239 research outputs found

    Generalized Number Systems and Application to Hyperoctahedral Groups

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    In this work, we generalize the integer enumeration basis. We also construct bijections between the elements of special sets and the elements of some groups, and treat the special case of the hyperoctohedral groups. Then, we find a code analogous to the Lehmer code for the hyperoctahedral groups

    Kampanye Sosial Peduli Anak Penyandangcerebral Palsy Advokasi untuk Pekerja Sosial:mengkampanyekan Activity Of Daily Living (Adl) untuk Mendorong Kemandirian Anak di Rumah

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    Otak merupakan pusat saraf yang mengendalikan fungsi tubuh manusia. Pada kondisi yang berbeda, anak cerebral palsy mengalami kerusakan pada bagian otak yang berfungsi dalampengendalian gerak tubuh. Kondisi itu mengakibatkan kesulitan bergerak, berjalan, hingga belajar, akan tetapi hal itu belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat, khususnya orang tua penderita, mengenai kondisi cerebral palsy dan penanganannya. Kurangnya pemahaman pada masyarakat dapat menjadi hambatan dalam penanganan penderitanya untuk hidup mandiri.Pada kajian ini, mendorong pemerintah untuk mengadakan kampanye sosial peduli anak penyandangcerebral palsydalammemberikan informasi mengenai kondisi cerebral palsydan kegiatanActivity of Daily Living (ADL) yang diterapkan pada anak oleh orang tua di rumah.KegiatanADL didasari oleh tingkat kemandirian anak yang didukung oleh orang tua di rumah untuk mampu melakukan kegiatan perawatan diri harian.Berbasis social marketing, pengadaan kegiatan kampanye inibertujuan untuk mengubah perilaku masyarakat dalam menyadari pentingnya partisipasi pemenuhan kebutuhan anak cerebral palsy dan kemandiriannya melalui identifikasi tujuh aspek marketing mix.Gagasan ini dilakukan guna mendorong pemerintah dalam mengkampanyekan kepedulian terhadap anak penyandang cerebral palsy sebagai upaya agar orang tua dapat lebih memahami kondisi anak dan penanganannya agar mampu hidup mandiri


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    Abstrak: Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca Lancar Menggunakan Metode   Latihan Dikelas I Sekolah Dasar Negeri 2 Mempawah Hilir. Masalah umum dalam penelitian ini adalah Apakah Penggunaan metode latihan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan membaca lancar pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia di kelas I Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Mempawah Hilir? Penelitian Tindakan Kelas ini bertujuan untuk Untuk mendeskripsikan peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam membaca lancar menggunakan metode latihan dikelas I pada Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Mempawah Hilir. Penerapan metode latihan terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan guru merencanakan proses pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Penerapan metode Latihan dapat meningkatkan kemampuan guru dalam melaksanakan proses pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Penerapan metode Latihan dapat meningkatan kemampuan membaca lancar siswa kelas I Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Mempawah Hilir. Pada siklus I siswa yang sudah mencapai kriteria ketuntasan mencapai 16 orang siswa atau 69,23% dan meningkat pada siklus II menjadi 100%. peningkatan dari siklus I ke siklus II 30,77%.   Kata kunci : Kemampuan membaca lancar, Metode  latihan.     Abstract: Reading Current Capacity Method Using Exercise class I Elementary School 2 Mempawah downstream. A common problem in this study is the use of the method Is exercise can improve the ability to read fluently in Indonesian Language in Elementary School first grade 02 Downstream Mempawah? Classroom Action Research is aimed to describe the increase in students' ability to read fluently using training methods in class I at State Elementary School 02 downstream Mempawah. The application of training methods shown to improve the ability of teachers to plan learning Indonesian. Application of the method Exercise can improve the ability of teachers to implement learning Indonesian. Application of the method Exercise can improve students' ability to read fluently Elementary School first grade 02 Mempawah downstream. In the first cycle of students who have achieved mastery criterion reaches 16 students or 69.23 % and increased in the second cycle to 100 %. Increase from cycle I to cycle II 30.77 %. Key words : ability to read fluently , method of training

    Kemampuan Guru Melaksanakan Pembelajaran Menggunakan Kurikulum 2013 di Sekolah Dasar Negeri Pontianak

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    : The purposes of this research are describing about the ability of studing realization by Curriculum 2013. This research used by descriptive method and by survey tipe. The result of this research is there are some teacher have ability to planning and to implemented the learning of Curriculum 2013 but some teacher's can't do that because in other schools have not received special training from the government about implementation of learning by using curriulum 2013. Which becomes difficult in implementation of learning by using curriculum 2013 are the difficulty of integrating each lessons in another lesson, lack of understanding of teachers in developing core competencies and basic competencies in plan and implementation it, there's no guidebook to implementation teaching and learning activities, and the difficulty of assessing by using curriculum 2013

    Implementasi Pembelajaran Problem Solving di Kelas IV Sekolah Dasar Negeri 02 Sadaniang

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    This research is motivated teacher can not provide a learning problem solving. One problem is the lack of ability of the students in solving a problem that is characterized among other things: 1) Solving the problem of the introduction of custom homes, 2) Designing problem-solving plan on language differences West Kalimantan, 3) Analyzing the introduction song of West Kalimantan. Based on the analysis of data, the general concluded, among others: 1) design study model of learning with problem solving categorized as "very appropriate", through the assessment phase, design phase and the production phase model of problem solving learning model for the formation of attitudes of cultural diversity. 2) Prototype application of learning models problem solving categorized as "very appropriate", in this case the activities performed: preliminary activities, core activities, activities cover problem solving learning model for the formation of attitudes of cultural diversity. 3) The attitude shown students to the cultural diversity categorized as "very good", among others: the enthusiasm of the students in analyzing the introduction of the song West Kalimantan, student responses in designing the plan of solving the differences of regional languages ​​of West Kalimantan, the response of students in solving problems concerning the introduction of home custom