269 research outputs found

    Can Mindfulness Beat Alzheimer's Disease?

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    Abstract:The purpose of this paper is to identify to what extent the development of Alzheimer’s disease can be delayed or prevented by the use of mindfulness-based interventions. Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease in which accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) plays an important role. This leads to neuronal cell death and synaptic degeneration, especially in the default-mode network (DMN). No current effective treatment is available. Mindfulness has been related to an increase in volume and connectivity of the exact brain areas affected in AD. Therefore, mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs), such as mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), meditation and yoga have been tested in people with mild cognitive impairment (MCI). MCI is seen as a transitional state between healthy age-related cognitive decline and AD pathology, hence an open window for early intervention. In this paper it is found that mindfulness has great potential to prevent AD-related pathology of the DMN, hence decreasing cognitive decline in people with MCI

    Structural templating as a route to improved photovoltaic performance in copper phthalocyanine/fullerene (C60) heterojunctions

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    We have developed a method to improve the short circuit current density in copper phthalocyanine (CuPc)/fullerene (C60) organic solar cells by ~60% by modifying the CuPc crystal orientation through use of a molecular interlayer to maximize charge transport in the direction between the two electrodes. Powder x-ray diffraction and electronic absorption spectroscopy show that a thin 3,4,9,10-perylenetetracarboxylic dianhydride interlayer before CuPc growth templates the CuPc film structure, forcing the molecules to lie flat with respect to the substrate surface, although the intrastack orientation is unaffected. This modified stacking configuration facilitates charge transport and improves charge collection


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    Solid-phase synthesis of recyclable diphosphine ligands

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    The authors thank the European Union (Marie Curie ITN SusPhos, Grant Agreement No. 317404 and COST action PhoSciNet cm08602) for financial support.An efficient solid-phase synthetic approach towards diphosphine ligands is demonstrated. This modular method offers facile access to this important class of ligands, in quantitative yield, providing huge potential for ligand fine-tuning. These supported ligands can be efficiently applied in asymmetric catalysis. Moreover, the immobilized catalysts can successfully be recycled multiple times addressing several synthetic and work-up challenges in the field of catalytic chemistry.PostprintPostprintPeer reviewe

    Analytical transmission electron microscopy at organic interfaces

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    Organic materials are ubiquitous in all aspects of our daily lives. Increasingly there is a need to understand interactions between different organic phases, or between organic and inorganic materials (hybrid interfaces), in order to gain fundamental knowledge about the origin of their structural and functional properties. In order to understand the complex structure–property–processing relationships in (and between) these materials, we need tools that combine high chemical sensitivity with high spatial resolution to allow detailed interfacial characterisation. Analytical transmission electron microscopy (TEM) is a powerful and versatile technique that can fulfil both criteria. However, the application of analytical TEM to organic systems presents some unique challenges, such as low contrast between phases, and electron beam sensitivity. In this review recent analytical TEM approaches to the nanoscale characterisation of two systems will be discussed: the hybrid collagen/mineral interface in bone, and the all-organic donor/acceptor interface in OPV devices

    Controlling ferromagnetic ground states and solitons in thin films and nanowires built from iron phthalocyanine chains

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    Iron phthalocyanine (FePc) is a molecular semiconductor whose building blocks are one-dimensional ferromagnetic chains. We show that its optical and magnetic properties are controlled by the growth strategy, obtaining extremely high coercivities of over 1 T and modulating the exchange constant between 15 and 29 K through tuning the crystal phase by switching from thin films with controlled orientations, to ultralong nanowires. Magnetisation measurements are analysed using concepts and formulas with broad applicability to all one-dimensional ferromagnetic chains. They show that FePc is best described by a Heisenberg model with moments preferentially lying in the molecular planes. The chain Hamiltonian is very similar to that for the classic inorganic magnet CsNiF3, but with ferromagnetic rather than antiferromagnetic interchain interactions. The data at large magnetic fields are well-described by the soliton picture, where the dominant degrees of freedom are moving one-dimensional magnetic domain walls and at low temperatures and fields by the “super-Curie-Weiss” law characteristic of nearly one-dimensional xy and Heisenberg ferromagnets. The ability to control the molecular orientation and ferromagnetism of FePc systems, and produce them on flexible substrates, together with excellent transistor characteristics reported previously for phthalocyanine analogues, makes them potentially useful for magneto-optical and spintronic devices

    Room-Temperature Routes Toward the Creation of Zinc Oxide Films from Molecular Precursors

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    The fabrication of “flexible” electronics on plastic substrates with low melting points requires the development of thin-film deposition techniques that operate at low temperatures. This is easily achieved with vacuum- or solution-processed molecular or polymeric semiconductors, but oxide materials remain a significant challenge. Here, we show that zinc oxide (ZnO) can be prepared using only room-temperature processes, with the molecular thin-film precursor zinc phthalocyanine (ZnPc), followed by UV-light treatment in vacuum to elicit degradation of the organic components and transformation of the deposited film to the oxide material. The degradation mechanism was assessed by studying the influence of the atmosphere during the reaction: it was particularly sensitive to the oxygen pressure in the chamber and optimal degradation conditions were established as 3 mbar with 40% oxygen in nitrogen. The morphology of the film remained relatively unchanged during the reaction, but a detailed analysis of its composition using both scanning transmission electron microscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry revealed that a 40 nm thick layer containing ZnO results from the 100 nm thick precursor after complete reaction. Our methodology represents a simple route for the fabrication of oxides and multilayer structures that can be easily integrated into current molecular thin-film growth setups, without the need for a high-temperature step

    Ordered growth of vanadyl phthalocyanine (VOPc) on an iron phthalocyanine (FePc) monolayer

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    The growth and characterisation of a non-planar phthalocyanine (Vanadyl Phthalocyanine, VOPc) on a complete monolayer (ML) of a planar phthalocyanine (Iron (II) Phthalocyanine, FePc) on an Au (111) surface, has been investigated using ultra-high vacuum (UHV) scanning tunnelling microscopy (STM) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED). The surface mesh of the initial FePc monolayer has been determined and shown to correspond to an incommensurate overlayer, not commensurate as previously reported. Ordered islands of VOPc, with (1x1) epitaxy, grow on the FePc layer at submonolayer coverages. The individual VOPc molecules occupy sites directly atop the underlying FePc molecules, indicating that significant intermolecular bonding must occur. It is proposed that this interaction implies that the V=O points down into the surface, allowing a Fe-O bond to form. The detailed appearance of the STM images of the VOPc molecules is consistent with previous studies in other VOPc growth studies in which this molecular orientation has been proposed

    Structure Dependence of Kinetic and Thermodynamic Parameters in Singlet Fission Processes

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    Singlet fission—whereby one absorbed photon generates two coupled triplet excitons—is a key process for increasing the efficiency of optoelectronic devices by overcoming the Shockley–Queisser limit. A crucial parameter is the rate of dissociation of the coupled triplets, as this limits the number of free triplets subsequently available for harvesting and ultimately the overall efficiency of the device. Here we present an analysis of the thermodynamic and kinetic parameters for this process in parallel and herringbone dimers measured by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy in coevaporated films of pentacene in p-terphenyl. The rate of dissociation is higher for parallel dimers than for their herringbone counterparts, as is the rate of recombination to the ground state. DFT calculations, which provide the magnitude of the electronic coupling as well as the distribution of molecular orbitals for each geometry, suggest that weaker triplet coupling in the parallel dimer is the driving force for faster dissociation. Conversely, localization of the molecular orbitals and a stronger triplet–triplet interaction result in slower dissociation and recombination. The identification and understanding of how the intermolecular geometry promotes efficient triplet dissociation provide the basis for control of triplet coupling and thereby the optimization of one important parameter of device performance
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