20,079 research outputs found

    Saran film is fire-retardant in oxygen atmosphere

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    Saran was tested for flammability as a wrapping on TFE-insulated electrical wire bundles in oxygen gas at pressures of 7.5 psia and 14.7 psia. It was found to be fire retardant or self-extinguishing in most instances

    On the Critical Behaviour of Heat Conducting Sphere out of Hydrostatic Equilibrium

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    We comment further on the behaviour of a heat conducting fluid when a characteristic parameter of the system approaches a critical value.Comment: 4 pages, emTex (LaTex 2.09), submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity (Comments and Addenda

    Comparative genomic analysis of two Chilean Renibacterium salmoninarum isolates and the type strain ATCC 33209T

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    Indexación: Scopus.Two previously characterized Chilean isolates (H-2 and DJ2R), obtained from cage-cultured Atlantic salmon with clinical signs of bacterial kidney disease in southern Chile, were used (Bethke et al. 2016, 2017). The bacteria were routinely cultured in KDM-2 agar for 15–20 days at 15°C. For sequencing, genomic DNA of the two isolates was extracted using the InstaGene Purification Matrix (Bio-Rad) according to manufacturer instructions. The DJ2R genome was sequenced using an Illumina MiSeq platform with 2 ⨯ 250 paired-end reads by the AUSTRAL-omics Institute, hosted by the Universidad Austral de Chile (Valdivia, Chile). Using the same technology and parameters, H-2 genomic DNA was sequenced by the Central Support Service for Experimental Research (SCSIE, Spanish acronym) at the University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain).This work was supported by funding of the Comisión Nacional de Investigación Científica y Tecnológica (CONICYT, Chile) [Grant Numbers FONDAP No. 15110027 and FONDECYT No. 1150695]. J.B. also acknowledges support received by CONICYT [Doctoral Scholarship No. 21140421].Renibacterium salmoninarum, a slow-growing facultative intracellular pathogen belonging to the high C+G content Actinobacteria phylum, is the causative agent of bacterial kidney disease, a progressive granulomatous infection affecting salmonids worldwide. This Gram-positive bacterium has existed in the Chilean salmonid industry for >30 years, but little or no information is available regarding the virulence mechanisms and genomic characteristics of Chilean isolates. In this study, the genomes of two Chilean isolates (H-2 and DJ2R)were sequenced, and a search was conducted for genes and proteins involved in virulence and pathogenicity, andwecompare with the type strain ATCC 33209T genome. The genome sizes of H-2 and DJ2R are 3,155,332 bp and 3,155,228 bp, respectively. They genomes presented six ribosomal RNA, 46 transcription RNA, and 25 noncodingRNA, and both had the same 56.27% G+C content described for the type strain ATCC 33209 T. A total of 3,522 and 3,527 coding sequences were found for H-2 and DJ2R, respectively. Meanwhile, the ATCC 33209T type strain had 3,519 coding sequences. The in silico genome analysis revealed a genes related to tricarboxylic acid cycle, glycolysis, iron transport and others metabolic pathway. Also, the data indicated that R salmoninarum may have a variety of possible virulence-factor and antibiotic-resistance strategies. Interestingly, many of genes had high identities with Mycobacterium species, a known pathogenic Actin obacteria bacterium. In summary, this study provides the first insights into and initial steps towards understanding the molecular basis of antibiotic resistance, virulence mechanisms and host/environment adaptation in twoChilean R. salmoninarum isolates that contain proteins of which were similar to those of Mycobacterium. Furthermore, important information is presented that could facilitate the development of preventive and treatment measures against R. salmoninarum in Chile and worldwide. © The Author(s) 2018.https://academic.oup.com/gbe/article/10/7/1816/504777

    Stress tolerance-related genetic traits of fish pathogen Flavobacterium psychrophilum in a mature biofilm

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    Indexación: Scopus.Flavobacterium psychrophilum is the causative agent of bacterial cold-water disease and rainbow trout fry syndrome, and hence this bacterium is placed among the most important salmonid pathogens in the freshwater aquaculture industry. Since bacteria in biofilms differ substantially from free-living counterparts, this study sought to find the main differences in gene expression between sessile and planktonic states of F. psychrophilum LM-02-Fp and NCMB1947T, with focus on stress-related changes in gene expression occurring during biofilm formation. To this end, biofilm and planktonic samples were analyzed by RNA sequencing to detect differentially expressed candidate genes (DECGs) between the two growth states, and decreasing the effects of interstrain variation by considering only genes with log2-fold changes ≤ -2 and ≥ 2 at Padj-values = 0.001 as DECGs. Overall, 349 genes accounting for ~15% of total number of genes expressed in transcriptomes of F. psychrophilum LM-02-Fp and NCMB1947T (n = 2327) were DECGs between biofilm and planktonic states. Approximately 83 and 81% of all up- and down-regulated candidate genes in mature biofilms, respectively, were assigned to at least one gene ontology term; these were primarily associated with the molecular function term "catalytic activity." We detected a potential stress response in mature biofilms, characterized by a generalized down-regulation of DECGs with roles in the protein synthesis machinery (n = 63, primarily ribosomal proteins) and energy conservation (seven ATP synthase subunit genes), as well as an up-regulation of DECGs involved in DNA repair (ruvC, recO, phrB1, smf, and dnaQ) and oxidative stress response (cytochrome C peroxidase, probable peroxiredoxin, and a probable thioredoxin). These results support the idea of a strategic trade-offbetween growth-related processes and cell homeostasis to preserve biofilm structure and metabolic functioning. In addition, LDH-based cytotoxicity assays and an intraperitoneal challenge model for rainbow trout fry agreed with the transcriptomic evidence that the ability of F. psychrophilum to form biofilms could contribute to the virulence. Finally, the reported changes in gene expression, as induced by the plankton-to-biofilm transition, represent the first transcriptomic guideline to obtain insights into the F. psychrophilum biofilm lifestyle that could help understand the prevalence of this bacterium in aquaculture settings.https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmicb.2018.00018/ful

    Why does gravitational radiation produce vorticity?

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    We calculate the vorticity of world--lines of observers at rest in a Bondi--Sachs frame, produced by gravitational radiation, in a general Sachs metric. We claim that such an effect is related to the super--Poynting vector, in a similar way as the existence of the electromagnetic Poynting vector is related to the vorticity in stationary electrovacum spacetimes.Comment: 9 pages; to appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    On the dual interpretation of zero-curvature Friedmann-Robertson-Walker models

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    Two possible interpretations of FRW cosmologies (perfect fluid or dissipative fluid)are considered as consecutive phases of the system. Necessary conditions are found, for the transition from perfect fluid to dissipative regime to occur, bringing out the conspicuous role played by a particular state of the system (the ''critical point '').Comment: 13 pages Latex, to appear in Class.Quantum Gra

    Moments of inertia for solids of revolution and variational methods

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    We present some formulae for the moments of inertia of homogeneous solids of revolution in terms of the functions that generate the solids. The development of these expressions exploits the cylindrical symmetry of these objects, and avoids the explicit use of multiple integration, providing an easy and pedagogical approach. The explicit use of the functions that generate the solid gives the possibility of writing the moment of inertia as a functional, which in turn allows us to utilize the calculus of variations to obtain a new insight into some properties of this fundamental quantity. In particular, minimization of moments of inertia under certain restrictions is possible by using variational methods.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, LaTeX2e. Two paragraphs added. Minor typos corrected. Version to appear in European Journal of Physic

    The Charm of the Proton and the Λc+\Lambda _c^{+} Production

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    We propose a two component model for charmed baryon production in pppp collisions consisting of the conventional parton fusion mechanism and fragmentation plus quarks recombination in which a udud valence diquark from the proton recombines with a cc-sea quark to produce a Λc+\Lambda_c^+. Our two-component model is compared with the intrinsic charm two-component model and experimental data.Comment: 6 pages, LaTex, 2 figures included, aipproc.sty included. Talk presented at Simposio Latino Americano de Fisica de Altas Energias, Merida, Mexico, November 199

    Study of the apsidal precession of the Physical Symmetrical Pendulum

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    We study the apsidal precession of a Physical Symmetrical Pendulum (Allais' precession) as a generalization of the precession corresponding to the Ideal Spherical Pendulum (Airy's Precession). Based on the Hamilton-Jacobi formalism and using the technics of variation of parameters along with the averaging method, we obtain approximate solutions, in terms of which the motion of both systems admits a simple geometrical description. The method developed in this paper is considerably simpler than the standard one in terms of elliptical functions and the numerical agreement with the exact solutions is excellent. In addition, the present procedure permits to show clearly the origin of the Airy's and Allais' precession, as well as the effect of the spin of the Physical Pendulum on the Allais' precession. Further, the method can be extended to the study of the asymmetrical pendulum in which an exact solution is not possible anymore.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, LaTeX2
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