41 research outputs found

    Bacteria-targeted infection imaging:Towards a faster diagnosis of bacterial infection

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    Bacteriële infecties vormen een veelvoorkomende en grote bedreiging voor de gezondheid van de mens. Ze zijn verantwoordelijk voor ernstige morbiditeit en mortaliteit onder patiënten. De definitieve diagnose van infectie kan alleen worden verkregen via microbiologische kweken en moleculaire detectietechnieken, wat vaak tijdrovend is. Bovendien is het soms niet mogelijk om geschikte biopten of kweekmateriaal te verkrijgen, waardoor het stellen van de juiste diagnose zeer uitdagend kan zijn. Deze problemen kunnen mogelijk omzeild worden met behulp van bacterie-specifieke beeldvormingstechnieken. Helaas zijn de huidige beeldvormende technieken om infectieziekten te diagnosticeren niet in staat om een bacteriële infectie te onderscheiden van een steriele ontsteking. Nieuwe beeldvormende technieken zijn daarom dringend nodig voor een snelle, nauwkeurige en bij voorkeur real-time diagnose van bacteriële infecties. Dit proefschrift beschrijft de ontwikkeling van nieuwe bacterie-gerichte beeldvormingstechnieken met een focus op het gebruik van fluorescente moleculen die specifiek aan bacteriën binden. De resultaten laten zien dat fluorescente beeldvorming van bacteriële infecties geschikt is voor toepassing op geëxplanteerde materialen, tijdens artroscopie of bronchoscopie, of intra-operatief. Samenvattend kan geconcludeerd worden dat bacterie-gerichte beeldvormingstechnieken goed toepasbaar zijn voor een snellere diagnose van bacteriële infecties.Bacterial infections occur frequently and are a major threat to human health, causing high morbidity and mortality all over the world. For adequate treatment of infections, a rapid and precise diagnosis is imperative. Presently, this is achieved via microbiological culture and molecular detection, which are often time-consuming processes. Moreover, it is not always possible to obtain appropriate material for culturing, which complicates the diagnostic process. Therefore, the PhD research described in this thesis was aimed at exploring imaging-based techniques for faster and preferably real-time diagnosis of infectious diseases, and for rapid distinction of bacterial infection from sterile inflammation. To this end, the development of new bacteria-targeted imaging modalities was reviewed with a special focus on bacteria-targeted imaging with fluorescent tracers. Subsequently, the possible use of different tracers for infection imaging was experimentally explored. The results show that imaging with fluorescent bacteria-targeted tracers can be readily applied to detect infection ex vivo, by arthroscopy or bronchoscopy, or intra-operatively. Altogether, it is concluded that bacteria-targeted fluorescence imaging approaches may allow faster, real-time diagnosis of bacterial infections

    Preclinical studies and prospective clinical applications for bacteria-targeted imaging:the future is bright

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    Bacterial infections are a frequently occurring and major complication in human healthcare, in particular due to the rapid increase of antimicrobial resistance and the emergence of pan-drug-resistant microbes. Current anatomical and functional imaging modalities are insufficiently capable of distinguishing sites of bacterial infection from sterile inflammation. Therefore, definitive diagnosis of an infection can often only be obtained by tissue biopsy and subsequent culture and, occasionally, a definite diagnosis even appears to be impossible. To accurately diagnose bacterial infections early, novel imaging modalities are urgently needed. In this regard, bacteria-targeted imaging is an attractive option due to its specificity. Here, different bacteria-targeted imaging approaches are reviewed, and their promising future perspectives are discussed

    Ex Vivo Tracer Efficacy in Optical Imaging of Staphylococcus Aureus Nuclease Activity

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    The key to effective treatment of bacterial infections is a swift and reliable diagnosis. Current clinical standards of bacterial diagnosis are slow and laborious. There are several anatomical imaging modalities that can detect inflammation, but none can distinguish between bacterial and sterile inflammation. Novel tracers such as smart activatable fluorescent probes represent a promising development that allow fast and specific testing without the use of ionizing radiation. Previously, a smart activatable probe was developed that is a substrate for the micrococcal nuclease as produced by Staphylococcus aureus. In the present study, the function of this probe was validated. Practical applicability in terms of sensitivity was assessed by incubation of the probe with 26 clinical S. aureus isolates, and probe specificity was verified by incubation with 30 clinical isolates and laboratory strains of various bacterial pathogens. The results show that the nuclease-specific probe was activated by all tested S. aureus isolates and laboratory strains with a threshold of ~106-107 cells/mL. The probe was also activated by certain opportunistic staphylococci. We therefore propose that the studied nuclease probe represents a significant step forward to address the need for a rapid, practical, and precise method to detect infections caused by S. aureus

    The smart activatable P2&3TT probe allows accurate, fast, and highly sensitive detection of Staphylococcus aureus in clinical blood culture samples

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    Staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (SAB) is associated with high mortality and morbidity rates. Yet, there is currently no adequate diagnostic test for early and rapid diagnosis of SAB. Therefore, this study was aimed at exploring the potential for clinical implementation of a nuclease-activatable fluorescent probe for early diagnosis of SAB. To this end, clinical blood culture samples from patients with bloodstream infections were incubated for 1 h with the "smart" activatable P2&3TT probe, the total assay time being less than 2 h. Cleavage of this probe by the secreted S. aureus enzyme micrococcal nuclease results in emission of a readily detectable fluorescence signal. Incubation of S. aureus-positive blood culture samples with the P2&3TT probe resulted in 50-fold higher fluorescence intensity levels than incubation with culture-negative samples. Moreover, incubation of the probe with non-S. aureus-positive blood cultures yielded essentially background fluorescence intensity levels for cultures with Gram-negative bacteria, and only ~ 3.5-fold increased fluorescence intensity levels over background for cultures with non-S. aureus Gram-positive bacteria. Importantly, the measured fluorescence intensities were dose-dependent, and a positive signal was clearly detectable for S. aureus-positive blood cultures with bacterial loads as low as ~ 7,000 colony-forming units/mL. Thus, the nuclease-activatable P2&3TT probe distinguishes clinical S. aureus-positive blood cultures from non-S. aureus-positive blood cultures and culture-negative blood, accurately, rapidly and with high sensitivity. We conclude that this probe may enhance the diagnosis of SAB

    Yeast Infections after Esophagectomy:A Retrospective Analysis

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    Esophageal malignancy is a disease with poor prognosis. Curative therapy incorporates surgery and is burdensome with high rates of infection morbidity and mortality. The role of yeast as causative organisms of post-esophagectomy infections is poorly defined. Consequently, the benefits of specific antifungal prophylactic therapy in improving patient outcome are unclear. Therefore, this study aimed at investigating the incidence of yeast infections at the University Medical Center Groningen among 565 post-esophagectomy patients between 1991 and 2017. The results show that 7.3% of the patients developed a yeast infection after esophageal resection with significantly increased incidence among patients suffering from diabetes mellitus. For patients with yeast infections, higher Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation (APACHE) II scores, more frequent intensive care unit readmissions, prolonged hospital stays and higher mortality rates were observed. One-year survival was significantly lower for patients with a yeast infection, as well as diabetes mellitus and yeast-positive pleural effusion. We conclude that the incidence of yeast infections following esophagectomy is considerable, and that patients with diabetes mellitus are at increased risk. Furthermore, yeast infections are associated with higher complication rates and mortality. These observations encourage further prospective investigations on the possible benefits of antifungal prophylactic therapy for esophagectomy patients

    Image-guided in situ detection of bacterial biofilms in a human prosthetic knee infection model:a feasibility study for clinical diagnosis of prosthetic joint infections

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    Purpose Due to an increased human life expectancy, the need to replace arthritic or dysfunctional joints by prosthetics is higher than ever before. Prosthetic joints are unfortunately inherently susceptible to bacterial infection accompanied by biofilm formation. Accurate and rapid diagnosis is vital to increase therapeutic success. Yet, established diagnostic modalities cannot directly detect bacterial biofilms on prostheses. Therefore, the present study was aimed at investigating whether arthroscopic optical imaging can accurately detect bacterial biofilms on prosthetic joints. Methods Here, we applied a conjugate of the antibiotic vancomycin and the near-infrared fluorophore IRDye800CW, in short vanco-800CW, in combination with arthroscopic optical imaging to target and visualize biofilms on infected prostheses. Results We show in a human post-mortem prosthetic knee infection model that a staphylococcal biofilm is accurately detected in real time and distinguished from sterile sections in high resolution. In addition, we demonstrate that biofilms associated with the clinically most relevant bacterial species can be detected using vanco-800CW. Conclusion The presented image-guided arthroscopic approach provides direct visual diagnostic information and facilitates immediate appropriate treatment selection

    Noninvasive optical and nuclear imaging of Staphylococcus-specific infection with a human monoclonal antibody-based probe

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    Staphylococcus aureus infections are a major threat in healthcare, requiring adequate early-stage diagnosis and treatment. This calls for novel diagnostic tools that allow noninvasive in vivo detection of staphylococci. Here we performed a preclinical study to investigate a novel fully-human monoclonal antibody 1D9 that specifically targets the immunodominant staphylococcal antigen A (IsaA). We show that 1D9 binds invariantly to S. aureus cells and may further target other staphylococcal species. Importantly, using a human post-mortem implant model and an in vivo murine skin infection model, preclinical feasibility was demonstrated for 1D9 labeled with the near-infrared fluorophore IRDye800CW to be applied for direct optical imaging of in vivo S. aureus infections. Additionally, (89)Zirconium-labeled 1D9 could be used for positron emission tomography imaging of an in vivo S. aureus thigh infection model. Our findings pave the way towards clinical implementation of targeted imaging of staphylococcal infections using the human monoclonal antibod

    In vitro imaging of bacteria using (18)F-fluorodeoxyglucose micro positron emission tomography

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    Positron emission tomography (PET) with fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose ((18)F-FDG) can be applied to detect infection and inflammation. However, it was so far not known to what extent bacterial pathogens may contribute to the PET signal. Therefore, we investigated whether clinical isolates of frequently encountered bacterial pathogens take up (18)F-FDG in vitro, and whether FDG inhibits bacterial growth as previously shown for 2-deoxy-glucose. 22 isolates of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens implicated in fever and inflammation were incubated with (18)F-FDG and uptake of (18)F-FDG was assessed by gamma-counting and µPET imaging. Possible growth inhibition by FDG was assayed with Staphylococcus aureus and the Gram-positive model bacterium Bacillus subtilis. The results show that all tested isolates accumulated (18)F-FDG actively. Further, (18)F-FDG uptake was hampered in B. subtilis pts mutants impaired in glucose uptake. FDG inhibited growth of S. aureus and B. subtilis only to minor extents, and this effect was abrogated by pts mutations in B. subtilis. These observations imply that bacteria may contribute to the signals observed in FDG-PET infection imaging in vivo. Active bacterial FDG uptake is corroborated by the fact that the B. subtilis phosphotransferase system is needed for (18)F-FDG uptake, while pts mutations protect against growth inhibition by FDG