162 research outputs found

    A cause of circulatory collapse that should be considered following trauma

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    Management of poly-trauma patients presenting to the emergency room is usually a challenging and formidable task. Two of the common problems seen in those patients are shock and neurological dysfunction. A huge differential for post-traumatic circulatory collapse exist and timely identification of the etiology is of utmost importance to avoid complications. In this report we are describing 2 cases presenting with circulatory collapse following trauma. The first case was a 29 year old female who presented after a motor vehicle accident fully conscious with severe hypotension and bradycardia. The second case presented with severe hemodynamic instability after falling at home. Physical examination of both patients revealed weakness in all 4 limbs and CT cervical spine revealed complete anterior sublaxation of C5 over C6 cervical vertebrae in the first case and partial sublaxation of C5 over C6 cervical vertebrae in the second case confirming that spinal cord injury is the likely cause for these hemodynamic alterations. A high index of suspicion for spinal cord injuries is therefore mandatory when managing a trauma patient presenting with quadriparesis and hemodynamic instability that is otherwise unexplained especially when the ensuing hypotension is associated with bradycardia instead of reflex tachycardia. Awareness of this cause of circulatory collapse is particularly important in the unconscious patient where eliciting sensory and motor deficits looking for spinal cord injury is not always feasible. Both patients were transferred to the intensive care unit and were maintained on epinephrine till becoming hemodynamically stable. The report aims to sensitize readers to this cause of post-traumatic circulatory collapse


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    Missing the guidewire: an avoidable complication

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    Central venous catheterization is an imperative tool in the critically ill patient to administer fluids, medications and for monitoring the central venous pressure. This procedure is associated with a variety of complications, some of which can be life threatening. In this brief report, we are addressing one of the rare complications of central venous catheterization which is missing the guidewire. We also described several precautions to avoid this complication as well as modifications in the guidewire to prevent its escape

    Concomitant acute right ventricular infarction and ischemic cerebrovascular stroke; possible explanations

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    Concomitant acute myocardial infarction and ischemic cerebrovascular accidents has been rarely reported in the literature. In this report, we are describing a 48 year old male patient who presented with acute infero-posterior and right ventricular transmural myocardial infarction followed within one hour with massive cerebral infarction and deep coma. The patient succumbed to cardiogenic shock and fatal ventricular arrhythmias resistant to aggressive resuscitative efforts. This association can best be described as "cardio-cerebral infarction". The authors suggest that there exist a possible relationship between both pathologies rather than being just a mere coincidence. Explanations for this association are thoroughly explored and discussed. Early recognition of such cases is important and determines the patient's further management and prognosis. This report aims to sensitize readers to this rare and critical scenario and highlights the necessity of further research for the ideal management of this situation

    Occult pneumothorax, revisited

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    Pneumothorax is a recognized cause of preventable death following chest wall trauma where a simple intervention can be life saving. In cases of trauma patients where cervical spine immobilization is mandatory, supine AP chest radiograph is the most practical initial study. It is however not as sensitive as CT chest for early detection of a pneumothorax. "Occult" pneumothorax is an accepted definition of an existing but usually a clinically and radiologically silent disturbance that in most patients can be tolerated while other more urgent trauma needs are attended to. However, in certain patients, especially those on mechanical ventilation (with subsequent increase of intrapleural air with positive pressure ventilation), missing the diagnosis of pneumothorax can be deleterious with fatal consequences. This review will discuss the occult pneumothorax in the context of 3 radiological examples, which will further emphasize the entity. Because a negative AP chest radiograph can dangerously delay its recognition, we recommend that any trauma victim presenting to the emergency department with symptoms of respiratory distress should be screened with either thoracic ultrasonography or chest CT scan to avoid missing a pneumothorax

    Toxic epidermal necrolysis following treatment of pseudotumour cerebri: a case report

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    Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis and Steven-Johnson syndrome are entities on a spectrum of cutaneous reactions that usually occur as an idiosyncratic reaction to certain drugs. The distinction between TEN and SJS is based on the percentage of skin involved with SJS being less than 10% and TEN being more than 30%. They exhibit severe skin blistering and sloughing with mucosal involvement and can be fatal in many cases. Discontinuation of the offending agent is mandatory together with reduction of skin manipulation and avoiding infection. Plasmapharesis, intravenous immunoglobulins and immunosuppressants have been used with conflicting results. In this manuscript we are describing a 22 year old female patient from Egypt who presented with severe skin sloughing with mucosal involvement following carbamazepine therapy. The incriminated drug was discontinued and urgent life saving therapy in the form of broad spectrum antibiotic, immunosuppression with cyclophosphamide, Intensive Care Unit admission and nursing care was started followed by dramatic response. The clinical presentation, pathogenesis and modalities of treatment will be described in details

    Massive hydrothorax following subclavian vein catheterization

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    Since the introduction of central venous catheterization for monitoring of the venous pressure, fluid infusion and hyperalimentation, the literature has been full of serious life-threatening complications. Of these complications is the false positioning of the central venous catheter and subsequent development of pleural effusion. In this report we are describing a case of iatrogenic massive pleural effusion following subclavian vein catheterization necessitating intercostal tube drainage and mechanical ventilation. The case highlights the importance of ensuring adequate positioning of the catheter after insertion through aspiration of venous blood, immediate post insertion X-ray and the utilization of ultrasound guidance in cases with expected difficult catheterization

    Anteroposterior chest radiograph vs. chest CT scan in early detection of pneumothorax in trauma patients

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    Pneumothorax is a common complication following blunt chest wall trauma. In these patients, because of the restrictions regarding immobilization of the cervical spine, Anteroposterior (AP) chest radiograph is usually the most feasible initial study which is not as sensitive as the erect chest X-ray or CT chest for detection of a pneumothorax. We will present 3 case reports which serve for better understanding of the entity of occult pneumothorax. The first case is an example of a true occult pneumothorax where an initial AP chest X-ray revealed no evidence of pneumothorax and a CT chest immediately performed revealed evidence of pneumothorax. The second case represents an example of a missed rather than a truly occult pneumothorax where the initial chest radiograph revealed clues suggesting the presence of pneumothorax which were missed by the reading radiologist. The third case emphasizes the fact that "occult pneumothorax is predictable". The presence of subcutaneous emphesema and pulmonary contusion should call for further imaging with CT chest to rule out pneumothorax. Thoracic CT scan is therefore the "gold standard" for early detection of a pneumothorax in trauma patients. This report aims to sensitize readers to the entity of occult pneumothorax and create awareness among intensivists and ER physicians regarding the proper diagnosis and management

    Health-related quality of life following TAVI or cardiac surgery in patients at intermediate and low risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    Recent randomised trials have shown that clinical outcomes with transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI) are non-inferior to surgical aortic valve replacement (SAVR) in patients with symptomatic aortic stenosis at intermediate to low risk. Health-related quality of life (HrQoL) outcomes in these patient groups remain uncertain. A systematic search of the literature was conducted that included nine trials and 11,295 patients. Kansas City Cardiomyopathy Questionnaire (KCCQ), a heart-failure-specific measure and EuroQol-5D (EQ-5D) (a generic health status tool) changes were the primary outcomes. New York Heart Association (NYHA) classification was the secondary outcome. Improvement in KCCQ scores was greater with TAVI (mean difference (MD)=13.56, 95% confidence interval (CI) 11.67-15.46, p<0.001) at 1 month, as was the improvement in EQ-5D (MD=0.07, 95% CI 0.05-0.08, p<0.001). There was no difference in KCCQ (MD=1.05, 95% CI -0.11 to 2.21, p=0.08) or EQ-5D (MD=-0.01, 95% CI -0.03 to 0.01), p=0.37) at 12 months. NYHA functional class 3/4 was lower in patients undergoing TAVI at 1 month (MD=0.51, 95% CI 0.34-0.78, p=0.002), but there was no difference at 12 months (MD=1.10; 95% CI 0.87-1.38, p=0.43). Overall, TAVI offers early benefit in HRQoL outcomes compared with SAVR, but they are equivalent at 12 months