9 research outputs found

    Speech act of thanking: a contrastive analysis among Iranian EFL learners in terms of gender and level of proficiency

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    The speech act of thanking is one of the fairly neglected areas of research in the Iranian context. The present study seeks to investigate the ways in which this social act is expressed by young male and female EFL learners. To collect the data for this study sixty participants (30 males, 30females) were selected randomly from among the population of BA and MA students of Najafabad university and students learning English in a language institutes located in Najafabad. The major focus of this study was the role that gender and individuals’ level of proficiency might play in the application of thanking strategies. Students were asked to complete a discourse completion test (DCT). They were supposed to read thirteen natural situations, and react to them via expressing gratitude. In order to analyze the utterances of thanking, Cheng's coding scheme was employed. Students' responses were further classified according to the gender and level of proficiency. The results revealed that the females were more cautious in selecting strategies of gratitude. Individuals' level of proficiency was also found to play an important role in the process of strategy selection

    Aesthetics in the relationship of conceptual metaphors and cultural models in the translation of Rubayyat of Khayyam

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    Mandelblit’s cognitive translation hypothesis investigates the translatability of metaphors at the conceptual level by considering two possible alternatives of same mapping condition (SMC) and different mapping condition (DMC) facing translators. His model incorporating other ideas about cultural models presumes conceptual metaphors as intertwined with cultural models. Additionally, in philosophy aesthetics has been defined as a way to access truth (constructed, situated and embodied rather than absolute). Therefore, the aim of the present study is to aesthetically evaluate Khayyam’s Rubayyat and its English translation by Whinfield as a case study in order to gauge the issue of aesthetic equivalence with regard to the integrated model based on ideas of Mandelblit, Tabakowska, and Al-Zoubi et al. Thus, firstly, SMCs and DMCs are investigated in Whinfield’s translation and secondly, aesthetic experiences of the two cultures involved are evaluated in terms of conceptual metaphors; finally, an attempt is made to modify the integrated model in terms of aesthetics. The research findings reveal that the translator has been mostly successful in maintaining conceptual equivalence by changing generic schemas and cultural models compatible to his Western community in cases of DMCs. This indicates the interrelation of conceptual metaphors and cultural models and demonstrates the overall applicability of the integrated model. Also confirmed is the necessity of supplementing the said model by factoring in aesthetics, defined by Heidegger and Nietzsche as the very understanding of a community about realities

    Effects of pedagogical movie Persian subtitles on vocabulary improvement: the case of Iranian EFL learners

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    Throughout the history of language teaching, using subtitles has had their particular advocates in teaching English as a second language. This study was conducted to investigate the impacts of Persian subtitled movies on vocabulary knowledge improvement of Iranian intermediate EFL learners. To achieve this goal, out of 35 participants, 20 female learners from a language institute in Isfahan, took part in the study. Their ages were between 12 to 16 years old and they were randomly divided into two homogenous groups (controllable and uncontrollable subtitle groups) based on Oxford Placement Test (OPT). As the pretest of the study, a content specific vocabulary test was administered which consisted of 30 multiple-choice items and was developed by the present researchers. Instructional materials included 10 parts of a movie, titled "Tangled" (produced in 2010). During 10 sessions of treatment, vocabularies were instructed to the participants. Experimental group was instructed watching a controllable subtitled movie (English dialogues with repeated Persian subtitles) while control group was instructed using the same audiovisual materials but without any repetition; watching an uncontrollable subtitled movie (English dialogues with unrepeated Persian subtitles). After treatment, as the posttest, the two groups were administered a test similar to the pretest and under the same conditions. Based on the findings of analysis of covariance on the pretest and posttest vocabulary test scores, the results indicated that the group using controllable Persian subtitles outperformed than the other group. Material designers and instructors can use the findings of this investigation to include movies with Persian subtitles for learners to learn more vocabulary due to the fact that these learners have learnt to appreciate the importance and the value of vocabulary, including its effectiveness in communicative tasks

    Metaphors and the Degree of Conventionality in Translation of Prose Fiction: A Fraction of the Wholein Focus

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    The idea of metaphor classification is regarded as how felicitously they are entrenched in the everyday language spoken by people. Metaphor conventionality can be regarded as a scale whose opposite ends constitute conventional and creative metaphors. Logicindicates that the majority of linguistic metaphors are conventional rather than novel, since an excess of novel metaphors may remarkably bring about «communicative surprise»(Rabadán Álvarez, 1991), thus increasing cognitive processing time. This study seeks to scrutinize the scale of conventionality in the Persian translation of A Fraction of the Wholedone by Peyman Khaksar.Based on purposive sampling, some chapters of the novel along with their Persian translations were selected for analysis. MIP known as Metaphor Identification Procedure put forward by the Pragglejaz Group (2007) was employed in the study to identify metaphors. The findings reveal that, sometimes, the metaphors used in L1 are novel or creative, but the translator draws upon conventional or entrenched ones in L2, or vice versa. The aim is to show the translator's choice of metaphor in terms of a conventionality scale using some previous cognitive models in this regard.La idea de clasificación de las metáforas se corresponde con el nivel de arraigo de éstas en el lenguaje del día a día de las personas. La convencionalidad de las metáforas puede considerarse como una balanza cuyos extremos opuestos constituyen metáforas convencionales y creativas. La lógica indica que la mayoría de las metáforas lingüísticas son convencionales y no novedosas, ya que un exceso de metáforas novedosas puede provocar una notable «sorpresa comunicativa»(Rabadán Álvarez, 1991), aumentando así el tiempo de procesamiento cognitivo. La creatividad metafórica, el otro extremo de la balanza de convencionalidad, puede verse como el uso de metáforas conceptuales y/o sus manifestaciones lingüísticas que pueden ser creativas o novedosas. Este estudio examina la escala de convencionalidad en la traducción al persa de Una parte del todo traducido por Peyman Khaksar. Con base en un muestreo intencional, se seleccionaron algunos capítulos de la novela junto con sus traducciones al persa para su análisis. En el estudio se hizo el uso de MIP conocido como procedimiento de identificación metáfora, propuesto por el Grupo Pragglejaz (2007) para identificar las metáforas. Los hallazgos revelan que, a veces, las metáforas utilizadas en L1 son nuevas o creativas, pero el traductor recurre a las convencionales o capacitadas en L2, o viceversa. El objetivo es mostrar la elección de la metáfora por parte del traductor en términos de una escala de convencionalidad utilizando unos modelos respectivos cognitivos previos

    Toward Crowdsourcing Translation Post-editing: A Thematic Systematic Review

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    Crowdsourcing Translation as a Post-Editing Method (CTPE) has emerged as a rapid and inexpensive method for translation and has drawn significant attention in recent years. This qualitative study aims to analyze and synthesize the approaches and aspects underpinning CTPE research and to identify its potential that is yet to be discovered. Through a systematic literature review focused on empirical papers, we examined the limited literature thematically and identified recurring central themes. Our review reveals that the topic of CTPE requires further attention and that its potential benefits are yet to be fully discovered. We discuss the eight core concepts that emerged during our analysis, including the purpose of CTPE, CTPE areas of application, ongoing CTPE processes, platform and crowd characteristics, motivation, CTPE domains, and future perspectives. By highlighting the strengths of CTPE, we conclude that it has the potential to be a highly effective translation method in various domains

    Las metáforas y el grado de convencionalidad en la traducción de la ficción en prosa: Una parte del todo en el punto de mira

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    The idea of metaphor classification is regarded as how felicitously they are entrenched in everyday language spoken by ordinary people. Metaphor conventionality can be regarded as a scale whose opposite ends constitute conventional and creative metaphors. Logic indicates that the majority of linguistic metaphors are well-worn and conventional rather than novel, since an excess of novel metaphors may remarkably bring about “communicative surprise” (Rabadán Álvarez, 1991) thus increase cognitive processing time and even hinder perceiving. Metaphorical creativity, as the other extreme of the scale of conventionality, can be looked at as the use of conceptual metaphors and/ or their linguistic manifestations that are creative or novel. This study seeks to scrutinize the scale of conventionality in the Persian translation of A Fraction of the Whole. MIP known as Metaphor Identification Procedure put forward by the Pragglejaz Group (2007) was employed in the study to identify metaphors. The findings reveal that, sometimes, the metaphors used in L1 are novel or creative, but the translator draws upon conventional or entrenched ones in L2, or vice versa. The aim is to show the translator's choice of metaphor in terms of a conventionality scale using some previous cognitive models in this regard.La idea de clasificación de las metáforas se corresponde con el nivel de arraigo de éstas en el lenguaje del día a día de las personas. La convencionalidad de las metáforas puede considerarse como una balanza cuyos extremos opuestos constituyen metáforas convencionales y creativas. La lógica indica que la mayoría de las metáforas lingüísticas son convencionales y no novedosas, ya que un exceso de metáforas novedosas puede provocar una notable «sorpresa comunicativa» (Rabadán Álvarez, 1991), aumentando así el tiempo de procesamiento cognitivo. La creatividad metafórica, el otro extremo de la balanza de convencionalidad, puede verse como el uso de metáforas conceptuales y/o sus manifestaciones lingüísticas que pueden ser creativas o novedosas. Este estudio examina la escala de convencionalidad en la traducción al persa de Una parte del todo traducido por Peyman Khaksar. Con base en un muestreo intencional, se seleccionaron algunos capítulos de la novela junto con sus traducciones al persa para su análisis. En el estudio se hizo el uso de MIP conocido como procedimiento de identificación metáfora, propuesto por el Grupo Pragglejaz (2007) para identificar las metáforas. Los hallazgos revelan que, a veces, las metáforas utilizadas en L1 son nuevas o creativas, pero el traductor recurre a las convencionales o capacitadas en L2, o viceversa. El objetivo es mostrar la elección de la metáfora por parte del traductor en términos de una escala de convencionalidad utilizando unos modelos respectivos cognitivos previos

    Political Terms by APLL: Issues of Terminology Implantation and ‎Acceptability

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    The present study investigates the implantation of political science terminology approved by the Academy of Persian Language and Literature (APLL) in the Hamshahri corpus made up of news text from Hamshahri newspaper and their acceptability among MA students of English translation studies (ETS), English literature (EL), and Political science (PS). To conduct this research the frequencies of the political terms approved by the APLL with their competing terms were compiled from the corpus. For analyzing another group of terms without competing terms, 90 MA students were purposively selected from the abovementioned majors. Accordingly, a 60-item 5-point Likert Scale questionnaire (including 60 political terms) along with an open-ended question were administered. The implantation coefficients (IC) of the first group of the terms with competing terms indicate that the factors such as conciseness and derivative capabilities result in higher IC. The descriptive results indicated that around two third of the ETS and EL students agree with the APLL-approved political science terms, while less than half of the PS students accept these neologisms. Moreover, the Chi-Square test (value of 92.000, p= 0.000 < 0.05) revealed that there is a correlation between the level of agreement and the major. In addition, Cramer’s V test result with the value of 0.092 indicated a weak correlation between the academic major and the attitude. Finally, analysis of the open-ended question showed that conciseness, transparency, morphological well-formedness, and familiarity with neologisms were the main reasons for agreeing or disagreeing with them

    Dissenting Voices: When Paratexts Clash With Texts. Paratextual Intervention in Persian Translations of Texts Relating to the Iran-Iraq War

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    This study uses narrative theory and the concept of narrative framing, as elaborated by Somers and Gibson (1994) and Baker (2006), to study the paratextual mediation and discursive presence of different agents in Persian translations of political texts written by Western authors about the Iran-Iraq war. By exploring the narratives dominant in the paratexts, and more specifically in the prefaces and footnotes of Persian translations, this paper examines how these have played a crucial role in reframing the narratives of Western authors through paratextual material. To this end, the narratives in the paratexts have been analyzed using four framing techniques elaborated by Somers and Gibson (1994) and Baker (2006), which are framing by temporality/spatiality, selective appropriation, labeling and participant positioning. The analysis of paratextual material shows that, apart from their introductory and explanatory functions, paratexts can be viewed as a kind of metadiscourse on the actual translations. The paper concludes that paratexts in the Persian translations are used in political and ideological ways to guide target language readers and to express the appropriate interpretations, or deemed appropriate, by the various institutional participants involved in the translation process in Iran.Cette étude utilise la théorie narrative et le concept de cadrage narratif, tels que développés par Somers et Gibson (1994) et Baker (2006), pour étudier la médiation paratextuelle et la présence discursive de différents agents dans des traductions persanes de textes politiques écrits par des auteurs anglo-américains sur la Guerre Iran-Irak. En explorant les récits dominants dans les paratextes et plus particulièrement dans les préfaces et les notes de bas de page des traductions persanes, cet article examine comment ceux-ci ont joué un rôle crucial dans le recadrage des récits des auteurs anglo-américains à travers le matériel paratextuel. À cette fin, les récits des paratextes ont été analysés à l’aide de quatre techniques de cadrage élaborées par Somers & Gibson (1994) et Baker (2006), encadrées par la temporalité / spatialité, l’appropriation sélective, l’étiquetage et le positionnement des participants. L’analyse du matériel paratextuel montre qu’en dehors de leurs fonctions introductives et explicatives, les paratextes peuvent être considérés comme une sorte de métadiscours sur les traductions réelles. Le document conclut que les paratextes dans les traductions persanes sont utilisés de manière politique et idéologique pour guider les lecteurs de la langue cible et exprimer les interprétations appropriées pour les divers participants institutionnels impliqués dans le processus de traduction en Iran.Este estudio utiliza la teoría narrativa y el concepto de encuadre narrativo elaborado por Somers y Gibson (1994) y Baker (2006) para estudiar la mediación paratextual y la presencia discursiva de diferentes agentes en las traducciones persas de textos políticos escritos por autores angloamericanos sobre la Guerra Irán-Iraq. Al explorar las narrativas dominantes en los paratextos y más específicamente en los prefacios y notas al pie de página de las traducciones persas, este documento examina cómo estos han desempeñado un papel crucial en la reformulación de las narraciones de los autores angloamericanos a través de material paratextual. Con este fin, las narraciones en los paratextos se han analizado utilizando cuatro técnicas de enmarcado elaboradas por Somers y Gibson (1994) y Baker (2006), que están enmarcadas por la temporalidad / espacialidad, la apropiación selectiva, el etiquetado y el posicionamiento de los participantes. El análisis del material paratextual muestra que, aparte de sus funciones introductorias y explicativas, los paratextos se pueden ver como una especie de metadiscurso sobre las traducciones reales. El documento concluye que los paratextos en las traducciones persas se usan en formas políticas e ideológicas para guiar a los lectores del idioma meta y expresar las interpretaciones apropiadas para los diversos participantes institucionales involucrados en el proceso de traducción en Irán