4 research outputs found

    Vaccination of health professionals as a preventive measure against biological risk and disinformation

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    Introducción: La vacunación es una herramienta esencial en la prevención de enfermedades altamente contagiosas. Actualmente, dicho procedimiento comienza a ser menos empleado debido, entre otros, a diversos factores económicos y sociales, que han promovido la reaparición de patologías que estaban prácticamente desaparecidas. Objetivos: Definir el estado inmunitario de los trabajadores sanitarios del Hospital de Poniente de la provincia de Almería y observar la eficacia de las vacunas administradas por el Servicio de Prevención en el personal sanitario no inmunizado. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo en el que se evalúa mediante serología, la inmunidad frente al sarampión, la rubéola, la parotiditis, la varicela y la hepatitis B previa y posterior a la administración de vacunas en el personal sanitario (n = 923). Resultados: Se observa un alto porcentaje de la población trabajadora sanitaria con anticuerpos protectores frente a los microorganismos del estudio, ya sea por una correcta pauta vacunal en la infancia como por la posterior vacunación por parte del Servicio de Prevención (alta tasa de seroconversión). Conclusión: El estudio señala la importancia de la vacunación como medida preventiva contra las enfermedades estudiadas, por lo que justifica la necesidad de poner en marcha campañas informativas que refuercen su uso.Introduction: Vaccination is an essential tool in the prevention of highly contagious diseases. Currently, this procedure is becoming less widely used, due to various economic and social factors, among others, which have encouraged the reappearance of pathologies that were virtually disappeared. Objectives: To define the immune status of the health workers of the Hospital de Poniente and monitoring the effectiveness of vaccines administered by the Prevention Service on non-immunized health personnel. Methodology: A descriptive study evaluating by serology the immunity against measles, rubella, mumps, varicella and hepatitis B prior to and after the administration of vaccines to health personnel (n = 923). Results: A high percentage of the health worker population with protective antibodies against the microorganisms in the study was observed, either due to a correct vaccination schedule in childhood or due to subsequent vaccination by the Prevention Service (high rate of seroconversion). Conclusion: The study re-emphasizes the importance of vaccination as a preventive measure against the diseases analysed, justifying the need to launch information campaigns to strengthen their use

    Fendrix® Vaccine Effectiveness in Healthcare Workers Who Are Non-Responsive to Engerix B® Vaccination

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    Hepatitis B (HBV) is a pathogen virus with transmission mechanisms that include contact with the infected blood or bodily fluids of the infected organism. Nowadays, healthcare workers are one of the most exposed groups to HBV. Conventionally, completing a vaccine series dosage with Engerix B® lowers this risk by providing workers with immunity to the virus. However, through the years, we have encountered nonresponsive health personnel to the Engerix B® vaccine; hence, the Occupational Health Service of Poniente Hospital studied the Fendrix® adjuvanted vaccine as an alternative vaccine to develop immunological responses in healthcare workers who do not respond to vaccination with Engerix B®. In our study, we employed a vaccination schedule with the Fendrix® vaccine, performing serology tests on the cases after the application of each dose. The results obtained showed humoral immunity in 92.3% of the cases, with a remarkable increase in antibody titer after the first doses. These encouraging results support the future inclusion of this vaccine as one possible alternative for the immunization to HBV for healthcare workers nonresponsive to Engerix B

    Biohazard accidents, harmful elements to the wellness of healthcare workers, and their risk factors.

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    Background. For healthcare personnel, biohazard accidents pose a significant risk to their health. These exposures can enable the transmission of pathogens such as Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Objective. To indicate and quantify the risk associated with higher threatening situations, such as biohazard accidents on repeated occasions or incorrect notifications to injured healthcare professionals. Methods. A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Poniente Hospital in Almeria (Spain). In total, 592 participants reported 1062 accidents and their characteristics and notifications were analyzed. Results. It was found that women (OR = 1.29) working in the surgical area (OR = 2.92), those on indefinite contracts (OR = 1.67), and those with high work experience (OR = 1.14) were the main risk factors for multiple biohazard accidents. Concerning the incorrect notification of these accidents, the main risk factors were work performance during the afternoon shift (OR = 1.72) and the fact that the accident was caused by the injured worker himself (OR = 1.53). Conclusions. This study outlined the main factors that can contribute to healthcare professionals suffering these accidents. As a result, corrective measures must be taken against these risk factors to improve safety for healthcare workers in the future

    Fendrix® Vaccine Effectiveness in Healthcare Workers Who Are Non-Responsive to Engerix B® Vaccination

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    Hepatitis B (HBV) is a pathogen virus with transmission mechanisms that include contact with the infected blood or bodily fluids of the infected organism. Nowadays, healthcare workers are one of the most exposed groups to HBV. Conventionally, completing a vaccine series dosage with Engerix B® lowers this risk by providing workers with immunity to the virus. However, through the years, we have encountered nonresponsive health personnel to the Engerix B® vaccine; hence, the Occupational Health Service of Poniente Hospital studied the Fendrix® adjuvanted vaccine as an alternative vaccine to develop immunological responses in healthcare workers who do not respond to vaccination with Engerix B®. In our study, we employed a vaccination schedule with the Fendrix® vaccine, performing serology tests on the cases after the application of each dose. The results obtained showed humoral immunity in 92.3% of the cases, with a remarkable increase in antibody titer after the first doses. These encouraging results support the future inclusion of this vaccine as one possible alternative for the immunization to HBV for healthcare workers nonresponsive to Engerix B®