4 research outputs found


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    Objective: to determine quality characteristics of an apple and chayote jam sweetened with three sweetener combinations and taking as a reference point, the consumer liking. Design/methodology/approximation: The first formulation consisted of: 1,050 g apple, 630 g chayote, 400 g sugar; 500 mL water were added and 10 mL lemon juice as a natural preservative. The second formulation was prepared with 1,030 g apple, 705 g chayote, 500 mL water, 600 g of commercial stevia sweetener at 0.06%, 250 mL agave honey, and 10 mL lemon juice. The third formulation was prepared with 1,040 g apple, 650 g chayote, 500 mL water, 20 g ground natural stevia leaves, 500 mL agave honey, and 10 mL lemon juice. The jams were evaluated by consumers based on a hedonic scale. Results: The physicochemical and nutritional characteristics of the most accepted jam were: total sugars 28.33%, available carbohydrates 28.45%, dietary fiber 1.46%, protein 0.18%, and ash 0.18%, among others. The most pleasant for the consumer was the apple jam with chayote sweetened with stevia and agave honey. Study limitations/ implications:  It is recommended to deepen the study of the shelf life of the product to ensure the time which it maintains its quality.Findings/conclusions. The manufacture of chayote-based jam represents a viable alternative for the diversification of chayote-based processed products.Objetivo: determinar las características de calidad de una mermelada de chayote con manzana endulzada con tres combinaciones de endulcorantes y tomando como punto de referencia, el nivel de agrado del consumidor. Diseño/metodología/aproximación: La primera formulación consistió en 1,050 g de manzana, 630 g de chayote, 400 g de azúcar, con la adición de 500 mL de agua y 10 mL de jugo de limón como conservador natural. La segunda formulación fue preparada con 1,030 g de manzana, 705 g de chayote, 500 mL de agua, 600 g de endulzante a base de estevia comercial al 0.06%, 250 mL de miel de agave y 10 mL jugo de limón. La tercera formulación fue preparada con 1,040 g de manzana, 650 g de chayote, 500 mL de agua, 20 g de estevia natural molida, 500 mL de miel de agave y 10 mL de jugo de limón. Las mermeladas fueron evaluadas por consumidores con base en una escala hedónica. Resultados: Las características fisicoquímicas y nutricionales de la mermelada más aceptada fueron: azúcares totales 28.33%, carbohidratos disponibles 28.45%, fibra dietética 1.46%, proteína 0.18%, cenizas 0.18% entre otros. La más agradable para el consumidor fue la mermelada de manzana con chayote endulzada con estevia y miel de agave. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: Se recomienda profundizar en el estudio de la vida de anaquel del producto para asegurar el tiempo en que se mantiene su calidad Hallazgos/conclusiones: La fabricación de mermelada a base de chayote representa una alternativa viable para la diversificación de productos procesados a base de chayote

    “Male effect” and “temporary weaning” in synchronization of post-partum ovarian activity in Pelibuey ewes

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    To evaluate the response of the “male effect” and “temporary weaning” on the synchronization of post-partum ovarian activity in Pelibuey ewes, an experiment was carried out using 78 Pelibuey ewes with suckling lambs. The ewes were separated from their offspring for 48 hours and randomly assigned to one of four treatments derived from the arrangement of two factors, “male effect” and “temporary weaning”, each at two levels. Treatments were: T1 (n = 20) control ewes, without “male effect” and without “temporary weaning”); T2 (n = 19) ewes without “male effect” and with “temporary weaning”; T3 (n = 20) ewes with “male effect” and without “temporary weaning”; and T4 (n = 19), ewes with “male effect” and with “temporary weaning”. The response to oestrus, return to oestrus, gestation rate and lambing rate were analysed using logistic regression. The onset of oestrus was analysed using survival curves. No significant differences were found for lambing rate and prolificacy among treatments. “Temporary weaning” (T2) and “male effect” (T3) did not influence the response to oestrus, rate and duration of return to oestrus, or gestation rate and fertility, and was similar to the control group (T1). The interaction of “male effect” with “temporary weaning” (T4) increased the response to oestrus, reduced the rate and duration of return to oestrus, and the gestation rate, but increased fertility. Synchronizing post-partum ovarian activity with “male effect” and “temporary weaning” reduces the onset of oestrus and the rate of return to oestrus, but increases the response to oestrus and fecundity in Pelibuey ewes.Keywords: Biostimulation, progestogens, prolificacy, prostaglandins, sucklin

    Hedonic perception and preference analysis of double cream cheeses formulated with raw and pasteurized milk

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    Objective: To compare the characteristics of double cream cheeses made with raw and pasteurized milk per liking and preference level. Design/Methodology/Approach: Cheeses from three brands were evaluated: Santa Teresa, Montero, and Colegio de Postgraduados (CP). The first two cheeses were formulated with raw milk, while the CP cheese was formulated with pasteurized milk inoculated with lactic cultures. The hedonic perception study was carried out in monadic series with 19 volunteers who blind tasted the three types of cheese. The evaluation attributes were: appearance, taste, aroma, and general acceptability on a 9-point scale; and saltiness, acidity, and creaminess on a 3-point scale (JAR). Preferences were evaluated by rank and multiple comparison tests. Results: No differences were found in the aroma, taste, and texture liking level of the cheeses (p>0.05); nevertheless, there were differences in the appearance and general acceptance (p˂0.05). The general acceptance of the CP cheese was significantly lower than that of the two raw milk cheeses (p˂0.05). The penalty analysis showed that low acidity and low creaminess attributes are related to a low general acceptance (p˂0.05). Limitations/Implications: The study has enough evaluations for statistical tests. Findings/Conclusions: Raw milk cheeses obtained the highest marks in all attributes. Determining if there are other sensory attributes —in addition to those that were the subject of this study— will help to explain the greater preference and global acceptance of raw milk cheeses

    Dulaglutide and cardiovascular outcomes in type 2 diabetes (REWIND): a double-blind, randomised placebo-controlled trial

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