4 research outputs found


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    Menstruation is a normal physiological process in females starting at the age of twelve years and lasts till the age of fifty years. It is a cyclical phenomenon usually occurring every twenty-one to thirty five days and includes uterine bleeding for about three to seven days. Most well adjusted women experience minor psychological and somatic changes for a few days preceding menstruation. These menstrual molimina give way to a sensation of relief and well being once menstruation is established. Most women of reproductive age have some physical discomfort or dysphoria in the weeks before menstruation. Pre-Menstrual Syndrome is one such commonly reported and highly prevalent disorder characterized by constellation of physical, emotional, cognitive and behavioral symptoms. An 18-year-old female patient reported to OPD with the complaints of pain during menses since six years, extreme mood swings, irritability, sudden tearfulness, anger outbursts, nervousness. These symptoms were also associated with vomiting and loose motions. On physical examination, no abnormalities were detected. Mental Status Examination revealed abnormality in mood and affect, attention, concentration and thought process Based on history, presenting symptoms and diagnostic criteria the case was established as Premenstrual Syndrome. So, the protocol for treatment planned was symptomatic. Internal administration of Gokhura churna plus Yastimadhu with Munnaka kshirapaak was given for 15 days. Rajaswalacharya was advised


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    A female patient of 25 years of age came to OPD of National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur on 22 September, 2020 with chief complaint of delayed menstruation with scanty flow since 4.5 years. Methodology: Detailed history with all necessary clinical, physical examination and laboratory investigations were carried out. No gross physical and chemical abnormality was found. All the laboratory investigations (including USG and hormonal analysis) were found to be normal. So the treatment was planned according to the symptoms. Diagnosis was made on the basis on the basis of presenting complaints was Artava kshaya. Patient was treated with Tilashelukaravi kwatha for 2 consecutive cycles. Patient was kept on follow up for 1 cycle after cessation of Tilashelukaravi kwatha. Result: Patient had got her menstruation regularly with normal duration while taking medicine. Also the amount of flow was also improved and intensity of pain was reduced effectively from moderate to mild. Even after cessation of medicine she got her menstruation in 30 days with normal amount of flow

    A Comparative Clinical Study of Shatavaryadi and Guduchyadi Churna on Rajonivrutti Avastha with special reference to Postmenopausal Syndrome

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    The menopause is permanent cessation of menstruation at the end of reproductive life due to loss of ovarian follicular activity. Shatavaryadi Churna and Guduchyadi Churna– both drugs are 6grams twice daily before meal with milk for 2 months in two groups has been given. Both are effective in the management of Postmenopausal Syndrome. Shatavaryadi Churna is more effective than Guduchyadi Churna in the management of Postmenopausal Syndrome but both are an effective, safe, promising and cost effective remedy. Vata-Pittashamaka, Rasayana, Dhatuvardhaka, Agnidipaka, Pachana, Medhya, Vedanasthapana, Hridya, Anidranash drug in Shatavaryadi Churna helped to deliver such promising results. Guduchyadi Churna had also delivered satisfactory results treating in Postmenopausal Syndrome due toits Tridoshahara & Vata-Kaphashamaka activity along with Rasayana, Dipana, Pachana, Dhatuvardhaka, Balya, Hridya, Nidrajanana, Medhya and Vedanasthapana properties. The age at menopause appears to be genetically determined and is unaffected by race, socioeconomic status, age at menarche, or number of prior ovulations. Factors that are toxic to the ovary often result in an earlier age of menopause; for e.g., who smoke experience an earlier menopause. Women who have had surgery on their ovaries, have had a hysterectomy, despite retention of their ovaries, may also experience early menopaus


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    In order to give rise to new offspring, female body undergoes menstrual cycle. It involves the shedding of endometrium manifested as Māsānumāsika Rajaḥ Pravṛtti i.e., Ārtava Pravṛtti. Due to changes in life style of women in terms of Āhāra, Vihāra, there is more physical and emotional stress and this may result in Ārtavaduṣṭi, where the normal menstrual cycle gets disturbed or presented in altered form. Background: A married Hindu female patient of 35 years came to NIA Prasuti-stree Roga OPD on 25th July, 2019 with complaints of painful menstruation since last 14 years, heavy bleeding during menstruation since last 10 years and mild burning micturition with increased frequency of micturition (on/off) since last 2 years. Methodology: Mainly Pitta Doṣa vitiation symptoms were observed in the patient. Her complete Nidāna Parivarjana and Prakṛti Vighāta was done and Pitta Doṣa Śāmaka Dravyas were used in treatment including specific Pittaja Ārtavaduṣṭi line of treatment mentioned in Ayurvedic classics. She was given combination of Yaṣṭīmadhu Cūrṇa, Miśi (Fennel), Munakkā (dried Vitis vinifera), Goghṛta twice a day in the form of Kalka with warm water, Kuṭakī Cūrṇa, Munakkā, Dhāgā Miśrī in equal parts in the form of pea sized Guṭikā twice a day with cold water, Gokṣura Cūrṇa, Copcīnī Cūrṇa twice a day with water, Avipattikara Cūrṇa before meal, twice a day with water. The treatment was continued for 2 months. Result: There was relief in menstrual and urinary symptoms after 2 months of treatment