47 research outputs found

    Intersexuality and Trans-Identities within the Diversity Management Discourse

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    Within both the scientific discourse on workforce diversity, and diversity management practice, intersexuality and transgender issues have hitherto remained marginalized topics. This chapter gives an overview of the discourses on both phenomena, and proposes starting points for more inclusive organizational diversity management initiatives. It is shown that both topics represent different aspects of the category of "gender". The common practice of conceptually lumping together intersexuality, transgenderism, and sexual orientation can be seen as one important reason that intersexuality and transgenderism are rarely considered in organizational diversity management programs in terms of concrete action. Against this background, a modified, and more integrated approach to structuring the workforce alongside the different dimensions of diversity is proposed. It is shown that the categories of "biological sex and gender", "gender identity", and "sexual orientation" cannot be regarded as being separate from each other. They represent, rather, an interrelated organizational field of action that should be considered as being one interrelated topic for organizational diversity practices. This chapter derives this claim theoretically and discusses the consequences for organizational diversity management practices. For most organizations, this would mean a fundamental rethinking of their goals, in terms of workforce diversity, and the shaping of their diversity management programs

    “I Wish I Were a Girl!”

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    Einflüsse des Grundwassers im Boden

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    Slow Rates of Evolution and Sequence Homogenization in an Ancient Satellite Dna Family of Sturgeons

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    Satellite DNA sequences are noncoding, short, tandemly repeated sequences located mainly at centromeres and telomeres (Charlesworth, Sniegowski, and Stephan 1994 ). The main concerns of evolutionary patterns of satellite DNA sequences are their rapid change rate and their concerted mode of evolution. When a satellite DNA family is shared by several related species, this enables one to find specific diagnostic sites for use in phylogenetic studies (Arnason, Grettarsdottir, and Widegren 1992 ; Gretarsdottir and Arnason 1992 ). Here, we analyze an exceptional ancient satellite DNA family of sturgeons which does not fit the evolutionary features of most satellite DNAs. Specifically, we found that the evolution of this satellite DNA family is very slow, as reflected by low mutation and homogenization rates. Notwithstanding, our data offer some information on the tracing of mechanisms accounting for the formation and origin of this satellite DNA family and on the phylogeny of the sturgeons

    Chromosomal location and evolution of a satellite DNA family in seven sturgeon species

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    The Hind III satellite DNA family, isolated from the Acipenser naccarii genome, was used as a probe for fluorescent in-situ hybridization (FISH) on the karyotype of seven sturgeon species, six belonging to the genus Acipenser and one to Huso. All species except one (A. sturio) exhibit from 8 to 80 chromosome hybridization signals, mainly localized at the pericentromeric regions. Eight chromosomes with weak hybridization signals are present in H. huso and A. ruthenus, which are characterized by a karyotype with about 120 chromosomes. The species with 240-260 chromosomes, A. transmontanus, A naccarii, A. gueldenstaedtii, and A. baerii, show from 50 to 80 signals, prevalently localized around centromeres. Moreover, A. transmontanus and A. gueldenstaedtii show from 4 to 8 chromosomes with a double signal. The phylogenetic and evolutionary relationships among sturgeon species are discussed on the basis of number and morphology of signal-bearing chromosomes and on the localization of signals

    Evaluating AIDS prevention for men having sex with men: the West European experience

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    This article presents the major results of a Concerted Action of the European AIDS Community on "Assessing AIDS-prevention" concerning the male homosexual and bisexual population. It discusses the methodologies and results of research projects undertaken in this area in the 1980s

    Kosmetiikkamyyjän opas

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    Tämä työn tavoitteena oli luoda kosmetiikkamyyjälle opas. Opas on tarkoitettu kosmetiikan vähittäismyymälöissä ja tavarataloissa toimiville myyjille ja kosmetologiopiskelijoille. Opas on selkeä ja helppolukuinen kokonaisuus kosmetiikan myyntityöstä. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään myyntityötä yleensä. Myyjän toimivuus myyjänä liittyy ammattitaitoon tehdä myyntityötä. Myyjän on ymmärrettävä mistä myyntityö koostuu ja kyvystä käyttää itseään välineenä myynnin tekemisessä. Myyntityöhön liittyy olennaisesti hyvä asiakaspalvelu. Myyjän on osattava toimia asiakkaan toivomalla tavalla ja usein sitäkin paremmin. Teoriaosuudessa käsitellään myyntityötä yleensä ja erilaisia myyntitekniikoita. Myyntiprosessin vaiheet käydään läpi tarkasti, koska niiden ymmärtäminen on myyjälle tärkeätä. Asiakkaan saapuminen liikkeeseen ja asiakkaan tervehtiminen ovat myyntitilanteen perusta. Tarvekartoitus, myyntikeskustelu, lisämyynti ja kaupanpäättäminen ovat myyntiprosessin tärkeimpiä ja vaikeimpia vaiheita ja ne on käytävä läpi oikeassa järjestyksessä. Nämä myyntiprosessin osa-alueet on myyntityössä hoidettava asiakkaan edut huomioiden. Viimeisessä luvussa esitellään huippumyyjä, mitä ominaisuuksia huippumyyjä omaa ja miten tullaan huippumyyjäksi. Kaikilla on mahdollisuus huipulle tässäkin lajissa. Se vaatii harjoittelua, sinnikkyyttä ja asiaan paneutumista sekä ennen kaikkea erinomaista motivaatiota. Varsinainen kosmetiikkamyyjän opas on erillinen kirjanen. Siinä käydään läpi käytännönläheisesti koko myyntiprosessi, asiakkaan vastaanottaminen, tarvekartoitus, tuote-esittely, kaupan päättäminen, lisämyynti ja asiakkaan poistuminen. Lopuksi esitellään huippumyyjän ominaisuudet.A guidebook for cosmetics salesperson The objective of this thesis was to create a guidebook for cosmetics salesperson. The guidebook is aimed at shop assistants in retail sales and department stores as well as beauty therapy students. The guidebook is clear and easy to read giving a comprehensive picture of cosmetics sales. The theory part of this thesis covers retail sales in general. How to work as a salesperson is linked to professional capability. The salespersons must understand the sales process as a whole and part of the process. One essential part of the sales process is great customer care. A salesperson must understand how to act the way customers are expecting – and often even better. The theory part studies different sales method. The stages of the sales process are covered in detail, because the understanding of these stages is essential for a salesperson. The customers’ arrival to the shop and greeting the customers are the basic elements in a sales situation. Mapping the customer needs, conversing with the client, generating additional sales and closing the sale are the most important and difficult parts in the sales process. These four parts of the sales process must always be based on customer benefits. The last chapter introduces top salespersons: what are their qualities and how to become a top salesperson. This demands a lot of training, persistence and delving into the subject as well as great motivation. The guidebook itself is a separate booklet. The booklet goes through the whole sales process in practise starting from the customers’ arrival, going through mapping the needs, introducing the products and closing the sale, as well as generating additional sales and dealing with customers leaving the shop. Top salespersons and their qualities are introduced at the end of the booklet