824 research outputs found

    Maximizing Neumann fundamental tones of triangles

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    We prove sharp isoperimetric inequalities for Neumann eigenvalues of the Laplacian on triangular domains. The first nonzero Neumann eigenvalue is shown to be maximal for the equilateral triangle among all triangles of given perimeter, and hence among all triangles of given area. Similar results are proved for the harmonic and arithmetic means of the first two nonzero eigenvalues

    Influence of diffraction on the spectrum and wavefunctions of an open system

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    In this paper, we demonstrate the existence and significance of diffractive orbits in an open microwave billiard, both experimentally and theoretically. Orbits that diffract off of a sharp edge of the system are found to have a strong influence on the transmission spectrum of the system, especially in the regime where there are no stable classical orbits. On resonance, the wavefunctions are influenced by both classical and diffractive orbits. Off resonance, the wavefunctions are determined by the constructive interference of multiple transient, nonperiodic orbits. Experimental, numerical, and semiclassical results are presented.Comment: 27 pages, 29 figures, and 3 tables. Submitted to Physical Review E. A copy with higher resolution figures is available at http://monsoon.harvard.edu/~hersch/papers.htm

    Observation of diffractive orbits in the spectrum of excited NO in a magnetic field

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    We investigate the experimental spectra of excited NO molecules in the diamagnetic regime and develop a quantitative semiclassical framework to account for the results. We show the dynamics can be interpreted in terms of classical orbits provided that in addition to the geometric orbits, diffractive effects are appropriately taken into account. We also show how individual orbits can be extracted from the experimental signal and use this procedure to reveal the first experimental manifestation of inelastic diffractive orbits.Comment: 4 fig

    Pom1 gradient buffering through intermolecular auto-phosphorylation.

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    Concentration gradients provide spatial information for tissue patterning and cell organization, and their robustness under natural fluctuations is an evolutionary advantage. In rod-shaped Schizosaccharomyces pombe cells, the DYRK-family kinase Pom1 gradients control cell division timing and placement. Upon dephosphorylation by a Tea4-phosphatase complex, Pom1 associates with the plasma membrane at cell poles, where it diffuses and detaches upon auto-phosphorylation. Here, we demonstrate that Pom1 auto-phosphorylates intermolecularly, both in vitro and in vivo, which confers robustness to the gradient. Quantitative imaging reveals this robustness through two system's properties: The Pom1 gradient amplitude is inversely correlated with its decay length and is buffered against fluctuations in Tea4 levels. A theoretical model of Pom1 gradient formation through intermolecular auto-phosphorylation predicts both properties qualitatively and quantitatively. This provides a telling example where gradient robustness through super-linear decay, a principle hypothesized a decade ago, is achieved through autocatalysis. Concentration-dependent autocatalysis may be a widely used simple feedback to buffer biological activities

    Mesoscopic scattering in the half-plane: squeezing conductance through a small hole

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    We model the 2-probe conductance of a quantum point contact (QPC), in linear response. If the QPC is highly non-adiabatic or near to scatterers in the open reservoir regions, then the usual distinction between leads and reservoirs breaks down and a technique based on scattering theory in the full two-dimensional half-plane is more appropriate. Therefore we relate conductance to the transmission cross section for incident plane waves. This is equivalent to the usual Landauer formula using a radial partial-wave basis. We derive the result that an arbitrarily small (tunneling) QPC can reach a p-wave channel conductance of 2e^2/h when coupled to a suitable reflector. If two or more resonances coincide the total conductance can even exceed this. This relates to recent mesoscopic experiments in open geometries. We also discuss reciprocity of conductance, and the possibility of its breakdown in a proposed QPC for atom waves.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, REVTeX. Revised version (shortened), accepted for publication in PR

    On the lowest eigenvalue of Laplace operators with mixed boundary conditions

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    In this paper we consider a Robin-type Laplace operator on bounded domains. We study the dependence of its lowest eigenvalue on the boundary conditions and its asymptotic behavior in shrinking and expanding domains. For convex domains we establish two-sided estimates on the lowest eigenvalues in terms of the inradius and of the boundary conditions