220 research outputs found

    Enzyme activity below the dynamical transition at 220 K

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    Enzyme activity requires the activation of anharmonic motions, such as jumps between potential energy wells. However, in general, the forms and time scales of the functionally important anharmonic dynamics coupled to motion along the reaction coordinate remain to be determined. In particular, the question arises whether the temperature-dependent dynamical transition from harmonic to anharmonic motion in proteins, which has been observed experimentally and using molecular dynamics simulation, involves the activation of motions required for enzyme function. Here we present parallel measurements of the activity and dynamics of a cryosolution of glutamate dehydrogenase as a function of temperature. The dynamical atomic fluctuations faster than ~100 ps were determined using neutron scattering. The results show that the enzyme remains active below the dynamical transition observed at ~220 K, i.e., at temperatures where no anharmonic motion is detected. Furthermore, the activity shows no significant deviation from Arrhenius behavior down to 190 K. The results indicate that the observed transition in the enzyme's dynamics is decoupled from the rate-limiting step along the reaction coordinate

    Peningkatan Hasil Balajar Siswa Menerapkan Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Team Assisted Individualization Pada Pembelajaran Matematika Kelas V

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    During this learning in teaching mathematics to students too monotonous where teachers are always considering the arguments and formulas so that the student does not respond to the learning , use of learning methods are less appropriate to be one of the causes of lack of success of a learning process in schools . The results of the learning process does not match what is expected , based on the problems pointed out above , the researchers wanted to improve the process of learning math on integer arithmetic operations matter how well teachers prepare lesson plans , how to implement the learning ability of the teacher , using the Cooperative type of Assisted Individualization Taem is able to improve the results pembelaran in public elementary schools increased from 14 Sandai of classroom action research cycle experienced an increase in cycle 1 2 . In connection with the methods used in the facts as well as to solve the problems faced can achieve good results , then the form of research that is used in a classroom action research carried out in 2 cycles . Completeness students in cycle 1 only 15 students from 28 students , Sedangka an increase in cycle 2 is 23 students gain mastery of 28 students . Cooperative learning using Team Assisted Individualization type can improve learning outcomes , motivate , reduce disruptive behavior komplik between private students, helping students who are weak, train students to work in groups , train harmony , mutual respect and cooperation

    Pengaruh Pembelajaran Kooperatif Tipe Tai terhadap Motivasi dan Hasil Belajar pada Materi Ikatan Kimia

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    The purposes of this research were to determine differences of motivation and learning outcomes between students taught using TAI Cooperative learning model and conventional method and effect of applying TPS Cooperative learning model toward learning outcomes on chemical bond materials of X Grade of St. Francis of Assisi Pontianak students. Quasi-experimental with nonequivalent control group design was used as research method. The samples were X E students as control class and X D as experimental class. Those samples were determined with purpossive sampling technique. Motivations and learning outcome of students were analyzed using Independent Samples T-test and U-Mann Whitney test. The result of data analysis showed that there were differences of motivation and learning outcomes between students taught using TAI cooperatif learning model and conventional method. TAI Cooperative learning model gave 15,91% effect on increasing students learning outcomes

    Broadband Emission in Quantum-Dash Semiconductor Laser

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    The Application of Interactive Comprehensible Written Input-Output Instruction for Teaching Writing

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    This study was aimed at finding out whether there was a difference on students\u27 writing ability in general as well as students\u27 aspects of writing in particular and exploringwhether there would be a difference on students\u27 prediction of Narrative and Anecdote Text as a part of Interactive Comprehensible Written Input-Output Instruction.The study involved 36 MathematicsEducation students in the first semester of academic year 2016/2017. To collect the data, the researcher administered writing testsand collected students\u27 writing drafts. Then, the data were analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. The results showed there was a significant difference on both students\u27 writing ability and aspects of writing after the application of this instruction. Then, there was also a difference on their prediction of two texts that it was easier for the students to predict the continuation of the story in Narrative Text rather than in Anecdote one.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui apakah ada perbedaan dari kemampuan menulis mahasiswa secara umum dan aspek-aspek menulis mereka secara khusus dan untuk menelusuri apakah ada perbedaan dari prediksi mahasiswa terhadap Teks Narasi dan Anekdot sebagai bagian dari Instruksi Input-Output Tertulis Terpahami yang Interaktif. Penelitian ini melibatkan 36 mahasiswa Pendidikan Matematika pada tahun ajaran 2016/2017. Untuk mengumpulkan data, penelitian mengadakan tes menulis dan mengumpulkan draft-draft tulisan mereka. Data-data tersebut kemudian dianalisa secara kuantitatif dan kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada perbedaan dari kemampuan menulis mahasiswa secara umum dan aspek-aspek menulis mereka secara khusus setelah penerapan instruksi ini. Selain itu, terdapat perbedaan prediksi yang dibuat terhadap dua tekster sebut dengan lebih mudahnya mahasiswa untuk memprediksi kelanjutan cerita pada Teks Narasi dibandingkan Teks Anekdot

    Pengukuran Kinerja Instalasi Rawat Jalan Rumah Sakit Umum Daerah Kodya Semarang Dengan Menggunakan Metode Performance Prism

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    Instalasi Rawat Jalan RSUD Kodya Dati II Semarang merupakan rumah sakit yang dibangun untuk membantu RS Karyadi dalam penanganan pasien. Peningkatan status rumah sakit ini dari grade C ke grade B memberikan konsekuensi tuntutan kinerja yang lebih baik bagi setiap instalasi yang ada, khususnya bagi Instalasi Rawat Jalan yang merupakan instalasi yang menunjukkan kunjungan pasien paling banyak. Kinerja instalasi rawat jalan, selama ini hanya diukur dari jumlah pasien yang datang. Penggunaan kriteria tunggal tersebut untuk mengukur kinerja dinilai kurang representatif, sehingga dipandang perlu untuk menerapkan suatu sistem pengukuran kinerja yang melihat kinerja secara lebih komprehensif. Posisi RSUD Kodya Semarang sebagai suatu rumah sakit milik pemerintah menyebabkan lembaga ini selain mempunyai fungsi bisnis, juga mempunyai fungsi sosial dan struktural, sehingga sebagai konsekuensinya harus selalu menjaga hubungan baik dengan banyak pihak. Hal ini menjadi alasan mengapa penggunaan metode performance prism dipandang cocok untuk digunakan sebagai alat ukur kinerjanya

    Analisis Gangguan Sistem Transmisi Listrik Menggunakan Metode Root Cause Analysis (Rca)

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    Public lifestyle nowdays is very dependent on the availability of electrical power and PT. PLN. (PERSERO) is the sole provider of electricity in Indonesia. Data PT. PLN (Persero) P3BS showed an increase in the frequency and duration of electrical transmission systems disorders owned by PT. PLN (Persero) in Sumatra with a loss of energy can not be served reach 10682.24 MWh. This study uses the Root Causes Analysis (RCA) to find the root cause of the electrical transmission systems disorders owned by PT. PLN (Persero) in South Sumatra. Understanding the root causes of electricity transmission system disorders will generate appropriate recommendations to prevent recurrence of similar disorders. From the fault tree analysis results obtained twenty one root cause of the transmission system disorders, some of which are: the fault current is greater than the ability of the tool to neutralize the fault current, conductor corrosion caused by polution and climate demage, lack competency of installation crew, lack of coordination with the surrounding community, and the field inspection findings are followed late. Some of the root causes corrective recommendations include: doubling the number of transmission lightning arresters installed at critical points of a lightning strike, replacing the Aluminum conductors reinforced with steel (ACSR) with Aluminum Conductor Composite Core (ACCC), approach to the surrounding community, a faster response of the field findings, and improving the competence of installation crew