14,596 research outputs found

    Hermann Hesse\u27s Hegelianism: The Progress of Consciousness Towards Freedom in The Glass Bead Game

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    Hermann Hesse\u27s novels commonly represent characters\u27 struggles through ideological opposition and conflict towards resolution. The majority of his critics attribute Hesse\u27s interest in, and expression of, this struggle to his lifelong study of Eastern philosophy. However, Hesse\u27s interest in things Eastern need not be taken as the exclusive determinant of the theme of individuation represented in his fiction. This essay argues that Hesse\u27s predilection for elaborating the ideological crises and resolutions of his characters may also be interpreted as reflecting the Western, Hegelian concept of an Absolute Spirit that proceeds through exhaustive dialectical permutations before it becomes conscious of its status as the identical subject-object of history. The essay begins with an account of critical commentary on Hesse\u27s knowledge and estimation of Hegel. Thereafter, the theoretical affinities between Hesse and Hegel are investigated. The essay concludes with a close analysis of Hegelian imprints in Hesse\u27s final and most complex novel, The Glass Bead Game

    Who Were the Greatest Women Artists of the Twentieth Century? A Quantitative Investigation

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    Recent decades have witnessed an outpouring of research on the contributions of women artists. But as is typical in the humanities, these studies have been qualitative, and consequently do not provide a systematic evaluation of the relative importance of different women artists. A survey of the illustrations of the work of women artists contained in textbooks of art history reveals that art historians judge Cindy Sherman to be the greatest woman artist of the twentieth century, followed in order by Georgia O'Keeffe, Louise Bourgeois, Eva Hesse, and Frida Kahlo. The life cycles of these artists have differed greatly: the conceptual Sherman, Hesse, and Kahlo all arrived at their major contributions much earlier, and more suddenly, than the experimental O'Keeffe and Bourgeois. The contrasts are dramatic, as Sherman produced her greatest work while in her 20s, whereas Bourgeois did not produce her greatest work until she had passed the age of 80. The systematic measurement of this study adds a dimension to our understanding of both the role of women in twentieth-century art and the careers of the major figures.

    Accepting the Challenges: The Emerging Role of Grand Rapids Community College in Preparation of New Teachers

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    In 1992, Grand Rapids Community College (GRCC) was one of six community colleges invited to participate in a NSF initiative to improve science and mathematics teaching within the state of Michigan. This initiative included all public teacher preparation institutions in the state. GRCC has responded to this challenge by: (1) designing a new course in Physical Science for future teachers; (2) creating the GRCC Teacher Education Pathway and the GRCC Teacher Education Center; (3) forming a local alliance with Grand Rapids Public Schools and Grand Valley State University for the purpose of recruiting and supporting minorities in mathematics and science teaching

    Hermann Hesse\u27s The Glass Bead Game : A study of three lyrical figures.

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    Introduction: “Narrative as a disguised lyric, the novel as a borrowed label for the experimentations of poetic spirits to express their feeling of self and world; this was a specifically German and romantic matter, here I felt immediately a common heritage and guilt,”1 In this way Nobel laureate Hermann Hesse characterized his own novels at the midpoint of his career. And though The Glass Bead Game, published over twenty years later, when compared with Hesse’s other work appears perhaps farthest from such a description, “narrative as a disguised lyric” still serves as a useful key for examining Hesse\u27s last and most ambitious novel.2 For, as Ralph Freedman indicates, “Hesse used romanticism as a tool for the development of a unique approach, leading to a sharp analysis of the self, the meaning of personal identity and the conditions of self-consciousness, which he explores in contemporary terms.”

    A memorandum about establishing natural forest reserves in the state of Hesse

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    Als Naturwaldreservate bezeichnet man naturnahe Bereiche innerhalb der Wirtschaftswälder, die aus der forstlichen Bewirtschaftung herausgenommen worden sind, so daß hier die Bestände sich ohne menschliche Eingriffe und nur entsprechend den gegebenen Standortsbedingungen (und im Gleichgewicht mit ihnen) zu natürlichen Waldgesellschaften weiterentwickeln können; dementsprechend hat man sie als "Urwälder von morgen" bezeichnet. Aus dem Ablauf und den Ergebnissen ihrer Entwicklung sind nicht nur pflanzensoziologische sondern auch wertvolle forstwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse zu erwarten, die sicher auch für die waldbauliche Praxis einige Bedeutung haben werden. - Nachdem die Mehrzahl der bundesdeutschen Länder bereits solche Naturwaldreservate eingerichtet hat (ihre Zahl beläuft sich in der BRD zur Zeit auf mehr als 350), steht Hessen in dieser Hinsicht noch immerabseits. Das veranlaßte die Botanische Vereinigung für Naturschutz in Hessenzur Vorlage einer gemeinsam mit dem BUND erarbeiteten Denkschrift. die sichmit der ablehnenden Argumentation der hessischen Forstbehörden auseinander-setzt. Die Naturschutzverbände erwarten, daß die hessische Landesforstver-waltung nun bald mit der Ausweisung von Naturwaldreservaten beginnt.A memorandum about establishing natural forest reserves in the state of Hesse - The term "natural forest reserve" means an area of woodland within a cultivated forest which has been allowed to grow in its natural habitat without any interference of any kind from man. Such forests have been described as the "primeval forests of tomorrow". The results of their development are expected to be of importance not only for phytosociology but also for the field of forestry science and for the forestry industry as a whole. While most of the states in the Federal Republic of Germany have already set up such natural forest reserves, (there are already 350 of them in West Germany). the state of Hesse has yet to follow their example. This led the B.V.N.H. (the Botanical Association for Nature Conservation in Hesse) to submit a memorandum drawn up in conjunction with the B.U.N.D. (the Union for Enviromental and Nature Protection in Germany) which attacks the forestry authorities' arguments against natural forest reserves. The nature conservation associations now hope that the forestry administration in Hesse will soon consent to the establishment of such reserves

    Review: Voices That Count: A Comics Anthology by Women

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    A review of the 2022 book by Diana Lopez Varela, Maria Hesse, Leticia Dolera, Lola Garcia and Sandra Sabates, “Voices That Count: A Comics Anthology by Women,” for inclusion in ARLIS/NA's 2022 Notable Graphic Novels Review

    Interview with John Hesse

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    This is the transcript of a 2005 interview of John Hesse conducted by Rob Brister
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