1,935 research outputs found

    Why Ownership Matters?: Politicization and Entrepreneurship in the Restructuring of Enterprises in Central Europe

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    This paper, base on a study of mid-sized firms in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland, examines the sources of performance differences between state and privatized firms, particularly those that may be due to politicization and differences in the degree of entreprenurship. The paper presents empirical evidence that politicization of decision making is responsible for the observed inefficiencies in the cost behavior of state enterprises, but does not explain their inferior revenue performance, which is independent of the degree of state involvement.OWNERSHIP ; PRIVATIZATION ; HUMAN CAPITAL

    Why Ownership Matters? Entrepreneurship and the Restructuring of Enterprises in Central Europe

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    This paper, based on a study of mid-sized firms in the Czech Republic, Hungary, and Poland, seeks to explain the reasons behind the marked impact of ownership on firm performance which has been observed in a number of studies in Eastern Europe and other parts of the world. Focusing in particular on the differential impact of ownership on revenue and cost performance, the paper argues that privatized firms controlled by outside investors are more entrepreneurial than those controlled by corporate insiders or the state. The paper provides evidence that all state and privatized firms in transition economies engage in similar types of restructuring, but that product restructuring by firms owned by outsider investors is significantly more effective (in terms of revenue generation) than that by firms with other types of ownership. The paper also examines the impact of managerial turnover on revenue performance, as well as differences among managers of firms with different types of ownership, and concludes that the more entrepreneurial behavior of outsider-owned firms is due primarily to incentive effects, rather than human capital effects, of privatization. More specifically, the authors argue that the success of outsider-owned firms is due to their greater readiness to accept risks (as evidenced by the higher variance of the revenues generated by restructuring) and a lesser need to defend, and account for, their managerial decisions.OWNERSHIP; PRIVATIZATION; POLITICIZATION; ENTREPRENEURSHIP; INCENTIVES; HUMAN CAPITAL

    The Limits of Discipline: Ownership and Hard Budget Constraints in the Transition Economies

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    This paper argues that the imposition of financial discipline is not sufficient to remedy ownership and governance-related deficiencies of corporate performance. Using evidence from the postcommunist transition economies, the paper shows that a policy of hard budget constraints falters when state firms, because of inferior revenue performance and lesser willingness to meet payment obligations, continue to pose higher credit risk than privatized firms. The brunt of state firms' lower creditworthiness falls on state creditors. But the "softness" of these creditors is unavoidable if it prevents a demise of firms that are in principle capable of successful restructuring through ownership changes.OWNERSHIP; FINANCIAL DISCIPLINE; PERFORMANCE; TRANSITION.

    Why metallic surfaces with grooves a few nanometers deep and wide may strongly absorb visible light

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    It is theoretically shown that nanometric silver lamellar gratings present very strong visible light absorption inside the grooves, leading to electric field intensities by several orders of magnitude larger than that of the impinging light. This effect, due to the excitation of long wave vector surface plasmon polaritons with particular small penetration depth in the metal, may explain the abnormal optical absorption observed a long time ago on almost flat Ag films. Surface enhanced Raman scattering in rough metallic films could also be due to the excitation of such plasmon polaritons in the grain boundaries or notches of the films.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Quantification of the distal radial artery for improved vascular access

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    Background: There is no consensus in the literature as to which point of the radial artery (RA) is the safest to attempt vascular access. The purpose of this study was to measure the diameter, tortuosity and branching patterns of the distal RA. Materials and methods: 140 cadaveric RAs (66 male, 74 female) were dissected and measured. The external diameter of the RA was measured at 2 cm increments starting at the radial styloid process (SP), moving proximally. The location and degree of 2-dimensional arterial tortuosity were recorded if > 35 degrees. Branches of the RA were recorded with respect to their distance from the SP. Results: We observed that the right RA significantly increased in diameter at distances beyond 4 cm proximal from the radial SP, regardless of the sex of the individual. This increase in size was not noted on the left RA’s. Muscular artery branches of the distal RA were noted on average 1.82 cm proximal from the SP. Clinically significant tortuosity was present on average 3.47 cm proximal from the radial SP. The left RA did not significantly change in size along its course, but its statistically similar diameter when compared to the right RA allows us to make a recommendation this is applicable bilaterally. Conclusions: Our data suggests that regardless of gender, vascular access of the RA could be safely performed at distances greater than 4 cm from the SP to yield a vessel with a larger diameter, less tortuosity, and fewer branches

    Downregulation of Fzd6 and Cthrc1 and upregulation of olfactory receptors and protocadherins by dietary beta-carotene in lungs of Bcmo1-/- mice.

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    An ongoing controversy exists on beneficial versus harmful effects of high beta-carotene (BC) intake, especially for the lung. To elucidate potential mechanisms, we studied effects of BC on lung gene expression. We used a beta-carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase 1 (Bcmo1) knockout mouse (Bcmo1-/-) model, unable to convert BC to retinoids, and wild-type mice (Bcmo1+/+) mice to dissect the effects of intact BC from effects of BC metabolites. As expected, BC supplementation resulted in a higher BC accumulation in lungs of Bcmo1-/- mice than in lungs of Bcmo1+/+ mice. Whole mouse genome transcriptome analysis on lung tissue revealed that more genes were regulated in Bcmo1-/- mice than Bcmo1+/+ mice upon BC supplementation. Frizzled homolog 6 (Fzd6) and collagen triple helix repeat containing 1 (Cthrc1) were significantly downregulated (fold changes -2.99 and -2.60, respectively, false discovery rate <0.05) by BC in Bcmo1-/-. Moreover, many olfactory receptors and many members of the protocadherin family were upregulated. Since both olfactory receptors and protocadherins have an important function in sensory nerves and Fzd6 and Cthrc1 are important in stem cell development, we hypothesize that BC might have an effect on the highly innervated pulmonary neuroendocrine cell (PNEC) cluster. PNECs are highly associated with sensory nerves and are important cells in the control of stem cells. A role for BC in the innervated PNEC cluster might be of particular importance in smoke-induced carcinogenesis since PNEC-derived lung cancer is highly associated with tobacco smoke

    Downregulation of Fzd6 and Cthrc1 and upregulation of olfactory receptors and protocadherins by dietary beta-carotene in lungs of Bcmo1-/- mice.

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    An ongoing controversy exists on beneficial versus harmful effects of high beta-carotene (BC) intake, especially for the lung. To elucidate potential mechanisms, we studied effects of BC on lung gene expression. We used a beta-carotene 15,15'-monooxygenase 1 (Bcmo1) knockout mouse (Bcmo1-/-) model, unable to convert BC to retinoids, and wild-type mice (Bcmo1+/+) mice to dissect the effects of intact BC from effects of BC metabolites. As expected, BC supplementation resulted in a higher BC accumulation in lungs of Bcmo1-/- mice than in lungs of Bcmo1+/+ mice. Whole mouse genome transcriptome analysis on lung tissue revealed that more genes were regulated in Bcmo1-/- mice than Bcmo1+/+ mice upon BC supplementation. Frizzled homolog 6 (Fzd6) and collagen triple helix repeat containing 1 (Cthrc1) were significantly downregulated (fold changes -2.99 and -2.60, respectively, false discovery rate <0.05) by BC in Bcmo1-/-. Moreover, many olfactory receptors and many members of the protocadherin family were upregulated. Since both olfactory receptors and protocadherins have an important function in sensory nerves and Fzd6 and Cthrc1 are important in stem cell development, we hypothesize that BC might have an effect on the highly innervated pulmonary neuroendocrine cell (PNEC) cluster. PNECs are highly associated with sensory nerves and are important cells in the control of stem cells. A role for BC in the innervated PNEC cluster might be of particular importance in smoke-induced carcinogenesis since PNEC-derived lung cancer is highly associated with tobacco smoke

    Variability in the anterior extralaryngeal branch of the recurrent laryngeal nerve: clinical implications

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    Background: This study aimed to identify the anterior and posterior extralaryngeal branches (AELB, PELB) of the recurrent laryngeal nerve (RLN), measure these branches when present, and determine relationships between gender, sidedness and neck length. Materials and methods: Dissection was completed to level of the thyroid on 45 cadavers. The course of the RLN was then traced superiorly from its entry into the neck. Careful reflection of the thyroid and dissection of the lateral thyroid ligament permitted visualisation of the full course of the nerve. If extralaryngeal branching (ELB) was present, measurements were taken from the point of bifurcation of the RLN to the point of laryngeal entry through the cricothyroid membrane. Neck measurements, from the spinous process of C7 to the superior nuchal line, were taken. Gender of the specimen was noted. Data was analysed in SPSS. Results: Extralaryngeal branching was found in 77.78% of our sample, 77.14% on the left and 54.29% on the right. A significant difference was found between AELB length on the left and right, indicating that the left branch will be longer than the right when present. A significant difference in neck length between those with and without ELB was also found, indicating that people with longer necks more often display ELB. Neither neck length and AELB length, nor gender and AELB length were strongly correlated in this sample. Conclusions: Extralaryngeal branching can occur in all populations, but there are definite trends in its incidence and length. Surgeons should be aware of these trends before operating on patients