70 research outputs found

    rRNA gene activity and control of expression mediated by methylation and imprinting during embryo development in wheat x rye hybrids

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    Ribosomal RNA genes originating from one parent are often suppressed in interspecific hybrids. We show that treatments during germination with the cytosine analogue 5-azacytidine stably reactivate the expression of the suppressed rRNA genes of rye origin in the wheat x rye amphiploid, triticale, by preventing methylation of sites in the rye rDNA. When 5-azacytidine is applied to embryos of triticale and wheat x rye F1 hybrids nine, or more, days after fertilization, rye rRNA gene expression is stably reactivated in the resulting seedling. Earlier treatments have no effect on rye rRNA gene expression, indicating that undermethylation of DNA early in embryo development is reversible. After 9 days, the methylation status of rRNA genes in maintained throughout development. Since the change in expression follows a methylation change at particular restriction-enzyme sites, the data establish a clear correlation between gene activity and methylation in plants

    The nature and organization of satellite DNAs in Petunia hybrida, related, and ancestral genomes

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    IntroductionThe garden petunia, Petunia hybrida (Solanaceae) is a fertile, diploid, annual hybrid species (2n=14) originating from P. axillaris and P. inflata 200 years ago. To understand the recent evolution of the P. hybrida genome, we examined tandemly repeated or satellite sequences using bioinformatic and molecular cytogenetic analysis.MethodsRaw reads from available genomic assemblies and survey sequences of P. axillaris N (PaxiN), P. inflata S6, (PinfS6), P. hybrida (PhybR27) and the here sequenced P. parodii S7 (PparS7) were used for graph and k-mer based cluster analysis of TAREAN and RepeatExplorer. Analysis of repeat specific monomer lengths and sequence heterogeneity of the major tandem repeat families with more than 0.01% genome proportion were complemented by fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) using consensus sequences as probes to chromosomes of all four species.ResultsSeven repeat families, PSAT1, PSAT3, PSAT4, PSAT5 PSAT6, PSAT7 and PSAT8, shared high consensus sequence similarity and organisation between the four genomes. Additionally, many degenerate copies were present. FISH in P. hybrida and in the three wild petunias confirmed the bioinformatics data and gave corresponding signals on all or some chromosomes. PSAT1 is located at the ends of all chromosomes except the 45S rDNA bearing short arms of chromosomes II and III, and we classify it as a telomere associated sequence (TAS). It is the most abundant satellite repeat with over 300,000 copies, 0.2% of the genomes. PSAT3 and the variant PSAT7 are located adjacent to the centromere or mid-arm of one to three chromosome pairs. PSAT5 has a strong signal at the end of the short arm of chromosome III in P. axillaris and P.inflata, while in P. hybrida additional interstitial sites were present. PSAT6 is located at the centromeres of chromosomes II and III. PSAT4 and PSAT8 were found with only short arrays.DiscussionThese results demonstrate that (i) repeat families occupy distinct niches within chromosomes, (ii) they differ in the copy number, cluster organization and homogenization events, and that (iii) the recent genome hybridization in breeding P. hybrida preserved the chromosomal position of repeats but affected the copy number of repetitive DNA

    Integration of Banana Streak Badnavirus into theMusaGenome: Molecular and Cytogenetic Evidence

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    AbstractBreeding and tissue culture of certain cultivars of bananas (Musa) have led to high levels of banana streak badnavirus (BSV) infection in progeny from symptomless parents. BSV DNA hybridized to genomic DNA of one such parent, Obino l'Ewai, suggesting integration of viral sequences. Sequencing of clones of Obino l'Ewai genomic DNA revealed an interface between BSV andMusasequences and a complex BSV integrant.In situhybridization revealed two different BSV sequence locations in Obino l'Ewai chromosomes and a complex arrangement of BSV andMusasequences was shown by probing stretched DNA fibers. This is the first report of integrated sequences that possibly lead to a plant pararetrovirus episomal infection by a mechanism differing markedly from animal retroviral systems

    Evaluating the Potential of Using 5-Azacytidine as an Epimutagen

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    A number of early flowering lines were induced when 5-azacytidine was applied to germinating flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) seed. The genetics of these lines indicate that the induced changes are epigenetic and probably result from demethylation of the genomic DNA at loci that affect flowering age. Although the growth and development of three stable early flowering lines are altered and the percentage of filled seed was reduced in all three lines compared with controls, measures of seed productivity demonstrated that harvest index was unaffected in two of the lines. In the third, harvest index was lower than normal and both seed set per capsule and seed mass per 100 seed were reduced. Furthermore, six generations after induction this line began to display relatively high levels of polyembryony. The late appearance of this twinning and other aspects related to working with lines induced by 5-azacytidine and using 5-azacytidine as an epimutagen are discussed

    Flow cytometry-based determination of ploidy from dried leaf specimens in genomically complex collections of the tropical forage grass Urochloa

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    Urochloa (including Brachiaria, Megathyrus and some Panicum) tropical grasses are native to Africa and are now, after selection and breeding, planted worldwide, particularly in South America, as important forages with huge potential for further sustainable improvement and conservation of grasslands. We aimed to develop an optimized approach to determine ploidy of germplasm collection of this tropical forage grass group using dried leaf material, including approaches to collect, dry and preserve plant samples for flow cytometry analysis. Our methods enable robust identification of ploidy levels (coefficient of variation of G0/G1 peaks, CV, typically <5%). Ploidy of some 348 forage grass accessions (ploidy range from 2x to 9x), from international genetic resource collections, showing variation in basic chromosome numbers and reproduction modes (apomixis and sexual), were determined using our defined standard protocol. Two major Urochloa agamic complexes are used in the current breeding programs at CIAT and EMBRAPA: the ’brizantha’ and ’humidicola’ agamic complexes are variable, with multiple ploidy levels. Some U. brizantha accessions have odd level of ploidy (5x), and the relative differences in fluorescence values of the peak positions between adjacent cytotypes is reduced, thus more precise examination of this species is required. Ploidy measurement of U. humidicola revealed aneuploidy

    Maintenance and expansion of genetic and trait variation following domestication in a clonal crop

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    Clonal propagation enables favourable crop genotypes to be rapidly selected and multiplied. However, the absence of sexual propagation can lead to low genetic diversity and accumulation of deleterious mutations, which may eventually render crops less resilient to pathogens or environmental change. To better understand this trade-off, we characterize the domestication and contemporary genetic diversity of Enset (Ensete ventricosum), an indigenous African relative of bananas (Musa) and a principal starch staple for 20 million Ethiopians. Wild enset reproduction occurs strictly by sexual outcrossing, but for cultivation, it is propagated clonally and associated with diversification and specialization into hundreds of named landraces. We applied tGBS sequencing to generate genome-wide genotypes for 192 accessions from across enset's cultivated distribution, and surveyed 1340 farmers on enset agronomic traits. Overall, reduced heterozygosity in the domesticated lineage was consistent with a domestication bottleneck that retained 37% of wild diversity. However, an excess of putatively deleterious missense mutations at low frequency present as heterozygotes suggested an accumulation of mutational load in clonal domesticated lineages. Our evidence indicates that the major domesticated lineages initially arose through historic sexual recombination associated with a domestication bottleneck, followed by the amplification of favourable genotypes through an extended period of clonal propagation. Among domesticated lineages, we found a significant phylogenetic signal for multiple farmer-identified food, nutrition and disease resistance traits and little evidence of contemporary recombination. The development of future-climate adapted genotypes may require crop breeding, but outcrossing risks exposing deleterious alleles as homozygotes. This trade-off may partly explain the ubiquity and persistence of clonal propagation over recent centuries of comparative climate stability

    Nucleolar dominance in triticales: control by unlinked genes

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    Hybrid plants and animals often show suppression of activity of ribosomal genes (rDNA) originating from one of the parental or ancestral species. In the wheat6rye amphiploid triticale, containing 28 chromosomes of wheat origin and 14 from rye, rDNA of rye origin (on chromosome 1R) is not normally expressed, while the 1B- and 6B-origin rDNA from wheat shows strong expression. Expression of rDNA can be accurately assessed by the silver staining method, which stains both interphase nucleoli and metaphase rDNA sites that were actively expressed at the previous interphase. We show here that substitution of another rye chromosome, 2R, by a chromosome from hexaploid wheat, 2D (triticale-2D(2R)), prevents suppression of the rye-origin rDNA, and leads to activity of all six major rDNA loci. These results were found in two different triticales and supported by rDNA behaviour in wheat–rye chromosomal addition lines. Models for chromosomal interactions leading to control of rDNA expression are presente
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