221 research outputs found

    The impact of climatic variability over the period 1961- 1990 on the soil water balance of upland soils in the North East Arid Zone of Nigeria

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    Over the period 1961 – 90 the North East Arid Zone of Nigeria experienced a decline in annual rainfall totals and increased aridity which placed increasing pressure on rain fed, millet-based farming systems. The changes in seasonal rainfall total and distribution have been examined and it has been shown that the rate of decline has been consistent across the region. The decline has been dominated by reduction in the number of rain days during the middle of the rainy season and there is no evidence of a significant change in the length of the growing season. Over the same time period, there has been a small, but significant, increase in mean air temperature which has resulted in a small increase in potential evapotranspiration. Other climatic parameters (vapour pressure, solar radiation and wind speed) appear to have remained stable, although the paucity and dubious quality of much of the historical meteorological data make rigorous statistical analysis difficult. A water balance model (BALANCE) developed by the author, was calibrated for a millet crop grown on a typical sandy loam soil in Maiduguri (Nigeria). The model was necessarily parsimonious, but was shown to perform well when calibrated against observed soil water content. However, the empirical nature and high sensitivity of key parameters relating to bare soil evaporation and drainage mean that it is difficult to parameterise the model by laboratory, or independent field measurements. Applying the calibrated model to daily rainfall and average evapotranspiration data from Nguru (Nigeria) for the period 1961 – 93 showed that, with the exception of extreme drought years, the increased aridity would have had little impact on the viability of traditional millet and millet-cowpea intercropping systems prior to the early 1980s. However, after that date, predicted seasonal millet transpiration, and hence predicted yields, have declined, and long duration cowpea intercrops, which were traditionally matured on residual soil moisture after the millet harvest have had insufficient water. Whilst the BALANCE model has been useful in examining the impact of climatic variability on agro-hydrology, it is not a crop physiological model and the interaction between soil water and crop development is poorly represented. The model cannot, therefore be applied with confidence to investigate the potential yield benefits of physical or agronomic interventions to alleviate the impacts of aridity. Although more complex models exist to do this, they require detailed parameterisation of the crop physiology, which was not possible within the scope of this study

    Understanding the impact of crop and food production on the water environment ‐using sugar as a model

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    The availability of fresh water and the quality of aquatic ecosystems are important global concerns, and agriculture plays a major role. Consumers and manufacturers are increasingly sensitive to sustainability issues related to processed food products and drinks. The present study examines the production of sugar from the growing cycle through to processing to the factory gate, and identifies the potential impacts on water scarcity and quality and the ways in which the impact of water use can be minimised. We have reviewed the production phases and processing steps, and how calculations of water use can be complicated, or in some cases how assessments can be relatively straightforward. Finally, we outline several ways that growers and sugar processors are improving the efficiency of water use and reducing environmental impact, and where further advances can be made. This provides a template for the assessment of other crops

    Using variograms to detect and attribute hydrological change

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    There have been many published studies aiming to identify temporal changes in river flow time series, most of which use monotonic trend tests such as the Mann–Kendall test. Although robust to both the distribution of the data and incomplete records, these tests have important limitations and provide no information as to whether a change in variability mirrors a change in magnitude. This study develops a new method for detecting periods of change in a river flow time series, using temporally shifting variograms (TSVs) based on applying variograms to moving windows in a time series and comparing these to the long-term average variogram, which characterises the temporal dependence structure in the river flow time series. Variogram properties in each moving window can also be related to potential meteorological drivers. The method is applied to 91 UK catchments which were chosen to have minimal anthropogenic influences and good quality data between 1980 and 2012 inclusive. Each of the four variogram parameters (range, sill and two measures of semi-variance) characterise different aspects of the river flow regime, and have a different relationship with the precipitation characteristics. Three variogram parameters (the sill and the two measures of semi-variance) are related to variability (either day-to-day or over the time series) and have the largest correlations with indicators describing the magnitude and variability of precipitation. The fourth (the range) is dependent on the relationship between the river flow on successive days and is most correlated with the length of wet and dry periods. Two prominent periods of change were identified: 1995–2001 and 2004–2012. The first period of change is attributed to an increase in the magnitude of rainfall whilst the second period is attributed to an increase in variability of the rainfall. The study demonstrates that variograms have considerable potential for application in the detection and attribution of temporal variability and change in hydrological systems

    Evaporation in fen wetlands

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    Wicken Fen represents a remnant of the once extensive peat fenlands of East Anglia, which survived large-scale drainage efforts intended to bring land into agricultural production due to its importance within the local economy and subsequently as a site of interest to scientists. Wicken Fen is managed so as to conserve a variety of habitats lost as a result of drainage and therefore does not represent a truly natural environment. Traditional management practices on Sedge Fen, the largest part of Wicken Fen, involve maintaining a 3 – 4 year harvesting cycle and controlling soil water levels. Previous hydrological studies of Wicken Fen have determined that soil water levels are strongly influenced by precipitation and evapotranspiration. The evaporative flux at Sedge Fen is commonly estimated by using meteorological data within empirical formulae such as the Penman Monteith equation owing to measurement difficulties. Furthermore, there has been little investigation of the evaporative loss from fens within the UK. This study aims to investigate the evaporative loss from Sedge Fen so as to better inform hydrological management and to describe evapotranspiration estimation techniques which may be employed at other fen sites. Eddy covariance measurements demonstrated that evapotranspiration from Sedge Fen was typically less than reference evapotranspiration estimates. Evapotranspiration estimates may be improved by consideration of surface parameters which can be described using meteorological data. Meteorological differences existed between Sedge Fen and the surrounding area, resulting in differing evapotranspiration estimates depending on where data was collected. Evapotranspiration measurements were used within a simple water budget model of Sedge Fen and demonstrated the lateral movement of soil water, a hydrological flux previously assumed to be of little consequence within the hydrological balance of Sedge Fen.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Reedbed hydrology and water requirements

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    Stodmarsh National Nature Reserve includes the largest reedbed in Southern England and is an important habitat for breeding waders and several rare bird species, including Bitterns. A succession of drought years in the 1990s brought the issue of the hydrology and water requirements of the wetland to the attention of managers and there is concern about future water supplies to the reserve. This study aims to calculate the amount of water required by the site in order to maintain optimum habitat conditions. The greatest area of uncertainty in the water balance is the evapotranspiration rate of the reedbeds and therefore a secondary aim is to increase understanding of this flux. Detailed hydrological measurements were carried out over two years to establish the water balance of the site. Evapotranspiration was measured using the Bowen ratio technique, accompanied by additional physiological and meteorological measurements. Results showed that evapotranspiration from reeds was generally less than reference evapotranspiration and that stornatal resistance was the most important factor controlling evapotranspiration rates. The hydrology of the site was modelled using a thirty year historical data series to quantify the return periods of flood and drought conditions of different severity. These were used to predict water resource requirements and availability and confidence limits were attached to the results. In 70% of years, summer deficits in the rainfall-evapotranspiration balance require the addition of water from the Lampen Stream. In 10% of these years, the entire surmner discharge of the Lampen Stream would be insufficient to meet site water requirements and an additional source of water is required. Competition with other water users and limits on abstraction will increase the number of years an additional water source is required. In addition future climate change is likely to increase summer water requirements whilst decreasing resource availability.EThOS - Electronic Theses Online ServiceGBUnited Kingdo

    Agro-environmental sustainability and financial cost of reusing gasfield-produced water for agricultural irrigation

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    Produced water (PW) is the largest by-product generated from oil and gas extraction. Currently, half of the total PW volume is managed through environmentally-controverted and costly disposal practices. In dry regions, PW could be beneficially reused to irrigate crops reducing the overexploitation of freshwater resources. However, PW quality, and particularly its high salinity, sodicity and alkalinity, create uncertainties regarding the agro-environmental sustainability and the cost of this practice. The aim of this paper was to identify potential agro-environmentally sustainable irrigation schemes with gasfield-PW in hyper-arid Qatar and to estimate their operating costs. A soil-water model was used to simulate the irrigation of sugar beet with gasfield-PW under the climatic and soil conditions occurring in northern Qatar. Different irrigation strategies combining over-irrigation, PW blending with treated sewage effluent (TSE) and PW desalination were tested in order to protect the soil and the aquifer from salinisation and sodification. The operating costs of identified agro-environmentally sustainable scenarios were estimated through a cost analysis. In the case study, the simulations indicated that using an irrigation volume up to ∌300% of the crop water needs with a blend of two-thirds PW and one-third TSE (or desalinated PW) could preserve the soil stability, crop yield and groundwater quality. The least-cost option was to reduce the irrigation amount at a little over the crop water needs and mix PW with an equivalent volume of TSE or four equivalent volumes of desalinated PW which would cost 0.26/m3and0.26/m3 and 0.46/m3 respectively. As traditional PW disposal practices cost between 0.06–0.06–16.67/m3, reusing PW in irrigation is thus potentially a competitive PW management strategy for O&G firms

    The challenges of developing an irrigation strategy for UK agriculture and horticulture in 2020: industry and research priorities

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    In many countries, including the UK, water resources are under intense stress with recent droughts highlighting the risks to the security of supplies for different sectors including domestic water supply, industry, agriculture (including horticulture), power generation and the environment. A changing climate with greater rainfall uncertainty, coupled with new regulations, increasing competition for water and demands for sustainable development will only exacerbate the current situation, with major supply-demand imbalances expected over the next few decades. In the UK, irrigated agriculture constitutes a volumetrically small but economically high value use of water, to maximise crop yields and quality. However, the importance of irrigation is also changing; driven by the intensification and transformation of the agricultural sector, the need to recognise water as an 'essential' use, policy incentives to increase domestic food production and an industry imperative to increase water use efficiency and ensure agricultural expansion can continue to underpin the rural economy. This review considers the key climate and water-related risks facing the agricultural and horticultural crop sectors, the various environmental, regulatory and business externalities or 'drivers for change', and the strategic priorities for action, both from industry and research perspectives

    Selective Proteomic Analysis of Antibiotic-Tolerant Cellular Subpopulations in Pseudomonas aeruginosa Biofilms

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    Biofilm infections exhibit high tolerance against antibiotic treatment. The study of biofilms is complicated by phenotypic heterogeneity; biofilm subpopulations differ in their metabolic activities and their responses to antibiotics. Here, we describe the use of the bio-orthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) method to enable selective proteomic analysis of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm subpopulation. Through controlled expression of a mutant methionyl-tRNA synthetase, we targeted BONCAT labeling to cells in the regions of biofilm microcolonies that showed increased tolerance to antibiotics. We enriched and identified proteins synthesized by cells in these regions. Compared to the entire biofilm proteome, the labeled subpopulation was characterized by a lower abundance of ribosomal proteins and was enriched in proteins of unknown function. We performed a pulse-labeling experiment to determine the dynamic proteomic response of the tolerant subpopulation to supra-MIC treatment with the fluoroquinolone antibiotic ciprofloxacin. The adaptive response included the upregulation of proteins required for sensing and repairing DNA damage and substantial changes in the expression of enzymes involved in central carbon metabolism. We differentiated the immediate proteomic response, characterized by an increase in flagellar motility, from the long-term adaptive strategy, which included the upregulation of purine synthesis. This targeted, selective analysis of a bacterial subpopulation demonstrates how the study of proteome dynamics can enhance our understanding of biofilm heterogeneity and antibiotic tolerance.IMPORTANCE Bacterial growth is frequently characterized by behavioral heterogeneity at the single-cell level. Heterogeneity is especially evident in the physiology of biofilms, in which distinct cellular subpopulations can respond differently to stresses, including subpopulations of pathogenic biofilms that are more tolerant to antibiotics. Global proteomic analysis affords insights into cellular physiology but cannot identify proteins expressed in a particular subpopulation of interest. Here, we report a chemical biology method to selectively label, enrich, and identify proteins expressed by cells within distinct regions of biofilm microcolonies. We used this approach to study changes in protein synthesis by the subpopulation of antibiotic-tolerant cells throughout a course of treatment. We found substantial differences between the initial response and the long-term adaptive strategy that biofilm cells use to cope with antibiotic stress. The method we describe is readily applicable to investigations of bacterial heterogeneity in diverse contexts

    Selective proteomic analysis of antibiotic-tolerant cellular subpopulations in pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilms

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    Biofilm infections exhibit high tolerance against antibiotic treatment. The study of biofilms is complicated by phenotypic heterogeneity; biofilm subpopulations differ in their metabolic activities and their responses to antibiotics. Here, we describe the use of the bio-orthogonal noncanonical amino acid tagging (BONCAT) method to enable selective proteomic analysis of a Pseudomonas aeruginosa biofilm subpopulation. Through controlled expression of a mutant methionyl-tRNA synthetase, we targeted BONCAT labeling to cells in the regions of biofilm microcolonies that showed increased tolerance to antibiotics. We enriched and identified proteins synthesized by cells in these regions. Compared to the entire biofilm proteome, the labeled subpopulation was characterized by a lower abundance of ribosomal proteins and was enriched in proteins of unknown function. We performed a pulse-labeling experiment to determine the dynamic proteomic response of the tolerant subpopulation to supra-MIC treatment with the fluoroquinolone antibiotic ciprofloxacin. The adaptive response included the upregulation of proteins required for sensing and repairing DNA damage and substantial changes in the expression of enzymes involved in central carbon metabolism. We differentiated the immediate proteomic response, characterized by an increase in flagellar motility, from the long-term adaptive strategy, which included the upregulation of purine synthesis. This targeted, selective analysis of a bacterial subpopulation demonstrates how the study of proteome dynamics can enhance our understanding of biofilm heterogeneity and antibiotic tolerance
