28 research outputs found

    Binarization Methods for Motor-Imagery Brain–Computer Interface Classification

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    Successful motor-imagery brain-computer interface (MI-BCI) algorithms either extract a large number of handcrafted features and train a classifier, or combine feature extraction and classification within deep convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Both approaches typically result in a set of real-valued weights, that pose challenges when targeting real-time execution on tightly resource-constrained devices. We propose methods for each of these approaches that allow transforming real-valued weights to binary numbers for efficient inference. Our first method, based on sparse bipolar random projection, projects a large number of real-valued Riemannian covariance features to a binary space, where a linear SVM classifier can be learned with binary weights too. By tuning the dimension of the binary embedding, we achieve almost the same accuracy in 4-class MI (<= 1.27% lower) compared to models with float16 weights, yet delivering a more compact model with simpler operations to execute. Second, we propose to use memory-augmented neural networks (MANNs) for MI-BCI such that the augmented memory is binarized. Our method replaces the fully connected layer of CNNs with a binary augmented memory using bipolar random projection, or learned projection. Our experimental results on EEGNet, an already compact CNN for MI-BCI, show that it can be compressed by 1.28x at iso-accuracy using the random projection. On the other hand, using the learned projection provides 3.89% higher accuracy but increases the memory size by 28.10x

    An Accurate EEGNet-based Motor-Imagery Brain-Computer Interface for Low-Power Edge Computing

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    This paper presents an accurate and robust embedded motor-imagery brain-computer interface (MI-BCI). The proposed novel model, based on EEGNet, matches the requirements of memory footprint and computational resources of low-power microcontroller units (MCUs), such as the ARM Cortex-M family. Furthermore, the paper presents a set of methods, including temporal downsampling, channel selection, and narrowing of the classification window, to further scale down the model to relax memory requirements with negligible accuracy degradation. Experimental results on the Physionet EEG Motor Movement/Imagery Dataset show that standard EEGNet achieves 82.43%, 75.07%, and 65.07% classification accuracy on 2-, 3-, and 4-class MI tasks in global validation, outperforming the state-of-the-art (SoA) convolutional neural network (CNN) by 2.05%, 5.25%, and 5.48%. Our novel method further scales down the standard EEGNet at a negligible accuracy loss of 0.31% with 7.6x memory footprint reduction and a small accuracy loss of 2.51% with 15x reduction. The scaled models are deployed on a commercial Cortex-M4F MCU taking 101ms and consuming 4.28mJ per inference for operating the smallest model, and on a Cortex-M7 with 44ms and 18.1mJ per inference for the medium-sized model, enabling a fully autonomous, wearable, and accurate low-power BCI

    Fast and Accurate Multiclass Inference for MI-BCIs Using Large Multiscale Temporal and Spectral Features

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    Accurate, fast, and reliable multiclass classification of electroencephalography (EEG) signals is a challenging task towards the development of motor imagery brain-computer interface (MI-BCI) systems. We propose enhancements to different feature extractors, along with a support vector machine (SVM) classifier, to simultaneously improve classification accuracy and execution time during training and testing. We focus on the well-known common spatial pattern (CSP) and Riemannian covariance methods, and significantly extend these two feature extractors to multiscale temporal and spectral cases. The multiscale CSP features achieve 73.70±\pm15.90% (mean±\pm standard deviation across 9 subjects) classification accuracy that surpasses the state-of-the-art method [1], 70.6±\pm14.70%, on the 4-class BCI competition IV-2a dataset. The Riemannian covariance features outperform the CSP by achieving 74.27±\pm15.5% accuracy and executing 9x faster in training and 4x faster in testing. Using more temporal windows for Riemannian features results in 75.47±\pm12.8% accuracy with 1.6x faster testing than CSP.Comment: Published as a conference paper at the IEEE European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), 201

    MI-BMInet: An Efficient Convolutional Neural Network for Motor Imagery Brain--Machine Interfaces with EEG Channel Selection

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    A brain--machine interface (BMI) based on motor imagery (MI) enables the control of devices using brain signals while the subject imagines performing a movement. It plays an important role in prosthesis control and motor rehabilitation and is a crucial element towards the future Internet of Minds (IoM). To improve user comfort, preserve data privacy, and reduce the system's latency, a new trend in wearable BMIs is to embed algorithms on low-power microcontroller units (MCUs) to process the electroencephalographic (EEG) data in real-time close to the sensors into the wearable device. However, most of the classification models present in the literature are too resource-demanding, making them unfit for low-power MCUs. This paper proposes an efficient convolutional neural network (CNN) for EEG-based MI classification that achieves comparable accuracy while being orders of magnitude less resource-demanding and significantly more energy-efficient than state-of-the-art (SoA) models for a long-lifetime battery operation. We propose an automatic channel selection method based on spatial filters and quantize both weights and activations to 8-bit precision to further reduce the model complexity with negligible accuracy loss. Finally, we efficiently implement and evaluate the proposed models on a parallel ultra-low power (PULP) MCU. The most energy-efficient solution consumes only 50.10 uJ with an inference runtime of 5.53 ms and an accuracy of 82.51% while using 6.4x fewer EEG channels, becoming the new SoA for embedded MI-BMI and defining a new Pareto frontier in the three-way trade-off among accuracy, resource cost, and power usage

    Mixed-Precision Quantization and Parallel Implementation of Multispectral Riemannian Classification for Brain--Machine Interfaces

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    With Motor-Imagery (MI) Brain--Machine Interfaces (BMIs) we may control machines by merely thinking of performing a motor action. Practical use cases require a wearable solution where the classification of the brain signals is done locally near the sensor using machine learning models embedded on energy-efficient microcontroller units (MCUs), for assured privacy, user comfort, and long-term usage. In this work, we provide practical insights on the accuracy-cost tradeoff for embedded BMI solutions. Our proposed Multispectral Riemannian Classifier reaches 75.1% accuracy on 4-class MI task. We further scale down the model by quantizing it to mixed-precision representations with a minimal accuracy loss of 1%, which is still 3.2% more accurate than the state-of-the-art embedded convolutional neural network. We implement the model on a low-power MCU with parallel processing units taking only 33.39ms and consuming 1.304mJ per classification

    EEG-TCNet: An Accurate Temporal Convolutional Network for Embedded Motor-Imagery Brain-Machine Interfaces

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    In recent years, deep learning (DL) has contributed significantly to the improvement of motor-imagery brain-machine interfaces (MI-BMIs) based on electroencephalography(EEG). While achieving high classification accuracy, DL models have also grown in size, requiring a vast amount of memory and computational resources. This poses a major challenge to an embedded BMI solution that guarantees user privacy, reduced latency, and low power consumption by processing the data locally. In this paper, we propose EEG-TCNet, a novel temporal convolutional network (TCN) that achieves outstanding accuracy while requiring few trainable parameters. Its low memory footprint and low computational complexity for inference make it suitable for embedded classification on resource-limited devices at the edge. Experimental results on the BCI Competition IV-2a dataset show that EEG-TCNet achieves 77.35% classification accuracy in 4-class MI. By finding the optimal network hyperparameters per subject, we further improve the accuracy to 83.84%. Finally, we demonstrate the versatility of EEG-TCNet on the Mother of All BCI Benchmarks (MOABB), a large scale test benchmark containing 12 different EEG datasets with MI experiments. The results indicate that EEG-TCNet successfully generalizes beyond one single dataset, outperforming the current state-of-the-art (SoA) on MOABB by a meta-effect of 0.25.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures, 5 table

    ECG-TCN: Wearable Cardiac Arrhythmia Detection with a Temporal Convolutional Network

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    Personalized ubiquitous healthcare solutions require energy-efficient wearable platforms that provide an accurate classification of bio-signals while consuming low average power for long-term battery-operated use. Single lead electrocardiogram (ECG) signals provide the ability to detect, classify, and even predict cardiac arrhythmia. In this paper, we propose a novel temporal convolutional network (TCN) that achieves high accuracy while still being feasible for wearable platform use. Experimental results on the ECG5000 dataset show that the TCN has a similar accuracy (94.2%) score as the state-of-the-art (SoA) network while achieving an improvement of 16.5% in the balanced accuracy score. This accurate classification is done with 27 times fewer parameters and 37 times less multiply-accumulate operations. We test our implementation on two publicly available platforms, the STM32L475, which is based on ARM Cortex M4F, and the GreenWaves Technologies GAP8 on the GAPuino board, based on 1+8 RISC-V CV32E40P cores. Measurements show that the GAP8 implementation respects the real-time constraints while consuming 0.10 mJ per inference. With 9.91 GMAC/s/W, it is 23.0 times more energy-efficient and 46.85 times faster than an implementation on the ARM Cortex M4F (0.43 GMAC/s/W). Overall, we obtain 8.1% higher accuracy while consuming 19.6 times less energy and being 35.1 times faster compared to a previous SoA embedded implementation.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, 2 table

    In-memory Realization of In-situ Few-shot Continual Learning with a Dynamically Evolving Explicit Memory

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    Continually learning new classes from a few training examples without forgetting previous old classes demands a flexible architecture with an inevitably growing portion of storage, in which new examples and classes can be incrementally stored and efficiently retrieved. One viable architectural solution is to tightly couple a stationary deep neural network to a dynamically evolving explicit memory (EM). As the centerpiece of this architecture, we propose an EM unit that leverages energy-efficient in-memory compute (IMC) cores during the course of continual learning operations. We demonstrate for the first time how the EM unit can physically superpose multiple training examples, expand to accommodate unseen classes, and perform similarity search during inference, using operations on an IMC core based on phase-change memory (PCM). Specifically, the physical superposition of a few encoded training examples is realized via in-situ progressive crystallization of PCM devices. The classification accuracy achieved on the IMC core remains within a range of 1.28%--2.5% compared to that of the state-of-the-art full-precision baseline software model on both the CIFAR-100 and miniImageNet datasets when continually learning 40 novel classes (from only five examples per class) on top of 60 old classes.Comment: Accepted at the European Solid-state Devices and Circuits Conference (ESSDERC), September 202