749 research outputs found

    Software tools for conducting bibliometric analysis in science: An up-to-date review

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    Bibliometrics has become an essential tool for assessing and analyzing the output of scientists, cooperation between universities, the effect of state-owned science funding on national research and development performance and educational efficiency, among other applications. Therefore, professionals and scientists need a range of theoretical and practical tools to measure experimental data. This review aims to provide an up-to-date review of the various tools available for conducting bibliometric and scientometric analyses, including the sources of data acquisition, performance analysis and visualization tools. The included tools were divided into three categories: general bibliometric and performance analysis, science mapping analysis, and libraries; a description of all of them is provided. A comparative analysis of the database sources support, pre-processing capabilities, analysis and visualization options were also provided in order to facilitate its understanding. Although there are numerous bibliometric databases to obtain data for bibliometric and scientometric analysis, they have been developed for a different purpose. The number of exportable records is between 500 and 50,000 and the coverage of the different science fields is unequal in each database. Concerning the analyzed tools, Bibliometrix contains the more extensive set of techniques and suitable for practitioners through Biblioshiny. VOSviewer has a fantastic visualization and is capable of loading and exporting information from many sources. SciMAT is the tool with a powerful pre-processing and export capability. In views of the variability of features, the users need to decide the desired analysis output and chose the option that better fits into their aims

    Gravitational lensing by wave dark matter halos

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    Wave Dark Matter (WaveDM) has recently gained attention as a viable candidate to account for the dark matter content of the Universe. In this paper we explore the extent to which dark matter halos in this model, and under what conditions, are able to reproduce strong lensing systems. First, we analytically explore the lensing properties of the model -- finding that a pure WaveDM density profile, a soliton profile, produces a weaker lensing effect than other similar cored profiles. Then we analyze models with a soliton embedded in an NFW profile, as has been found in numerical simulations of structure formation. We use a benchmark model with a boson mass of ma=1022eVm_a=10^{-22}{\rm eV}, for which we see that there is a bi-modality in the contribution of the external NFW part of the profile, and actually some of the free parameters associated with it are not well constrained. We find that for configurations with boson masses 102310^{-23} -- 1022eV10^{-22}{\rm eV}, a range of masses preferred by dwarf galaxy kinematics, the soliton profile alone can fit the data but its size is incompatible with the luminous extent of the lens galaxies. Likewise, boson masses of the order of 1021eV10^{-21}{\rm eV}, which would be consistent with Lyman-α\alpha constraints and consist of more compact soliton configurations, necessarily require the NFW part in order to reproduce the observed Einstein radii. We then conclude that lens systems impose a conservative lower bound ma>1024m_a > 10^{-24} and that the NFW envelope around the soliton must be present to satisfy the observational requirements.Comment: 26 pages, 7 figures, Publishe

    Wave dark matter as a gravitational lens for electromagnetic and gravitational waves

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    The majority of the matter in the known universe is believed to be in the form of Dark Matter, and its widely accepted description is done by Cold Dark Matter (CDM). Nevertheless, its exact properties and composition are still unknown, and it is one of the most active areas of research in Cosmology. The use of Cold Dark Matter has been successful to describe the general behaviour of Dark Matter at large scales. However, it has encountered problems explaining phenomena at other regimes as on the scale of galaxy halos. Therefore, other models have been proposed over time which are able to retain the reasonable success of CDM on large scales and extent it to other regimes where CDM has problems to explain the observed data. One of such models is Scalar field Dark Matter (SFDM). Its properties allow it to produce similar results at large scales and solve the problems encountered at galactic scales. Nevertheless, the difficulty to obtain direct observations of Dark Matter makes it difficult to give a definitive comparison between the models. Therefore, it is important to study dark matter through different methods of analysis that would allow to increase the validity of its scope, and these methods are constantly being researched. In this work, a particular density profile known as Wave Dark Matter is implemented as a gravitational lens to study its behaviour in the cases where it produces strong lensing of light and of gravitational waves. Analytical functions for the description of a soliton core and a soliton core + NFW tail are applied to a sub-sample of 6 galaxies from The Sloan Lens ACS Survey to constrain the lensing parameters and their relation with the profile. Furthermore, by considering the soliton core to be the main contributor to the mass profile, this is implemented as a lens for the case of the wave approximation and further to describe the major effects of the lens on gravitational waves. It was found that the soliton core is too compact and dense in order to reproduce the observed values of the data for the lensed galaxies. However, adding a NFW tail alleviates the problem and reaches radii and masses within the range reported in the literature, although the size of the NFW tail cannot be properly constrained. Meanwhile for gravitational waves, it was found that the lensing parameters of the soliton core, if they are expected to describe a galaxy, will be such that they are more likely to be observed spaceborne gravitational wave detectors. In summary, therefore, a wave dark matter soliton in combination with a NFW tail is able to represent a galaxy, and the combination of ligh and gravitational waves should give new insight on the validity of the profile as a description of Dark Matter galactic haloes

    Osteolisis de la clavícula distal sin antecedentes previos

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    Se presenta el caso de un paciente con osteolisis de la clavícula distal sin causa etiológica traumática, de sobreuso o enfermedad sistémica. Los hallazgos clínicos y analíticos fueron inespecíficos. La radiología reveló una osteolisis de la clavícula distal. El paciente obtuvo una resolución completa de sus síntomas tras resecar el extremo distal de la clavícula.A case is reported with osteolysis of the distal clavicle whose etiology did not fit traumatic, overuse or systemic disease. Clinical and laboratory evaluations were nonespecific. Radiographic evaluation revealed osteolysis of the distal clavicle. The patient had complete resolution of his symptoms after distal clavicle resection

    Diferencias epidemiológicas de las fracturas de cadera en el medio urbano y rural

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    Objetivo: Averiguar las posibles diferencias epidemológicas de las fracturas de cadera en los medios urbano y rural. Diseño y pacientes. Se han estudiado de forma restrospectiva todas las fracturas de cadera en el hostpial Universitario Miguel Servet de Zaragoza durante el periodo 1998-1999 (1128 pacientes) y en el hospital comarcal de Basbastro durante el periodo 2000-2001 (171 pacientes). Resultados. La incidencia de fracturas de cadera en Zaragoza ha sido de 106 y en Barbastro de 81 fracturas por 100.000 habitantes. Mayor porcentaje de pacientes viviendo acompañados en su domicilio en el medio rural dándose las mayores cifras de dependencia y capacidad de salir del domicilio en el medio urbano. Un 51% de los pacientes del medio rural presentaban un estado mental normal respecto al 39% de los del medio urbano. Un 51% de los pacientes del medio rural presentaban un estado mental normal respecto al 39% de los del medio urbano. Se ha presentado un incremento de las fracturas trocantéreas y una disminución de las cervicales en el medio rural respecto al medio urbano (p<0.05). Conclusiones: La incidencia de las fracturas de cadera en el medio urbano es superior al medio rural. Los pacientes del medio urbano que sufren una fractura de cadera son más dependientes respecto a su vivienda presentando un peor estado mental que los de medio rural.Objetive: to investigate the possible differences of hip fractures between urban and rural populations. Design and patients: all hip fractures in the Miguel Server University Hospital of Zaragoza during the 1998-99 period (171 patients) have been retrospectively studied. Results: the incident of hip fractures in Zaragoza was 106 and in Barbastro 81 fractures per 100.000 persons. It was a higher percentage of patients living accompanied in their own homes in the rural medium, being the highest figures of dependence and capacity of going out of house in the urban medium. 51% of patients in the rural population had a normal mental state with regard to 39% in the urban population. It has appeared an increase of trochanteric fractures and a decrease of cervical fractures in the rural area in relation to the urban area (p<0.05). Conclusions: the incident of hip fractures in the urban population is higher that suffer a hip fracture are more dependents with regard to their own house and have worse mental state than those of rural population

    Determination of Pharmaceuticals in Coastal Systems Using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) Followed by Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography – tandem Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-MS/MS)

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    This paper describes the optimization and validation of an analytical method for the determination of 83 pharmaceutically active compounds (PhACs) in aqueous samples using solid-phase extraction (SPE) followed by ultra performance liquid chromatography-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (UPLC-QqQ-MS/MS). First, several experiments were conducted to optimize different SPE extraction parameters such as pH, elution solvents, and Na2EDTA addition. Extraction recovery percentages were between 17 and 146%, being higher than 70% for 47 target analytes. The effect of salinity in the extraction efficiency proved to be negligible ( 90%), and the precision of the method, calculated as the relative standard deviation (RSD) of replicate extractions and analyses, was less than 20%. The optimized method was successfully applied to the analysis of real water samples in estuarine and coastal systems from SW Spain (Cadiz Bay and Huelva Estuary). 49 out of 83 target compounds were found in 75% of samples. Ibuprofen, atenolol, gemfibrozil and caffeine were the most commonly detected substances, reaching concentrations up to 195 ng L-1

    Factores favorecedores del colapso en las fracturas trocantéricas tratadas con el tornillo dinámico de cadera (DHS)

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    Presentamos una serie de 164 fracturas trocantéreas tratadas con el tornillo dinámico de cadera evaluando el tipo de fractura según la clasificación AO, el grao de osteoporosis, la colocación del tornillo cefálico y la calidad de reducción para relacionarlos con el deslizamiento del tornillo cefálico y la aparición de complicaciones. El tipo de fractura más frecuente ha correspondido al tipo a.1.1. a 2.1. con un 42.6%. Un 72.6% de los pacientes presentaban un grado 4, 5 ó 6 de osteoporosis, en un 91.4% la posición del tornillo fue la adecuada y en un 64% la calidad del montaje fue anatómica. El mayor deslizamiento del tornillo cefálico y la mayor incidencia de complicaciones se han producido en las fracturas inestables, en los grados 4 a 6 de osteoporosis, en aquellos casos en los que el tornillo se localizaba de forma no satisfactoria y cuando la calidad de reducción era inadecuada.We present a series of 164 trochanteric fractures treated with the dynamic hip screw, evaluating fracture type according to the AO classificationl, osteoporosis index, cephalic screw placement and quality of reduction, to relate them with the sliding of the cephalic screw and the appearance of complications. The more frequent fracture types were A.1.1. and A.2.1. with a 42.6%. 72.6% of patients were a 4,5 or 6 osteoporosis index, in 91.4% of cases the screw position was sintable and in 64% of cases de quality of assembly was anatomical. The greatest cephalic screw sliding and the highest rate of complications happened in unstable fractures, in the 4 and 6 osteoporosis index, in cases of unsintable screw placement and when the reduction quality was inadequate

    Uso de la placa Epiunión con injerto óseo en pseudoartrosis del cuello humeral

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    Las pseudoartrosis del cuello humeral son muy poco frecuentes. Cinco pacientes con esta patología fueron tratados mediante la placa Epiunion e injerto óseo. La consolidación de la fractura se consiguión en todos los casos. El tiempo medio de consolidación fue de 4,2 meses. El valor medio en el test de Constant fue de 95,4 puntos. La placa Epiunion con injerto óseo parece ser un buen método para el tratamiento de las pseudoartrosis del cuello humeral.Humeral neck nonunions are very uncommon. Five patients with humeral neck nonunion were treated using an Epiunion plate. A bone graft was added. Fracture healing was obtained in all cases. The mean healing time was 4,2 months. Le result was an average Constant store of 95,4 points. Epiunion plate with bone grafting appears to be a good method for the treatment of proximal humeral nonunions

    Fractura de Bennet con luxación metacarpofalángica del pulgar asociada

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    Se presenta un raro caso de fractura de Bennett y luxación metacarpofalángica volar abierta del pulgar combinadas. La fractura de Bennett fue tratada mediante fijación percutánea con agujas. La luxación abierta volar fue reducida, y los ligamentos colaterales, los tendones extensores, y la cápsula dorsal, reparados quirúrgicamente. Cuatro semanas después apareció una infección de la articulación metacarpofalángica, que fue tratada mediante drenaje quirúrgico y antibioterapia. El daño resultante de esta articulación fue tratado mediante artrodesis con un fijador externo.We report a rare case of simultaneous Bennett's fracture and metacarpophalangeal open volar dislocation of the thumb. The Bennett's fracture was treated by percutaneous pinning. The open volar dislocation was reduced and the collateral ligaments, the extensor tendons, and the dorsal capsule, were surgically repaired. An infection of the metacarpophalangeal joint appeared four weeks later, which was treated by surgical drainage and antibiotic therapy. The resultant damage of this joint was treated by arthrodesis with an external fixator

    Tratamiento quirúrgico de las lesiones del ligamento colateral cubital con un anclaje intraóseo

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    Presentamos nuestra experiencia con el empleo de anclajes intraóseos en el tratamiento de las roturas completas del Ligamento Colateral Cubital (LCC). Se intervinieron a 8 pacientes. En todos los casos se trató de lesiones agudas. El tiempo medio de seguimiento fue de 14 meses. La pérdida media de flexión en la articulación MCF fue de 8,1º. En todos los casos, la estabilidad articular al forzar un valgo fue buena. Ningún paciente refirió inestabilidad. Pensamos que el empleo de sutura con anclaje intraóseo es un tratamiento adecuado para las roturas completas del LCC.We present our experience with the suture anchor in the treatment of complete ruptures of ulnar collateral ligament. We operated on 8 patients. All cases were acute injuries. The average follow-up was 14 months. Loss of metacarpophalangeal flexion averaged 8,1º. In all cases, the stability of the joint when valgus stress was applied was good. No patient refered instability. We think that the use of sutute anchor is a suitable treatment for complete ruptures of ulnar collateral ligamen