1,522 research outputs found

    Detecting the Variability in Student Learning in Different Disciplines-A Person-Oriented Approach

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    This paper examines disciplinary differences in the combinations of approaches to learning (i.e., learning profiles) among students, and how those combinations are related to academic achievement. In addition, the study focuses on how different learning profiles are related to students' self-efficacy beliefs in different disciplines. Data consist of HowULearn survey responses from 4,294 full-time students from six different disciplines. We used a person-oriented approach; that is, the latent profile analysis (LPA) with various functions. The results showed that it is possible to detect different learning profiles of students in different disciplines. The study highlights that students who struggle in almost every discipline have a dissonant learning profile or the deep unorganised profile. Therefore, special attention should be paid to identifying the students with dissonant learning profiles and to support them in recognising their own learning processes. Moreover, students' time and effort management skills should be fostered during university studies.Peer reviewe

    Diskussion der Rolle der allogenen Stammzelltransplantation beim rezidivierten Hodgkin-Lymphom anhand der Ergebnisse einer unizentrischen retrospektiven Analyse der Universitätsklinik Köln

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    Hintergrund: Die allogene Stammzelltransplantation (AlloSCT) ist bei intensiv vorbehandelten Patienten mit rezidiviertem und therapierefraktärem Hodgkin-Lymphom eine kurative Therapieoption. Die hohe transplantationsassoziierte Toxizität konnte durch Reduzierung der Konditionierungsintensität gesenkt werden, stellt aber weiterhin einen limitierenden Faktor bei der Entscheidung zur Transplantation und im anschließenden Verlauf dar. Methoden: Für diese Arbeit wurden die Daten der 29 Patienten des Universitätsklinikums Köln analysiert, die von 2009 bis 2018 einer Allogenen Stammzelltransplantation nach non-myeloablativer Konditionierung beim rezidivierten oder primär refraktärem Hodgkin-Lymphom unterzogen wurden. Anhand der retrospektiven Analyse der verfügbaren medizinischen Informationen konnten die Krankheitsverläufe und insbesondere das Ansprechen auf die einzelnen Therapien vor AlloSCT sowie Transplantationsnebenwirkungen und Komplikationen der einzelnen Patienten miteinander verglichen und statistisch ausgewertet werden. Ergebnisse: Bei 11 (37,9%) Patienten konnte mithilfe der AlloSCT eine langfristige Remission erreicht werden. 14 (48,3%) Patienten erlitten ein Rezidiv der Grunderkrankung. Die mediane Beobachtungszeit für Progress Free Survival (PFS) betrug 16,3 Monate. Von den 12 (41,4%) verstorbenen Patienten war die Ursache in 7 Fällen (24,1%) transplantationsassoziiert (z. B. GvHD-bedingt) und in 3 Fällen (10,3%) auf einen Progress des Hodgkin-Lymphoms zurückzuführen. Patienten mit Rezidiv nach AlloSCT erhielten in der Mehrheit der Fälle zielgerichtete Therapien wie das Anti-CD30-Immunkonjugat Brentuximab Vedotin oder Lymphozyten des Transplantatspenders, teilweise kombiniert mit konsolidierender Bestrahlung. Anti-PD1-Antikörper kamen sowohl bei Patienten mit Rezidiv nach autologer als auch nach allogener Stammzelltransplantation zum Einsatz

    Copper‐Free Sonogashira Coupling for High‐Surface‐Area Conjugated Microporous Poly(aryleneethynylene) Networks

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    A modified one‐pot Sonogashira cross‐coupling reaction based on a copper‐free methodology has been applied for the synthesis of conjugated microporous poly(aryleneethynylene) networks (CMPs) from readily available iodoarylenes and 1,3,5‐triethynylbenzene. The polymerization reactions were carried out by using equimolar amounts of halogen and terminal alkyne moieties with extremely small loadings of palladium catalyst as low as 0.65 mol %. For the first time, CMPs with rigorously controlled structures were obtained without any indications of side reactions, as proven by FTIR and solid‐state NMR spectroscopy, while showing Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) surface areas higher than any poly(aryleneethynylene) network reported before, reaching up to 2552 m2 g−1.EC/FP7/278593/EU/Organic Zeolites/ORGZEODFG, 53182490, EXC 314: Unifying Concepts in Catalysi

    Under pressure: An analysis of the perceived positioning pressure on socio-political issues and its influence on the external communication of German companies

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    Today, more and more companies tend to position themselves with public statements on socio-political issues such as racism or discrimination against the LGBTQIA+ community represented through popular movements like Black Lives Matter or the Pride Month. According to surveys, most consumers expect companies to take a stand on such polarizing topics. Despite this apparent relevance in society, there is only little research on companies taking public stances, yet. Moreover, the existing studies addressing the topic predominantly focus on the influence of corporate positioning on customer attitudes and only a few studies examine the impact of companies speaking out on socio-political issues, their communication and decision-making processes, and their attitudes. In order to close this research gap, 19 semistructured interviews with communicators of internationally operating German B2C companies were conducted. As the results show, the interviewed companies are all perceiving societal pressure, but up to different degrees. Equally different is the associated impact of positioning on external communications and strategic planning. In general, three initial patterns can be identified on how companies deal with positioning pressure: The skeptics, who do none or almost no positioning, the adapters, who speak out on specific issues and closely observe the current debates, and the pioneers, who feel less pressure and are the first companies to speak out and even initiate debates themselves. It remains to be seen if these patterns will be established in future research and if uniform strategies in corporate communications will develop when it comes to the topic of socio-political positioning

    Atmospheric ice nuclei in the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic ash plume

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    We have sampled atmospheric ice nuclei (IN) and aerosol in Germany and in Israel during spring 2010. IN were analyzed by the static vapor diffusion chamber FRIDGE, as well as by electron microscopy. During the Eyjafjallajökull volcanic eruption of April 2010 we have measured the highest ice nucleus number concentrations (>600 l−1) in our record of 2 yr of daily IN measurements in central Germany. Even in Israel, located about 5000 km away from Iceland, IN were as high as otherwise only during desert dust storms. The fraction of aerosol activated as ice nuclei at −18 °C and 119% rhice and the corresponding area density of ice-active sites per aerosol surface were considerably higher than what we observed during an intense outbreak of Saharan dust over Europe in May 2008. Pure volcanic ash accounts for at least 53–68% of the 239 individual ice nucleating particles that we collected in aerosol samples from the event and analyzed by electron microscopy. Volcanic ash samples that had been collected close to the eruption site were aerosolized in the laboratory and measured by FRIDGE. Our analysis confirms the relatively poor ice nucleating efficiency (at −18 °C and 119% ice-saturation) of such "fresh" volcanic ash, as it had recently been found by other workers. We find that both the fraction of the aerosol that is active as ice nuclei as well as the density of ice-active sites on the aerosol surface are three orders of magnitude larger in the samples collected from ambient air during the volcanic peaks than in the aerosolized samples from the ash collected close to the eruption site. From this we conclude that the ice-nucleating properties of volcanic ash may be altered substantially by aging and processing during long-range transport in the atmosphere, and that global volcanism deserves further attention as a potential source of atmospheric ice nuclei

    Nasal IgE in subjects with allergic and non-allergic rhinitis

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    Purpose: The prevalence of "ocal allergic rhinitis" within individuals suffering from perennial rhinitis remains uncertain, and patients usually are diagnosed with non-allergic rhinitis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of a potential "local allergic rhinitis" in subjects suffering from non-allergic rhinitis in a non-selected group of young students. Methods: 131 students (age 25.0 +/- 5.1 years) with a possible allergic rhinitis and 25 non-allergic controls without rhinitis symptoms (age 22.0 +/- 2.0 years) were recruited by public postings. 97 of 131 students with rhinitis were tested positive (>= 3 mm) to prick testing with 17 frequent allergens at visit 1. Twenty-four 24 subjects with a house dust mite allergy, 21 subjects with a non-allergic rhinitis, and 18 non-allergic controls were further investigated at visit 2. Blood samples were taken, and nasal secretion was examined. In addition, all groups performed a nasal provocation test with house dust mite (HDM). Results: In serum and nasal secretion, total IgE and house dust mite specific IgE significantly differed between HDM positive subjects and controls. However, no differences between non-allergic subjects and control subjects were quantifiable. Neither a nasal provocation test nor a nasal IgE to HDM allergens showed a measurable positive response in any of the non-allergic rhinitis subjects as well as the healthy controls, whilst being positive in 13 subjects with HDM allergy. Conclusions: Nasal IgE is present in subjects with HDM allergy, but not in non-allergic rhinitis. In the investigated non-selected population, exclusive local production of IgE is absent. By implication, therefore, our findings challenge the emerging concept of local allergic rhinitis