fire risk which it plays in a sustainable forestry productionWe thank the Forest Services of the Government of the Principality of Asturias for access to the forests used in this study and for financial support. Thank you to people from CETEMAS (L. González, M. García, P. Vallejo) and SERIDA (J.C. Hernández) for their participation in the fieldwork. Thank you to Ronnie Lendrum for reviewing the English and FORRISK project (Interreg IV B SUDOE 2007–2013) for its support during data analysis. Andrea Hevia was financially supported during fieldwork and data analysis by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through the FPU scholarship program (Reference AP2006-03890)S

    Assessing the effect of pruning and thinning on crown fire hazard in young Atlantic maritime pine forests

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    Management of fuel to minimize crown fire hazard is a key challenge in Atlantic forests, particularly for pine species. However, a better understanding of effectiveness of silvicultural treatments, especially forest pruning, for hazard reduction is required. Here we evaluate pruning and thinning as two essential silvicultural treatments for timber pine forests. Data came from a network of permanent plots of young maritime pine stands in northwestern Spain. Vertical profiles of canopy bulk density were estimated for field data and simulated scenarios of pruning and thinning using individual tree biomass equations. Analyses of variance were conducted to establish the influence of each silvicultural treatment on canopy fuel variables. Results confirm the important role of both pruning and thinning in the mitigation of crown fire hazard, and that the effectiveness of the treatments is related to their intensity. Finally, models to directly estimate the vertical profile of canopy bulk density (CBD) were fitted using the Weibull probability density function and usual stand variables as regressors. The models developed include variables sensitive to pruning and thinning interventions and provide useful information to prevent extreme fire behavior through effective silvicultureWe thank the Forest Services of the Government of the Principality of Asturias for financial support and access to the forests used in this study. Funding during data analysis was provided by projects SCALyFOR (AGL2013-46028-R), GEPRIF (RTA2014-00011-C06-04), PLURIFOR (SOE1/P4/F0112 Interreg SUDOE) and FORRISK (SOE3/P2/F523 Interreg IV B SUDOE). Andrea Hevia was financially supported during fieldwork and data analysis by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science through the FPU scholarship program (Reference AP2006-03890)S

    Arquitectura estratigráfica de la Fm. Escucha (Albiense) en el flanco sur del Sinclinal de Cueva Foradada. Subcuenca de Oliete (Teruel), Cuenca Ibérica Central

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    Detailed stratigraphic sections have allowed to establish the stratigraphic architecture of the Escucha Formation in the southern limb of the asymmetrical Cueva Foradada Syncline (Oiete Subbasin, Iberian Basin, Spain). The stratigraphic correlation builded from the studied stratigraphic sections shows the spatial distribution of the main architectural elements and their spatial relationships. Offshore, intertidal, supratidal, flood delta / tidal inlet and bay-lagoon with tidal meandering channel facies associations occurred in a strongly tidal-influenced stratigraphic succession. The occurrence of several key stratigraphic levels characterized by the presence of nodular-iron rich levels with gastropods, levels of oyster accumulations and galuconitic sandstones suggest that the beginning of the Escucha Formation's evolution was characterized by the development of several transgressive periods that interrupted the development of coal-forming and tidal-influenced siliciclastic sedimentary subenvironments

    Giant calcite concretions in aeolian dune sandstones; sedimentological and architectural controls on diagenetic heterogeneity, mid-Cretaceous Iberian Desert System, Spain

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    Aeolian dune sandstones of the Iberian erg system (Cretaceous, Spain) host giant calcite concretions that constitute heterogeneities of diagenetic origin within a potential aeolian reservoir. The giant calcite concretions developed in large-scale aeolian dune foresets, at the transition between aeolian dune toeset and damp interdune elements, and in medium-scale superimposed aeolian dune sets. The chemical composition of the giant concretions is very homogeneous. They formed during early burial by lowMg-calcite precipitation frommeteoric pore waters. Carbonate componentswith yellow/orange luminescence form the nuclei of the poikilotopic calcite cement. These cements postdate earlier diagenetic features, characterized by earlymechanical compaction, Fe-oxide cements and clay rims around windblown quartz grains resulting from the redistribution of aeolian dust over the grain surfaces. The intergranular volume (IGV) in friable aeolian sandstone ranges from 7.3 to 15.3%, whereas in cemented aeolian sandstone it is 18.6 to 25.3%. The giant-calcite concretions developed during early diagenesis under the influence of meteoric waters associated with the groundwater flow of the desert basin, although local (e.g. activity of fluid flow through extensional faults) and/or other regional controls (e.g. variations of the phreatic level associated with a variable water influx to the erg system and varying sea level) could have favoured the local development of giant-calcite concretions. The spatial distribution pattern of carbonate grains and the main bounding surfaces determined the spatial distribution of the concretions. In particular, the geometry of the giant calcite concretions is closely associated with main bounding aeolian surfaces. Thus, interdune, superimposition and reactivation surfaces exerted a control on the concretion geometries ranging fromflat and tabular ones (e.g. bounded by interdunes) towedge-shaped concretions at the dune foresets (e.g. bounded by superimposition and reactivation surfaces) determining the spatial distribution of the heterogeneities of diagenetic origin in the aeolian reservoir

    Thioredoxin 1 modulates apoptosis induced by bioactive compounds in prostate cancer cells

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    Accumulating evidence suggests that natural bioactive compounds, alone or in combination with traditional chemotherapeutic agents, could be used as potential therapies to fight cancer. In this study, we employed four natural bioactive compounds (curcumin, resveratrol, melatonin, and silibinin) and studied their role in redox control and ability to promote apoptosis in androgen sensitive and insensitive prostate cancer cells. Here is shown that curcumin and resveratrol promote ROS production and induce apoptosis in LNCaP and PC-3. An increase in reactive species is a trigger event in curcumin-induced apoptosis and a consequence of resveratrol effects on other pathways within these cells. Moreover, here we demonstrated that these four compounds affect differently one of the main intracellular redox regulator, the thioredoxin system. Exposure to curcumin and resveratrol promoted TRX1 oxidation and altered its subcellular location. Furthermore, resveratrol diminished TRX1 levels in PC-3 cells and increased the expression of its inhibitor TXNIP. Conversly, melatonin and silibinin only worked as cytostatic agents, reducing ROS levels and showing preventive effects against TRX oxidation. All together, this work explores the effect of compounds currently tested as chemo-preventive agents in prostate cancer therapy, on the TRX1 redox state and function. Our work shows the importance that the TRX system might have within the differences found in their mechanisms of action. These bioactive compounds trigger different responses and affect ROS production and redox systems in prostate cancer cells, suggesting the key role that redox-related pathways might play in processes like differentiation or survival in prostate cancer. Keywords: Thioredoxin, Thioredoxin reductase, TXNIP, Prostate cancer, Redox signaling, Apoptosi

    A new interpretation of the Escucha and Utrillas Fm in their reference sections: sedimentology and evolution of a sandy desert system (erg) in the eastern margin of Iberia

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    Nuevos datos obtenidos en el periodo 2004-2008, indican que las areniscas y arcillas de parte de la “clásica Fm. Escucha” y de la “clásica Fm. Utrillas” constituyen un sistema desértico arenoso (erg) en el que se desarrollaron dunas eólicas crescénticas, interdunas, dunas complejas, draas lineares, sabkhat detríticas, playa lakes y lags de deflación con ventifactos, bajo condiciones climáticas áridas. Este erg presenta un límite proximal (orla de wadis) con el Macizo Ibérico y un límite distal con el Tethys (marine erg-margin system). El cambio climático acaecido en Iberia en el tránsito Aptiense-Albiense, hacia condiciones climáticas áridas, favoreció el desarrollo del sistema desértico arenoso. El descubrimiento del primer sistema desértico cretácico de Europa abre nuevas vías para la comprensión de los procesos paleoclimáticos y paleoceanográficos acaecidos durante el Cretácico Medio.New data obtained in the 2004-2008 period, show that sandstones and mudstones of part of “the classic Escucha Fm.” and of “the classic Utrillas Fm.” constitute a sandy desert system (erg) in which crescentic aeolian dunes, interdunes, complex dunes, linear draas, detrital sabkhat, playa lakes and deflation lags with ventifacts developed under arid climate conditions. This erg system displays a proximal boundary with the Iberian Massif (wadi belt) and a distal boundary with the Tethys (marine erg-margin system). The climate change in Iberia in the transit between Aptian-Albian towards arid climate conditions allowed the development of the sandy desert system. The discovery of the first Cretaceous erg reported from Europe opens new insights for understanding both palaeoclimate and palaeogeography during Mid-CretaceousDepto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu