15,203 research outputs found

    Shear-stress controlled dynamics of nematic complex fluids

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    Based on a mesoscopic theory we investigate the non-equilibrium dynamics of a sheared nematic liquid, with the control parameter being the shear stress σxy\sigma_{\mathrm{xy}} (rather than the usual shear rate, γ˙\dot\gamma). To this end we supplement the equations of motion for the orientational order parameters by an equation for γ˙\dot\gamma, which then becomes time-dependent. Shearing the system from an isotropic state, the stress- controlled flow properties turn out to be essentially identical to those at fixed γ˙\dot\gamma. Pronounced differences when the equilibrium state is nematic. Here, shearing at controlled γ˙\dot\gamma yields several non-equilibrium transitions between different dynamic states, including chaotic regimes. The corresponding stress-controlled system has only one transition from a regular periodic into a stationary (shear-aligned) state. The position of this transition in the σxy\sigma_{\mathrm{xy}}-γ˙\dot\gamma plane turns out to be tunable by the delay time entering our control scheme for σxy\sigma_{\mathrm{xy}}. Moreover, a sudden change of the control method can {\it stabilize} the chaotic states appearing at fixed γ˙\dot\gamma.Comment: 10 pages, 11 figure

    Magnon Heat Conductivity and Mean Free Paths in Two-Leg Spin Ladders: A Model-Independent Determination

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    The magnon thermal conductivity κmag\kappa_{\mathrm{mag}} of the spin ladders in Sr14Cu24−xZnxO41\rm Sr_{14}Cu_{24-x}Zn_xO_{41} has been investigated at low doping levels x=0x=0, 0.125, 0.25, 0.5 and 0.75. The Zn-impurities generate nonmagnetic defects which define an upper limit for lmagl_{\mathrm{mag}} and therefore allow a clear-cut relation between lmagl_{\mathrm{mag}} and κmag\kappa_{\mathrm{mag}} to be established independently of any model. Over a large temperature range we observe a progressive suppression of κmag\kappa_{\mathrm{mag}} with increasing Zn-content and find in particular that with respect to pure Sr14Cu24O41\rm Sr_{14}Cu_{24}O_{41} κmag\kappa_{\mathrm{mag}} is strongly suppressed even in the case of tiny impurity densities where lmag≲374l_{\mathrm{mag}}\lesssim 374~{\AA}. This shows unambiguously that large lmag≈3000l_{\mathrm{mag}}\approx 3000~{\AA} which have been reported for Sr14Cu24O41\rm Sr_{14}Cu_{24}O_{41} and La5Ca9Cu24O41\rm La_{5}Ca_9Cu_{24}O_{41} on basis of a kinetic model are in the correct order of magnitude

    Stratospheric impact on tropospheric ozone variability and trends: 1990–2009

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    The influence of stratospheric ozone on the interannual variability and trends in tropospheric ozone is evaluated between 30 and 90° N from 1990–2009 using ozone measurements and a global chemical transport model, the Community Atmospheric Model with chemistry (CAM-chem). Long-term measurements from ozonesondes, at 150 and 500 hPa, and the Measurements of OZone and water vapour by in-service Airbus aircraft programme (MOZAIC), at 500 hPa, are analyzed over Japan, Canada, the Eastern US and Northern and Central Europe. The measurements generally emphasize northern latitudes, although the simulation suggests that measurements over the Canadian, Northern and Central European regions are representative of the large-scale interannual ozone variability from 30 to 90° N at 500 hPa. CAM-chem is run with input meteorology from the National Center for Environmental Prediction; a tagging methodology is used to identify the stratospheric contribution to tropospheric ozone concentrations. A variant of the synthetic ozone tracer (synoz) is used to represent stratospheric ozone. Both the model and measurements indicate that on large spatial scales stratospheric interannual ozone variability drives significant tropospheric variability at 500 hPa and the surface. In particular, the simulation and the measurements suggest large stratospheric influence at the surface sites of Mace Head (Ireland) and Jungfraujoch (Switzerland) as well as many 500 hPa measurement locations. Both the measurements and simulation suggest the stratosphere has contributed to tropospheric ozone trends. In many locations between 30–90° N 500 hPa ozone significantly increased from 1990–2000, but has leveled off since (from 2000–2009). The simulated global ozone budget suggests global stratosphere-troposphere exchange increased in 1998–1999 in association with a global ozone anomaly. Discrepancies between the simulated and measured ozone budget include a large underestimation of measured ozone variability and discrepancies in long-term stratospheric ozone trends. This suggests the need for more sophisticated simulations including better representations of stratospheric chemistry and circulation

    Fluctuations of topological disclination lines in nematics: renormalization of the string model

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    The fluctuation eigenmode problem of the nematic topological disclination line with strength ±1/2\pm 1/2 is solved for the complete nematic tensor order parameter. The line tension concept of a defect line is assessed, the line tension is properly defined. Exact relaxation rates and thermal amplitudes of the fluctuations are determined. It is shown that within the simple string model of the defect line the amplitude of its thermal fluctuations is significantly underestimated due to the neglect of higher radial modes. The extent of universality of the results concerning other systems possessing line defects is discussed.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figure

    A possible new phase of antagonistic nematogens in a disorienting field

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    A simple model is proposed for nematogenic molecules that favor perpendicular orientations as well as parallel ones. (Charged rods, for example, show this antagonistic tendency.) When a small disorienting field is applied along zz, a low density phase N−N_- of nematic order parameter Sz<0S_z<0 coexists with a dense biaxial nematic NbN_b. (At zero field, N−N_- becomes isotropic and NbN_b uniaxial.) But at stronger fields, a new phase N+4N_{+4}, invariant under π/2\pi/2 rotations around the field axis, appears in between N−N_- and NbN_b. Prospects for finding the N+4N_{+4} phase experimentally are briefly discussed.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Accepted for publication in PR

    Ballistic heat transport of quantum spin excitations as seen in SrCuO2

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    Fundamental conservation laws predict ballistic, i.e., dissipationless transport behaviour in one-dimensional quantum magnets. Experimental evidence, however, for such anomalous transport has been lacking ever since. Here we provide experimental evidence for ballistic heat transport in a S=1/2 Heisenberg chain. In particular, we investigate high purity samples of the chain cuprate SrCuO2 and observe a huge magnetic heat conductivity κmag\kappa_{mag}. An extremely large spinon mean free path of more than a micrometer demonstrates that κmag\kappa_{mag} is only limited by extrinsic scattering processes which is a clear signature of ballistic transport in the underlying spin model

    Ray-tracing in pseudo-complex General Relativity

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    Motivated by possible observations of the black hole candidate in the center of our galaxy and the galaxy M87, ray-tracing methods are applied to both standard General Relativity (GR) and a recently proposed extension, the pseudo-complex General Relativity (pc-GR). The correction terms due to the investigated pc-GR model lead to slower orbital motions close to massive objects. Also the concept of an innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) is modified for the pc-GR model, allowing particles to get closer to the central object for most values of the spin parameter aa than in GR. Thus, the accretion disk, surrounding a massive object, is brighter in pc-GR than in GR. Iron Kα\alpha emission line profiles are also calculated as those are good observables for regions of strong gravity. Differences between the two theories are pointed out.Comment: revised versio

    A Coupled Map Lattice Model for Rheological Chaos in Sheared Nematic Liquid Crystals

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    A variety of complex fluids under shear exhibit complex spatio-temporal behaviour, including what is now termed rheological chaos, at moderate values of the shear rate. Such chaos associated with rheological response occurs in regimes where the Reynolds number is very small. It must thus arise as a consequence of the coupling of the flow to internal structural variables describing the local state of the fluid. We propose a coupled map lattice (CML) model for such complex spatio-temporal behaviour in a passively sheared nematic liquid crystal, using local maps constructed so as to accurately describe the spatially homogeneous case. Such local maps are coupled diffusively to nearest and next nearest neighbours to mimic the effects of spatial gradients in the underlying equations of motion. We investigate the dynamical steady states obtained as parameters in the map and the strength of the spatial coupling are varied, studying local temporal properties at a single site as well as spatio-temporal features of the extended system. Our methods reproduce the full range of spatio-temporal behaviour seen in earlier one-dimensional studies based on partial differential equations. We report results for both the one and two-dimensional cases, showing that spatial coupling favours uniform or periodically time-varying states, as intuitively expected. We demonstrate and characterize regimes of spatio-temporal intermittency out of which chaos develops. Our work suggests that such simplified lattice representations of the spatio-temporal dynamics of complex fluids under shear may provide useful insights as well as fast and numerically tractable alternatives to continuum representations.Comment: 32 pages, single column, 20 figure
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