96 research outputs found

    Integrating environmental and economic performance to assess modern silvoarable agroforestry in Europe

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    AnalysisThe environmental and economic performance of silvoarable agroforestry in Europe is highly variable. Multi-criteria analysis, using the PROMETHEE outranking approach, was used to evaluate the integrated performance of silvoarable agroforestry on hypothetical farms in nineteen landscape test sites in Spain, France, and The Netherlands. The silvoarable scenarios allocated a proportion of the hypothetical farms (10 or 50%) to silvoarable agroforestry at two different tree densities (50 or 113 trees ha−1) on two different qualities of land (best or worst quality land). The status quo (conventional arable farming) was also assessed for comparison. The criteria used in the evaluation (soil erosion, nitrogen leaching, carbon sequestration, landscape biodiversity, and infinite net present value) were assessed at each landscape test site; infinite net present value was assessed under six levels of government support. In France, the analysis showed, assuming equal weighting between environmental and economic performance, that silvoarable agroforestry was preferable to conventional arable farming. The best results were observed when agroforestry was implemented on 50% of the highest quality land on the farm; the effect of tree density (50– 113 trees ha−1) was small. By contrast, in Spain and The Netherlands, the consistently greater profitability of conventional arable agriculture relative to the agroforestry alternatives made overall performance of agroforestry systems dependent on the proportion of the farm planted, and the tree density and land quality used

    Warped Spectroscopy: Localization of Frozen Bulk Modes

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    We study the 10D equation of motion of dilaton-axion fluctuations in type IIB string compactifications with three-form flux, taking warping into account. Using simplified models with physics comparable to actual compactifications, we argue that the lightest mode localizes in long warped throats and takes a mass of order the warped string scale. Also, Gukov-Vafa-Witten superpotential is valid for the lightest mass mode; however, the mass is similar to the Kaluza-Klein scale, so the dilaton-axion should be integrated out of the effective theory in this long throat regime (leaving a constant superpotential). On the other hand, there is a large hierarchy between flux-induced and KK mass scales for moderate or weak warping. This hierarchy agrees with arguments given for trivial warping. Along the way, we also estimate the effect of the other 10D supergravity equations of motion on the dilaton-axion fluctuation, since these equations act as constraints. We argue that they give negligible corrections to the simplest approximation.Comment: 24pp + appendices, 6 figs, JHEP3 class; v2. corrected reference; v3. added clarifications; v4. corrected typo

    On D3-brane Potentials in Compactifications with Fluxes and Wrapped D-branes

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    We study the potential governing D3-brane motion in a warped throat region of a string compactification with internal fluxes and wrapped D-branes. If the Kahler moduli of the compact space are stabilized by nonperturbative effects, a D3-brane experiences a force due to its interaction with D-branes wrapping certain four-cycles. We compute this interaction, as a correction to the warped four-cycle volume, using explicit throat backgrounds in supergravity. This amounts to a closed-string channel computation of the loop corrections to the nonperturbative superpotential that stabilizes the volume. We demonstrate for warped conical spaces that the superpotential correction is given by the embedding equation specifying the wrapped four-cycle, in agreement with the general form proposed by Ganor. Our approach automatically provides a solution to the problem of defining a holomorphic gauge coupling on wrapped D7-branes in a background with D3-branes. Finally, our results have applications to cosmological inflation models in which the inflaton is modeled by a D3-brane moving in a warped throat.Comment: 45 pages, 1 figure; v2: added reference, clarified notatio

    Brane/flux annihilation transitions and nonperturbative moduli stabilization

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    By extending the calculation of Kahler moduli stabilization to account for an embiggened antibrane, we reevaluate brane/flux annihilation in a warped throat with one stabilized Kahler modulus. We find that depending on the relative size of various fluxes three things can occur: the decay process proceeds unhindered, the anti-D3-branes are forbidden to decay classically, or the entire space decompactifies. Additionally, we show that the Kahler modulus receives a contribution from the collective 3-brane tension. This allows for a significant change in compactified volume during the transition and possibly mitigates some fine tuning otherwise required to achieve large volume.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX. v2: references adde

    The Shape of Gravity in a Warped Deformed Conifold

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    We study the spectrum of the gravitational modes in Minkowski spacetime due to a 6-dimensional warped deformed conifold, i.e., a warped throat, in superstring theory. After identifying the zero mode as the usual 4D graviton, we present the KK spectrum as well as other excitation modes. Gluing the throat to the bulk (a realistic scenario), we see that the graviton has a rather uniform probability distribution everywhere while a KK mode is peaked in the throat, as expected. Due to the suppressed measure of the throat in the wave function normalization, we find that a KK mode's probability in the bulk can be comparable to that of the graviton mode. We also present the tunneling probabilities of a KK mode from the inflationary throat to the bulk and to another throat. Due to resonance effect, the latter may not be suppressed as natively expected. Implication of this property to reheating after brane inflation is discussed

    The Volume of some Non-spherical Horizons and the AdS/CFT Correspondence

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    We calculate the volumes of a large class of Einstein manifolds, namely Sasaki-Einstein manifolds which are the bases of Ricci-flat affine cones described by polynomial embedding relations in C^n. These volumes are important because they allow us to extend and test the AdS/CFT correspondence. We use these volumes to extend the central charge calculation of Gubser (1998) to the generalized conifolds of Gubser, Shatashvili, and Nekrasov (1999). These volumes also allow one to quantize precisely the D-brane flux of the AdS supergravity solution. We end by demonstrating a relationship between the volumes of these Einstein spaces and the number of holomorphic polynomials (which correspond to chiral primary operators in the field theory dual) on the corresponding affine cone.Comment: 25 pp, LaTeX, 1 figure, v2: refs adde

    Dibaryon Spectroscopy

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    The AdS/CFT correspondence relates dibaryons in superconformal gauge theories to holomorphic curves in Kaehler-Einstein surfaces. The degree of the holomorphic curves is proportional to the gauge theory conformal dimension of the dibaryons. Moreover, the number of holomorphic curves should match, in an appropriately defined sense, the number of dibaryons. Using AdS/CFT backgrounds built from the generalized conifolds of Gubser, Shatashvili, and Nekrasov (1999), we show that the gauge theory prediction for the dimension of dibaryonic operators does indeed match the degree of the corresponding holomorphic curves. For AdS/CFT backgrounds built from cones over del Pezzo surfaces, we are able to match the degree of the curves to the conformal dimension of dibaryons for the n'th del Pezzo surface, n=1,2,...,6. Also, for the del Pezzos and the A_k type generalized conifolds, for the dibaryons of smallest conformal dimension, we are able to match the number of holomorphic curves with the number of possible dibaryon operators from gauge theory.Comment: 30 pages, 6 figures, corrected refs; v3 typos correcte

    Initial modelled outputs at field scale

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    This report comprises Deliverable 6.16 in the project, which contributes to the third objective as it presents field-scale evaluation of innovations, in order to adapt and evaluate agroforestry designs and practices for locations where agroforestry is currently not-widely practised or declining. The modelling of outputs at field scale to support best agroforestry practices is an ongoing activity during the AGFORWARD project. This report highlights some of the outputs which has been produced in the form of three papers (either submitted or about to be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal) or in four presentations at the Third European Agroforestry Conference in May 2016N/

    DBI Inflation in the Tip Region of a Warped Throat

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    Previous work on DBI inflation, which achieves inflation through the motion of a D3D3 brane as it moves through a warped throat compactification, has focused on the region far from the tip of the throat. Since reheating and other observable effects typically occur near the tip, a more detailed study of this region is required. To investigate these effects we consider a generalized warp throat where the warp factor becomes nearly constant near the tip. We find that it is possible to obtain 60 or more e-folds in the constant region, however large non-gaussianities are typically produced due to the small sound speed of fluctuations. For a particular well-studied throat, the Klebanov-Strassler solution, we find that inflation near the tip may be generic and it is difficult to satisfy current bounds on non-gaussianity, but other throat solutions may evade these difficulties.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figure. v1. references added, typos corrected v2. clarifications mad

    Functional Anatomy of the Female Pelvic Floor

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    The anatomic structures in the female that prevent incontinence and genital organ prolapse on increases in abdominal pressure during daily activities include sphincteric and supportive systems. In the urethra, the action of the vesical neck and urethral sphincteric mechanisms maintains urethral closure pressure above bladder pressure. Decreases in the number of striated muscle fibers of the sphincter occur with age and parity. A supportive hammock under the urethra and vesical neck provides a firm backstop against which the urethra is compressed during increases in abdominal pressure to maintain urethral closure pressures above the rapidly increasing bladder pressure. This supporting layer consists of the anterior vaginal wall and the connective tissue that attaches it to the pelvic bones through the pubovaginal portion of the levator ani muscle, and the uterosacral and cardinal ligaments comprising the tendinous arch of the pelvic fascia. At rest the levator ani maintains closure of the urogenital hiatus. They are additionally recruited to maintain hiatal closure in the face of inertial loads related to visceral accelerations as well as abdominal pressurization in daily activities involving recruitment of the abdominal wall musculature and diaphragm. Vaginal birth is associated with an increased risk of levator ani defects, as well as genital organ prolapse and urinary incontinence. Computer models indicate that vaginal birth places the levator ani under tissue stretch ratios of up to 3.3 and the pudendal nerve under strains of up to 33%, respectively. Research is needed to better identify the pathomechanics of these conditions.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72597/1/annals.1389.034.pd
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