33 research outputs found

    The influence of Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) relaxation on primary school teachers’ stress

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    Abstrak Latar belakang: Stres dapat menimpa berbagai profesi dan pekerjaan. Guru sekolah dasar merupakan salah satu profesi yang rentan terhadap stres. Stres ini dapat berpengaruh terhadap kinerja guru, oleh karena itu stress harus diatasi. Salah satu cara untuk menurunkan stres adalah relaksasi dengan terapi musik. Bagian dari terapi musik adalah Guided Imagery and Music (GIM). Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pengaruh relaksasi GIM terhadap stres guru sekolah dasar negeri di kabupaten Sekadau, Kalimantan barat. Metode: 40 orang responden guru diikut sertakan dalam penelitian ini melalui cluster random sampling. Desain penelitian menggunakan metode quasi eksperiment pre-post dengan grup kontrol. Data yang dikumpulkan meliputi karakteristik individu dan masa kerja, stressor kerja (menggunakan kuesioner SDS) dan stres guru (menggunakan kuesioner SCL-90). Relaksasi GIM diberikan sebanyak 5 sesi dalam waktu ±20 menit setiap sesi selama 1 minggu. Hasil: 77.5% responden memiliki tingkat stress sedang pada stressor beban pekerjaan kualitatif berlebih. Penilaian awal stress didapatkan 77.5% responden mengalami gejala psikopatologi dengan gejala terbanyak adalah obsesi-kompulsif (27.5%). Terdapat penurunan rerata stres yang bermakna pada guru SD yang mendapat relaksasi GIM dengan perbedaan mean 3.00±6.29 (p=0.046) dan peningkatan rerata stress pada kelompok kontrol -1.45±7.72 (p=0.412). Kesimpulan: Intervensi GIM berpengaruh terhadap penurunan tingkat stress pada guru SD yang menjalani relaksasi GIM. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2018;9(1):45-50) Kata kunci: Relaksasi GIM, Stres guru, Guru sekolah dasar Abstract Background: Stress is a common hazard in a lot of professions and occupation. Primary school teachers are one of the most vulnerable profession to have stress. Stress may impact on teachers’ performance and therefore must be treated. One of the ways to alleviate stress is relaxation by musical theraphy. A part of musical theraphy is Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) relaxation. The purpose of the research is to know the influence of GIM relaxation method on stress’ level of primary school teachers in district Sekadau, West Kalimantan. Methods: 40 teachers participated in this research and were chosen by cluster random sampling method. The study design was pre-post quasi experiment with control group. The collected data included respondents’ individual characteristics and length-of-employment, work stressors (using SDS questionnaire) and teachers’ stress (using SCL-90 questionnaire). GIM relaxation method was provided in 5 sessions where conducted for 20 minutes during the period of one week. Results: 77.5% of respondents have medium stress levels, which were excessive qualitative workloads stressors. In early stress assessment, 77.5% respondent showed psychopatology symptoms, where the most frequent symptom was obsessive-compulsive (27.5%). There was a significant decrease in stress level in primary school teachers who received the GIM relaxation with a mean difference of 3.00±6.29 (p=0.046) and an increase of stress’ level in control group with a mean difference of -1.45±7.72 (p=0.412). Conclusion: GIM intervention has an effect on reducing stress level in primary school teachers who have undergone GIM relaxation. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2018;9(1):45-50) Keywords: GIM relaxation, Teachers’ stress, primary school teacher

    Plagiarisme, Runtuhnya Tembok Kejujuran Akademik

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    Plagiarisme, Runtuhnya Tembok Kejujuran Akademi

    Eating Sweet Foods Habit and Other Factors That Related to Obesity on Civil Pilot in Indonesia

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    Background: Obesity in pilot can cause sudden incapacity in flight. This study is purposed to determine factors that affecting obesity on civil pilot in Indonesia. Methods: Cross-sectional design amongst male civil pilots who conducted periodic medical examinations in April 2016 at Aviation Medical Center. Data was collected for this study included demographic characteristics, occupation, habit of eating sweet foods, exercise and family history of obesity. Pilot was categorized as obese I when BMI: 25.0- 29.9 kg/m2 and obese II when BMI: > 30.0 kg/m2. The habit of eating sweet foods was categorized into four categories: almost never, 1-3 times/week, 4-5 times/week, and almost every day. Data was analyzed by Cox regression with constant timing. Results: From 644 pilot's data that had been collected, 256 data were qualified for the criteria of analysis. 55 pilots (21.48%) were obese II. Habit of eating sweet foods and marital status were the dominant factors that associated with risk of obese II. As compared to subject who never consumed sweet foods, subject who consumed sweet foods 1-3 times/week had a lower risk of 50% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.50; 95% CI = 0.30 to 0.85; p = 0.011]; subject who consumed sweet foods 4-5 times/week had a lower risk of 68% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.32; 95% CI = 0.12 to 0.83; p = 0.020]. In comparison with subject who was not married, married subject had a lower risk of 38% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.62; 95% CI = 0.38 to 0.99; p = 0.046]. Conclusion: The habit of eating sweet foods & marital status are affecting the risk of obese II among obese civil pilot in Indonesia. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):134-139

    Correlation of noise level exposure on the reaction time of workers at a manufacturing company in Bandung, Indonesia

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    Latar Belakang: Para pekerja sering kali terpaksa berhadapan dengan kebisingan tinggi ditempat kerja. Kebisingan mengganggu perhatian yang diperlukan terus-menerus dan menurunkan produktivitas kerja, oleh sebab itu pekerja yang melakukan pengamatan dan pengawasan terhadap satu proses produksi atau hasilnya, dapat membuat kesalahan akibat dari terganggunya konsentrasi dan kurang fokusnya perhatian. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan pengukuran waktu reaksi cahaya dan suara untuk menilai fokus perhatian/konsentrasi. Metode: Studi analitik dengan desain komparatif cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada perusahaan manufaktur yang memproduksi benang nylon sintetik. Membandingkan rerata selisih waktu reaksi cahaya dan suara sebelum dan setelah bekerja dengan pajanan kebisingan pada kelompok subjek yang bekerja pada intensitas kebisingan di atas NAB (area braiding) dibandingkan dengan yang di bawah NAB (area waring), dimana sebelumnya dilakukan pengukuran intensitas tingkat kebisingan di kedua area tersebut. Hasil Penelitian: Perbedaan bermakna waktu reaksi cahaya yang melambat pada subjek yang bekerja dengan pajanan kebisingan di atas NAB sebelum dan setelah bekerja (p=0.007), namun tidak dengan waktu reaksi suara. Tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna waktu reaksi cahaya dan suara pada subjek yang bekerja dengan pajanan kebisingan di bawah NAB sebelum dan setelah bekerja. Terdapat perbedaan bermakna rerata selisih waktu reaksi cahaya yang melambat pada subjek yang bekerja pada pajanan kebisingan di atas NAB dengan di bawah NAB, p=0,017, namun tidak bermakna terhadap rerata selisih waktu reaksi suara. Kesimpulan: Terdapat perbedaan rerata selisih waktu reaksi cahaya pada pekerja yang bekerja dengan pajanan kebisingan di atas NAB dibandingkan dengan pekerja yang bekerja dengan pajanan kebisingan di bawah NAB, sehingga tingkat intensitas kebisingan tinggi (di atas NAB) mempengaruhi waktu reaksi cahaya dan menjadi lebih lambat. Kata Kunci: waktu reaksi cahaya; waktu reaksi suara; kebisingan   Abstract Background: Workers are often exposed to high noise level at their workplaces. Noise can disrupt the worker’s concentration and focus and in the end, may cause lower productivity. Thus, workers whose main job descriptions are to supervise workflow from one phase to another are prone to mistakes due to the loss of concentration and focus. In this research, we used reaction timer with light and sound stimuli to assess attention or concentration. Methods: The study was an analytical study with comparative cross sectional design, comparing a mean difference between light and sound reaction time before and after work. This research was conducted at a manufacturing company that produces synthetic nylon fibers. The subjects were divided into two groups; the workers with noise intensity above TLV (braiding’s area) and with noise intensity below TLV (waring’s area). Prior to the study, the research has measured the intensity of the noise level in the workplace area. Result: A significant difference was found in the light’s reaction time who work with noise exposure above TLV (p= 0.007) and it was found to be slower after work with the workers who are exposed to noise above TLV. There was also a significant mean difference for the light’s reaction time between the above TLV noise group and below TLV noise group (p = 0.017). There was no significant difference in sound reaction time. Conclusion: There was a significant mean difference in light reaction time for the workers who work with noise exposure above TLV compare with the workers who work in below TLV, so that high intensity of noise level is found to affect and decrease the light reaction time of the workers.  Keywords: light’s reaction time, sound’s reaction time, noise

    Job Stress in Nurses in Hospitals and Primary Health Care Facilities

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    Work stress is related to accidents, violence in the workplace, organizational strain in the form of absenteeism, decreased work performance, increased injury rates and employee turnover. Nurses are professionals who have high risks of occupational stress. The purpose of this study is to get the prevalens of work stress in nurses in Indonesia and the that influencing factors, using the instrument of ENSS Indonesian version. ENSS is an instrument of stress assessment specifically designed for nurses. ENSS has been adapted to the specific working conditions and culture of Indonesia. A total of 124 nurses were recruited, coming from hospitals and primary healthcare facilities. The higher the level of work stress experienced by nurses, the higher the value of measurement. No relationship was found between demographic characteristics and the level of stress in each subscale in both groups of respondents.&nbsp


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    Objective: This study evaluated the efficacy of thrombolysis with 0.6 mg/kg intravenous alteplase for acute ischemic stroke patients within 6 h of stroke onset. Methods: This cross-sectional study collected data of patients with ischemic stroke received intravenous thrombolytic therapy with 0.6 mg/kg alteplase within 6 h of onset in Cipto Mangunkusumo General Hospital (Rumah Sakit Cipto Mangunkusumo [RSCM]) between November 2014 and August 2017. Efficacy of the thrombolytic therapy was evaluated using the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) and modified Rankin Scale (mRS). NIHSS evaluated on 24 h and 7 d post thrombolytic therapy portrayed clinical outcomes of patients while mRS evaluated on day 30 post-thrombolysis portrayed the functional outcome of patients. Results: The median NIHSS score decreased on 24 h and 7 d post-thrombolysis. 33.3% patients experienced a reduction of NIHSS score ≥4 on 24 h post thrombolytic therapy. On day 7 following thrombolysis, 57.4% patients had a good clinical outcome. On day 30 follow-up, 55.6% patients had a good functional outcome. Conclusion: Thrombolysis using 0.6 mg/kg intravenous alteplase within 6 h of onset is effective for acute ischemic stroke patients

    Modification of Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide, a more simplified and practical communication guide for daily consultation practice

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    Latar belakang: The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guides (CCOG) adalah panduan yang telah digunakan di banyak negara untuk menilai keterampilan Komunikasi Dokter-Pasien. Panduan terdiri dari 56 poin yang terbagi dalam enam kategori dan menggambarkan proses konsultasi rutin, ditambah 15 poin opsional dalam memberikan penjelasan dan perencanaan. Karena panduan ini terdiri atas poin yang jumlahnya cukup banyak, sangat tidak praktis untuk menggunakannya dalam praktik konsultasi sehari-hari. Oleh karena itu, versi yang lebih sederhana dan praktis akan memberikan manfaat yang lebih besar. Metode: Tujuh orang ahli dari berbagai latar belakang kepakaran klinis dan komunikasi dokter pasien diminta mengevaluasi dan menganalisis 56 poin CCOG berdasarkan tingkat kepentingan dalam praktik sehari-hari. Dua putaran Delphy digunakan dalam penelitian ini, putaran pertama untuk mengevaluasi tingkat kepentingan, dan putaran kedua untuk mengevaluasi poin-poin yang memiliki kesamaan makna sehingga dapat digabungkan. Hasil dari dua putaran itu kemudian disirkulasikan kembali kepada semua anggota tim ahli untuk mendapatkan konfirmasi versi modifikasi akhir dari CCOG tersebut. Hasil: Versi modifikasi terakhir dari CCOG yang terdiri dari 35 titik telah terbentuk. Langkah pertama proses konsultasi yaitu Memulai sesi terdiri dari 5 poin (awalnya 7 poin). Langkah Mengumpulkan Informasi terdiri dari 5 poin (awalnya 11 poin), Menyediakan Struktur 3 poin (awalnya 4 poin), Membangun Hubungan 7 poin (awalnya 10 poin), Penjelasan dan Perencanaan 11 poin (awalnya 20 poin), dan Menutup Sesi terdiri dari 4 poin. Versi CCOG yang dimodifikasi tetap komprehensif, namun lebih praktis untuk latihan sehari-hari. Kesimpulan: Modifikasi versi CCOG dapat digunakan sebagai panduan praktis sederhana untuk menilai Komunikasi Pasien Dokter dalam praktik konsultasi sehari-hari. Kata Kunci: The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide, Komunikasi Dokter Pasien, Modifikasi  Abstract Background: The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guides (CCOG) is a guide that is widely used to assess Doctor-Patient Communication. The guide consists of 56 points divided into 6 categories that describe a routine consultation process, plus 15 optional points in giving explanation and planning. Due to its quite numerous points, it is quite impractical to use the guide in daily consultation practice. Therefore, a more simplified and more practical version would be favourable. Method: Seven experts from different background evaluated and analyzed the 56 points of CCOG based on the level of importance in daily practice. Two rounds of Delphy were used in the study, the first round to evaluate level of importance, and the second to obtain the possibilities to join items that may have similar meaning. The result of the two rounds was then recirculated to all members of the team for confirmation of the final modified version of CCOG. Result: A final modified version of CCOG consisting of 35 points was formed. The first step of a consultation process, Initiating the session consists of 5 points (originally 7 points). Gathering information step consists of 5 points (originally 11 points), Providing structure of 3 points (originally 4 points), Building relationship of 7 points (originally 10 points), Explanation and Planning of 11 points (originally 20 points), and Closing the Session consisting of 4 points. The modified CCOG version is still comprehensive, yet more practical for daily practice. Conclusion: Modified version of CCOG can be used as a simple, practical guide to assess Doctor Patient Communication in daily consultation practice. Keywords: The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide, Doctor Patient Communication, Modification

    Worldwide trends in hypertension prevalence and progress in treatment and control from 1990 to 2019: a pooled analysis of 1201 population-representative studies with 104 million participants

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    Background Hypertension can be detected at the primary health-care level and low-cost treatments can effectively control hypertension. We aimed to measure the prevalence of hypertension and progress in its detection, treatment, and control from 1990 to 2019 for 200 countries and territories. Methods We used data from 1990 to 2019 on people aged 30–79 years from population-representative studies with measurement of blood pressure and data on blood pressure treatment. We defined hypertension as having systolic blood pressure 140 mm Hg or greater, diastolic blood pressure 90 mm Hg or greater, or taking medication for hypertension. We applied a Bayesian hierarchical model to estimate the prevalence of hypertension and the proportion of people with hypertension who had a previous diagnosis (detection), who were taking medication for hypertension (treatment), and whose hypertension was controlled to below 140/90 mm Hg (control). The model allowed for trends over time to be non-linear and to vary by age. Findings The number of people aged 30–79 years with hypertension doubled from 1990 to 2019, from 331 (95% credible interval 306–359) million women and 317 (292–344) million men in 1990 to 626 (584–668) million women and 652 (604–698) million men in 2019, despite stable global age-standardised prevalence. In 2019, age-standardised hypertension prevalence was lowest in Canada and Peru for both men and women; in Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, and some countries in western Europe including Switzerland, Spain, and the UK for women; and in several low-income and middle-income countries such as Eritrea, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, and Solomon Islands for men. Hypertension prevalence surpassed 50% for women in two countries and men in nine countries, in central and eastern Europe, central Asia, Oceania, and Latin America. Globally, 59% (55–62) of women and 49% (46–52) of men with hypertension reported a previous diagnosis of hypertension in 2019, and 47% (43–51) of women and 38% (35–41) of men were treated. Control rates among people with hypertension in 2019 were 23% (20–27) for women and 18% (16–21) for men. In 2019, treatment and control rates were highest in South Korea, Canada, and Iceland (treatment >70%; control >50%), followed by the USA, Costa Rica, Germany, Portugal, and Taiwan. Treatment rates were less than 25% for women and less than 20% for men in Nepal, Indonesia, and some countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Control rates were below 10% for women and men in these countries and for men in some countries in north Africa, central and south Asia, and eastern Europe. Treatment and control rates have improved in most countries since 1990, but we found little change in most countries in sub-Saharan Africa and Oceania. Improvements were largest in high-income countries, central Europe, and some upper-middle-income and recently high-income countries including Costa Rica, Taiwan, Kazakhstan, South Africa, Brazil, Chile, Turkey, and Iran. Interpretation Improvements in the detection, treatment, and control of hypertension have varied substantially across countries, with some middle-income countries now outperforming most high-income nations. The dual approach of reducing hypertension prevalence through primary prevention and enhancing its treatment and control is achievable not only in high-income countries but also in low-income and middle-income settings

    Modification of Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guide, a More Simplified and Practical Guide for Daily Consultation Practice

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    Background: The Calgary-Cambridge Observation Guides (CCOG) is a guide that is widely used to assess Doctor-Patient Communication. The guide consists of 56 points divided into 6 categories that describe a routine consultation process, plus 15 optional points in giving explanation and planning. Due to its quite numerous points, it is quite impractical to use the guide in daily consultation practice. Therefore, a more simplified and more practical version would be favourable. Method: Six experts from different background evaluated and analysed the 56 points of CCOG based on the level of importance in daily practice. Two rounds of Delphy were used. The result of the two rounds was then recirculated to obtain confirmation of the final modified version of CCOG. Result and Discussion: A final modified version of CCOG consisting of 35 points was formed. The first step of a consultation process, Initiating the session consists of 5 points (originally 7 points). Gathering information step consists of 5 points (originally 11 points), Providing structure of 3 points (originally 4 points), Building relationship of 7 points (originally 10 points), Explanation and Planning of 11 points (originally 20 points), and Closing the Session consisting of 4 points. The modified CCOG version is still comprehensive, yet more practical for daily practice. Conclusion: Modified version of CCOG can be used as a simple, practical guide to assess Doctor Patient Communication in daily consultation practice

    Eating sweet foods habit and other factors that related to obesity on civil pilot in Indonesia

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    Latar belakang: Obesitas pada penerbang dapat menyebabkan inkapasitas mendadak dalam penerbangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kebiasaan makan makanan manis dan faktor lainnya yang berpengaruh terhadap penerbang sipil obes di Indonesia. Metode: Desain potong lintang dengan sampel total dari data sekunder penerbang sipil yang melakukan pemeriksaan kesehatan berkala pada periode April 2016. Data yang dikumpulkan yaitu karakteristik demografi, pekerjaan, kebiasaan makan makanan manis, kebiasaan olahraga dan riwayat obesitas dalam keluarga. Penerbang dikategorikan sebagai obes I (IMT:25,0-29,9 kg/m2) dan Obes II (IMT: > 30,0 kg/m2). Kebiasaan makan makanan manis dikategorikan menjadi empat kategori yaitu hampir tidak pernah, 1-3 kali/minggu, 4-5 kali/minggu, dan hampir setiap hari. Analisis menggunakan regresi Cox dengan waktu yang konstan. Hasil: Dari 644 data penerbang sipil yang dikumpulkan, sebanyak 256 data yang memenuhi kriteria untuk dianalisis. Sebanyak 55 penerbang (21,48%) mengalami obes II. Kebiasaan makan makanan manis dan status pernikahan merupakan faktor dominan yang berhubungan dengan risiko obes II. Jika dibandingkan dengan subjek yang hampir tidak pernah makan makanan manis, subjek yang memiliki kebiasaan makan makanan manis1-3x/minggu memiliki risiko 50% lebih rendah mengalami obes II (RRa=0,50; 95% CI= 0,30-0,85; p=0,011), subjek yang memiliki kebiasaan makan makanan manis 4-5x/minggu memiliki risiko 68% lebih rendah mengalami obes II (RRa= 0,32; 95% CI= 0,12-0,83; p=0,020). Selanjutnya jika dibandingkan dengan subjek yang tidak menikah, subjek yang menikah memiliki risiko 38% lebih rendah mengalami obes II.(RRa=0,62; 95% CI=0,38-0,99; p=0,046).Kesimpulan: Kebiasaan makan makanan manis dan status pernikahan berpengaruh terhadap risiko obes II diantara penerbang sipil obes di Indonesia. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):134-139) Kata kunci: Obes, Kebiasaan makan makanan manis, pilot sipil, Indonesia Abstract Background: Obesity in pilot can cause sudden incapacity in flight. This study is purposed to determine factors that affecting obesity on civil pilot in Indonesia. Methods: Cross-sectional design amongst male civil pilots who conducted periodic medical examinations in April 2016 at Aviation Medical Center. Data was collected for this study included demographic characteristics, occupation, habit of eating sweet foods, exercise and family history of obesity. Pilot was categorized as obese I when BMI: 25.0- 29.9 kg/m2 and obese II when BMI: > 30.0 kg/m2. The habit of eating sweet foods was categorized into four categories: almost never, 1-3 times/week, 4-5 times/week, and almost every day. Data was analyzed by Cox regression with constant timing. Results: From 644 pilot’s data that had been collected, 256 data were qualified for the criteria of analysis. 55 pilots (21.48%) were obese II. Habit of eating sweet foods and marital status were the dominant factors that associated with risk of obese II. As compared to subject who never consumed sweet foods, subject who consumed sweet foods 1-3 times/week had a lower risk of 50% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.50; 95% CI = 0.30 to 0.85; p = 0.011]; subject who consumed sweet foods 4-5 times/week had a lower risk of 68% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.32; 95% CI = 0.12 to 0.83; p = 0.020]. In comparison with subject who was not married, married subject had a lower risk of 38% to experience obese II [RRa = 0.62; 95% CI = 0.38 to 0.99; p = 0.046]. Conclusion: The habit of eating sweet foods & marital status are affecting the risk of obese II among obese civil pilot in Indonesia. (Health Science Journal of Indonesia 2016;7(2):134-139) Keywords: Obese, habit of eating sweet foods, Indonesian civil pilots.   