692 research outputs found

    Implementasi Program Prona Bagi Masyarakat Ekonomi Lemah

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    The importance of land certificate as legal protection for land owners invites the attention of policy makers in this country. The policy which is issued by the government is to issue mass certifying program on land based on the Decree of Ministry of internal affair Number 189 year 1981 0n Agrarian National Operation Project (PRONA) implementing by National Defence Board as its duty. Basically, the program is implemented annually through some steps and processes, preparation, coordination/determination of Land Rights, right registration, certificate issuance and delivery of certificates. Obstacles which are faced by the District Land Office or City in implementing the program are in particular aspects such as society as the member of the program, the staff and financial aspect of the program itself. Pentingnya sertifikat hak atas tanah sebagai perlindungan hukum bagi pemilik tanah mengundang perhatian para pemilik kebijakan di negeri ini. Kebijakan yang di keluarkan pemerintah salah satunya dengan mengeluarkan program pensertipikatan tanah secara massal berdasarkan Keputusan Menteri Dalam Negeri Nomor 189 Tahun 1981 tentang Proyek Operasi Nasional Agraria (PRONA) yang pelaksananya Badan Pertanahan Nasional sebagaimana tugasnya. Pada dasarnya pelaksanaan Program Prona dilakukan secara rutin tiap tahun melalui tahapan atau proses, persiapan, koordinasi/penetapan peserta PRONA, penyuluhan, pengukuran, pengumpulan data, pengumuman, penetapan Hak Atas Tanah, pembukuan hak, penerbitan sertipikat, dan penyerahan sertifikat. Kendala-Kendala yang dihadapi oleh Kantor Pertanahan kabupaten atau Kota dalam mengimplementasikan program PRONA adalah terjadi dibeberapa aspek yaitu: aspek masyarakat peserta PRONA

    Kewenangan Pemerintah Daerah Bidang Pertanahan di Era Otonomi Daerah

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    Since the reformation era, the government made the revolution in government administration to develop Indonesia. One of the revolutions is the issuance of Law no. 32 of 2004 on Regional Government; the authority of land is one of the law components. Previously, the authority of land is centered in the central government. Conversely, through the Article 10 paragraph (3) of Law No. 32 of 2004 on regional autonomy, the authority of the land sector should be submitted to the local government for its more understanding about the land nowadays. The transfer of authority is one of development step in Law aspect in Indonesia. Sejak era reformasi bergulir, pemerintah melakukan revolusi dibidang administrasi pemerintahan guna memajukan Negara Indonesia. Salah satu revolusi yang terjadi adalah dengan dikeluarkannya Undang-undang No. 32 Tahun 2004 tentang Pemerintahan Daerah, antara lain dibidang pertanahan. Semula kewenangan bidang pertanahan ini urusannya berada di pemerintah pusat. Namun di era reformasi ini melalui Pasal 10 ayat (3) UU No. 32 tahun 2004 tentang otonomi daerah, kewenangan bidang pertanahan sudah seharusnya diserahkan kepada pemerintah daerah yang lebih mengetahui kondisi pertanahan tersebut. Pengalihan kewenangan tersebut merupakan salah satu bentuk dari langkah pembangunan di bidang hukum di Indonesia


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    Special autonomy to Papua Province has been enacted on 21st November 2001 through the Law Number 21 Year 2001 concerning Autonomy toward Papua Province. The Law basically has given a great effect to open an investment opportunity in Papua Province and it also accommodates economic development concept in line with go green concept…It is important to know that the efforts of local development conducted by the local government through investment issue must acknowledge, look up, protect, empower, and consider to the rights of the Adat community holistically… Some regulation to recognize the rights are UUPA, the Governmental Decree (PP) No. 24 of 1997 on Land Registration System, The Special Autonomy for Papua Province based on the Law No. 21 of 2001, and Special Local Regulation Papua Province Number 23 Year 2008 on land rights of indigenous people and rights of indigenous people individually above the land. Keywords: Nature, Recognition of land Right

    Transparency in Plantation Sector: Access of Cultivation Rights Title Document

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    The research aimed to analyze the implementation of the principle of transparency by the National Land Agency to access cultivation rights title documents in the plantation sector. It is empirical legal research. It was conducted at the Office of the National Land Agency of Gorontalo district, Gorontalo province, Indonesia. The results show that the principle of transparency of cultivation right title by the National Land Agency had yet to be implemented as instructed by the judge in the Decision of Supreme Court No. 121 K/TUN/2017. It is caused by the consideration of the National Land Agency that the document of right cultivation title is included in an undisclosed document; hence, if it is public, it violates the company's privacy provisions and applicable regulations. The implementation of the principle of transparency by the National Land Agency to access cultivation right title documents in the plantation sector have yet to be effective because it is influenced by the attitude of professionalism of the National Land Agency, which exercises its duties as applicable regulations

    The Legal Protection on Geographical Indications in Jayapura

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    Jayapura has potential change to get intellectual property rights, particular geographical indication. The type of research used is empirical legal research because it is motivated by the thought that law cannot be separated from people's lives in the form of values and attitudes/behaviors that are carried out (law is not autonomous), so that in the view of empirical science, a normative approach is used to examine problems related to the protection of indications. Geographically in Jayapura Regency, Papua, how does the law exist in people's lives.The results of the study reveal that an effort to map geographical indications is carried out to determine the boundaries of cases of violations of geographical indications so that the holders of geographical indications can file lawsuits against users of geographical indications without rights, in the form of compensation payments and termination. Use and destruction of geographical indication labels that are used without rights through registration and publication. Geographical indications are protected as long as the reputation, quality and characteristics that are the basis for the protection of geographical indications are maintained for an item. And the protection will be removed if these provisions are not met, and/or conflict with state ideology, legislation, morality, religion, decency and public order. Therefore, the mapping of geographical indications must be arranged in a geographical indication document that can be verified. Identified procedures for submitting geographical indications and procedures for registering geographical indications. Legal protection of geographical indications can be carried out in the form of preventive and repressive measures. Preventive action is prevention through refusal of registration and repressive payment of compensation. Keywords: Legal Protection, Geographical Indications Jayapura Regency. DOI: 10.7176/JLPG/137-05 Publication date:October 31st 202


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    The aim of the research is to investigate the influence of audit committee characteristics on earnings quality. Independent variables on this research included size of audit committee, independence of audit committee, number of meetings of audit committee, and tenure of audit committee. While the dependent variable is earnings quality. This research also used 2 control variables included company size and company leverage. This research is a quantitative research using secondary data such as data in the annual report which are manually taken through official site of Bursa Efek Indonesia. Population of this research is the whole 136 manufacturing companies listed on Bursa Efek Indonesia constanly or successively along 2014 – 2016. Then 74 companies are selected to match the criteria. This research uses linear regression analysis method for hypothesis testing. The results showed that audit committee size and audit committee independence are have no effect on earnings quality. Number of meetings has positive effect on earnings quality, which frequently meetings can solve companies problems fastly. While audit committee tenure has negative effect on earnings quality, which someone who officiate in long time as a audit committee on a certain company knowing some opportunities in a company to doing earnings management practices
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