2 research outputs found

    Exploración de potenciales productos de turismo náutico entre Puerto Mont y el Golfo del Corcovado, X Región, Chile

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    Tesis (Administrador en Ecoturismo)RESUMEN: Esta memoria consiste en el estudio de la zona comprendida entre Puerto Montt y el Golfo del Corcovado para determinar potenciales que ofrece el área para el Turismo Náutico, además contempla una revisión de la industria náutica a nivel mundial y nacional. En base a la información recopilada se realiza una evaluación de una propuesta de modelo de negocios de turismo náutico para el área, en el que se utiliza el supuesto de la compra de un yate a vela de 35 pies que realiza rutas de navegación por los más importantes atractivos naturales y culturales de la región. A través de esta evaluación se comprobó que el turismo náutico en yates no es rentable dentro de los parámetros que se utilizaron en la evaluación. Pero también se concluye que los magníficos atributos que posee esta zona son inigualables lo que habre interesantes oportunidades para el turismo de intereses especiales y dentro de ellos el Turismo náutico y el Ecoturismo.ABSTRACT: This thesis consists in the study of the area between Puerto Montt and the Corcovado Gulf to determine the potentials that the area offers to nautical tourism, and it also contemplates a review ofthe nautical industry at a national and World leve!. Based on the information gathered, an evaluation is done of a business proposal model of the nautical tourism for this area, in which a sail yacht of 35 feet is supposedly bought, navigating the routes through the most important natural and cultural attractions of the region. Through this evaluation it was proven that the nautical tourism for yachts is not profitable in the parameters that were used in the evaluation. But it is also conc1uded that the magnificent attributes that this area has, are unrivalled, and which opens interesting opportunities for special interests tourism and in that the nautical tourism and ecoturism

    Demographic, clinical, and functional determinants of antithrombotic treatment in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation

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    Altres ajuts: Alliance Bristol-Myers Squibb/Pfizer.Background: This study assessed the sociodemographic, functional, and clinical determinants of antithrombotic treatment in patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) attended in the internal medicine setting. Methods: A multicenter, cross-sectional study was conducted in NVAF patients who attended internal medicine departments for either a routine visit (outpatients) or hospitalization (inpatients). Results: A total of 961 patients were evaluated. Their antithrombotic management included: no treatment (4.7%), vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) (59.6%), direct oral anticoagulants (DOACs) (21.6%), antiplatelets (6.6%), and antiplatelets plus anticoagulants (7.5%). Permanent NVAF and congestive heart failure were associated with preferential use of oral anticoagulation over antiplatelets, while intermediate-to high-mortality risk according to the PROFUND index was associated with a higher likelihood of using antiplatelet therapy instead of oral anticoagulation. Longer disease duration and institutionalization were identified as determinants of VKA use over DOACs. Female gender, higher education, and having suffered a stroke determined a preferential use of DOACs. Conclusions: This real-world study showed that most elderly NVAF patients received oral anticoagulation, mainly VKAs, while DOACs remained underused. Antiplatelets were still offered to a proportion of patients. Longer duration of NVAF and institutionalization were identified as determinants of VKA use over DOACs. A poor prognosis according to the PROFUND index was identified as a factor preventing the use of oral anticoagulation